Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

McCabe has private memos.
Wonder how much they’re worth?

Written on a FBI yellow legal pad...

Maybe it was written on a(n) FBI yellow legal pad, or maybe you have been fooled to believe Comey was fired for conspiring with Martians. The fact is anyone and everyone who argues that Mueller's investigation be ended because it is a witch hunt are easily led by Trump&Co. and can be fooled over and over without any evidence to support
This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

So what. If he broke the law, and with his firing it is pretty damned obvious that he did, he's a criminal and should face the consequences of his actions. I never once heard you make the same statement about Flynn. Not once. You progressives are all hypocritical morons.

What law did he break? This is a witch hunt because he stood up for Jamey Comey after Trump fired him. Nothing more.

Flynn absolutely lied to the FBI. You know what the difference is between Flynn and McCabe? Flynn PLEADED GUILTY, you fucking ass hat.

His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.


It's been linked several times in this thread alone.

Deflection ^^^

"Lock her Up" has been yelled by people too, and yet no evidence no matter how often this claim has been made has resulted in a criminal complaint being filed.

Do you know why? Because to file an allegation of a crime, one must sign the form under penalty of perjury, and name the place, date and violation the alleged crime was committed.
His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.

Nonsense - Trump has been turning the screws on Keebler Elf and what Dear Donald believes is "his" DOJ for months.

Little Jiffy is an idiot for kowtowing - he'll be next and then the real fun will begin!

No, he'll be going to prison for a very long time if he doesn't role on the real culprits. mcabe is in deep, deep trouble.

Any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now......................:71:

Hillary will be going to prison soon too! Hilarious aren't they? u get off thinking of her? u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as he reigns destruction on our country.
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McCabe has private memos.
Wonder how much they’re worth?

Written on a FBI yellow legal pad...

Maybe it was written on a(n) FBI yellow legal pad, or maybe you have been fooled to believe Comey was fired for conspiring with Martians. The fact is anyone and everyone who argues that Mueller's investigation be ended because it is a witch hunt are easily led by Trump&Co. and can be fooled over and over without any evidence to support
So what. If he broke the law, and with his firing it is pretty damned obvious that he did, he's a criminal and should face the consequences of his actions. I never once heard you make the same statement about Flynn. Not once. You progressives are all hypocritical morons.

What law did he break? This is a witch hunt because he stood up for Jamey Comey after Trump fired him. Nothing more.

Flynn absolutely lied to the FBI. You know what the difference is between Flynn and McCabe? Flynn PLEADED GUILTY, you fucking ass hat.

His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.


It's been linked several times in this thread alone.

Deflection ^^^

"Lock her Up" has been yelled by people too, and yet no evidence no matter how often this claim has been made has resulted in a criminal complaint being filed.

Do you know why? Because to file an allegation of a crime, one must sign the form under penalty of perjury, and name the place, date and violation the alleged crime was committed.

WTF are you even talking about?
Ex-FBI deputy head McCabe fired 2 days before retiring, over Clinton email probe
No, he'll be going to prison for a very long time if he doesn't role on the real culprits. mcabe is in deep, deep trouble.

Any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now......................:71:

Hillary will be going to prison soon too! Hilarious aren't they? u get off thinking of her? u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as reigns destruction on our country.

Wow, and how do you come possessing all these facts?
Any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now......................:71:

Hillary will be going to prison soon too! Hilarious aren't they? u get off thinking of her? u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as reigns destruction on our country.

Wow, and how do you come possessing all these facts?

How did you determine McCabe was guilty of any criminal activity? That's right, it's nothing but your worthless Repug opinion.

Trump is mentally ill, he shows all the signs. Russia has something bad on Trump, which is why he never says anything critical about Russia or Putin. The truth will eventually come out with Mueller's investigation. Be patient, child.
Hillary will be going to prison soon too! Hilarious aren't they? u get off thinking of her? u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as reigns destruction on our country.

Wow, and how do you come possessing all these facts?

How did you determine McCabe was guilty of any criminal activity? That's right, it's nothing but your worthless Repug opinion.

Trump is mentally ill, he shows all the signs. Russia has something bad on Trump, which is why he never says anything critical about Russia or Putin. The truth will eventually come out with Mueller's investigation. Be patient, child.

I don't know if he is guilty of anything, never claimed he was. As I told you earlier, he was fired based on a recommendation of the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The rest of your post is mindless speculation/wishful thinking. u get off thinking of her? u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as reigns destruction on our country.

Wow, and how do you come possessing all these facts?

How did you determine McCabe was guilty of any criminal activity? That's right, it's nothing but your worthless Repug opinion.

Trump is mentally ill, he shows all the signs. Russia has something bad on Trump, which is why he never says anything critical about Russia or Putin. The truth will eventually come out with Mueller's investigation. Be patient, child.

I don't know if he is guilty of anything, never claimed he was. As I told you earlier, he was fired based on a recommendation of the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The rest of your post is mindless speculation/wishful thinking.

Did you even read what he is accused of? I doubt it. It wasn't even McCabe who released the information to reporters, but a couple of people he was supervising. He can't be allowed to quietly retire in two days instead? Really? And the person performing the investigation works in the Justice Dept for Jeff Sessions. It's not far-fetched that Sessions told him to take down McCabe, on Trump's orders.

It's ironic that you agree with the FBI in this particularly case, but conveniently disagree with everything else they've done regarding Trump.

And I guess it's OK for Trump to reveal sensitive information to the Russian Foreign Minister regarding Israeli intelligence collection about ISIS. In the fucking Oval Office. Got it.

You're a shameless Repug partisan hack. u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as reigns destruction on our country.

Wow, and how do you come possessing all these facts?

How did you determine McCabe was guilty of any criminal activity? That's right, it's nothing but your worthless Repug opinion.

Trump is mentally ill, he shows all the signs. Russia has something bad on Trump, which is why he never says anything critical about Russia or Putin. The truth will eventually come out with Mueller's investigation. Be patient, child.

I don't know if he is guilty of anything, never claimed he was. As I told you earlier, he was fired based on a recommendation of the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The rest of your post is mindless speculation/wishful thinking.

Did you even read what he is accused of? I doubt it. It wasn't even McCabe who released the information to reporters, but a couple of people he was supervising. He can't be allowed to quietly retire in two days instead? Really? And the person performing the investigation works in the Justice Dept for Jeff Sessions. It's not far-fetched that Sessions told him to take down McCabe, on Trump's orders.

It's ironic that you agree with the FBI in this particularly case, but conveniently disagree with everything else they've done regarding Trump.

And I guess it's OK for Trump to reveal sensitive information to the Russian Foreign Minister regarding Israeli intelligence collection about ISIS. In the fucking Oval Office. Got it.

You're a shameless Repug partisan hack.

1st off, all I did was point out the reason he was fired. Secondly, my problem is that it has been unequivocally stated that he Russians in no way affected the election. 3rdly, it has also been pointed that no American colluded with Russia to influence the election; and that was the purpose of the FBI probe.

What is going on now is a witchhunt and an attempt to overthrow a duly elected POTUS. u get off thinking of him?

Well, he is President and a corrupt and mentally ill traitor being blackmailed by Russia, to boot. Hard not to think of him as reigns destruction on our country.

Wow, and how do you come possessing all these facts?

How did you determine McCabe was guilty of any criminal activity? That's right, it's nothing but your worthless Repug opinion.

Trump is mentally ill, he shows all the signs. Russia has something bad on Trump, which is why he never says anything critical about Russia or Putin. The truth will eventually come out with Mueller's investigation. Be patient, child.

I don't know if he is guilty of anything, never claimed he was. As I told you earlier, he was fired based on a recommendation of the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The rest of your post is mindless speculation/wishful thinking.

Did you even read what he is accused of? I doubt it. It wasn't even McCabe who released the information to reporters, but a couple of people he was supervising. He can't be allowed to quietly retire in two days instead? Really? And the person performing the investigation works in the Justice Dept for Jeff Sessions. It's not far-fetched that Sessions told him to take down McCabe, on Trump's orders.

It's ironic that you agree with the FBI in this particularly case, but conveniently disagree with everything else they've done regarding Trump.

And I guess it's OK for Trump to reveal sensitive information to the Russian Foreign Minister regarding Israeli intelligence collection about ISIS. In the fucking Oval Office. Got it.

You're a shameless Repug partisan hack.

Oh, and BTW, I am a registered independent... there is no such party as Repug here in LA.

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