Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says
When I was initially reading the emails from Stozk-Page, I was shocked. It sounded like a coup!

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says
When I was initially reading the emails from Stozk-Page, I was shocked. It sounded like a coup!

It was. Thats exactly what it was and is.
It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.
He probably made a deal. Even though he didn't actually lie, it is understood he wasn't sure what was mentioned in a conversation. His attorney probably recommended the guilty plea to avoid possible punishment...supposedly over a bad memory. Go to jail over a conersation...No way.
He did make a deal. The charges would not have been brought if they weren't able to prosecute him. IOW, they were real and true.
He was flipped. He pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. IOW his testimony. His sentencing was delayed on the grounds that he had not completed his obligations regarding his plea arrangement.

Flynn isn't going anywhere.

REPORT: Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Ple
It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.
He probably made a deal. Even though he didn't actually lie, it is understood he wasn't sure what was mentioned in a conversation. His attorney probably recommended the guilty plea to avoid possible punishment...supposedly over a bad memory. Go to jail over a conersation...No way.
He did make a deal. The charges would not have been brought if they weren't able to prosecute him. IOW, they were real and true.
He was flipped. He pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. IOW his testimony. His sentencing was delayed on the grounds that he had not completed his obligations regarding his plea arrangement.

Flynn isn't going anywhere.

[URL='']REPORT: Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea. Here's Why.
REPORT: Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea. Here's Why.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued a so-called "Brady" order on Friday in United States v. Flynn that Cleveland, a lawyer, says "likely" stands as an indication that the former Trump national security advisor is looking to withdraw his guilty plea based on government misconduct.

a. Here's Why.[/URL]

REPORT: Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea. Here's Why.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued a so-called "Brady" order on Friday in United States v. Flynn that Cleveland, a lawyer, says "likely" stands as an indication that the former Trump national security advisor is looking to withdraw his guilty plea based on government misconduct.

You hold on to that hope tightly and pray hard. It's not happening.
Trump did the right thing but it's kind of strange that FBI traitor Robert Hanssen who worked for the Russians and caused the deaths of U.S. operatives was awarded a pension during the Bush administration before he was shipped off to federal prison in 2002. His family is still collecting a pension as if the freaking traitor retired honorably.
[QU fired.

It better be definitive. trump has a tendency of going behind the scenes and putting pressure on people....for vindictive reasons.....cause like so said...DOG SHIT...

Obama had a tendency to use the government to further his agenda to make America a socialist shithole. We saw that with allowing illegals to flood over the border in the hopes of getting future welfare voters, using the IRS to target Conservatives, the Justice Department to target opponents and the FBI and other intelligence to go after Democrat political opponents, like Trump.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

President Donald J. Trump is putting the ROD to you liberals

way harder than he did to stormy...........

So...THAT'S what you look for in your politicians.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Food then. So you agree that if a second SC is appointed that McCabes wife is fair game. It would be good with you if the investigator found dirt and threatened to toss his old lady in prision if he doesn’t play ball?

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Food then. So you agree that if a second SC is appointed that McCabes wife is fair game. It would be good with you if the investigator found dirt and threatened to toss his old lady in prision if he doesn’t play ball?


You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says
When I was initially reading the emails from Stozk-Page, I was shocked. It sounded like a coup!

That is EXACTLY what it was/is.
So awesome! More winning!!!!


He has nothing to worry about though, he will be cared for the rest of his life.

In federal prison, where he is headed next.

As long as he is financially ruined, his reputation trashed along with his family’s I’m okay with him not going to prision.

I think he will go to prison though; he along with Strzok, Comey, and Lisa Page.

This cadre not only decided that they were the law, but that they were empowered to decide who would be president.

Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who was a top investigator on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election, committed treason with his text suggesting an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says
When I was initially reading the emails from Stozk-Page, I was shocked. It sounded like a coup!

That is EXACTLY what it was/is.

Indeed. They all conspired to enact a coup. It's the biggest scandal in American Political History. The Mother of All Gates.

And this is Obama's True Legacy.
Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Food then. So you agree that if a second SC is appointed that McCabes wife is fair game. It would be good with you if the investigator found dirt and threatened to toss his old lady in prision if he doesn’t play ball?



Figured what? That no one would understand your lunatic musings?
If nothing else, this shows how petty trump is.....which of our lovely trumpanzee supporters are next?
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.

The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.

The coerced confession will be thrown out.

Torquemada is a disgrace to the American justice system. Threaten Flynn's WIFE if he didn't "confess?" Really, that's the kind of country you Stalinists are trying to build?

That's not coercion.
When was Flynn's wife threatened?
Flynn is a witness. He will be until this is over.
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