Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....

You best read your news paper. It’s not going how you think it is.
I do watch and read the news, every day of the week....

just not FOX.... :D

That's why you don't have a clue................
I suspect you'll be proven wrong when the IG report is actually released.

Sessions had to act on Friday in order to prevent McCabe from defrauding taxpayers by retiring with full benefits. McCabe failed in his duties, and deserved to be fired.

Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....

You best read your news paper. It’s not going how you think it is.
I do watch and read the news, every day of the week....

just not FOX.... :D

Sometimes I like to add a little fiction to my watching and reading - thus I tune in Fox & Friends or turn to Limbaugh on the AM Dial.
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....
They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him... That is a serious breach of trust by officers of the court.. They withheld information that his defense needed.. after being ordered to produce it by the court...

This case is going to die a painful death and Flynn will walk... Not to mention that the Judge on the case was personal friends with the prosecutor and were working together... There are going to be serious charges coming for Mueller staff and the judge.. You are aware they suspended the Judge, arent you?
the Judge recused...yes, I am aware of that....

what evidence was withheld?
The left tards are in full meltdown mode... The Firing of McCabe has shattered the narrative... Mueller is now concerned he will be charged with his staff of Civil liberties crimes (constitutional violations). This is going to be epic...

I don't know what a left tard is, only that it is a pejorative used by the poorly educated who echo others who lack a good education. I can say that on its face, the firing of McCabe is one more attack on Federal Law Enforcement, and a pleasure Putin will enjoy.

It also seem to be one more data point on Mueller's crime board, keeping track of the Republican Parties efforts to obstruct justice, and may - and I hope it does - bring Jeff "I don't recall" Sessions, Rep. Devin Nunes and Donald Trump before a Grand Jury and to testify under oath and answer the questions.

Left wing hack delusions..... Funny as hell to watch...

Reading the posts of right wing hacks like you, and many others, isn't funny; it is an embarrassment when I know that people all around the world read your posts and the posts of the other Right Wingers

People around the world must be beginning to believe the majority of the American people are ill informed and too stupid to think for themselves.

You certainly thought that you could lie your way out of everything. It is obvious to anyone who is honest that mccabe is as dirty as they come. Obvious. Political hacks, and morons, I'll let you choose which one you are, are trying like hell to hide the fact that the upper levels of the FBI have been taken over by a corrupt group. The rank and file detest them, but operatives, like you, defend them, because you want to have the power that they have.

Too bad. You want that sort of power move to venezuela. They love people like you.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....
They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him... That is a serious breach of trust by officers of the court.. They withheld information that his defense needed.. after being ordered to produce it by the court...

This case is going to die a painful death and Flynn will walk... Not to mention that the Judge on the case was personal friends with the prosecutor and were working together... There are going to be serious charges coming for Mueller staff and the judge.. You are aware they suspended the Judge, arent you?
the Judge recused...yes, I am aware of that....

what evidence was withheld?

We don't know. But we do know that there are very few reasons for such a recusal. One of them would be if the judge accepted the plea knowing of the exculpatory evidence. That will get a judge in hot water in a heartbeat.
Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

Is a "stupid moron" dumber than a libtard or a Demorat? Or is someone who uses these pejoratives someone who is poorly educated and lacks the ability to post a reasoned argument or rebuttal?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

So why was McCabe fired? What did he do?
The FBI's IG and the OPR were the ones who, after seeing all the evidence recommended McCabe be fired.
Don't worry dipshit. When the IG releases his report you'll get a chance to see why.

It better be definitive. trump has a tendency of going behind the scenes and putting pressure on people....for vindictive reasons.....cause like so said...DOG SHIT...

His own peers recommended the firing.

Name them! Name them immediately, since your judgement and credibility require it.

If you quote Jeff "I can't recall" Sessions you will lose all credibility and be considered a fool.
So now you need names? When one looks up hypocrite, your screen name pops up
The left tards are in full meltdown mode... The Firing of McCabe has shattered the narrative... Mueller is now concerned he will be charged with his staff of Civil liberties crimes (constitutional violations). This is going to be epic...

I don't know what a left tard is, only that it is a pejorative used by the poorly educated who echo others who lack a good education. I can say that on its face, the firing of McCabe is one more attack on Federal Law Enforcement, and a pleasure Putin will enjoy.

It also seem to be one more data point on Mueller's crime board, keeping track of the Republican Parties efforts to obstruct justice, and may - and I hope it does - bring Jeff "I don't recall" Sessions, Rep. Devin Nunes and Donald Trump before a Grand Jury and to testify under oath and answer the questions.

Left wing hack delusions..... Funny as hell to watch...

Reading the posts of right wing hacks like you, and many others, isn't funny; it is an embarrassment when I know that people all around the world read your posts and the posts of the other Right Wingers

People around the world must be beginning to believe the majority of the American people are ill informed and too stupid to think for themselves.
Why don't you move to one of those places.
What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

Is a "stupid moron" dumber than a libtard or a Demorat? Or is someone who uses these pejoratives someone who is poorly educated and lacks the ability to post a reasoned argument or rebuttal?

Liberal and Democrat is a descriptor of a particular political ideal. Moron and stupid are assessments of a persons intellect and ability to think critically. There are morons from both sides of the aisle just as there are smart people from both sides of the aisle. The mccabe firing is a good indicator of how smart, or dishonest a person is.
What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

Is a "stupid moron" dumber than a libtard or a Demorat? Or is someone who uses these pejoratives someone who is poorly educated and lacks the ability to post a reasoned argument or rebuttal?
But "right wing hacks" is perfectly fine, huh. Hypocrite.
Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

You also aren't a President or an Attorney General, genius. If they want to get rid of a civil servant through fraudulent investigations they most certainly can do it. Grow up. I don't care about your irrelevant personal work experience.
When did Flynn get his due process? You snowflakes are crying over McCabe, but you gloated about Flynn. McCabe can lie in the gutter, for all I care. That's what he deserves.
When did Flynn get his due process?

When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
Mueller is going to drop the charges against Flynn now that a federal court judge has demanded Mueller turn over EVERY bit of so-called evidence against Flynn to Flynn's attorneys.
I 100% guarantee Flynn will end up settling out of court with the FBI/DOJ/Mueller's witch hunters.
Then Flynn can buy his own tropical island and watch a couple of dozen seditious corrupt traitors being frog-marched to federal prison.

Charges aren't dropped after a conviction, dope.
What’s the difference from a crooked cop?
It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

Is a "stupid moron" dumber than a libtard or a Demorat? Or is someone who uses these pejoratives someone who is poorly educated and lacks the ability to post a reasoned argument or rebuttal?
But "right wing hacks" is perfectly fine, huh. Hypocrite.
Alt right?
What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

You also aren't a President or an Attorney General, genius. If they want to get rid of a civil servant through fraudulent investigations they most certainly can do it. Grow up. I don't care about your irrelevant personal work experience.

Obama initiated the investigation, bub.
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you." - Unhinged John Brennan to President Trump
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....
They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him... That is a serious breach of trust by officers of the court.. They withheld information that his defense needed.. after being ordered to produce it by the court...

This case is going to die a painful death and Flynn will walk... Not to mention that the Judge on the case was personal friends with the prosecutor and were working together... There are going to be serious charges coming for Mueller staff and the judge.. You are aware they suspended the Judge, arent you?
the Judge recused...yes, I am aware of that....

what evidence was withheld?
There was evidence withheld by the prosecutorial staff which the judge was aware of because of his personal relationship with the prosecutor. The improper relationship is minor compared to the fact the judge knew of the evidence and failed to notify the defense team of it even after he ordered it handed over in discovery. This means the JUDGE was complicit in taking a baseless plea of guilt.

There is a reason the new judge has stopped sentencing and ordered a full review of all evidence by both teams.. This is not going to end well and the filing on Friday, by Flynn's attorneys, for an order to show cause will most likely end in the plea being thrown out with prejudice.

I will be very surprised if several of Mueller's team are not disbarred over this and charged criminally. Mueller's right hand man has done this before three times... ENRON ring any bells?
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

What was the "more serious charge," douchebag?

Charges. Plural.

What are they, hosebag?
That's harsh two days before his pension. If they are pursuing criminal charges, than clearly the FBI are standing up for their reputation.

I will reserve judgement, but no one man (or woman *cough cough*) should be above justice and the Rule of Law.

No. Not two days. Late on a Friday night. In a mans world, that's called an act of cowardice. I don't know what it's called in a conservatives world.

This was partisan pettiness plain and simple. Not only does McCabe have cause to take this to court, he will probably win. Being the petty partisan act of cowardice this is, with no cause whatsoever except for unsubstantiated allegations, the new Democratic President will reinstate him for his pension in 2021 as one of his first acts, so Trump will lose in the end anyway. Hopefully on the day he receives his prison sentence. Of which this act of obstruction of justice will have Sessions in an adjacent cell next to Trumps.
You should learn the law. LOL. A boss can fire an employee. Especially one that committed fraud
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you." - Unhinged John Brennan to President Trump

IOW, Brennan know he's in line for prosecution.

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