Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

The list of those who will soon be wearing orange coveralls:

Lisa Page
Bruce Ohr
Nellie Ohr

The orange in danger is the idiot you and putin elected....


Trump touts House Intel findings of 'no evidence of collusion' between campaign, Russia

You North Koreans are some dumb motherfuckers, JimHate.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

Who's "innocent"?
Carter Page mike Flynn, everyone else that mueller ‘s ruined
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....

There are no other crimes, dingbat. That's why Mewler had to threaten Flynn with total destruction. A judge will throw the pleas out because they were produced via prosecutorial misconduct - something you obviously don't give a damn about.
Or understand
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.

Actually, it is the other way round, and were you not a political whore, who is dishonest to boot, you would know that. mccabe is guilty as sin. We know this because he has been fired and he is looking at a real long prison sentence to boot. Is your head going to explode when he gets perp walked?
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.
Where’s MUELLER’s or yours....Russia Russia LMFAO

Flynn pleaded guilty, so did Manafort and others. That tells anybody with half a brain that Mueller's investigation is legitimate. Grow the fuck up, you unsophisticated Repug rube.
Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

You also aren't a President or an Attorney General, genius. If they want to get rid of a civil servant through fraudulent investigations they most certainly can do it. Grow up. I don't care about your irrelevant personal work experience.

Obama initiated the investigation, bub.

And you have a link to back this up? I don't think so.

Nobody knows the full details at this point about what happened concerning the investigation of McCabe, as the link below explains. It was cruel what Sessions and Trump did to this man, as the article below explains.

Anyone who is confidently pronouncing on the merits of Andrew McCabe’s firing Friday night is venturing well beyond the realm of known facts.

But on McCabe’s innocence or culpability for some infraction that might justify his dismissal, we will reserve judgment—and we caution others to as well. It is simply not clear at this stage whether or not the record will support his dismissal.

There are, however, at least two features of the action against McCabe that warrant consternation, even if McCabe himself behaved badly enough to justify the sanction. The first is the timing, which is hard to understand. The only factor we can fathom that might justify it is the notion that if McCabe in fact had acted very badly, the window to punish him and thus make an important statement to the bureau workforce was closing.

But we are unaware of prior cases in which authorities rushed through the merits against a long-serving official in a naked and transparent effort to beat the clock of his retirement.

What We Know, and Don’t Know, About the Firing of Andrew McCabe
Why don’t you post up your evidence on Russia Russia? You want but can’t deliver you’re a disgrace
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You really have to laugh at all these tears the snowflakes are shedding over poor hapless McCabe. These are the same Pirhana that have been demanding blood from everyone in the Trump administration.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.
Where’s MUELLER’s or yours....Russia Russia LMFAO

Flynn pleaded guilty, so did Manafort and others. That tells anybody with half a brain that Mueller's investigation is legitimate. Grow the fuck up, you unsophisticated Repug rube.
No it doesn't, turd.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.
Where’s MUELLER’s or yours....Russia Russia LMFAO

Flynn pleaded guilty, so did Manafort and others. That tells anybody with half a brain that Mueller's investigation is legitimate. Grow the fuck up, you unsophisticated Repug rube.

Flynn pleaded guilty becuase he was extorted to do so. That is now becoming very evident. Funny how you never defended flynn yet you defend this person. Hypocrite much? Manafort has not plead guilty to anything. He was indicted for deals he did when he was working with PODESTA. You know, hillarys guy! Talk about pissing up a long rope. You're really adept at making a fool of yourself guano. You truly are.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.
Where’s MUELLER’s or yours....Russia Russia LMFAO

Flynn pleaded guilty, so did Manafort and others. That tells anybody with half a brain that Mueller's investigation is legitimate. Grow the fuck up, you unsophisticated Repug rube.
LOL watch those get thrown out! Hahahaha Hahahaha
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.

Actually, it is the other way round, and were you not a political whore, who is dishonest to boot, you would know that. mccabe is guilty as sin. We know this because he has been fired and he is looking at a real long prison sentence to boot. Is your head going to explode when he gets perp walked?

See my previous post, dirtbag. The full details of McCabe's investigation are not known. You are speculating and I'm speculating. But as my article explains, the situation is extremely fishy and it sounds like McCabe is a victim to me.
Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

You also aren't a President or an Attorney General, genius. If they want to get rid of a civil servant through fraudulent investigations they most certainly can do it. Grow up. I don't care about your irrelevant personal work experience.

Obama initiated the investigation, bub.

And you have a link to back this up? I don't think so.

Nobody knows the full details at this point about what happened concerning the investigation of McCabe, as the link below explains. It was cruel what Sessions and Trump did to this man, as the article below explains.

Anyone who is confidently pronouncing on the merits of Andrew McCabe’s firing Friday night is venturing well beyond the realm of known facts.

But on McCabe’s innocence or culpability for some infraction that might justify his dismissal, we will reserve judgment—and we caution others to as well. It is simply not clear at this stage whether or not the record will support his dismissal.

There are, however, at least two features of the action against McCabe that warrant consternation, even if McCabe himself behaved badly enough to justify the sanction. The first is the timing, which is hard to understand. The only factor we can fathom that might justify it is the notion that if McCabe in fact had acted very badly, the window to punish him and thus make an important statement to the bureau workforce was closing.

But we are unaware of prior cases in which authorities rushed through the merits against a long-serving official in a naked and transparent effort to beat the clock of his retirement.

What We Know, and Don’t Know, About the Firing of Andrew McCabe

Even NBC (not exactly an Alt--Right news organ) has the G2:

The OPR recommendation that McCabe be thrown off the payroll follows an internal report from the DOJ inspector general that concluded he was not fully forthcoming in answers about whether he talked to a reporter concerning the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The IG report has not been made public, but may be released soon.

Sessions may fire top FBI official before pension eligibility

FBI Director Chris Wray made clear in a message sent to all bureau employees on Monday night that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's decision to step aside was a result of forthcoming information to be detailed in an inspector general report, according to a copy of his message obtained by NBC News.

FBI boss suggests review of Clinton email probe tied to McCabe's exit
You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?

Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult to get rid of them. Clearly you're a stupid moron, but I actually have had to deal with them. They have all sorts of protections, that's why when is fired, it is because they were really, really, really bad. So bad that they couldn't be protected. Of course political operatives, like you, are part of that defense force. You lie all of the time to protect those who are trying to subvert this country.

You also aren't a President or an Attorney General, genius. If they want to get rid of a civil servant through fraudulent investigations they most certainly can do it. Grow up. I don't care about your irrelevant personal work experience.

Obama initiated the investigation, bub.

And you have a link to back this up? I don't think so.

Nobody knows the full details at this point about what happened concerning the investigation of McCabe, as the link below explains. It was cruel what Sessions and Trump did to this man, as the article below explains.

Anyone who is confidently pronouncing on the merits of Andrew McCabe’s firing Friday night is venturing well beyond the realm of known facts.

But on McCabe’s innocence or culpability for some infraction that might justify his dismissal, we will reserve judgment—and we caution others to as well. It is simply not clear at this stage whether or not the record will support his dismissal.

There are, however, at least two features of the action against McCabe that warrant consternation, even if McCabe himself behaved badly enough to justify the sanction. The first is the timing, which is hard to understand. The only factor we can fathom that might justify it is the notion that if McCabe in fact had acted very badly, the window to punish him and thus make an important statement to the bureau workforce was closing.

But we are unaware of prior cases in which authorities rushed through the merits against a long-serving official in a naked and transparent effort to beat the clock of his retirement.

What We Know, and Don’t Know, About the Firing of Andrew McCabe
Why don’t you post up your evidence on Russia Russia? You want but can’t deliver you’re a disgrace

Trump's neighbor once owned a RUSSIAN WOLFHOUND, so clearly that's evidence of collusion.
  • Former FBI director James Comey told three FBI officials — Andrew McCabe, James Rybicki, and James Baker — about his conversations with President Donald Trump prior to his firing.
  • All three officials have since been forced out or reassigned within the bureau.
Comey told 3 FBI officials about his conversations with Trump — all 3 have now been forced out or reassigned

So weird....

Not weird at all It is a typical trump hatchet job He is taking out everyone around Mueller in order to finally takeout Mueller. The scum might do it....until the Dems take the House back in November. Then....Katie bar the Door!
How many times do you imbeciles need to be told that Trump had nothing to do with McCabe getting fired?

How many times do you have to be told that nobody that isn’t sucking Trump’s orange dick believes that.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.
Where’s MUELLER’s or yours....Russia Russia LMFAO

Flynn pleaded guilty, so did Manafort and others. That tells anybody with half a brain that Mueller's investigation is legitimate. Grow the fuck up, you unsophisticated Repug rube.
LOL watch those get thrown out! Hahahaha Hahahaha
Former CIA Director John Brennan, who was appointed by Obama, sharply criticized President Trump for his celebratory tweet after the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America…America will triumph over you,” Brennan tweeted on Saturday.

Hours prior, Trump had tweeted, “Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hardworking men and women of the FBI – A great day for Democracy.”
  • Former FBI director James Comey told three FBI officials — Andrew McCabe, James Rybicki, and James Baker — about his conversations with President Donald Trump prior to his firing.
  • All three officials have since been forced out or reassigned within the bureau.
Comey told 3 FBI officials about his conversations with Trump — all 3 have now been forced out or reassigned

So weird....

Not weird at all It is a typical trump hatchet job He is taking out everyone around Mueller in order to finally takeout Mueller. The scum might do it....until the Dems take the House back in November. Then....Katie bar the Door!
How many times do you imbeciles need to be told that Trump had nothing to do with McCabe getting fired?

How many times do you have to be told that nobody that isn’t sucking Trump’s orange dick believes that.

Your obsession with Trump's Penis is rather telling.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?

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