Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

"The President’s tweets have amplified and exacerbated it all. He called for my firing. He called for me to be stripped of my pension after more than 20 years of service."

This is the ultimate betrayal, work hard for decades with a pension at the end of it all as part of your compensation package only to be fired mere days before it's a done deal solely to preclude you from collecting on your payout.
Ask the IG/OPR if President Trump had any influence on McCabe's firing.

Ask the IG/OPR if President Trump had any influence on McCabe's firing.
Better yet, ask Sessions. He was directed to find grounds for terminating Comey. No doubt this was the same play.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.

Trump has a habit of firing all of the WRONG people. Andrew McCabe is all over the news media tonight stating that they fired him, to discredit his testimony as to him being a witness to Comey telling him about Trump's statement's to him.

So it's started another firestorm.

"WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director and a frequent target of President Trump’s scorn, was fired Friday after Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected an appeal that would have let him retire this weekend.

Mr. McCabe promptly declared that his firing, and Mr. Trump’s persistent needling, were intended to undermine the special counsel’s investigation in which he is a potential witness.

Mr. McCabe is accused in a yet-to-be-released internal report of failing to be forthcoming about a conversation he authorized between F.B.I. officials and a journalist."

In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions.
Andrew McCabe, a Target of Trump’s F.B.I. Scorn, Is Fired Over Candor Questions

(so basically Sessions fired McCabe for a lack of candor under oath.) While Jeff Sessions lied under oath to congress on 3 separate occasions.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.


There has never been a President in this nation's history, that was stupid enough to attack the 3 most powerful agencies in it. The media, the FBI and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE, the more they will write and report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies, by claiming Russia is just a ruse or a witch hunt, the more he implicates himself into a cover and the deeper they will dig. :dig: The more he threatens and or fires people within the DOJ, the more they will LEAK.

Trump may have fired McCabe to try and discredit his testimony over the firing of James Comey, but you can never get away from video's, unless Trump plans on launching a 100 million dollar law suit against NBC--this one is here to stay---:badgrin:

"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions. "
Are you aware what the term "multiple occasions" means?

Jeff Sessions: ‘I Have No Idea’ How Many Times I’ve Said I Can’t Recall Things
Bernie Sanders will be next , hahaha lets not forget the pos bought a new beach home not long ago......

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Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

who cares about stoopid Sanders

I want Clinton I want Comey I want Holder in jail

...and then some!:04:
You want to put innocent people in jail because they are political opponents???????

You've got to be from Siberia. Acting like you were raised by wolves isn't allowed in this country. Oh, you may get away with it for a while, but the American people are waking up.
Hillary is next.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

When did Flynn get his due process? You snowflakes are crying over McCabe, but you gloated about Flynn. McCabe can lie in the gutter, for all I care. That's what he deserves.
When did Flynn get his due process?

When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.

One more piece of evidence, as if anymore is necessary, to prove our current President is vindictive, iniquitous and unworthy to hold any job wherein he has power over others.

It is past time for Ryan to step up and speak out against the despotic behavior Trump seems to relish.
Nope. The OPR office suggested Sessions fire him, not Trump.
Nope. The OPR office suggested Sessions fire him, not Trump.

Sure. It's a good way to help avoid the obstruction blowback Trump got when he fired Comey. He's learning, albeit rather late in the game.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

This guy who was found by his colleagues in the inspector generals office to have committed perjury and other crimes.

How did trump get his colleagues to do that?
You don't know that. We won't know what happened until it's investigated, not alleged.
Of course if you are going to screw someone out of their pension two days before they retire you have to have some kind of claim. Will it hold up? Probably not. Remember, this is a president who told us he lied to Canada's leader. The guy is a liar. And look at the people who work for him. Needing to get their paperwork rewritten again and again. So many lies.
Just think if his investigation reveals anything on Hillary. He will commit suicide. Poor man.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement
There will be a lawsuit over this, guaranteed.

That would be awesom. Let McCabe blow all his money. Let him get ground down like they did to Flynn. What would be awesom is if they dug up dirt on his wife and gave him a choice, be a man and take your licks, or they will go after his wife and sassinate her character like Masuller did to Flynn. A law site from McCabe would also bring a ton of other shit out into the light. Fuck McCabe. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Flynn pleaded guilty
Breaking Update!

Sessions statement:

And yet idiot libtards will falsly blame Trump.

Dean just claimed there hasn't been an investigation
Don't you know lying is wrong? Oh wait, YOU don't. I figured that.
Like I said, I'm sure something was written. After all, you have to have a reason to fire someone. The question is, will it stand up to scrutiny?
So where were you complaining when Obama lied to you daily?
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement
There will be a lawsuit over this, guaranteed.

That would be awesom. Let McCabe blow all his money. Let him get ground down like they did to Flynn. What would be awesom is if they dug up dirt on his wife and gave him a choice, be a man and take your licks, or they will go after his wife and sassinate her character like Masuller did to Flynn. A law site from McCabe would also bring a ton of other shit out into the light. Fuck McCabe. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Flynn pleaded guilty
Breaking Update!

Sessions statement:

And yet idiot libtards will falsly blame Trump.

Dean just claimed there hasn't been an investigation
Don't you know lying is wrong? Oh wait, YOU don't. I figured that.
Like I said, I'm sure something was written. After all, you have to have a reason to fire someone. The question is, will it stand up to scrutiny?
So where were you complaining when Obama lied to you daily?

We’re t lies. They were evolving truths.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony in the Mueller investigation. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

So nobody knows the reason he was fired? What did McCabe do? (Besides be a contemporaneous witness to Comey's conversations with the homunculus orange blob).

Isn't it weird the way Trump has gotten rid of just about every person Comey told about those conversations?
"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions". What is there about McCabe lying under oath "on multiple occasions" you refuse to understand?
McCabe is finished!
He knows if he attempts to take his firing to court then all the 'discovery' about his corruption will become public.
Lawyer's fees are going to bankrupt him. He'll lose his home and likely his wife. 'He is going to end up in federal prison. When he gets out he'll be eligible for the old age pension. Then he'll lay low for a year and then gently make his way to the MSNBC/CNN networks where he'll get $300 per appearance as a 'expert'.
He will take this to court and win unless he is found guilty of something between now and then. After he wins he will get back pay and possibly damages.
He will have plenty of due process during the trial

What trial?

The criminal trial after he is arrested and/our the civil trial for his wrongful termination action
This reminds me of when saddam rounded up all his rivals and had them executed
But you don't have a problem with the obvious fucking witch hunt being carried out by the Democrats, do you?
It’s not a witch hunt. Lots of indictments

Did you mind ken Starr?
And not one related to the stated purpose of the Mueller witch hunt....(Russia collusion)
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

When did Flynn get his due process? You snowflakes are crying over McCabe, but you gloated about Flynn. McCabe can lie in the gutter, for all I care. That's what he deserves.
When did Flynn get his due process?

When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
Mueller is going to drop the charges against Flynn now that a federal court judge has demanded Mueller turn over EVERY bit of so-called evidence against Flynn to Flynn's attorneys.
I 100% guarantee Flynn will end up settling out of court with the FBI/DOJ/Mueller's witch hunters.
Then Flynn can buy his own tropical island and watch a couple of dozen seditious corrupt traitors being frog-marched to federal prison.
"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions".
One of which the report isolates is the FISA warrant against Carter Page where UNVERIFIED information, in violation of FBI policy and the law, was deceptively called "substantially proven" when Comey three months later admitted was "fallacious and unverified" under oath. This means McCabe lied to the FISA court.

The whole narrative is now falling apart..
A court will decide if the firing was a strong arm by trump or legitimate....we will will Mueller.

It is clear that Trump has been attacking McCabe for months; it is also clear that Trump is a liar, vindictive and has a record of malfeasance behavior.

I agree, and I suspect that Mueller will view this as tantamount to Nixon's effort to obstruct justice, known as the Saturday Night Massacre. What Trump told Sessions, we and Mueller will likely never know, but the facts which exist in the public domain when presented to a Grand Jury, will be considered and commons sense will prevail.

Once again, Trump's public statements have put him in jeopardy, and a Grand Jury, hearing all the evidence is sure to do the right thing, and that is find the necessary and sufficient evidence to hold The President Accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Then the matter will be up to Paul "tits on bull" Ryan to stand up and call for the impeachment of Trump, where he will be prosecuted by the Chief Justice, and all of the evidence against him will be presented to the Senate in a public trial.
He will take this to court and win unless he is found guilty of something between now and then. After he wins he will get back pay and possibly damages.
"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions. "
We will all get to read what McCabes "multiple" lies are.
McCabe 'flew too close to the sun" AKA Hillary's massive corruption.
He never dreamed that Trump would win and when he did McCabe and others hatched a plan to illegally take down the President using a fake dossier.
Now they are going to pay for their sedition.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony in the Mueller investigation. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

It better be definitive. trump has a tendency of going behind the scenes and putting pressure on people....for vindictive reasons.....cause like so said...DOG SHIT...
His own peers recommended the firing.
I'm sure the Clinton Foundation will help 'cough... cough....' the poor McCabe family out.

It takes a village you know

Stop playing an idiot and Trump troll, pretty please!

What McCabe had leaked to the press was that the Clinton Foundation was still under investigation.....

The press falsely reported that the Clinton Foundation investigation was over, he corrected the record to state that it was not over.

HE HURT HILLARY by leaking such......

So your bull CRAP just don't fly.....
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement
So sad.


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