BREAKING: Ruth Bader Ginsburg misses court due to illness

Hypothetically, if I was clerking for her, and she passed away, I would hide it as long as possible. My job would evaporate as soon as anyone found out.
From my understanding, Ruth Bader Ginsberg has been a great legal scholar and served her country with sharing her POV that is acceptable even to people who do not always agree with her. She's been as faithful to her profession as her health has allowed, and come what may, she is a fighter for what she believes is right, and right now, she's fighting for her life. I don't know if she will win this fight, but if she does, it's our American tradition to let the judge decide when it's time to retire or not. She will make the right decision for herself if she pulls through this one. I wish her all the good she has tried to do right for her country from her heart and from her mind to do justice for the American people. And I think Justice Ginsberg has done as "America the Beautiful" advises, "America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!" May God bless this gifted, intelligent woman, come what may.
Rumor has it that she has been dead for months and they wheel her corpse out for photo ops.
From my understanding, Ruth Bader Ginsberg has been a great legal scholar and served her country with sharing her POV that is acceptable even to people who do not always agree with her. She's been as faithful to her profession as her health has allowed, and come what may, she is a fighter for what she believes is right, and right now, she's fighting for her life. I don't know if she will win this fight, but if she does, it's our American tradition to let the judge decide when it's time to retire or not. She will make the right decision for herself if she pulls through this one. I wish her all the good she has tried to do right for her country from her heart and from her mind to do justice for the American people. And I think Justice Ginsberg has done as "America the Beautiful" advises, "America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!" May God bless this gifted, intelligent woman, come what may.

Beautifully put yet again milady.

Actually despite all the yammerings from the death-wishers here the article in the OP said she simply sat out the day due to a stomach virus and would review briefs from home. Anyone who's ever had a stomach virus knows you'd be better advised to not be where you can't get to a bathroom pretty quick. So in spite of all these revealing fantasies, that's all it is, and it was right there in the link the whole time.

I will confess though, I likes to watch 'em dig. :dig:
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From my understanding, Ruth Bader Ginsberg has been a great legal scholar and served her country with sharing her POV that is acceptable even to people who do not always agree with her. She's been as faithful to her profession as her health has allowed, and come what may, she is a fighter for what she believes is right, and right now, she's fighting for her life. I don't know if she will win this fight, but if she does, it's our American tradition to let the judge decide when it's time to retire or not. She will make the right decision for herself if she pulls through this one. I wish her all the good she has tried to do right for her country from her heart and from her mind to do justice for the American people. And I think Justice Ginsberg has done as "America the Beautiful" advises, "America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!" May God bless this gifted, intelligent woman, come what may.

Beautifully put yet again milady.

Actually despite all the yammerings from the death-wishers here the article in the OP said she simply sat out the day due to a stomach virus and would review briefs from home. Anyone who's ever had a stomach virus knows you'd be better advised to not be where you can't get to a bathroom pretty quick. So in spite of all these revealing fantasies, that's all it is, and it was right there in the link the whole time.
I can't blame people for saying what they think is true, but there's a lot of hurt going on right now in Congress, and it revolves around a lack of justice, distrust of false narratives that have been run through Congress, and to our Republican dismay, after the Scalise shooting, 55 of our Republicans holding high office refused to run for high office because they and their families were threatened by people who knew better but indulged themselves in the pleasure of making enemies worry about the safety and security of their children attending schools in which they were ostracized or threatened for wearing Maga t-shirts and hats, etc. When your kid comes home with a black eye inflicted for political reasons, I'd get my kid the hell out of that school that cheered the bully on. And I wouldn't wait till my or a spouse's Congressional term was up either if that were my lot in life. What's going on in DC is just wrong. Our forebears put Congress in to peacefully find alternative decisions to accepting what the uncaring stiff from the other side of the pond decided to ignore. This Congress has forgotten about the basic reason it is there with regard to helping each other out. I heard the opening part of the Schiff spiel today, in utter disbelief. Schiff is trying to isolate all persons who disagree with what he wants, which is absolute, total control of every thought and act that yields power. He is not doing justice, he is seeing to it that justice is absolutely not done. We cannot live free in an unjust society that writes nice rules for its party and unacceptable rules for the other party. It is just not an America anyone wants, it's not the America my father bore shrapnel from war for the last 50 years of his life to the point he set off bells in airports, so he refused to get on a plane for the duration. A million men in his lifetime were killed or maimed harshly fighting for America and freedom. He didn't forsee his children enduring this kind of mischief coming out of Washington to get in the faces of political opponents. It is wrong, my friends. It's just not fitting.
Laura Nyro song. :thup:

I learned something there... She had a sultry beauty about her and more hits than I ever knew about...

My very first 8-track...

Ginsberg's ego prevented her from retiring during the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama. She "knew" no one could rule from the far, far, left as well as she. Ginsberg also "knew" that Hillary Clinton would win and would appoint someone just as far left as she. Imagine the despair in her home when the impossible happened, Donald Trump won.


The hate, vitriol, lies, and distortion by the Democrats in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings will look like a kindergarten birthday party.
Hate to be the one to break this to ya but ----- the Constitution is a Liberal document, written by Liberals around the concept of Liberalism. So "religiously voting along Liberal lines" is exactly their job, isn't it.

ANY moment now...........

And then IF ONLY we could ever get Trump to nominate someone who actually believes in the Constitution instead of the Left hugging fake conservatives who religiously vote along liberal lines.

Hate to be the one to break this to ya but ----- the Constitution is a Liberal document, written by Liberals around the concept of Liberalism. So "religiously voting along Liberal lines" is exactly their job, isn't it.
That'd be CLASSIC Liberalism; not neo-Marxist liberal. Do keep up.

I don't wish her ill health, but it's ridiculous this fossil is deciding legal decisions at the very highest level of our country.
Retire for christs sake !

Merrick Garland rates this post "funny".

Personally though, I think it's funny that you think somebody calling in sick is "Breaking News".

That America Garland thing was the bomb. I do agree with you except for one thing. If she were a spry 75 or 80 and for the most part healthy cool. But RBG is old as hell, she has had cancer that for folks who aren't in government is terminal twice and so on. If she wants to stay fine, but at a minimum she needs to be evaluated to prove she is all there.
I don't wish her ill health, but it's ridiculous this fossil is deciding legal decisions at the very highest level of our country.
Retire for christs sake !

Merrick Garland rates this post "funny".

Personally though, I think it's funny that you think somebody calling in sick is "Breaking News".
When it’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg that doesn’t miss a day unless seriously ill, it is.

It's still somebody calling in sick. That's it.

I know summa y'all salivate with wishful death-thinking and shit but that's... what is the word........ deplorable.

Who really cares what you think.

Let's hope it's quick....painless or not...don't care...just quick.

Get the fuck out of here Ruth.
(CNN)Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was not on the bench for oral arguments Wednesday due to illness, according to Chief Justice John Roberts.

Roberts announced she was "indisposed due to illness."
A court spokesperson said that Ginsburg was home with a stomach virus and that she is expected to participate in the cases by reading the briefs.
The oldest Supreme Court justice, Ginsburg leads the liberal wing on the court, which is currently outnumbered 5-4 by conservatives.
Don't hold your breath. Remember the Merrick Garland rule made up by McConnell about confirming a SC judge so close to an election. tit....

Don't assume the same "rule" would apply this time around.
Don't hold your breath. Remember the Merrick Garland rule made up by McConnell about confirming a SC judge so close to an election.
You mean the BIDEN RULE (Dems just hate being head to their own rules)

Btw, there should NEVER be an impeachment for trivial matters during an election year, but FEAR guides you

Biden rule debate
They cited a 1992 speech by then-senator Joe Biden, in which Biden argued that President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer or should appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate, as a precedent.

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Don't hold your breath. Remember the Merrick Garland rule made up by McConnell about confirming a SC judge so close to an election.
You mean the BIDEN RULE (Dems just hate being head to their own rules)

Btw, there should NEVER be an impeachment for trivial matters during an election year, but FEAR guides you

Biden rule debate
They cited a 1992 speech by then-senator Joe Biden, in which Biden argued that President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer or should appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate, as a precedent.

Well that got confirmed by McConnell, so instead of striking it as a rule, McConnell made the rule even firmer. It's his now.
Don't hold your breath. Remember the Merrick Garland rule made up by McConnell about confirming a SC judge so close to an election.
You mean the BIDEN RULE (Dems just hate being head to their own rules)

Btw, there should NEVER be an impeachment for trivial matters during an election year, but FEAR guides you

Biden rule debate
They cited a 1992 speech by then-senator Joe Biden, in which Biden argued that President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer or should appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate, as a precedent.

Well that got confirmed by McConnell, so instead of striking it as a rule, McConnell made the rule even firmer. It's his now.

Hes free to choose. But I'm willing to wait. Soon you'll lose it all.

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