Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

exactly how, would any judge, collude with a prosecutor on this plea agreement?

the agreement is made between the Prosecutor and the client's lawyer on behalf of the client..the Judge is not even involved in any of that??
The judge in this case knew the prosecutor was withholding exculpatory evidence that exonerates the defendant. He gives an order that all evidence is to be given yet doesn't call them out on it and accepts the plea.

Then we find out that the judge and prosecutor went to dinner and discussed the case prior to the plea deal and the judge did not force the prosecutor to give up the evidence... The JUDGE KNEW IT EXONERATED FLYNN and yet he accepted a plea? WHY?
What was the exculpatory evidence that was not shown?

You keep saying that there was additional evidence in favor of the defendant but you NEVER SAY what it is?

So what is this evidence that you CLAIM, was withheld?

comey testified that the agents who interrogated flynn stipulated (that is a very important legal term) that flynn didn't lie to them. Thus the very "crime" that he plead guilty to under duress, it appears he actually didn't do. Thus mueller broke a shitload of laws by extorting the plea from him. At the very least mueller is looking at disbarment.


How was Flynn under duress? You going to tell me an Army Lt. General plead guilty when he was innocent because he was under duress from Mueller?

Do you understand how silly that sounds?

Did you also know that in the U.S. law enforcement can legally LIE to someone in order to get them to give information or admit guilt?

Also, Trump and his team admitted Flynn lied to the FBI, Pence, and others when they fired him for it.

"I am going to keep delaying this case till you run out of money, I will also file criminal charges against your son that although i know I can't prove anything will destroy his credibility and drive your entire family into bankruptcy".

It's a very old prosecutorial trick, try looking up some real cases.

People have the right to a speedy trial. It's part of the Bill of Rights...
exactly how, would any judge, collude with a prosecutor on this plea agreement?

the agreement is made between the Prosecutor and the client's lawyer on behalf of the client..the Judge is not even involved in any of that??
The judge in this case knew the prosecutor was withholding exculpatory evidence that exonerates the defendant. He gives an order that all evidence is to be given yet doesn't call them out on it and accepts the plea.

Then we find out that the judge and prosecutor went to dinner and discussed the case prior to the plea deal and the judge did not force the prosecutor to give up the evidence... The JUDGE KNEW IT EXONERATED FLYNN and yet he accepted a plea? WHY?
What was the exculpatory evidence that was not shown?

You keep saying that there was additional evidence in favor of the defendant but you NEVER SAY what it is?

So what is this evidence that you CLAIM, was withheld?

comey testified that the agents who interrogated flynn stipulated (that is a very important legal term) that flynn didn't lie to them. Thus the very "crime" that he plead guilty to under duress, it appears he actually didn't do. Thus mueller broke a shitload of laws by extorting the plea from him. At the very least mueller is looking at disbarment.


How was Flynn under duress? You going to tell me an Army Lt. General plead guilty when he was innocent because he was under duress from Mueller?

Do you understand how silly that sounds?

Did you also know that in the U.S. law enforcement can legally LIE to someone in order to get them to give information or admit guilt?

Also, Trump and his team admitted Flynn lied to the FBI, Pence, and others when they fired him for it.

"I am going to keep delaying this case till you run out of money, I will also file criminal charges against your son that although i know I can't prove anything will destroy his credibility and drive your entire family into bankruptcy".

It's a very old prosecutorial trick, try looking up some real cases.
its the story of the pos's life
How is the coerced confession going these days, Comrade?

Indefinite postponement, isn't it Comrade? What was it, Mewler-Torquemada was going to keep breaking his wife's fingers until Flynn confessed, right?
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.

uhhhhh, yeah it can. And it will. You really need to stop thinking that TV shows are representative of the real world. flynns plea was extorted from him. That is a crime. mueller is the one looking to be in trouble in that particular case. As they say in the movies..."you ain't seen nothin' yet"

Plea bargains are part of the legal system in the U.S., you are just going to have to deal with it. If Flynn was innocent he could have gone to trial. You are making him sound like a complete pussy.

No, I'm giving him credit for having some brains. Innocent people are convicted, or accept plea bargains, all of the time. Sometimes accepting the plea is the lessor of two evils.

Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.
You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?

The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.

So what. They get quashed all the same. Take a look at Oliver North if you don't want to believe me.

All the time? :abgg2q.jpg:

No, they are not. Flynn needs to count his blessings that he was allowed to plea to what he did, and be able to avoid significant jail time. Do you know how much trouble he could have gotten for his conspiracy to set up a kidnapping in exchange for money? Or for taking money from a foreign government without filing as a foreign agent... and much much much more. Not to mention what his son could have been charged with.

Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.
The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.

So what. They get quashed all the same. Take a look at Oliver North if you don't want to believe me.

All the time? :abgg2q.jpg:

No, they are not. Flynn needs to count his blessings that he was allowed to plea to what he did, and be able to avoid significant jail time. Do you know how much trouble he could have gotten for his conspiracy to set up a kidnapping in exchange for money? Or for taking money from a foreign government without filing as a foreign agent... and much much much more. Not to mention what his son could have been charged with.

Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.

No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.
It's not indefinite, it is for 90 days...and agreed upon by Flynn.

If Flynn was going to do something and renege from his plea agreement, he would have done so, long long long ago....instead of continuing to cooperate with the FBI.....

Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.

uhhhhh, yeah it can. And it will. You really need to stop thinking that TV shows are representative of the real world. flynns plea was extorted from him. That is a crime. mueller is the one looking to be in trouble in that particular case. As they say in the movies..."you ain't seen nothin' yet"

Plea bargains are part of the legal system in the U.S., you are just going to have to deal with it. If Flynn was innocent he could have gone to trial. You are making him sound like a complete pussy.

No, I'm giving him credit for having some brains. Innocent people are convicted, or accept plea bargains, all of the time. Sometimes accepting the plea is the lessor of two evils.

Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.

My gosh your ignorance is astounding. I will suggest that you read some books that deal with real crimes. You need to get a clue because you really have no clue what you're talking about.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.

So what. They get quashed all the same. Take a look at Oliver North if you don't want to believe me.

All the time? :abgg2q.jpg:

No, they are not. Flynn needs to count his blessings that he was allowed to plea to what he did, and be able to avoid significant jail time. Do you know how much trouble he could have gotten for his conspiracy to set up a kidnapping in exchange for money? Or for taking money from a foreign government without filing as a foreign agent... and much much much more. Not to mention what his son could have been charged with.

Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.

No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.
Flynn is an adjudicated convicted felon. That cannot be undone. The plea was entered. The mea cupla was made. For those that do not know what that means, in a federal court, unlike a state court, if you enter a guilty plea, you have to profess with your mouth, in front of the court exactly what your crime was, and how you willingly and knowingly committed it.

There is no wiggle room to get out of it later.

Flynn is a convicted felon with a recorded confession to that crime, and it cannot be undone ever. Unless he receives a pardon by the President of the United States, he cannot vote, hold public office or any office of public trust, and cannot be in possession of a firearm, or be in association with known felons.

uhhhhh, yeah it can. And it will. You really need to stop thinking that TV shows are representative of the real world. flynns plea was extorted from him. That is a crime. mueller is the one looking to be in trouble in that particular case. As they say in the movies..."you ain't seen nothin' yet"

Plea bargains are part of the legal system in the U.S., you are just going to have to deal with it. If Flynn was innocent he could have gone to trial. You are making him sound like a complete pussy.

No, I'm giving him credit for having some brains. Innocent people are convicted, or accept plea bargains, all of the time. Sometimes accepting the plea is the lessor of two evils.

Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.

My gosh your ignorance is astounding. I will suggest that you read some books that deal with real crimes. You need to get a clue because you really have no clue what you're talking about.

This is coming from someone that just ignored one of the fundamental rights of this country... the right to a speedy trial.

Good lord man, did you fly too high without your oxygen mask on? Because you've certainly gotten some brain damage.
The judge in this case knew the prosecutor was withholding exculpatory evidence that exonerates the defendant. He gives an order that all evidence is to be given yet doesn't call them out on it and accepts the plea.

Then we find out that the judge and prosecutor went to dinner and discussed the case prior to the plea deal and the judge did not force the prosecutor to give up the evidence... The JUDGE KNEW IT EXONERATED FLYNN and yet he accepted a plea? WHY?
What was the exculpatory evidence that was not shown?

You keep saying that there was additional evidence in favor of the defendant but you NEVER SAY what it is?

So what is this evidence that you CLAIM, was withheld?

comey testified that the agents who interrogated flynn stipulated (that is a very important legal term) that flynn didn't lie to them. Thus the very "crime" that he plead guilty to under duress, it appears he actually didn't do. Thus mueller broke a shitload of laws by extorting the plea from him. At the very least mueller is looking at disbarment.


How was Flynn under duress? You going to tell me an Army Lt. General plead guilty when he was innocent because he was under duress from Mueller?

Do you understand how silly that sounds?

Did you also know that in the U.S. law enforcement can legally LIE to someone in order to get them to give information or admit guilt?

Also, Trump and his team admitted Flynn lied to the FBI, Pence, and others when they fired him for it.

"I am going to keep delaying this case till you run out of money, I will also file criminal charges against your son that although i know I can't prove anything will destroy his credibility and drive your entire family into bankruptcy".

It's a very old prosecutorial trick, try looking up some real cases.
its the story of the pos's life

Yes, I agree. mueller uses that tactic a lot because he's not a very good prosecutor. Good ones don't need to act like a bull in a china shop.
uhhhhh, yeah it can. And it will. You really need to stop thinking that TV shows are representative of the real world. flynns plea was extorted from him. That is a crime. mueller is the one looking to be in trouble in that particular case. As they say in the movies..."you ain't seen nothin' yet"

Plea bargains are part of the legal system in the U.S., you are just going to have to deal with it. If Flynn was innocent he could have gone to trial. You are making him sound like a complete pussy.

No, I'm giving him credit for having some brains. Innocent people are convicted, or accept plea bargains, all of the time. Sometimes accepting the plea is the lessor of two evils.

Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.

My gosh your ignorance is astounding. I will suggest that you read some books that deal with real crimes. You need to get a clue because you really have no clue what you're talking about.

This is coming from someone that just ignored one of the fundamental rights of this country... the right to a speedy trial.

Good lord man, did you fly too high without your oxygen mask on? Because you've certainly gotten some brain damage.

Yeah, good luck with that one dude. That is almost always the very first thing that is badgered away in an arraignment. Like I said, your ignorance is astounding.
Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.

So what. They get quashed all the same. Take a look at Oliver North if you don't want to believe me.

All the time? :abgg2q.jpg:

No, they are not. Flynn needs to count his blessings that he was allowed to plea to what he did, and be able to avoid significant jail time. Do you know how much trouble he could have gotten for his conspiracy to set up a kidnapping in exchange for money? Or for taking money from a foreign government without filing as a foreign agent... and much much much more. Not to mention what his son could have been charged with.

Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.

No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.

No, and he is lucky he didn't get charged with it. What do you not understand about that? His plea bargain was a fucking favor to him. Do you think if he got charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping and doing so with a foreign government, he'd be out campaigning in California?
So what. They get quashed all the same. Take a look at Oliver North if you don't want to believe me.

All the time? :abgg2q.jpg:

No, they are not. Flynn needs to count his blessings that he was allowed to plea to what he did, and be able to avoid significant jail time. Do you know how much trouble he could have gotten for his conspiracy to set up a kidnapping in exchange for money? Or for taking money from a foreign government without filing as a foreign agent... and much much much more. Not to mention what his son could have been charged with.

Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.

No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.

No, and he is lucky he didn't get charged with it. What do you not understand about that? His plea bargain was a fucking favor to him. Do you think if he got charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping and doing so with a foreign government, he'd be out campaigning in California?

If he committed a crime with Turkey ARREST HIM FOR THAT! Don't convict him for something he didn't do. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?
Plea bargains are part of the legal system in the U.S., you are just going to have to deal with it. If Flynn was innocent he could have gone to trial. You are making him sound like a complete pussy.

No, I'm giving him credit for having some brains. Innocent people are convicted, or accept plea bargains, all of the time. Sometimes accepting the plea is the lessor of two evils.

Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.

My gosh your ignorance is astounding. I will suggest that you read some books that deal with real crimes. You need to get a clue because you really have no clue what you're talking about.

This is coming from someone that just ignored one of the fundamental rights of this country... the right to a speedy trial.

Good lord man, did you fly too high without your oxygen mask on? Because you've certainly gotten some brain damage.

Yeah, good luck with that one dude. That is almost always the very first thing that is badgered away in an arraignment. Like I said, your ignorance is astounding.

You don't "badger" away a fucking right. :abgg2q.jpg:
All the time? :abgg2q.jpg:

No, they are not. Flynn needs to count his blessings that he was allowed to plea to what he did, and be able to avoid significant jail time. Do you know how much trouble he could have gotten for his conspiracy to set up a kidnapping in exchange for money? Or for taking money from a foreign government without filing as a foreign agent... and much much much more. Not to mention what his son could have been charged with.

Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.

No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.

No, and he is lucky he didn't get charged with it. What do you not understand about that? His plea bargain was a fucking favor to him. Do you think if he got charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping and doing so with a foreign government, he'd be out campaigning in California?

If he committed a crime with Turkey ARREST HIM FOR THAT! Don't convict him for something he didn't do. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?

He DID lie. He even got fired for it by Trump. You've not shown proof he didn't.
No, I'm giving him credit for having some brains. Innocent people are convicted, or accept plea bargains, all of the time. Sometimes accepting the plea is the lessor of two evils.

Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.

My gosh your ignorance is astounding. I will suggest that you read some books that deal with real crimes. You need to get a clue because you really have no clue what you're talking about.

This is coming from someone that just ignored one of the fundamental rights of this country... the right to a speedy trial.

Good lord man, did you fly too high without your oxygen mask on? Because you've certainly gotten some brain damage.

Yeah, good luck with that one dude. That is almost always the very first thing that is badgered away in an arraignment. Like I said, your ignorance is astounding.

You don't "badger" away a fucking right. :abgg2q.jpg:

Uhhhhh, yeah you do. Like I said, you have no clue what you're blabbering about. Most of the time it is the Prosecution who claim that due to the complexity of the case they simply can't bring the case to trial in a timely fashion. The judge will almost always agree with them. Every now and then (especially if you are forced to use a PD) the defense attorney will "waive the Right to a Speedy Trial". That's what it's called. Look it up.
Wow, so the fact that the whole narrative about him lying is coming apart doesn't bother you in the slightest. You get all weepy for a lying fucker like mccabe, who really DID lie to the FBI, and yet with flynn, because he is a trump person you want him to hang?

You are one fucked up individual.

No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.

No, and he is lucky he didn't get charged with it. What do you not understand about that? His plea bargain was a fucking favor to him. Do you think if he got charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping and doing so with a foreign government, he'd be out campaigning in California?

If he committed a crime with Turkey ARREST HIM FOR THAT! Don't convict him for something he didn't do. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?

He DID lie. He even got fired for it by Trump. You've not shown proof he didn't.

comey testified that he did not lie to the FBI. That is what mueller forced him to plea too. You need to catch up junior. This has all been provided MANY TIMES BEFORE so why the hell are you not up to speed!
Yeah I said that already. But the thing is, usually they do it because they did something much worse and the plea bargain is actually going to save their ass.

My gosh your ignorance is astounding. I will suggest that you read some books that deal with real crimes. You need to get a clue because you really have no clue what you're talking about.

This is coming from someone that just ignored one of the fundamental rights of this country... the right to a speedy trial.

Good lord man, did you fly too high without your oxygen mask on? Because you've certainly gotten some brain damage.

Yeah, good luck with that one dude. That is almost always the very first thing that is badgered away in an arraignment. Like I said, your ignorance is astounding.

You don't "badger" away a fucking right. :abgg2q.jpg:

Uhhhhh, yeah you do. Like I said, you have no clue what you're blabbering about. Most of the time it is the Prosecution who claim that due to the complexity of the case they simply can't bring the case to trial in a timely fashion. The judge will almost always agree with them. Every now and then (especially if you are forced to use a PD) the defense attorney will "waive the Right to a Speedy Trial". That's what it's called. Look it up.

You don't LOSE your right to a speedy trial... and the prosecution has to show solid proof of why the trial is being delayed. Not to mention, if they delay it to long, the judge can just dismiss the charges.

Keep this up, it's quite funny. There isn't shit on tv tonight so you've become my amusement.
No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.

No, and he is lucky he didn't get charged with it. What do you not understand about that? His plea bargain was a fucking favor to him. Do you think if he got charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping and doing so with a foreign government, he'd be out campaigning in California?

If he committed a crime with Turkey ARREST HIM FOR THAT! Don't convict him for something he didn't do. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?

He DID lie. He even got fired for it by Trump. You've not shown proof he didn't.

comey testified that he did not lie to the FBI. That is what mueller forced him to plea too. You need to catch up junior. This has all been provided MANY TIMES BEFORE so why the hell are you not up to speed!

WHERE did Comey testify to that?

Trump FIRED Flynn for it.
getting a witness to cooperate via ''telling the TRUTH'' is their job and .................

is getting to the TRUTH for Justice, silly willy!!!

How many of General Flynn's wife's fingers did Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada need to break to get the good general to fabricate this "truth" that Trump is a witch? :dunno:
He can only do that, if Trump really is a Witch... :D

Part of the Plea, is he has to tell the truth, about everything and if he doesn't, and leads them on some wild goose chase, then the deal they made is off...

Are you saying that Torquemada would tell the truth?

Not likely!

The deal Torquemada made was to stop torturing his wife if he would perjure himself as part of the coup against the president, right?
Comey testified in MARCH of 2017. Comey was fired in May of 2017... Flynn plead guilty in DECEMBER of 2017. Comey has no fucking idea of what happened with Flynn between May and December, and what Mueller's team has discovered during that time... that Flynn could have lied about.

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