Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Employees who violate the law should be afraid

So you are going to be OK with Trump getting charged?

If he is stupid enough to commit a crime heck yeah

He already has. If they find out someone threatened Stormy Daniels on his behalf and he knew about it, he can be charged with accessory.

You are wrong.

Merely knowing someone threatened Stormy Daniels on his behalf does not make Trump an accessory. Your problem is that you offer a legal opinion on a subject which you know nothing about. Here is a definition of the crime of accessory:

In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission.

"One who aids, abets, commands, or counsels another in the commission of a crime.

“In common law, an accessory could not be found guilty unless the actual perpetrator was convicted. In most U.S. jurisdictions today, however, an accessory can be convicted even if the principal actor is not arrested or is acquitted. The prosecution must establish that the accessory in some way instigated, furthered, or concealed the crime. Typically, punishment for a convicted accessory is not as severe as that for the perpetrator.”


CONCLUSION: To be charged with being an accessory, there must be proof the accused was somehow involved in the commission of the crime. Since there is no evidence that Trump was involved in the threat in any way he could not be charged with being an accessory.

I have a doctorate in law and I am amused at how often so many posters make comments about the law that are patently false.
The porn star with two holstein dairy cow udders hanging from her received some anonymous threats on her facebook book page. So fucking what?

Now we don't know who or how she was threatened....yet.

I guess your boy trump is into Holstein cows?
May the same mercy shown to McCabe be shown to all of you.....amen! ;)

Well, if you're dumb enough to lie to your bosses at the FBI, then your case is deferred to others at the review board who are FBI officials, and they recommend termination..........

then you're fired

Why have they not shown this report to us?

For over a year McCabe has been Trumps punching bag in tweets....

Did that influence this decision?
You LIBs have been defending the FBI/DOJ claiming they are 'the very best of the best' and beyond all reproach if anyone says anything negative about them.
Now you are saying President Trump was able to "influence" the FBI/DOJ.
Which is it asshole???????
That's harsh two days before his pension. If they are pursuing criminal charges, than clearly the FBI are standing up for their reputation.

I will reserve judgement, but no one man (or woman *cough cough*) should be above justice and the Rule of Law.

No. Not two days. Late on a Friday night. In a mans world, that's called an act of cowardice. I don't know what it's called in a conservatives world.

This was partisan pettiness plain and simple. Not only does McCabe have cause to take this to court, he will probably win. Being the petty partisan act of cowardice this is, with no cause whatsoever except for unsubstantiated allegations, the new Democratic President will reinstate him for his pension in 2021 as one of his first acts, so Trump will lose in the end anyway. Hopefully on the day he receives his prison sentence. Of which this act of obstruction of justice will have Sessions in an adjacent cell next to Trumps.
May the same mercy shown to McCabe be shown to all of you.....amen! ;)
And may the same mercy shown to Flynn be shown to all you douchebag snowflakes.
Was Flynns retirement affected?

What did McCabe actually do? Has anyone seen the report?
"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions."
Sessions got that information from McCabes own buddies at the FBI. THEY saw the evidence and THEY recommended McCabe be fired.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.

One more piece of evidence, as if anymore is necessary, to prove our current President is vindictive, iniquitous and unworthy to hold any job wherein he has power over others.

It is past time for Ryan to step up and speak out against the despotic behavior Trump seems to relish.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

When did Flynn get his due process? You snowflakes are crying over McCabe, but you gloated about Flynn. McCabe can lie in the gutter, for all I care. That's what he deserves.
When did Flynn get his due process?

When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony in the Mueller investigation. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

So nobody knows the reason he was fired? What did McCabe do? (Besides be a contemporaneous witness to Comey's conversations with the homunculus orange blob).

Isn't it weird the way Trump has gotten rid of just about every person Comey told about those conversations?
So you are going to be OK with Trump getting charged?

If he is stupid enough to commit a crime heck yeah

He already has. If they find out someone threatened Stormy Daniels on his behalf and he knew about it, he can be charged with accessory.

You are wrong.

Merely knowing someone threatened Stormy Daniels on his behalf does not make Trump an accessory. Your problem is that you offer a legal opinion on a subject which you know nothing about. Here is a definition of the crime of accessory:

In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission.

"One who aids, abets, commands, or counsels another in the commission of a crime.

“In common law, an accessory could not be found guilty unless the actual perpetrator was convicted. In most U.S. jurisdictions today, however, an accessory can be convicted even if the principal actor is not arrested or is acquitted. The prosecution must establish that the accessory in some way instigated, furthered, or concealed the crime. Typically, punishment for a convicted accessory is not as severe as that for the perpetrator.”


CONCLUSION: To be charged with being an accessory, there must be proof the accused was somehow involved in the commission of the crime. Since there is no evidence that Trump was involved in the threat in any way he could not be charged with being an accessory.

I have a doctorate in law and I am amused at how often so many posters make comments about the law that are patently false.
The porn star with two holstein dairy cow udders hanging from her received some anonymous threats on her facebook book page. So fucking what?

Now we don't know who or how she was threatened....yet.

I guess your boy trump is into Holstein cows?

Only if they spank him with Forbes.
Questions for you stupid Moon Bats.

It is against the law to lie to a FBI agent.

Why shouldn't a FBI agent go to jail for lying to the American people and to Congress?
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.

One more piece of evidence, as if anymore is necessary, to prove our current President is vindictive, iniquitous and unworthy to hold any job wherein he has power over others.

It is past time for Ryan to step up and speak out against the despotic behavior Trump seems to relish.
Nope. The OPR office suggested Sessions fire him, not Trump.
But you don't have a problem with the obvious fucking witch hunt being carried out by the Democrats, do you?
It’s not a witch hunt. Lots of indictments

Did you mind ken Starr?
You're desperate. Starr had plenty of evidence against Clinton. Mueller has zero evidence against Trump. Try again, loser.
And yet all he got him for was a bj?
NO you moron! Slick Willy was caught LYING!!!!!!! to Congress. That's why he was impeached.
All that matters now is we vote out this nazi party asap. That means voting democratic this November then democratic in 2020 then again every two years then on.

We need to get 50% of the 80% poor who don’t vote to start voting. More voter turnout is the only way to reform the Republican Party. Nazi party. If you liked the nazis vote gop

I will sponsor a poor person who can’t afford a voter I’d.
There is not a single "poor person" in the country who can not get a free voter ID. And you KNOW IT!
DEMs have been going into homeless shelters for years offering anyone a free voter ID. They do all the paperwork on the spot in the hope that the homeless person will vote DEM.
May the same mercy shown to McCabe be shown to all of you.....amen! ;)
And may the same mercy shown to Flynn be shown to all you douchebag snowflakes.
Was Flynns retirement affected?

What did McCabe actually do? Has anyone seen the report?
"In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions."
Sessions got that information from McCabes own buddies at the FBI. THEY saw the evidence and THEY recommended McCabe be fired.

Bullshit. Sessions, they guy that committed perjury in front of Congress is accusing McCabe for "Lack of Candor"


And you're actually going to post that with a straight face?

Did you not read McCabes statement?

McCabe did nothing wrong. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Trump and Sessions though have now committed yet another instance of obstruction.

You fucktards better damn well hope the Democrats don't win back control of the House in November or you are fucked in more ways than one.

Enjoy what time of Trumps relevance you have left, because it is getting to come crashing down on top of you losers in a big way.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony in the Mueller investigation. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Because you dumbasses ran Hillary.
A court will decide if the firing was a strong arm by trump or legitimate....we will will Mueller.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.

One more piece of evidence, as if anymore is necessary, to prove our current President is vindictive, iniquitous and unworthy to hold any job wherein he has power over others.

It is past time for Ryan to step up and speak out against the despotic behavior Trump seems to relish.
Nope. The OPR office suggested Sessions fire him, not Trump.

That is Fake News ^^^. Trump has been beating the drum to fire McCabe for months. To do so with only days before he is to receive a full pension is clearly Trumpian.

Sessons did the deed, but Trump is the force behind the act.
Breaking Update!

McCabe caught in another lie! This explains his already prepared statement he released after the story broke at 9pm last night.

Another Andrew McCabe Lie Exposed: The Former Deep State Official Was Informed of Firing in Advance of News Media
Slander his reputation go for it
Whatever happens to McCabe is on his own shoulders.
He and many others were 100% convinced that Hillary would win. That meant they could do anything they wanted and their corruption would never be exposed.
They were mistaken. And now they are going to be lining up everyday for a cat food sandwich in a federal prison.


McCabe blaming Nunes and the dossier is beyond incorrect. The internal investigation took all that into consideration and much more. Ask the agents in the bureau, not the politicians and media outside of it. That’s what I did. They had a ton of stuff on him...a ton.
9:23 PM · Mar 16, 2018
F-you America, that's the attitude these hacks like Comey and McCabe have expressed. Blatant arrogance, yeah we broke the law, we are corrupt, we leak to the press, so what F-you America you can't do shit about it. Good to see some consequences being meted out.

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