Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

If it turns out that trump is behind this, he needs to be impeached...This sounds like a typical trumpian vengeful trick. When the final report comes out, we will see if Sessions is trying to save his job or if this was legitimate....

I mean, what does the liar Sessions know about candor....anyway? He would be on trial if he wasn't being protected by the complicit GOP.

Look wack-job, officials at the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended the firing.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

So what. If he broke the law, and with his firing it is pretty damned obvious that he did, he's a criminal and should face the consequences of his actions. I never once heard you make the same statement about Flynn. Not once. You progressives are all hypocritical morons.

What law did he break? This is a witch hunt because he stood up for Jamey Comey after Trump fired him. Nothing more.

Flynn absolutely lied to the FBI. You know what the difference is between Flynn and McCabe? Flynn PLEADED GUILTY, you fucking ass hat.

His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

If it turns out that trump is behind this, he needs to be impeached...This sounds like a typical trumpian vengeful trick. When the final report comes out, we will see if Sessions is trying to save his job or if this was legitimate....

I mean, what does the liar Sessions know about candor....anyway? He would be on trial if he wasn't being protected by the complicit GOP.

Look wack-job, officials at the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended the firing.
Sessions knows all about lying.
That’s why he had to recuse himself.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

If it turns out that trump is behind this, he needs to be impeached...This sounds like a typical trumpian vengeful trick. When the final report comes out, we will see if Sessions is trying to save his job or if this was legitimate....

I mean, what does the liar Sessions know about candor....anyway? He would be on trial if he wasn't being protected by the complicit GOP.

Yep, Trump should have been impeached a long time ago, going back to when he fired Comey.

Trump will eventually get his comeuppance. It won't be from the worthless Repugs in Congress however, particularly Repug "leaders" like Ryan and McConnell. They have disgraced themselves and their party by their complicity regarding Trump's treasonous acts.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

So what. If he broke the law, and with his firing it is pretty damned obvious that he did, he's a criminal and should face the consequences of his actions. I never once heard you make the same statement about Flynn. Not once. You progressives are all hypocritical morons.

What law did he break? This is a witch hunt because he stood up for Jamey Comey after Trump fired him. Nothing more.

Flynn absolutely lied to the FBI. You know what the difference is between Flynn and McCabe? Flynn PLEADED GUILTY, you fucking ass hat.

His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.

Here ya go Deanie Weenie.

Ex-FBI deputy head McCabe fired 2 days before retiring, over Clinton email probe

And before you start screeching about it being a Times of Israel story, note it is actually an AP article.
This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

So what. If he broke the law, and with his firing it is pretty damned obvious that he did, he's a criminal and should face the consequences of his actions. I never once heard you make the same statement about Flynn. Not once. You progressives are all hypocritical morons.

What law did he break? This is a witch hunt because he stood up for Jamey Comey after Trump fired him. Nothing more.

Flynn absolutely lied to the FBI. You know what the difference is between Flynn and McCabe? Flynn PLEADED GUILTY, you fucking ass hat.

His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.

Here ya go Deanie Weenie.

Ex-FBI deputy head McCabe fired 2 days before retiring, over Clinton email probe

And before you start screeching about it being a Times of Israel story, note it is actually an AP article.
So he was too mean to Mrs. Clinton? Too aggressive in his investigation of the Clinton Foundation?
Oooooo kaaaaay
Makes sense to me.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

If it turns out that trump is behind this, he needs to be impeached...This sounds like a typical trumpian vengeful trick. When the final report comes out, we will see if Sessions is trying to save his job or if this was legitimate....

I mean, what does the liar Sessions know about candor....anyway? He would be on trial if he wasn't being protected by the complicit GOP.

Look wack-job, officials at the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended the firing.
Name the officials, now! Or always be remembered as A lying hack.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

If it turns out that trump is behind this, he needs to be impeached...This sounds like a typical trumpian vengeful trick. When the final report comes out, we will see if Sessions is trying to save his job or if this was legitimate....

I mean, what does the liar Sessions know about candor....anyway? He would be on trial if he wasn't being protected by the complicit GOP.

Look wack-job, officials at the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended the firing.

Sessions knows all about lying.
That’s why he had to recuse himself.

Jeff "I don't recall" Sessions LIED??? OMG, how is that even possible, the man simply forgot, he's has much on his mind and can't be judged as dishonest!!!

So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

This is disgraceful. McCabe has given over 20 years of faithful service to the FBI. If it wasn't for the fact that we currently have a madman traitor like Trump in the White House, none of the idiot Repug goobers on this board would even know who McCabe is.

It is extremely cruel to do this to someone when they are mere hours from earning a well-deserved retirement pension, and Trump will eventually pay for this.

So what. If he broke the law, and with his firing it is pretty damned obvious that he did, he's a criminal and should face the consequences of his actions. I never once heard you make the same statement about Flynn. Not once. You progressives are all hypocritical morons.

What law did he break? This is a witch hunt because he stood up for Jamey Comey after Trump fired him. Nothing more.

Flynn absolutely lied to the FBI. You know what the difference is between Flynn and McCabe? Flynn PLEADED GUILTY, you fucking ass hat.

His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility some time back.... get over it.

It's been linked several times in this thread alone.
Maybe the same Moon Bat idiots that bought Crooked Hillary's stupid book will buy his book.

You're an NRA member who probably believes they represent you and not manufacturers -

So don't talk to us about suckers who buy "stupid books" ;)
I admit to getting a half chubby at the thought of her falling down the stairs.
She's like a slinky but more fun to watch.
Can’t help it but smile every time I see McCabe stomping along with the pouty look on his face. Gets even better when Trump rubs salt into the wound.
No, he'll be going to prison for a very long time if he doesn't role on the real culprits. mcabe is in deep, deep trouble.

Any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now......................:71:

Hillary will be going to prison soon too! Hilarious aren't they? u get off thinking of her? u get off thinking of him?

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