BREAKING: President Donald Trump Signs Memo Ending ‘Catch and Release’ Policy

So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
Can you explain Expedited Removal, then? No Due Process if they can't prove they have been here for more than 2 years.
Rarely applied.
Really? Expedited Removal has increased every year since 2002, even Obama used it to his advantage.

Removal Without Recourse: The Growth of Summary Deportations from the United States
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If they are caught crossing the border, illegally.

Nab them...Name, if possible. Home Country. DNA sample. Maybe a meal.
Then throw them back across the river.

If they return...illegally...they get one year of picking lettuce for free before they
are deported again. (And the years go up each time)
Trump is doing the opposite. He is giving illegals more free shit, keeping them here longer & deporting fewer. You idiots believe PC Fake News & ignore FACTS!


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Courts & jails are over crowded, violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Trump wants more violent illegals causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and people like you scream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..
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If they are caught crossing the border, illegally.

Nab them...Name, if possible. Home Country. DNA sample. Maybe a meal.
Then throw them back across the river.

If they return...illegally...they get one year of picking lettuce for free before they
are deported again. (And the years go up each time)
Trump is doing the opposite. He is giving illegals more free shit, keeping them here longer & deporting fewer. You idiots believe PC Fake News & ignore FACTS!
Is that like how Obama said his removal numbers were deceptive? He was having returns counted as removals.

Remarks by the President in an "Open for Questions" Roundtable

THE PRESIDENT: Actually, what happened, if you look at the statistics, two things happened: Number one is, is that there was a much greater emphasis on criminals rather than non-criminals. And there's been a huge shift in terms of enforcement, and that began as soon as I came into office. That change has taken place.

Secondly, the statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is with the stronger border enforcement we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation, even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours, sent back -- that’s counted as a deportation.
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Courts & jails are over crowded, violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Trump wants more violent illegals causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:
Please show me where illegal south american immigrants are considered "the enemy".

You are reaching the point of ridiculous now. You should stop.
11 million illegally invading isn't enough proof? Do that to Mexico or any other country as see how fast they start shooting people... You guys are such a hoot..

Point of order, BillyB.....

That 11 million figure is pure propaganda.

More accurate calculations place the number between 50 and 80 million.

You've noticed how you have to press #1 for English at every commercial phone call.
Whoa,, put down the faux news app and breath......

You should know by now that I can prove everything I post.

Here comes another lesson:

"Est., 11 million illegals."

Based on your accepting that bogus 'estimate,' you may continue to be a reliable Democrat voter.

1. That answer moves you firmly into the category of 'moron.'

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

2. "... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

There are between 50 million and 80 million illegal aliens living in this country.

3. James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in the United States Department of Justice, writes

"... the U.S. Census Bureau routinely undercounts and then adjusts upward total census numbers of Hispanics and other foreign nationals residing in the United States––counting only, of course, those willing to be counted. For the year 2000, the Census Bureau reported a total U.S. population count of “about 275 million” men, women, and children.

When the states and local governments challenged that number as an undercount, the total was corrected upward to 281.4 million, with no clear count of illegal aliens. The Hispanic 2000 census count was 32.8 million, but on re-count the Census Bureau adjusted this number upward to 35.3 million, a 13 percent increase."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

Increased the totals by 13%!!!

Now....hold on tight....this is gonna involve mathematics, so I may lose you here:

Soooo....if we apply that same 'adjustment' to the fabled 11 million....over a decade of so....we have almost 40 million.

But wait!!!

There's more!

4. Another way to arrive at the numbers of illegals in the country is to base it on the number of apprehensions and escapes.

"The average number of recorded apprehensions of illegal aliens in the United States now hovers at 1.2 million a year [in 2007]. A DHS report, Border Apprehensions: 2005, documented 1.3 million apprehensions in 2005. For the 10-year period (1996–2005), the highest number of apprehensions, 1.8 million, occurred in 2000, and the lowest, 1 million, in 2003. These DHS statistics contradict persistent statements by other government agencies that only 400,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens enter the country each year.

Journeymen Border Patrol agents (on the job five years or more) estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven. That informed estimate would raise the total number of illegal aliens entering the United States in 2003 to 8 million men, women, and children.

He concludes that:
My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports.

5. Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

....and that number is over a decade old!!!!!!

Gettin' nervous?

6. But other Border Patrol agents estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven......which would give a total of nearly 80 million illegals occupying our country.
The number of illegals would be at least.....60-80 million at this time.....permanently residing right here is this country.

Hence...even a tiny fraction of them voting would be 3-6 million votes.

Judging by the amount of time and effort that the Democrats spend advancing the aims and claims of illegal can begin to see what a huge constituency they make up for the Democrat Party.

" Democrats had extensive get-out-the-vote campaigns in areas heavily populated by illegal aliens. As far back as 2008, Obama made sure that those who wanted to vote knew it was safe, announcing that election records would not be cross-checked with immigration databases.

... the Obama White House supported a court injunction that kept Kansas, Alabama and Georgia from requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. The message was sent, loud and clear: If you're a noncitizen or here illegally, don't be afraid. You're free to vote. No one will stop you."
Did Votes By Noncitizens Cost Trump The 2016 Popular Vote? Sure Looks That Way | Investor's Business Daily

And, of course, we have videos of Obama telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Lol, estimates from rwnj sites are not "proof".

Documentation from experts.

In other words, the truth.
Courts & jails are over crowded, violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Trump wants more violent illegals causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?
The immigration issue really exposes how the Democratic Party regards White Voters as its opposition.

They outright abandoned white people years ago.

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]
Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]
Wonderful News. It's time to end Obama's horrific catch and release policy and now call it catch and deport.

BREAKING: President Donald Trump Signs Memo Ending 'Catch and Release' Policy

what legal effect does a "memo" have? and why are all you hacks suddenly so enamored of unilateral action by a president -- especially one as stupid as the orange one.
Obama used them to keep Law Enforcement officials from doing their jobs and threatening to fire them. Trumps memo removes that threat and allows them to enforce the laws of congress on the books... Funny how the criminal Obama was muzzling the people who are charged with keeping America safe and Trump un-leashes them to do their jobs...
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I imagine we have to treat illegals humanely but they are not entitled to citizens' rights
I don’t understand how catch and release back to their home country in humane. Staying here with no home or money seems inhumane
Courts & jails are over crowded, violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Trump wants more violent illegals causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?

you mean the party of the alt right, kkk and neo-nazis? your party? no, hack. but thanks for your concern and for the off-topic troll by.

damn you're absurd. now go whine.
Hillary never gave a concession speech because she never stopped running. She is Still running....her mouth....her scams....her crimes
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?

you mean the party of the alt right, kkk and neo-nazis? your party? no, hack. but thanks for your concern and for the off-topic troll by.

damn you're absurd. now go whine.

1. The KKK was a Democrat institute
2. The Nazis were a Leftist organization, as are the Democrats
3. There is no altRight, nor Far Right in this country

4. But what I was asking about was your affiliation with the anti-Semitic Party....the Democrats:
a. "CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

    • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
    • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
    • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

b. Now this...

"D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
A D.C. lawmaker responded to a brief snowfall Friday by publishing a video in which he espoused a conspiracy theory that Jewish financiers control the weather.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8):
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”

D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’

c. Quite a coincidence that the recent occupant of the Oval Office, Hussein Obama, evinced a never-before seen hatred of the Jewish state of Israel.

Sooooo.....waddda' ya' say?

Still hangin' on?
Courts & jails are over crowded, so this plan will fail! Violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Not really. As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.
Does not matter because supreme court said we cant detain them very long. We will be releasing violent criminals because of low hanging fruit.

Trump wants more violent illegals released causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
Your an idiot, everyone in the room is now dumber for reading your comment.
Courts & jails are over crowded, so this plan will fail! Violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Not really. As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.
Does not matter because supreme court said we cant detain them very long. We will be releasing violent criminals because of low hanging fruit.

Trump wants more violent illegals released causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
Your an idiot, everyone in the room is now dumber for reading your comment.
:1peleas: Your the idiot! - Zadvydas v. Davis, 2001 :21:
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?

you mean the party of the alt right, kkk and neo-nazis? your party? no, hack. but thanks for your concern and for the off-topic troll by.

damn you're absurd. now go whine.
Lol, your party still holds minorities in slavery. Through welfare, all for a vote. You try to regulate speech, and are now trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens. Hitler would be proud. Oh and not to mention all the minority babies you murdered through abortion, by calling it choice. Hitler is bowing down to you.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?

you mean the party of the alt right, kkk and neo-nazis? your party? no, hack. but thanks for your concern and for the off-topic troll by.

damn you're absurd. now go whine.
Lol, your party still holds minorities in slavery. Through welfare, all for a vote. You try to regulate speech, and are now trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens. Hitler would be proud. Oh and not to mention all the minority babies you murdered through abortion, by calling it choice. Hitler is bowing down to you.

ok cookie.... we can pretend your party doesn't think "there are some good people" among neo-nazis.

now run along.

and I'm not really interested in sick trolls from immoral trumptards about abortion.

off topic BS to avoid the fact that the o/p is a bunch of made up loony lies.

but then again, I expect nothing less from trumpscum

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