Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

  • Former FBI director James Comey told three FBI officials — Andrew McCabe, James Rybicki, and James Baker — about his conversations with President Donald Trump prior to his firing.
  • All three officials have since been forced out or reassigned within the bureau.
Comey told 3 FBI officials about his conversations with Trump — all 3 have now been forced out or reassigned

So weird....

Not weird at all It is a typical trump hatchet job He is taking out everyone around Mueller in order to finally takeout Mueller. The scum might do it....until the Dems take the House back in November. Then....Katie bar the Door!
How many times do you imbeciles need to be told that Trump had nothing to do with McCabe getting fired?

You believe MANY totally ridiculous things Angry Lil Feller

Will Trump have anything to do with McCabe going to prison for the rest of his life, or should "Andy" assume responsibility for his own treason? When you attempt a coup, you better succeed. You Stalinists attempted but failed.

Frankly, you all should be lined up in front of a wall and shot.
What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

Who's "innocent"?

No idea, but McCabe colluded with the Kremlin to "fix" a presidential election.

That would be treason, sploogy.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

Who's "innocent"?

No idea, but McCabe colluded with the Kremlin to "fix" a presidential election.

That would be treason, sploogy.

Proof? You sound like Hannity.
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..
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You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..

You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..

You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?

The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..

You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?
To overthrow; to annul; to make void or declare invalid; e.g., "quash a subpoena."

Unreasonable, obviously irregular, or oppressive subpoenas, injunctions, indictments, convictions and orders can be quashed by a court.
I understand a Democrat Congress person is hiring McCabe for a few days....he might get his pension after all.....:lol:

There are now 2 that have offered to hire him so he can receive in pension. Last laugh may be on the orange one.
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.

Hell, that's why he's out campaigning.
Do any Trump supporters on this thread have any sympathy for the McCabe family? We all know Trump doesn't. Just curious...
I feel sorry for them....

And I HATE the way this was handled, which was out of the norm, people like McCabe usually get on average 6 months to present their case and side, and McCabe said he was given 1 day, or something like that.....

I also HATE that this was done for political purposes...noted by Trump's tweets, and the way they rushed this....

Justice is suppose to be blind, and the President should NOT EVER butt in the way he has done..... so I see a law suit coming....even if McCabe has done something so egregious that he had to be fired, which none of us really know this until we see the Inspector General's report, he didn't have to be fired before he retired and before he had a chance to adequately defend his actions....

This was ALL outside of protocol, and it was done for political purpose, for President Trump, is how it looks to me....

And never in a million years, should something like that, ever ever ever happen in this nation!
getting a witness to cooperate via ''telling the TRUTH'' is their job and .................

is getting to the TRUTH for Justice, silly willy!!!

How many of General Flynn's wife's fingers did Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada need to break to get the good general to fabricate this "truth" that Trump is a witch? :dunno:
He can only do that, if Trump really is a Witch... :D

Part of the Plea, is he has to tell the truth, about everything and if he doesn't, and leads them on some wild goose chase, then the deal they made is off...
How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..

You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?

The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Why is mueller doing the same to innocent civilians? Fk McCabe he’s corrupt

You don't have a shred of evidence to back up that opinion. That's why you are a worthless Repug piece of shit.
Where’s MUELLER’s or yours....Russia Russia LMFAO

Don’t forget sex and crazy. Crazy Russian sex
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..

You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?

The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..
exactly how, would any judge, collude with a prosecutor on this plea agreement?

the agreement is made between the Prosecutor and the client's lawyer on behalf of the client..the Judge is not even involved in any of that??
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.
Wrong again... Quashing the "conviction" makes it disappear as if it never happened...

Thats what happens when prosecutors circumvent the law and do not do their jobs correctly or do it with criminal intent as it was done here. Even the damn judge was involved in the hiding of exculpatory evidence and was forcibly recused..

You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?

The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.

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