BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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Non-US Citizens don't have the right to dictate US Immigration Policies. The Democrats are gonna regret fighting against American Citizens on this one. They've proven they don't care about Americans. They only care about opposing Donald Trump on everything. It's all about 'Party before Country' for them.
Trump doesn't have a mandate to pull off this shit!!!! He only received 26 percent of registered voters! Meanwhile, 74 percent of registered voters DIDN'T vote for TRUMP!!!!

He's putting Americans first. Protecting American Citizens has to be the #1 priority. I don't support allowing Thousands in from these known Terror-Haven nations. I'm 100% behind Trump on this.

The Leftist Traitor Maniacs will not succeed, they are wasting their time, they will not be allowed to continue their fanatical quest to destroy the American nation.

These people they are demanding are allowed into America, they come from some of the most dangerous, violent and unstable nations on this planet and only either full-on Traitors or the absolute insane would think that allowing unlimited amounts of these people into America OR ANY other Western nation is a good idea.
Your post are so funny!!! Have you ever considered becoming a comedian?

Yeah, and they're always fact-free.

You never have a fact...never
So, a week in, Trump has already precipitated a Constitutional crisis. He says he's not bound by court rulings if he doesn't want to be bound.

The Constitution disagrees.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Are you loyal to Trump, or loyal to the Constitution? You have to choose. It's one or the other.

Leaders who declare they're not bound by the rule of law are dictators. I don't suck the ass of dictators. Hence, I'm siding against Trump and his brigades of Nazi suckups, as all moral Americans are doing.

Trump Nazis? You didn't think this through. Populism only works if you have the population. How do you in the immoral minority hope to silence the moral majority? You can demand we shut up, but we'll just laugh, and then continue to point out your treason.
So, a week in, Trump has already precipitated a Constitutional crisis. He says he's not bound by court rulings if he doesn't want to be bound.

The Constitution disagrees.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Are you loyal to Trump, or loyal to the Constitution? You have to choose. It's one or the other.

Leaders who declare they're not bound by the rule of law are dictators. I don't suck the ass of dictators. Hence, I'm siding against Trump and his brigades of Nazi suckups, as all moral Americans are doing.

Trump Nazis? You didn't think this through. Populism only works if you have the population. How do you in the immoral minority hope to silence the moral majority? You can demand we shut up, but we'll just laugh, and then continue to point out your treason.

There is no 'Muslim Ban.' That's just Democrat Fake News. He's implementing limits on Immigration from certain chaotic dangerous nations. He's doing his job. He's looking out for Americans. So despite all the Democrat grandstanding, i think Trump has the overall support of the American People on this.
Judge Jeanine: Like it or not, laws are getting enforced. :clap::clap::clap:

Go President Trump!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!
Judge Jeanine: Like it or not, laws are getting enforced. :clap::clap::clap:

Go President Trump!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!

Yeah, let the Democrats grandstand. I truly believe most Americans support Trump on this. Unlike Democrats, he's putting Americans first. And most appreciate that.
So, a week in, Trump has already precipitated a Constitutional crisis. He says he's not bound by court rulings if he doesn't want to be bound.

The Constitution disagrees.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Are you loyal to Trump, or loyal to the Constitution? You have to choose. It's one or the other.

Leaders who declare they're not bound by the rule of law are dictators. I don't suck the ass of dictators. Hence, I'm siding against Trump and his brigades of Nazi suckups, as all moral Americans are doing.

Trump Nazis? You didn't think this through. Populism only works if you have the population. How do you in the immoral minority hope to silence the moral majority? You can demand we shut up, but we'll just laugh, and then continue to point out your treason.

Liberals hate the just stop.

Wow that whole post was horrible.....

And no we don't demand you shut up, keep looking like jackasses. We're ok with that.
Liberals hate the just stop.

Yet we're not the ones giddy with joy over President Trump showing open contempt for the Constitution.

You would be the ones doing that.

I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump and his followers are clearly domestic enemies of the Constitution.

Want to show you're not a domestic enemy of the Constitution? State here that Trump should obey the court orders on this issue.

You won't, of course. None of the Trump thugs will. You'd be kicked out of the cult if you stayed loyal to the Constitution.
Just one small step in a courtroom that may not have yet removed all the Hillary campaign posters. The case will work its way to the newly Americanized Supreme Court and the bullshit will come to a screeching halt.
So, a week in, Trump has already precipitated a Constitutional crisis. He says he's not bound by court rulings if he doesn't want to be bound.

The Constitution disagrees.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Are you loyal to Trump, or loyal to the Constitution? You have to choose. It's one or the other.

Leaders who declare they're not bound by the rule of law are dictators. I don't suck the ass of dictators. Hence, I'm siding against Trump and his brigades of Nazi suckups, as all moral Americans are doing.

Trump Nazis? You didn't think this through. Populism only works if you have the population. How do you in the immoral minority hope to silence the moral majority? You can demand we shut up, but we'll just laugh, and then continue to point out your treason.

Godwin's Law says: You Lose.
No one is allowed to be sent back. woohoo
It is clear that Trump is a bigoted xenophobic lunatic. Since he has emasculated the Republican Congress, the only way left to put any checks on him will be by the judiciary. Trump is a vulgar loudmouth who is running the United States like a bad movie. He has no concept of American values and his brazen admission that Christians are allowed to enter the country from some countries but not Muslims is testimony of his discrimination on grounds of religion. This must be illegal.

Christians vs muslims. I'll stick with the Christians. American values don't include allowing retrograde 7th century zealots to infest this country, since these muslims tolerate no other values or belief systems but their own.
It is both un-American and illegal to discriminate against people of a specific religion.
Godwin's Law says: You Lose.

Not what Godwin's law says, dumbass.

Plus, it's quite fine to call people Nazis when they really are freakin' Nazis. It's not fine for PC mewlers to pretend that Nazis aren't Nazis. We've got Nazi shitstains all over this board, and Trump has them all over his admin.
Godwin's Law says: You Lose.

Not what Godwin's law says, dumbass.

Plus, it's quite fine to call people Nazis when they really are freakin' Nazis. It's not fine for PC mewlers to pretend that Nazis aren't Nazis. We've got Nazi shitstains all over this board, and Trump has them all over his admin.

People disagreeing with you is not the definition of Nazi.

Just sayin'.
Godwin's Law says: You Lose.

Not what Godwin's law says, dumbass.

Plus, it's quite fine to call people Nazis when they really are freakin' Nazis. It's not fine for PC mewlers to pretend that Nazis aren't Nazis. We've got Nazi shitstains all over this board, and Trump has them all over his admin.
Are you still crying over there mammy? Oh sweetie...I already told you....those tears won't change anything. We the people have spoken. We reject the Nazi fascist ideology of your progressives. Take it somewhere else or have a seat and shut up. We are running the show now buttercup and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
People disagreeing with you is not the definition of Nazi.

Screaming about the zionist conspiracy and demanding the "jew media" get shut down is the definition of a Nazi.

That's your pals here, and Trump's pals. And you kiss their asses.

Just making it clear where we all stand. You and all the Trump thugs here proudly kiss the asses of Nazis, and we don't.

Now, if you'd like, I can go down the list of Nazis on this board, and ask you to renounce them. Would you like that? Probably not, as your cult commands you to suck the ass of every other Trump thug.
People disagreeing with you is not the definition of Nazi.

Screaming about the zionist conspiracy and demanding the "jew media" get shut down is the definition of a Nazi.

That's your pals here, and Trump's pals. And you kiss their asses.

Just making it clear where we all stand. You and all the Trump thugs here proudly kiss the asses of Nazis, and we don't.

I have never said any such thing, nor is that a common view of conservatives.

Obama is the one who treated Israel as an enemy. Trump's has children who are married to jews, one of whom is a media owner. He's not a bigot like you loons of the left are.
Screaming about the zionist conspiracy and demanding the "jew media" get shut down is the definition of a Nazi.
Wait...what? You support George Soros - who literally and actually worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's and called it "the greatest time in my life". You support Palestine. You support the obliteration of Israel.

You and your progressive pals are the ultimate anti-semites. boedicca is a typical conservative - she supports Israel. Project much, mammy?!?
Wait...what? You support George Soros - who literally and actually worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's and called it "the greatest time in my life".

A fine lie. And certainly telling, how your cult has you sputtering unhinged hatred at a Jew. Goebbels would be so proud of you.

You support Palestine. You support the obliteration of Israel.

Sorry about your castration. I mean, if you had balls, you could address what I actually say, instead of lying about me.

You and your progressive pals are the ultimate anti-semites. boedicca is a typical conservative - she supports Israel. Project much, mammy?!?

Look, it's simple.

You have your lips planted on the rectums of Nazis, and you're constantly telling us how delicious that Nazi assjelly is. If you'll stop sucking the asses of Nazis, we'll stop pointing it out. And no, we won't stop pointing it out just because you cry at us.

Tell you what. Here's just one of your Nazi pals on this board. Who, not coincidentally, sounds just like you, with his love of Trump and hatred of Soros.

Your mission? Start showing you're not a Nazi by condemning him. Then we'll move on to more of the open Nazis here -- all of them Trump fanatics -- and the proud Nazis in the Trump admin.

Is Planned Parenthood affiliate fueling anti-Trump protests
octoldit said:
The international Zionist bankers along with George Soros, and senator Schumer are communist traitors worst than Lenin and Trotsky.
Nope, these people had the correct documentation to enter the country.
Why don't you just read the judges opinion when it's posted either this evening or tomorrow and argue with her? I'm sure she could whip your fat lazy ass a whole lot better than I could.

So the fuck what if THEIR country allowed them to pass their sniff test for international travel...a sovereign country has THE right to deny entry to ANYONE from any country deemed a potential threat. Do you think that USA.INC was accepting visas from Japanese, German and Italian people during WWII with no scrutiny? That only happened AFTER WWII when under Operation Paperclip that the worst of war criminals were allowed to come over to America...but that's another story for another time.....but even a stupid fuck like you should be able to get the gist of what I am mentally handicapped as you are.
This is scary...
Is Liberal Retardation genetic or is it something in the paint chips they eat?

I don't know, dude....I don't know...the stupidity of the left is like a contagious disease and it must be those that only dabbled their big toe in the gene pool that are most's pretty fucking scary to think these morons are among us......

And that has what to do with the topic? You're talking about idiocy but can't even manage to address the topic - Trump's EO and the Courts?

I did address the topic but you are too fucking stupid to take it in...a sovereign country has the right to deny any non-citizen of any perceived hostile country regardless of their visa status. How fucking hard is that for you to understand??? Carter did the same fucking thing during the Iran hostage crisis....remember???
This is scary...
Is Liberal Retardation genetic or is it something in the paint chips they eat?

I don't know, dude....I don't know...the stupidity of the left is like a contagious disease and it must be those that only dabbled their big toe in the gene pool that are most's pretty fucking scary to think these morons are among us......

And that has what to do with the topic? You're talking about idiocy but can't even manage to address the topic - Trump's EO and the Courts?

I did address the topic but you are too fucking stupid to take it in...a sovereign country has the right to deny any non-citizen of any perceived hostile country regardless of their visa status. How fucking hard is that for you to understand??? Carter did the same fucking thing during the Iran hostage crisis....remember???
Coyote IS too fucking stupid to understand any based on facts.

What is even more ironic is that Russian diplomats WITH visas and with diplomatic immunity were kicked out of the country because THEIR country were falsely accused of hacking the DNC's e-mails revealing fraudulent activity....and leftards just can't make this shit up......

Falsely? Only you idiotic Trumpers consider it false. The entire US intelligence communitee disagrees with you nuts.
So the fuck what if THEIR country allowed them to pass their sniff test for international travel...a sovereign country has THE right to deny entry to ANYONE from any country deemed a potential threat. Do you think that USA.INC was accepting visas from Japanese, German and Italian people during WWII with no scrutiny? That only happened AFTER WWII when under Operation Paperclip that the worst of war criminals were allowed to come over to America...but that's another story for another time.....but even a stupid fuck like you should be able to get the gist of what I am mentally handicapped as you are.
This is scary...
Is Liberal Retardation genetic or is it something in the paint chips they eat?

I don't know, dude....I don't know...the stupidity of the left is like a contagious disease and it must be those that only dabbled their big toe in the gene pool that are most's pretty fucking scary to think these morons are among us......

And that has what to do with the topic? You're talking about idiocy but can't even manage to address the topic - Trump's EO and the Courts?

I did address the topic but you are too fucking stupid to take it in...a sovereign country has the right to deny any non-citizen of any perceived hostile country regardless of their visa status. How fucking hard is that for you to understand??? Carter did the same fucking thing during the Iran hostage crisis....remember???
I don't know, dude....I don't know...the stupidity of the left is like a contagious disease and it must be those that only dabbled their big toe in the gene pool that are most's pretty fucking scary to think these morons are among us......

And that has what to do with the topic? You're talking about idiocy but can't even manage to address the topic - Trump's EO and the Courts?

I did address the topic but you are too fucking stupid to take it in...a sovereign country has the right to deny any non-citizen of any perceived hostile country regardless of their visa status. How fucking hard is that for you to understand??? Carter did the same fucking thing during the Iran hostage crisis....remember???
Coyote IS too fucking stupid to understand any based on facts.

What is even more ironic is that Russian diplomats WITH visas and with diplomatic immunity were kicked out of the country because THEIR country were falsely accused of hacking the DNC's e-mails revealing fraudulent activity....and leftards just can't make this shit up......

Falsely? Only you idiotic Trumpers consider it false. The entire US intelligence communitee disagrees with you nuts.
You are so fucking stupid I'm amazed you can breath without instructions.
Do you even know how many categories there are that allow foreigners to come to America?
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