BREAKING: President Donald Trump Signs Memo Ending ‘Catch and Release’ Policy

Courts & jails are over crowded, violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Trump wants more violent illegals causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?
Why would I hate Jewish folks? What a wierd question.
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?

you mean the party of the alt right, kkk and neo-nazis? your party? no, hack. but thanks for your concern and for the off-topic troll by.

damn you're absurd. now go whine.
Lol, your party still holds minorities in slavery. Through welfare, all for a vote. You try to regulate speech, and are now trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens. Hitler would be proud. Oh and not to mention all the minority babies you murdered through abortion, by calling it choice. Hitler is bowing down to you.

ok cookie.... we can pretend your party doesn't think "there are some good people" among neo-nazis.

now run along.

and I'm not really interested in sick trolls from immoral trumptards about abortion.

off topic BS to avoid the fact that the o/p is a bunch of made up loony lies.

but then again, I expect nothing less from trumpscum
You keep thinking that.
Hillary never gave a concession speech because she never stopped running. She is Still running....her mouth....her scams....her crimes

except she did... the day after the election.

anything else you want to lie about?
That makes absolutely no sense.
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?
Why would I hate Jewish folks? What a wierd question.

PC is so-called asian...somoetimes says she lives in Brooklyn, sometimes says she lives elsewhere... makes up insane things all the time.

she can't help it. then she stamps her little feet and throws hissy fits when she feels insulted by being called what she is.
Courts & jails are over crowded, so this plan will fail! Violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Not really. As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.
Does not matter because supreme court said we cant detain them very long. We will be releasing violent criminals because of low hanging fruit.

Trump wants more violent illegals released causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
Your an idiot, everyone in the room is now dumber for reading your comment.
:1peleas: Your the idiot! - Zadvydas v. Davis, 2001 :21:

:1peleas:Your The idiot - Americans v. Illegal invasion, 2018 :auiqs.jpg:
Wonderful News. It's time to end Obama's horrific catch and release policy and now call it catch and deport.

BREAKING: President Donald Trump Signs Memo Ending 'Catch and Release' Policy
No - That would be the Fake News PC garbage Trump feeds you trolls. Trump is deporting FEWER illegals! Crime rates are exploding as Lazy Trumptards ignore violent criminals to lock up low hanging fruit!
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?
Why would I hate Jewish folks? What a wierd question.

PC is so-called asian...somoetimes says she lives in Brooklyn, sometimes says she lives elsewhere... makes up insane things all the time.

she can't help it. then she stamps her little feet and throws hissy fits when she feels insulted by being called what she is.

Don't you want to answer the question?

Are you still with the party that is closely tied to anti-Semitism?
Courts & jails are over crowded, so this plan will fail! Violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Not really. As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.
Does not matter because supreme court said we cant detain them very long. We will be releasing violent criminals because of low hanging fruit.

Trump wants more violent illegals released causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
Your an idiot, everyone in the room is now dumber for reading your comment.
:1peleas: Your the idiot! - Zadvydas v. Davis, 2001 :21:

:1peleas:Your The idiot - Americans v. Illegal invasion, 2018 :auiqs.jpg:
You proved you are the IDIOT!!!
Republicans hate union workers and Your Republican White Guilt Caused Illegals to Invade the USA!

Pity so many old New England textile mills were torn down. Solid granite or brick construction easily made secure. Most had kitchens and cafeterias built in. And they had the most lovely and efficient tall smokestacks!
Last edited:
SO tell me why your laze ass Democrats are protecting them in your sanctuary cites and states? Its not us who is obstructing, it's you retards and they people like you cream and cry about ICE not deporting them.. False Flag retards..

you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?
Why would I hate Jewish folks? What a wierd question.

PC is so-called asian...somoetimes says she lives in Brooklyn, sometimes says she lives elsewhere... makes up insane things all the time.

she can't help it. then she stamps her little feet and throws hissy fits when she feels insulted by being called what she is.

Don't you want to answer the question?

Are you still with the party that is closely tied to anti-Semitism?
Which party is that?
you mean suddenly the intellectual elite are "lazy"? trump trash are funny. :rofl:

Are you still a member of the party that hates Jewish folks?
Why would I hate Jewish folks? What a wierd question.

PC is so-called asian...somoetimes says she lives in Brooklyn, sometimes says she lives elsewhere... makes up insane things all the time.

she can't help it. then she stamps her little feet and throws hissy fits when she feels insulted by being called what she is.

Don't you want to answer the question?

Are you still with the party that is closely tied to anti-Semitism?
Which party is that?

See if this helps:

"One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism."

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews


Boston Review — State of the Nation
Courts & jails are over crowded, so this plan will fail! Violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Not really. As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.
Does not matter because supreme court said we cant detain them very long. We will be releasing violent criminals because of low hanging fruit.

Trump wants more violent illegals released causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
Your an idiot, everyone in the room is now dumber for reading your comment.
:1peleas: Your the idiot! - Zadvydas v. Davis, 2001 :21:

:1peleas:Your The idiot - Americans v. Illegal invasion, 2018 :auiqs.jpg:

Courts & jails are over crowded, so this plan will fail! Violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Not really. As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.
Does not matter because supreme court said we cant detain them very long. We will be releasing violent criminals because of low hanging fruit.

Trump wants more violent illegals released causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!
Your an idiot, everyone in the room is now dumber for reading your comment.
:1peleas: Your the idiot! - Zadvydas v. Davis, 2001 :21:
The SCOTUS in Zadvydas said :
Kestutis Zadvydas, petitioner in No. 99-7791-a resident alien born, apparently of Lithuanian parents, in a German displaced persons camp-was ordered deported based on his criminal record. Germany and Lithuania refused to accept him because he was not a citizen of their countries; efforts to send him to his wife's native country also failed. When he remained in custody after the removal period expired, he filed a habeas action under 28 U. S. C. § 2241. The District Court granted the writ, reasoning that, because the Government would never remove him, his confinement would be permanent, in violation of the Constitution. In reversing, the Fifth Circuit concluded that Zadvydas' detention did not violate the Constitution because eventual deportation was not impossible, good-faith efforts to remove him continued, and his detention was subject to administrative review.
Would you like to try again? SMFH

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