Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.

The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?

That's not coercion.

Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.

Think that, if it gives you comfort.

In RealityLand, the true corruption scandal is the attempted Coup d'Etat on the part of the Obama-Clinton crime syndicate.
Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

What do they do? They say things like, “ hey bub, remember that ten bucks you handed to the ol’lady? Well because you did that I can bring charges against her. Maybe I will.” Then I would leave the dude who I know blew all his cash and is broke to think about it some. Maybe taking him that I will recommend maximum penalty if he don’t play ball. Far as conspiracy, you are a fucking moron. No charge agains Flynn involves anything more then lying to feds. Mannifort? No charges related to the Trump campaigns at all. You have no hope. Get used to four more years of Trump.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.

The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?

That's not coercion.

Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.

Think that, if it gives you comfort.

In RealityLand, the true corruption scandal is the attempted Coup d'Etat on the part of the Obama-Clinton crime syndicate.

You're truly deluded.
What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.

The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?

That's not coercion.

Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.

Think that, if it gives you comfort.

In RealityLand, the true corruption scandal is the attempted Coup d'Etat on the part of the Obama-Clinton crime syndicate.

You're truly deluded.

Only to a deranged and brainwashed Proggie.
He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says
When I was initially reading the emails from Stozk-Page, I was shocked. It sounded like a coup!

That is EXACTLY what it was/is.

Indeed. They all conspired to enact a coup. It's the biggest scandal in American Political History. The Mother of All Gates.

And this is Obama's True Legacy.
Lol, you just can't handle reality
What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

What exactly is different between men like Mewler-Torquemada and Pablo Escabar?

The THREAT was that Torquemada would destroy the son and wife FINANCIALLY by filing never ending legal actions, because the Witch Hunter has unlimited funds extracted from American taxpayers he could just keep filing bullshit charge after bullshit charge

Mueller is a crook and a scumbag. He is engaged in malicious prosecution that crosses well over into racketeering.
As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says
When I was initially reading the emails from Stozk-Page, I was shocked. It sounded like a coup!

That is EXACTLY what it was/is.

Indeed. They all conspired to enact a coup. It's the biggest scandal in American Political History. The Mother of All Gates.

And this is Obama's True Legacy.
Lol, you just can't handle reality

Oh, look. A loitering gnat just buzzed.

You wouldn't recognize reality if it smacked you on the ass and called you Judy.
Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

What do they do? They say things like, “ hey bub, remember that ten bucks you handed to the ol’lady? Well because you did that I can bring charges against her. Maybe I will.” Then I would leave the dude who I know blew all his cash and is broke to think about it some. Maybe taking him that I will recommend maximum penalty if he don’t play ball. Far as conspiracy, you are a fucking moron. No charge agains Flynn involves anything more then lying to feds. Mannifort? No charges related to the Trump campaigns at all. You have no hope. Get used to four more years of Trump.

Sure, dope. That's what they do. :cuckoo:

Flipping a witness is only effective if the prosecutors have the subject dead to rights.

Flynn knew this was his only play.
No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

What do they do? They say things like, “ hey bub, remember that ten bucks you handed to the ol’lady? Well because you did that I can bring charges against her. Maybe I will.” Then I would leave the dude who I know blew all his cash and is broke to think about it some. Maybe taking him that I will recommend maximum penalty if he don’t play ball. Far as conspiracy, you are a fucking moron. No charge agains Flynn involves anything more then lying to feds. Mannifort? No charges related to the Trump campaigns at all. You have no hope. Get used to four more years of Trump.

Sure, dope. That's what they do. :cuckoo:

Flipping a witness is only effective if the prosecutors have the subject dead to rights.

Flynn knew this was his only play.

Buuuut, you got nothing to back the noise emminating from that rectum you call a mouth, lol. You are wrong and you have to deal with it. And it’s awesome.
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.

The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?

That's not coercion.

Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.

Think that, if it gives you comfort.

In RealityLand, the true corruption scandal is the attempted Coup d'Etat on the part of the Obama-Clinton crime syndicate.

You're truly deluded.

Only to a deranged and brainwashed Proggie.

Or to anyone who's ever seen even one episode of law and order. :laugh2:
I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

So nobody knows the reason he was fired? What did McCabe do? (Besides be a contemporaneous witness to Comey's conversations with the homunculus orange blob).

Isn't it weird the way Trump has gotten rid of just about every person Comey told about those conversations?
"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions". What is there about McCabe lying under oath "on multiple occasions" you refuse to understand?
McCabe is finished!
He knows if he attempts to take his firing to court then all the 'discovery' about his corruption will become public.
Lawyer's fees are going to bankrupt him. He'll lose his home and likely his wife. 'He is going to end up in federal prison. When he gets out he'll be eligible for the old age pension. Then he'll lay low for a year and then gently make his way to the MSNBC/CNN networks where he'll get $300 per appearance as a 'expert'.

When is a lack of candor considered lying....especially to someone to lied multiple times before the Senate?

That's not coercion.
When was Flynn's wife threatened?
Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.


"We will file federal charges repeatedly until you are financially destroyed" is not coercion?

It's racketeering, it is EXACTLY how the Mafia and Cartels operate. Torquemada is no different than El Chapo. Another gangster thug using illegal and immoral means to achieve his aims.
What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

What exactly is different between men like Mewler-Torquemada and Pablo Escabar?

The THREAT was that Torquemada would destroy the son and wife FINANCIALLY by filing never ending legal actions, because the Witch Hunter has unlimited funds extracted from American taxpayers he could just keep filing bullshit charge after bullshit charge

Mueller is a crook and a scumbag. He is engaged in malicious prosecution that crosses well over into racketeering.

That tends to happen when you put yourself in the sights of a federal prosecutor.
The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?

That's not coercion.

Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.

Think that, if it gives you comfort.

In RealityLand, the true corruption scandal is the attempted Coup d'Etat on the part of the Obama-Clinton crime syndicate.

You're truly deluded.

Only to a deranged and brainwashed Proggie.

Or to anyone who's ever seen even one episode of law and order. :laugh2:

Law & Order is fiction, bub.

In RealityLand, the Inspector General appointed by Obama determined that McCabe leaked info and lied about doing so, and the OPR recommended that McCabe be fired.

It's a beautiful thing.
  • Former FBI director James Comey told three FBI officials — Andrew McCabe, James Rybicki, and James Baker — about his conversations with President Donald Trump prior to his firing.
  • All three officials have since been forced out or reassigned within the bureau.
Comey told 3 FBI officials about his conversations with Trump — all 3 have now been forced out or reassigned

So weird....

Not weird at all It is a typical trump hatchet job He is taking out everyone around Mueller in order to finally takeout Mueller. The scum might do it....until the Dems take the House back in November. Then....Katie bar the Door!
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.

Trump has a habit of firing all of the WRONG people. Andrew McCabe is all over the news media tonight stating that they fired him, to discredit his testimony as to him being a witness to Comey telling him about Trump's statement's to him.

So it's started another firestorm.

"WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director and a frequent target of President Trump’s scorn, was fired Friday after Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected an appeal that would have let him retire this weekend.

Mr. McCabe promptly declared that his firing, and Mr. Trump’s persistent needling, were intended to undermine the special counsel’s investigation in which he is a potential witness.

Mr. McCabe is accused in a yet-to-be-released internal report of failing to be forthcoming about a conversation he authorized between F.B.I. officials and a journalist."

In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions.
Andrew McCabe, a Target of Trump’s F.B.I. Scorn, Is Fired Over Candor Questions

(so basically Sessions fired McCabe for a lack of candor under oath.) While Jeff Sessions lied under oath to congress on 3 separate occasions.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.


There has never been a President in this nation's history, that was stupid enough to attack the 3 most powerful agencies in it. The media, the FBI and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE, the more they will write and report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies, by claiming Russia is just a ruse or a witch hunt, the more he implicates himself into a cover and the deeper they will dig. :dig: The more he threatens and or fires people within the DOJ, the more they will LEAK.

Trump may have fired McCabe to try and discredit his testimony over the firing of James Comey, but you can never get away from video's, unless Trump plans on launching a 100 million dollar law suit against NBC--this one is here to stay---:badgrin:

"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions. "
Are you aware what the term "multiple occasions" means?

Yeah something like this---:auiqs.jpg:
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
When is a lack of candor considered lying....especially to someone to lied multiple times before the Senate?

JimHate, what do you're North Korean masters tell you is the source of the information the FIB used to show Gen. Flynn lied to them?

Did the FIB perhaps illegally wiretap the Generals phone and listen in on diplomatic calls?


The dirty tactics of this group of scum who are behind the coup should shock every American.

Even a few North Koreans, JimHate.
Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

What do they do? They say things like, “ hey bub, remember that ten bucks you handed to the ol’lady? Well because you did that I can bring charges against her. Maybe I will.” Then I would leave the dude who I know blew all his cash and is broke to think about it some. Maybe taking him that I will recommend maximum penalty if he don’t play ball. Far as conspiracy, you are a fucking moron. No charge agains Flynn involves anything more then lying to feds. Mannifort? No charges related to the Trump campaigns at all. You have no hope. Get used to four more years of Trump.

Sure, dope. That's what they do. :cuckoo:

Flipping a witness is only effective if the prosecutors have the subject dead to rights.

Flynn knew this was his only play.

Buuuut, you got nothing to back the noise emminating from that rectum you call a mouth, lol. You are wrong and you have to deal with it. And it’s awesome.

Sure, dope. I'm wrong and Flynn, with his fellow plea bargainers, are not witnesses for Mueller. :cuckoo:

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