Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

When did Flynn get his due process? You snowflakes are crying over McCabe, but you gloated about Flynn. McCabe can lie in the gutter, for all I care. That's what he deserves.
When did Flynn get his due process?

When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.
A court will decide if the firing was a strong arm by trump or legitimate....we will will Mueller.

It is clear that Trump has been attacking McCabe for months; it is also clear that Trump is a liar, vindictive and has a record of malfeasance behavior.

I agree, and I suspect that Mueller will view this as tantamount to Nixon's effort to obstruct justice, known as the Saturday Night Massacre. What Trump told Sessions, we and Mueller will likely never know, but the facts which exist in the public domain when presented to a Grand Jury, will be considered and commons sense will prevail.

Once again, Trump's public statements have put him in jeopardy, and a Grand Jury, hearing all the evidence is sure to do the right thing, and that is find the necessary and sufficient evidence to hold The President Accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Then the matter will be up to Paul "tits on bull" Ryan to stand up and call for the impeachment of Trump, where he will be prosecuted by the Chief Justice, and all of the evidence against him will be presented to the Senate in a public trial.
So your going to ignore the Criminal Conduct by McCabe and Comey lying to the FISA Court and leaking to the press....

Not a surprise....
Where are the indictments? Can you point them out to us? If there are REALLY criminal charges, there would be indictments, right?

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.
So, it's all about vidictive behavior for people you don't like tho they've never been charged or convicted of anything.
When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
Mueller is going to drop the charges against Flynn now that a federal court judge has demanded Mueller turn over EVERY bit of so-called evidence against Flynn to Flynn's attorneys.
I 100% guarantee Flynn will end up settling out of court with the FBI/DOJ/Mueller's witch hunters.
Then Flynn can buy his own tropical island and watch a couple of dozen seditious corrupt traitors being frog-marched to federal prison.

Charges aren't dropped after a conviction, dope.
They are overturned or quashed... And Flynn's plea will be quashed. Wiped away as if it never happened..

On what grounds? He admitted to the charges?
I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

So nobody knows the reason he was fired? What did McCabe do? (Besides be a contemporaneous witness to Comey's conversations with the homunculus orange blob).

Isn't it weird the way Trump has gotten rid of just about every person Comey told about those conversations?
He lied under oath. He leaked information. He showed bis biases against the adminiistration. The panel of career agents reommended his firing.

He lied under oath

No one has said that.
When did Flynn get his due process? You snowflakes are crying over McCabe, but you gloated about Flynn. McCabe can lie in the gutter, for all I care. That's what he deserves.
When did Flynn get his due process?

When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.
He probably made a deal. Even though he didn't actually lie, it is understood he wasn't sure what was mentioned in a conversation. His attorney probably recommended the guilty plea to avoid possible punishment...supposedly over a bad memory. Go to jail over a conersation...No way.
A court will decide if the firing was a strong arm by trump or legitimate....we will will Mueller.

It is clear that Trump has been attacking McCabe for months; it is also clear that Trump is a liar, vindictive and has a record of malfeasance behavior.

I agree, and I suspect that Mueller will view this as tantamount to Nixon's effort to obstruct justice, known as the Saturday Night Massacre. What Trump told Sessions, we and Mueller will likely never know, but the facts which exist in the public domain when presented to a Grand Jury, will be considered and commons sense will prevail.

Once again, Trump's public statements have put him in jeopardy, and a Grand Jury, hearing all the evidence is sure to do the right thing, and that is find the necessary and sufficient evidence to hold The President Accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Then the matter will be up to Paul "tits on bull" Ryan to stand up and call for the impeachment of Trump, where he will be prosecuted by the Chief Justice, and all of the evidence against him will be presented to the Senate in a public trial.
So your going to ignore the Criminal Conduct by McCabe and Comey lying to the FISA Court and leaking to the press....

Not a surprise....
Where are the indictments? Can you point them out to us? If there are REALLY criminal charges, there would be indictments, right?
Sessions indicated a criminal referral by the IG has been made...
Bernie Sanders will be next , hahaha lets not forget the pos bought a new beach home not long ago......

View attachment 183092

Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

who cares about stoopid Sanders

I want Clinton I want Comey I want Holder in jail

...and then some!:04:
You want to put innocent people in jail because they are political opponents???????

You've got to be from Siberia. Acting like you were raised by wolves isn't allowed in this country. Oh, you may get away with it for a while, but the American people are waking up.
Could very well be one of those russian troll bots...

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.
So, it's all about vidictive behavior for people you don't like tho they've never been charged or convicted of anything.

Nope. It’s about the law. McCabe is finding that he is no longer above it. Flynn lies to a cop. That’s what he did. At most six months in the can. His only other option was a protracted legal fight that he would lose, just like Martha Stewart. Flynn’s crime was basically telling the same story a diffrent way. He also had his son threatened by Muller.

Now, Andy McCabe did much more then lie. He knew he was out long ago. He broke laws, and if he diddnt, then he violated the terms of his employment and for that he got his ass fired. That’s life.
When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.
When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.
He probably made a deal. Even though he didn't actually lie, it is understood he wasn't sure what was mentioned in a conversation. His attorney probably recommended the guilty plea to avoid possible punishment...supposedly over a bad memory. Go to jail over a conersation...No way.
He did make a deal. The charges would not have been brought if they weren't able to prosecute him. IOW, they were real and true.
He was flipped. He pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. IOW his testimony. His sentencing was delayed on the grounds that he had not completed his obligations regarding his plea arrangement.

Flynn isn't going anywhere.
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

It better be definitive. trump has a tendency of going behind the scenes and putting pressure on people....for vindictive reasons.....cause like so said...DOG SHIT...
His own peers recommended the firing.

Do you have any knowledge of history?

What was the Saturday Night Massacre?
Nixon Saturday night where he fired his aides, attorney trying to find the leak that was destroying his presidency.

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.
As long as he is an example for other agents...if you break the agency rules ir commit crimes while in office, you are done. I'm happy with that.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.
He probably made a deal. Even though he didn't actually lie, it is understood he wasn't sure what was mentioned in a conversation. His attorney probably recommended the guilty plea to avoid possible punishment...supposedly over a bad memory. Go to jail over a conersation...No way.
He did make a deal. The charges would not have been brought if they weren't able to prosecute him. IOW, they were real and true.
He was flipped. He pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. IOW his testimony. His sentencing was delayed on the grounds that he had not completed his obligations regarding his plea arrangement.

Flynn isn't going anywhere.

REPORT: Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea. Here's Why.

REPORT: Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea. Here's Why.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued a so-called "Brady" order on Friday in United States v. Flynn that Cleveland, a lawyer, says "likely" stands as an indication that the former Trump national security advisor is looking to withdraw his guilty plea based on government misconduct.

Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?
It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Food then. So you agree that if a second SC is appointed that McCabes wife is fair game. It would be good with you if the investigator found dirt and threatened to toss his old lady in prision if he doesn’t play ball?

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