Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

I don't know if he is guilty of anything, never claimed he was. As I told you earlier, he was fired based on a recommendation of the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The rest of your post is mindless speculation/wishful thinking.

Did you even read what he is accused of? I doubt it. It wasn't even McCabe who released the information to reporters, but a couple of people he was supervising. He can't be allowed to quietly retire in two days instead? Really? And the person performing the investigation works in the Justice Dept for Jeff Sessions. It's not far-fetched that Sessions told him to take down McCabe, on Trump's orders.

It's ironic that you agree with the FBI in this particularly case, but conveniently disagree with everything else they've done regarding Trump.

And I guess it's OK for Trump to reveal sensitive information to the Russian Foreign Minister regarding Israeli intelligence collection about ISIS. In the fucking Oval Office. Got it.

You're a shameless Repug partisan hack.

1st off, all I did was point out the reason he was fired. Secondly, my problem is that it has been unequivocally stated that he Russians in no way affected the election. 3rdly, it has also been pointed that no American colluded with Russia to influence the election; and that was the purpose of the FBI probe.

What is going on now is a witchhunt and an attempt to overthrow a duly elected POTUS.

Fine, you reported the reason McCabe was fired. You don't understand why he was fired, and I explained it to you and I pointed out to you it's a total bullshit witch hunt against McCabe. So what else you got? That's right, NOTHING. Lightweight.

There's a witch hunt underway, but McCabe was one of the instigators, not a victim.

In your very biased and unsupported opinion.

Right backathchya, hack.
Did you even read what he is accused of? I doubt it. It wasn't even McCabe who released the information to reporters, but a couple of people he was supervising. He can't be allowed to quietly retire in two days instead? Really? And the person performing the investigation works in the Justice Dept for Jeff Sessions. It's not far-fetched that Sessions told him to take down McCabe, on Trump's orders.

It's ironic that you agree with the FBI in this particularly case, but conveniently disagree with everything else they've done regarding Trump.

And I guess it's OK for Trump to reveal sensitive information to the Russian Foreign Minister regarding Israeli intelligence collection about ISIS. In the fucking Oval Office. Got it.

You're a shameless Repug partisan hack.

1st off, all I did was point out the reason he was fired. Secondly, my problem is that it has been unequivocally stated that he Russians in no way affected the election. 3rdly, it has also been pointed that no American colluded with Russia to influence the election; and that was the purpose of the FBI probe.

What is going on now is a witchhunt and an attempt to overthrow a duly elected POTUS.

It hasn't been unequivocally stated AT ALL that Russia had no effect on the outcome of the 2016 election. How could anyone say that with any certainty? This is just wishful thinking on your part because you're a partisan fucking idiot. And Mueller's investigation is not over, so your third point is also bullshit.

Oh, well that settles it.

Yes, we can actually agree on something - you're a not-very-bright-Repug who is full of shit.

I'm actually very bright and again there is no Party called Repug here in LA, I am a registered Independent.

No you're not. You don't even understand who was investigating McCabe and what their motivation was. Because you didn't read your own article. Or because you have poor reading comprehension skills and did not understand the investigator works for Jeff Sessions.
Why do you Progs always insist on turning politicians into God figures?

Your God - not mine. The sycophancy is palpable ;-)

Hardly. I have never in my life thought of any politician as a God.

You Progs, on the third hand, regularly engaged in such nonsense.


Why do you Progs always insist on turning politicians into God figures?

Your God - not mine. The sycophancy is palpable ;-)

Hardly. I have never in my life thought of any politician as a God.

You Progs, on the third hand, regularly engaged in such nonsense.



Reading comprehension challenged much?

The poster thanks Jesus for Trump. It doesn't claim Trump is a GOD.
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How many crocodile tears did you shed over Flynn's plight? Oh yeah . . . . none.

Fuck Flynn! He plead guilty. He is a lying Putin lover and Trump sycophant. And now he sings to Mueller like a stool pigeon. Flynn is a gutless traitor!

I guess you missed the part where strzok and co. stipulated that Flynn DIDN'T lie to anyone. Flynns plea is going to be voided and mueller is going to be sued for Violation of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority, if he is not likewise criminally charged, because if he KNEW that Flynn was innocent, and extorted him anyway, THAT IS A CRIME. Mueller needs to hang for that if it is true.
Spot on!

Its going to be interesting as this all plays out...
Why do you Progs always insist on turning politicians into God figures?

Your God - not mine. The sycophancy is palpable ;-)

Hardly. I have never in my life thought of any politician as a God.

You Progs, on the third hand, regularly engaged in such nonsense.



great photo, taken before Trump&Co. were late in posting a minority or two in the crowd (maybe he was in Norway?).
The left tards are in full meltdown mode... The Firing of McCabe has shattered the narrative... Mueller is now concerned he will be charged with his staff of Civil liberties crimes (constitutional violations). This is going to be epic...
Why do you Progs always insist on turning politicians into God figures?

Your God - not mine. The sycophancy is palpable ;-)

Hardly. I have never in my life thought of any politician as a God.

You Progs, on the third hand, regularly engaged in such nonsense.



great photo, taken before Trump&Co. were late in posting a minority or two in the crowd (maybe he was in Norway?).

Yeah - it was prior to his finding Michael the Black Man, Diamond and Silk!

The left tards are in full meltdown mode... The Firing of McCabe has shattered the narrative... Mueller is now concerned he will be charged with his staff of Civil liberties crimes (constitutional violations). This is going to be epic...

Yes. An epic fail for Trump.
When he was araigned in front of a federal judge and entered a guilty plea, dope.
If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
Mueller is going to drop the charges against Flynn now that a federal court judge has demanded Mueller turn over EVERY bit of so-called evidence against Flynn to Flynn's attorneys.
I 100% guarantee Flynn will end up settling out of court with the FBI/DOJ/Mueller's witch hunters.
Then Flynn can buy his own tropical island and watch a couple of dozen seditious corrupt traitors being frog-marched to federal prison.

Charges aren't dropped after a conviction, dope.
They are overturned or quashed... And Flynn's plea will be quashed. Wiped away as if it never happened..
if it does disappear, then all the other charges against Flynn (and his son) for acting as paid agents of a foreign power while employed by our gvt will come back and bite him, and bite his son as well, which has more grave consequences than his plea deal charge of lying to investigators....
The left tards are in full meltdown mode... The Firing of McCabe has shattered the narrative... Mueller is now concerned he will be charged with his staff of Civil liberties crimes (constitutional violations). This is going to be epic...

Mueller is going to jail now? WoW - some of you Trumpkins are starting to remind me of Erdogan, Putin, Duterte and well .. Drumpf himself!

Jail all your political enemies - USMB Progs too! :)
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If McCabe or Struck even breathed on any papers relating to General Flynn not even a fucking night court judge will hear the case.

It's done. Flynn is convicted, dope. The only judge flynn will see is when he's sentenced.
Mueller is going to drop the charges against Flynn now that a federal court judge has demanded Mueller turn over EVERY bit of so-called evidence against Flynn to Flynn's attorneys.
I 100% guarantee Flynn will end up settling out of court with the FBI/DOJ/Mueller's witch hunters.
Then Flynn can buy his own tropical island and watch a couple of dozen seditious corrupt traitors being frog-marched to federal prison.

Charges aren't dropped after a conviction, dope.
They are overturned or quashed... And Flynn's plea will be quashed. Wiped away as if it never happened..
if it does disappear, then all the other charges against Flynn (and his son) for acting as paid agents of a foreign power while employed by our gvt will come back and bite him, and bite his son as well, which has more grave consequences than his plea deal charge of lying to investigators....

It's sadly hilarious to watch NaziCons trying to whitewash lying traitor Flynn into some poor victim of evil Mueller.
Former FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe wrote memos detailing his interactions with President Donald Trump, as well as on some interactions between the president and former FBI Director James Comey, a person with knowledge of the matter told HuffPost.

He has also turned hard copies of the memos over to special counsel Robert Mueller, the source said. The number of memos and their contents are not yet known.


Go Mueller!

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