Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Bernie Sanders will be next , hahaha lets not forget the pos bought a new beach home not long ago......

View attachment 183092

Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

who cares about stoopid Sanders

I want Clinton I want Comey I want Holder in jail

...and then some!:04:

LOL yeah, but that stupid sob needs to go to , as he is another one who ripped people off and bought that home and then some, and now the cowardly bastard are brainwashing the stupid as KIDS into this gun grab movement..... as he has armed guards surrounding him and they're to flippen stupid to even realize that.
This reminds me of when saddam rounded up all his rivals and had them executed
But you don't have a problem with the obvious fucking witch hunt being carried out by the Democrats, do you?
It’s not a witch hunt. Lots of indictments

Did you mind ken Starr?
You're desperate. Starr had plenty of evidence against Clinton. Mueller has zero evidence against Trump. Try again, loser.
And yet all he got him for was a bj?
Wrong. He got him for perjury.

And evidence tampering. And obstruction
Bernie Sanders will be next , hahaha lets not forget the pos bought a new beach home not long ago......

View attachment 183092

Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

who cares about stoopid Sanders

I want Clinton I want Comey I want Holder in jail

...and then some!:04:
You want to put innocent people in jail because they are political opponents???????

You've got to be from Siberia. Acting like you were raised by wolves isn't allowed in this country. Oh, you may get away with it for a while, but the American people are waking up.

No one mentioned innocent people
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

President Donald J. Trump is putting the ROD to you liberals

way harder than he did to stormy...........

Bernie Sanders will be next , hahaha lets not forget the pos bought a new beach home not long ago......

View attachment 183092

Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

who cares about stoopid Sanders

I want Clinton I want Comey I want Holder in jail

...and then some!:04:
You want to put innocent people in jail because they are political opponents???????

You've got to be from Siberia. Acting like you were raised by wolves isn't allowed in this country. Oh, you may get away with it for a while, but the American people are waking up.

Wait a minute, wasn't that kinda the idea behind the fake dossier?
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

Wait, Trump didn't fire him. This was on the recommendation of the FBI themselves. He even lied to the FBI, his employer! Now the timing is poor if you ask me, if they were going to do it, they should have worked the wheels quicker, this is a bit of "unusual punishment" to do so at such a late juncture. Regardless, it was not Trumps call.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe fired

"Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement.

They don't want to admit that. It hurts their narrative
Bernie Sanders will be next , hahaha lets not forget the pos bought a new beach home not long ago......

View attachment 183092

Julian Assange ⌛ on Twitter

who cares about stoopid Sanders

I want Clinton I want Comey I want Holder in jail

...and then some!:04:
You want to put innocent people in jail because they are political opponents???????

You've got to be from Siberia. Acting like you were raised by wolves isn't allowed in this country. Oh, you may get away with it for a while, but the American people are waking up.

And cheering because Token Negro’s team of elites are getting rolled up. I expect more awesom youtube vids of libtards melting down.

Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

Try again, bullshit artist.

The Inspector General nailed this piece of shit, and he nailed him good.

When his entire report comes out...expect criminal charges against
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

This guy who was found by his colleagues in the inspector generals office to have committed perjury and other crimes.

How did trump get his colleagues to do that?
You don't know that. We won't know what happened until it's investigated, not alleged.
Of course if you are going to screw someone out of their pension two days before they retire you have to have some kind of claim. Will it hold up? Probably not. Remember, this is a president who told us he lied to Canada's leader. The guy is a liar. And look at the people who work for him. Needing to get their paperwork rewritten again and again. So many lies.

McCabe lied to the FISA court according to the Office of Professional Standards/Responsibility report regarding the Trump FISA warrant application.

Well..... There it is and he cant run from it... Potential MOAB to the whole Trump Russia collusion narrative.. And this investigation was started by the DEMOCRATS.... talk about unintended consequences.. BOOMERANG..

Just Wow... McCabe is in deep shit... There is no way in hell he escapes without criminal prosecution.
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Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

President Donald J. Trump is putting the ROD to you liberals

way harder than he did to stormy...........


Na, not just putting the rod to them, but also a full on dirty sanchez just like he did Comey. It’s awesom.

McCabe lied to the FISA court according to the Office of Professional Standards report regarding the Trump FISA warrant application.

Well..... There it is and he cant run from it... Potential MOAB to the whole Trump Russia collusion narrative.. And this investigation was started by the DEMOCRATS.... talk about unintended consequences.. BOOMERANG..

Just Wow... McCabe is in deep shit... There is no way in hell he escapes without criminal prosecution.

Hopefully financial ruin to. His wife dumping him would be just capital.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
This will only help Stormy Daniels.

Everyone will know that a Dick is a billionaire who fires a man who worked at the FBI for decades two days before he would retire. During the years McCabe worked for the country, Cadet Bone Spurs was tricking people into working and then refusing to pay them, tricking people into giving money to a criminal organization called the Trump Foundation (still under criminal investigation) and having unprotected sex with a porn star around the time his pregnant wife was giving birth.
You would think after Trump University, Right Wingers would have figured out a few things. Many of the victims "schooled" there are/were Republicans.

Now, when Stormy says that Trump tried to do her harm, Trump can't possibly say it's not true. Look at what he did to this guy.

This guy who was found by his colleagues in the inspector generals office to have committed perjury and other crimes.

How did trump get his colleagues to do that?
You don't know that. We won't know what happened until it's investigated, not alleged.
Of course if you are going to screw someone out of their pension two days before they retire you have to have some kind of claim. Will it hold up? Probably not. Remember, this is a president who told us he lied to Canada's leader. The guy is a liar. And look at the people who work for him. Needing to get their paperwork rewritten again and again. So many lies.

It was investigated. By the inspector generals office.

They made their recommendations. Which Sessions just followed

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