Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

What was the "more serious charge," douchebag?

Charges. Plural.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Only an utter douchebag would believe such tactics are legitimate. They are the tactics of a police state.

Not a police state. Just a competent prosecutor.
Congressman Tim Walz offers a federal job to Crooked McCabe:

"This reckless attitude towards Americans’ lives and careers is exactly why this man should not be President. Mr. McCabe, if you need a federal job for a few days, give me a call. We value servant leadership around here."
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?

He's a witness and will be until it's over. Do you really believe that Mueller got nothing in exchange for the plea?
Congressman Tim Walz offers a federal job to Crooked McCabe:

"This reckless attitude towards Americans’ lives and careers is exactly why this man should not be President. Mr. McCabe, if you need a federal job for a few days, give me a call. We value servant leadership around here."

You can't explain how McCabe is crooked and you don't care, either. You're just a non-thinking, unsophisticated Repug retard conditioned to respond to every "outrage" created by Faux News and Donald Trump.
Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

"Flipping witnesses" isn't the prosecutor's job. Getting the truth is his job. Justice is his job.

Next you will tell us torture is OK if it "flips a witness."

A prosecutor can't get to the truth without cooperating witnesses, dope.
Written on a FBI yellow legal pad...

Maybe it was written on a(n) FBI yellow legal pad, or maybe you have been fooled to believe Comey was fired for conspiring with Martians. The fact is anyone and everyone who argues that Mueller's investigation be ended because it is a witch hunt are easily led by Trump&Co. and can be fooled over and over without any evidence to support
It's been linked several times in this thread alone.

Deflection ^^^

"Lock her Up" has been yelled by people too, and yet no evidence no matter how often this claim has been made has resulted in a criminal complaint being filed.

Do you know why? Because to file an allegation of a crime, one must sign the form under penalty of perjury, and name the place, date and violation the alleged crime was committed.

WTF are you even talking about?
Ex-FBI deputy head McCabe fired 2 days before retiring, over Clinton email probe

You're a hack, your post is not credible, factual or provable. Your evidence (quoted below with my highlights) is not sufficient for an honest person to file a criminal complaint, and is laughable:

AP) — US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday night that he
WASHINGTON (was firing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a longtime and frequent target of President Donald Trump’s anger, just two days before his scheduled retirement date.

"The move, which had been expected, was made on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials and comes ahead of an inspector general report expected to conclude that McCabe was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation."

Reading between the lines, and acknowledging my bias, I suspect Sessions job was threatened by Trump, and "I can't recall" simply protected his job as AG with the premature firing at the expense of McCabe and his family

There is no doubt Trump hoped to punish McCabe and his family, if he is going to lose some of his earned retirement as has been claimed. No one can defend Trump, if you don't kiss his ass, he becomes vindictive and his behavior is wicked, callous, childish and indefensible.

I suspect you'll be proven wrong when the IG report is actually released.

Sessions had to act on Friday in order to prevent McCabe from defrauding taxpayers by retiring with full benefits. McCabe failed in his duties, and deserved to be fired.

Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

What was the "more serious charge," douchebag?

Charges. Plural.

Does that idiot Bripat not understand that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller's investigation? I guess not. What a fucking Repug dolt he is.
Maybe it was written on a(n) FBI yellow legal pad, or maybe you have been fooled to believe Comey was fired for conspiring with Martians. The fact is anyone and everyone who argues that Mueller's investigation be ended because it is a witch hunt are easily led by Trump&Co. and can be fooled over and over without any evidence to support
Deflection ^^^

"Lock her Up" has been yelled by people too, and yet no evidence no matter how often this claim has been made has resulted in a criminal complaint being filed.

Do you know why? Because to file an allegation of a crime, one must sign the form under penalty of perjury, and name the place, date and violation the alleged crime was committed.

WTF are you even talking about?
Ex-FBI deputy head McCabe fired 2 days before retiring, over Clinton email probe

You're a hack, your post is not credible, factual or provable. Your evidence (quoted below with my highlights) is not sufficient for an honest person to file a criminal complaint, and is laughable:

AP) — US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday night that he
WASHINGTON (was firing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a longtime and frequent target of President Donald Trump’s anger, just two days before his scheduled retirement date.

"The move, which had been expected, was made on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials and comes ahead of an inspector general report expected to conclude that McCabe was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation."

Reading between the lines, and acknowledging my bias, I suspect Sessions job was threatened by Trump, and "I can't recall" simply protected his job as AG with the premature firing at the expense of McCabe and his family

There is no doubt Trump hoped to punish McCabe and his family, if he is going to lose some of his earned retirement as has been claimed. No one can defend Trump, if you don't kiss his ass, he becomes vindictive and his behavior is wicked, callous, childish and indefensible.

I suspect you'll be proven wrong when the IG report is actually released.

Sessions had to act on Friday in order to prevent McCabe from defrauding taxpayers by retiring with full benefits. McCabe failed in his duties, and deserved to be fired.

Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

What was the "more serious charge," douchebag?

Charges. Plural.

Does that idiot Bripat not understand that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller's investigation? I guess not. What a fucking Repug dolt he is.
Flynn stopped cooperating the day the judge put the kibosh to sentencing and the original judge was forcibly recused. Now Flynn and his attorneys are filing a petition for relief due to prosecutorial misconduct and withholding of escopitory evidence in violation of the law which will end in his plea being quashed and their case dismissed with prejudice.

Once that happens Mueller and his clan will be sued for violations of Constitutional Protections... And charged with appropriate crimes to boot..
"They thought all of it would just sink to the bottom of the swamp, lost to history forever. Then an odd little thing happened. The coronation of Hillary Clinton was canceled..."
Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

Keep holding your breath.

Flynn pled to a lesser in exchange for his cooperation. That means there are other, more serious charges that could have and still can be brought against him. This will not be over turned.

What was the "more serious charge," douchebag?

Charges. Plural.

Does that idiot Bripat not understand that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller's investigation? I guess not. What a fucking Repug dolt he is.
Flynn stopped cooperating the day the judge put the kibosh to sentencing and the original judge was forcibly recused. Now Flynn and his attorneys are filing a petition for relief due to prosecutorial misconduct and withholding of escopitory evidence in violation of the law which will end in his plea being quashed and their case dismissed with prejudice.

There is that, as well as all of the fuctardery by Muller and his hit squad. He fumbled again. Still, I just can’t get enough of McCabe stomping along crying. Bet his wife dumps him to. That would be awesom.

You're a hack, your post is not credible, factual or provable. Your evidence (quoted below with my highlights) is not sufficient for an honest person to file a criminal complaint, and is laughable:

AP) — US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday night that he
WASHINGTON (was firing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a longtime and frequent target of President Donald Trump’s anger, just two days before his scheduled retirement date.

"The move, which had been expected, was made on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials and comes ahead of an inspector general report expected to conclude that McCabe was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation."

Reading between the lines, and acknowledging my bias, I suspect Sessions job was threatened by Trump, and "I can't recall" simply protected his job as AG with the premature firing at the expense of McCabe and his family

There is no doubt Trump hoped to punish McCabe and his family, if he is going to lose some of his earned retirement as has been claimed. No one can defend Trump, if you don't kiss his ass, he becomes vindictive and his behavior is wicked, callous, childish and indefensible.

I suspect you'll be proven wrong when the IG report is actually released.

Sessions had to act on Friday in order to prevent McCabe from defrauding taxpayers by retiring with full benefits. McCabe failed in his duties, and deserved to be fired.

Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.
Congressman Tim Walz offers a federal job to Crooked McCabe:

"This reckless attitude towards Americans’ lives and careers is exactly why this man should not be President. Mr. McCabe, if you need a federal job for a few days, give me a call. We value servant leadership around here."

You can't explain how McCabe is crooked and you don't care, either. You're just a non-thinking, unsophisticated Repug retard conditioned to respond to every "outrage" created by Faux News and Donald Trump.

Guno, you're stupid as a brick.

And according to a 'Wall Street Journal' report from earlier this year, McCabe waited an entire month to inform Congress, remember those thousands of Huma Abedin emails that were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop? Why would he wait?

Then, of course, there was the text message from the Trump-hating FBI lovers Peter Stark and Lisa Page, remember, they mentioned talking to Andy? We think that's Andrew McCabe about that insurance policy, God forbid if Donald Trump won the election.

And by the way, you have McCabe's wife Jill, she took over $700,000 of political contributions from Hillary Clinton's ally Terry McAuliffe and another Democratic group for a failed Virginia State Senate run, an obscene amount of money. So, when it comes to firing Andrew McCabe, the Attorney General Jeff Sessions should not be contemplating a decision here, because the answer is obvious and the facts are staring Sessions right in the face.

McCabe is corrupt and he's as crooked as they come. He's one of those deep state actors that we've been telling you about and he needs to be held accountable. And firing McCabe, by the way, should only be a start. We know for a fact James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, other top officials put the fix in and they ignored overwhelming, incontrovertible evidence that Hillary Clinton in fact committed multiple felonies.}

Hannity: McCabe is as corrupt and crooked as they come
You're a hack, your post is not credible, factual or provable. Your evidence (quoted below with my highlights) is not sufficient for an honest person to file a criminal complaint, and is laughable:

AP) — US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday night that he
WASHINGTON (was firing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a longtime and frequent target of President Donald Trump’s anger, just two days before his scheduled retirement date.

"The move, which had been expected, was made on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials and comes ahead of an inspector general report expected to conclude that McCabe was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation."

Reading between the lines, and acknowledging my bias, I suspect Sessions job was threatened by Trump, and "I can't recall" simply protected his job as AG with the premature firing at the expense of McCabe and his family

There is no doubt Trump hoped to punish McCabe and his family, if he is going to lose some of his earned retirement as has been claimed. No one can defend Trump, if you don't kiss his ass, he becomes vindictive and his behavior is wicked, callous, childish and indefensible.

I suspect you'll be proven wrong when the IG report is actually released.

Sessions had to act on Friday in order to prevent McCabe from defrauding taxpayers by retiring with full benefits. McCabe failed in his duties, and deserved to be fired.

Exactly how did McCabe fail in his duties? It's not clear to me at all. And taking away McCabe's pension under such ambiguous circumstances is cruel. It may feed the salivating Repug loons, but it's still cruel. He has been a faithful, hard-working public servant for over 20 years and deserves every penny of his retirement pension.

It seems to me that this "investigation" of McCabe was launched by Jeff Sessions, in order to please Trump. Sessions is terrified of being fired, especially after what Trump did to him last year.

What makes you think they are ambiguous? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. It is so remarkably difficult to do to mccabe what they just did, that there is a mountain of evidence against him, and he is looking at a criminal indictment as well. My suggestion to you is to wait and see what sort of evidence the IG has against him.

I know that it is bad. How do I know this? Because it is nearly impossible to fire a high level bureaucrat like mccabe. The only way they could do it is if they have 100% iron clad evidence. And based on that it is criminal in nature, and the first step on the long road to prison is an official firing. That has now been done. mccabe is screwed. The only question is how many does he take down with him.

It's nearly impossible to fire a high level beauracrat??? How many have been fired in the Trump Administration so far??????

You don't know what you are talking about. Explain to me why McCabe was fired, since you have such an outstanding grasp of the situation.

Political appointee's are different, or didn't you know that? Government bureaucrats are far, far different. The only way they can be fired is for truly egregious actions. Even low level ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. There were a few Secret Service agents who were caught having sex with under age prostitutes. They couldn't be fired because it was legal in the country they were in so technically they hadn't committed a crime when in our country they were guilty as sin.

You're right...a President or Attorney General with a vendetta against a non-elected public servant can't get that person fired on ginned-up charges. Of course.

How stupid and naïve are you?
No, not really. Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball. If there were more he would have brought it. Muller is pooching this just like every other investigation he has run.

Muller said he would go after his boy if he diddnt play ball.

Even if that were true, so what? That only means that there was a case to be made against him as well.

Why bring any more charges than are necessary to gain Flynn's cooperation? Any additional charges are held over his head to ensure continuing cooperation. Charges that could still be brought even after a pardon, btw.

Mewler-Torquemada threatened Flynn's family.

That is a no-no in civilized countries. Torquemada's KGB no doubt thrill you, but in a free society such things can not be allowed.

What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

"Flipping witnesses" isn't the prosecutor's job. Getting the truth is his job. Justice is his job.

Next you will tell us torture is OK if it "flips a witness."

A prosecutor can't get to the truth without cooperating witnesses, dope.

Ah, so no "prosecutor" can possibly rely on facts and evidence? Only torture and extortion are valuable tools?

This punk Torquemada is more of drug cartel shock collar than a legitimate officer of the court.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
You’re hilarious be sure to get back with us then
The fbi said he didn’t lie
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

Lol, not going to go the way you think. Convictions are tossed all the time. Flynn won’t see a day in jail and Muller will back off here fast now that his buddy McCabe is about to get what Flynn got.

The list of those who will soon be wearing orange coveralls:

Lisa Page
Bruce Ohr
Nellie Ohr

The orange in danger is the idiot you and putin elected....
Sure, dope. That's why he pled guilty.


He's already convicted and awaiting sentencing.

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?

Could it be that coerced "confessions" using Mafia tactics like those of Grand inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada are illegal?

Hmmmm, Comrade?

What happened to that sentencing, Comrade? A federal judge has postponed it indefinitely, why?
It was postponed for ninety days because he had not met his obligations under his plea arrangement. IOW, he still has work to do for Mueller. He won't be sentenced until he has provided testimony in any cases made during the investigation where his testimony is required. He's a witness now.
You're making shit up now, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

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