BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

{According to some witnesses, the suspect is a man in his 30s and known to them. They say he is also from Somalia, }

Try again, sparky.

Soooo...what the hell does that mean that he is a nut from Somalia? What, they don't have hate filled zealots and idiots like you in Somalia? Although a small minority, there are some Christians in that country

{According to some witnesses, the suspect is a man in his 30s and known to them. They say he is also from Somalia, }

Try again, sparky.
He is a Christian & he targeted the boy because he was a muslim.

I live here dumbfuck I know all the details.

I'm off to work in a couple minutes, I don't doubt what you're writing for a minute. I'll read more about this when I get home, but for the life of me, don't get what it has to do with 'free speech.' If it is as it appears, it's a crime, committed with prejudice intent.
If you consider that me displaying outrage you are one sensitive motherfucker lol

Seems pretty "despicable" to me.....
Hmm maybe I should start drawing Jesus fucking a sheep since it's not despicable eh?


Despicable =/= outrage Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at

Then you would be joining some other very bad artists that had their bit of fame. It would be protecte and likely you would be called some names.
I think you missed the point. Reread the exchange.
Also I personally believe ALL God's are a lie

I get you're an atheist, I'll reread when I can.
That is the first time I've seen that. Why don't you just give up. You're flailing around like a fish on dry land. It should be rather embarrassing for you I would think


I'm sure I'm embarrassing someone, sparky...

You are so obsessed with making this about free speech when I have conceeded that point since this all started. You want to elevate this woman to some ridiculous platform when all she did was stick a piece of pork in the face of ALL Muslims.

You fight extremism with weapons not fucking cartoons.

The FBI announced that there are up to 1000 isis people in the US. Would you be okay with your child attending a let's mock islam event? Is your child's life worth you proving a point that everyone already knows, that we have freedom of speech? Or is that an absurd risk?

{According to some witnesses, the suspect is a man in his 30s and known to them. They say he is also from Somalia, }

Try again, sparky.
He is a Christian & he targeted the boy because he was a muslim.

I live here dumbfuck I know all the details.

I'm off to work in a couple minutes, I don't doubt what you're writing for a minute. I'll read more about this when I get home, but for the life of me, don't get what it has to do with 'free speech.' If it is as it appears, it's a crime, committed with prejudice intent.
Which is exactly what it would have been had these two animals killed Pamela. A crime as well as an act of terror.
That is the first time I've seen that. Why don't you just give up. You're flailing around like a fish on dry land. It should be rather embarrassing for you I would think


I'm sure I'm embarrassing someone, sparky...

You are so obsessed with making this about free speech when I have conceeded that point since this all started. You want to elevate this woman to some ridiculous platform when all she did was stick a piece of pork in the face of ALL Muslims.

You fight extremism with weapons not fucking cartoons.

The FBI announced that there are up to 1000 isis people in the US. Would you be okay with your child attending a let's mock islam event? Is your child's life worth you proving a point that everyone already knows, that we have freedom of speech? Or is that an absurd risk?

Help !!!!!!!! Something is the matter with me....I'm starting to agree 100% with Grandpa.......
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

Eat your cake and have it, too?
I can wait to see you support Fred P helps or the kkk or the Nazis then right?

In fact if you are gonna take it to this level I expect to see everyone of you express support for homosexual acts since we have the freedom to do those acts. Right?

Actually, as long as those democrats don't break the law...phelps voted for gore and was a democrat, and the kkk...democrats....and the national socialists have more in common with the democrats than anyone else.......then they can march or protest all they want..........
Pamella Geller is an actual civil rights say she isn't is to also say that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. crossing that bridge was inciting hate and the violent response from the democrats, was his fault......that anyone who stood up for their rights and drew a violent response from democrats was inciting democrat violence......(Brad Thor brought this up this morning on the Dan and Amy show) so standing up to monsters, who say if you do this we will kill the bad thing....while you simply say....yeah the killers were kind of bad but she incited them to act....

Now that is the dumb thing....not her act of resistance......
That is the first time I've seen that. Why don't you just give up. You're flailing around like a fish on dry land. It should be rather embarrassing for you I would think


I'm sure I'm embarrassing someone, sparky...

You are so obsessed with making this about free speech when I have conceeded that point since this all started. You want to elevate this woman to some ridiculous platform when all she did was stick a piece of pork in the face of ALL Muslims.

You fight extremism with weapons not fucking cartoons.

The FBI announced that there are up to 1000 isis people in the US. Would you be okay with your child attending a let's mock islam event? Is your child's life worth you proving a point that everyone already knows, that we have freedom of speech? Or is that an absurd risk?

It wasn't a mock islam was stand up to muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon event .....and the mythical moderate muslims all you guys claim to support should actually be the ones doing this.......but since moderate muslims are too afraid of the muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon, someone has to will not be surrendered to...this is a free country, with freedom of political and religious expression and we will not back down in the face of your threats.....

That you guys fail to see this is sad.....and why the muslims are on the move and about to get the most destructive weapon ever created.........and if they will kill people for drawing a you really doubt they will use a nuclear weapon on people they disagree with......?
That is the first time I've seen that. Why don't you just give up. You're flailing around like a fish on dry land. It should be rather embarrassing for you I would think


I'm sure I'm embarrassing someone, sparky...

You are so obsessed with making this about free speech when I have conceeded that point since this all started. You want to elevate this woman to some ridiculous platform when all she did was stick a piece of pork in the face of ALL Muslims.

You fight extremism with weapons not fucking cartoons.

The FBI announced that there are up to 1000 isis people in the US. Would you be okay with your child attending a let's mock islam event? Is your child's life worth you proving a point that everyone already knows, that we have freedom of speech? Or is that an absurd risk?

It wasn't a mock islam was stand up to muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon event .....and the mythical moderate muslims all you guys claim to support should actually be the ones doing this.......but since moderate muslims are too afraid of the muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon, someone has to will not be surrendered to...this is a free country, with freedom of political and religious expression and we will not back down in the face of your threats.....

That you guys fail to see this is sad.....and why the muslims are on the move and about to get the most destructive weapon ever created.........and if they will kill people for drawing a you really doubt they will use a nuclear weapon on people they disagree with......?
You want to butt in don't dodge the question. Would you let your children attend such an event?
That is the first time I've seen that. Why don't you just give up. You're flailing around like a fish on dry land. It should be rather embarrassing for you I would think


I'm sure I'm embarrassing someone, sparky...

You are so obsessed with making this about free speech when I have conceeded that point since this all started. You want to elevate this woman to some ridiculous platform when all she did was stick a piece of pork in the face of ALL Muslims.

You fight extremism with weapons not fucking cartoons.

The FBI announced that there are up to 1000 isis people in the US. Would you be okay with your child attending a let's mock islam event? Is your child's life worth you proving a point that everyone already knows, that we have freedom of speech? Or is that an absurd risk?

It wasn't a mock islam was stand up to muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon event .....and the mythical moderate muslims all you guys claim to support should actually be the ones doing this.......but since moderate muslims are too afraid of the muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon, someone has to will not be surrendered to...this is a free country, with freedom of political and religious expression and we will not back down in the face of your threats.....

That you guys fail to see this is sad.....and why the muslims are on the move and about to get the most destructive weapon ever created.........and if they will kill people for drawing a you really doubt they will use a nuclear weapon on people they disagree with......?
You want to butt in don't dodge the question. Would you let your children attend such an event?

Yeah....I would. I would also be carrying............even if you guys made the place a gun free zone.....or shall we say a gun free killing zone for terrorists....
That is the first time I've seen that. Why don't you just give up. You're flailing around like a fish on dry land. It should be rather embarrassing for you I would think


I'm sure I'm embarrassing someone, sparky...

You are so obsessed with making this about free speech when I have conceeded that point since this all started. You want to elevate this woman to some ridiculous platform when all she did was stick a piece of pork in the face of ALL Muslims.

You fight extremism with weapons not fucking cartoons.

The FBI announced that there are up to 1000 isis people in the US. Would you be okay with your child attending a let's mock islam event? Is your child's life worth you proving a point that everyone already knows, that we have freedom of speech? Or is that an absurd risk?

It wasn't a mock islam was stand up to muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon event .....and the mythical moderate muslims all you guys claim to support should actually be the ones doing this.......but since moderate muslims are too afraid of the muslims who will kill people for drawing a cartoon, someone has to will not be surrendered to...this is a free country, with freedom of political and religious expression and we will not back down in the face of your threats.....

That you guys fail to see this is sad.....and why the muslims are on the move and about to get the most destructive weapon ever created.........and if they will kill people for drawing a you really doubt they will use a nuclear weapon on people they disagree with......?
You want to butt in don't dodge the question. Would you let your children attend such an event?

Yeah....I would. I would also be carrying............even if you guys made the place a gun free zone.....or shall we say a gun free killing zone for terrorists....

Unbelievable know what....I would let my kids attend the same kind of events that Martin Luther King Jr. allowed his kids to attend when he was fighting for his rights against violent democrats......and if they are too small, I would keep them at home but attend myself.......
I realize you're frantically looking up stuff to make you seem "smart"...

What you don't grasp, because you're an uneducated dolt, is that knowledge is the basis of cites. What this means is that since I knew of the invasion of Europe, it was a simply matter to construct a query to find the data to support my position.

Because you are relegated to reciting memes from ThinkProgress and the other Soros hate sites - you have no fucking clue what to look up to support the moronic shit you spew.

.But you're failing........First of all I was NOT talking about the first crusade, but about the one when Saladin called Christianity as NOT the religion of peace.

You spew idiocy that the Crusades were some sort of unwarranted attack on the peaceful Moors - but I'm failing? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well okay then sparky

Further, the major crusades were fought around Jerusalem to free that city from Muslim rule so that Christians could pilgrimage to that holy city.

This forum is NOT the venue to educate morons....Have it your way and remain just as dumb as you are now.....I really don't care.

So the Crusades were started for that reason? Can you highlight this in Pope Urban II speech?

Oh, you're just reciting leftist dogma - you have no actual knowledge. Like most leftists, you think your bigotry is superior to actual fact and knowledge.

Nate, you're not a dumbfuck because you're a leftist, you're a leftist because you're a dumbfuck.

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