BREAKING: Shooting at Ft. Hood

Yanno................very little is known about what has happened, or even about who the person is who started the whole mess.

One person started shooting, and because of the confusion of those involved, they thought that they were being shot at from two different places. It was later shown that there was only one shooter.

Additionally, because of the last shooter on that base (who actually was Muslim), people have spent a lot of time trying to show a connection between this shooter and the Islamic faith, because they think it's another conspiracy between the Islamics and those who are American.

Hate to disappoint you, but the shooter's last name was Lopez, and he's someone who is a part of the U.S. Army. He wasn't a Taliban terrorist, but rather probably someone who snapped and went off the deep end.

Oh..............and for those of you who think you can't run around base with a weapon? Got news for you, I've served as a member of the Security Force up in Newport RI, and I was on patrol with a 9mm and 2 clips of ammo, each which would carry 15 rounds each, which meant that I was on patrol with 45 rounds of ammo.

I also was able to go anywhere on the base I wanted, and on occasion was even given a car to drive.

Sorry...............but if someone is in the right billet, they can do these kind of horrific things to others, and not even have to worry about being stopped or questioned until after it's all over.
You and I are going to part company here. Your supposition that "if they did there would be more murders" is absolute bullshit. I carried a loaded weapon nearly everyday in both combat and non combat situations. I never shot anyone who wasn't trying to kill me.

I carried my weapon on military installations, in civilian situations, on military flights and civilian flights -both domestic and International. I carried in the United States and in foreign countries.

PFC Johnny carries his M4 in combat every day - loaded and ready to fight - in combat theaters. He is trusted to kill the enemy - but not trusted to NOT kill anyone else. So what's next, we tell cops that they should not carry loaded weapons because they MIGHT shoot civilians? Oooops...that happens fairly regularly now.

Your logic is wasted on me.

Just a matter of opinion...

Your opinion is horseshit. You begin your post by accusing "right-wingers are ignorant of how military bases are ran..."

Keep your partisan BS out of the discussion.

You are one great American! Has anyone thanked you for your service today? Let me. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Notice how many right wingers are ignorant of how military bases are ran and why soldiers don't tote loaded weapons around the bases?? If they did there would be more murders...

LMAO.....sounds like Piers Morgan tweet.......bubble dwellers from Oz.:D

Jackass administration learned nothing from Ft Hood 2009 massacre. Soldiers are sitting ducks.

And what stopped the madness yesterday? A female soldier with a sidearm.......meanwhile, the mental cases would prefer she be carrying a little sign that says, "PLEASE STOP!!"

Gun free zones should be re-labeled KILL ZONES!!
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When are we going to learn?

Yes, suspend the constitution in case Gracie's bullshit story turned out to be true.

Now, now Islam is peaceful religion.

I'm positive there are dozens of Imams rushing to the scene to condemn the jihad and talk the shooter down.

Do you feel like a fucking idiot now we know it wasn't a Muslim?

When are we going to learn?

So, uh, of all the thousands of shootings in the US what percentage are done by Muslim Americans?

Kick out all the Muslim Americans and how many lives would be saved?

Just curious.

About none.
Americans murder each other by the thousand but blame the Muslims for everything.
They have been looking for days for a Muslim planning a Ft.Hood style attack. Now that it's happened at at Ft. Hood it isn't much of a stretch to say it was probably the Muslim they have been looking for.

Not if you're an astoundingly dumb moron with an agenda.
So...what happens if we are attacked via the gulf of mexico? The cops are called to a MILITARY BASE?
I i have heard it all. Is this the case with all military bases or just Ft Hood?

All military bases. There are weapons in the base armory but no one can carry one but the military police.

Well, that is flat out stupid.

Not really - it means less of your soldiers can go ape shit and shoot each other.
He joined with the intention of jihad.

I don't understand this; in World War II, we did NOT recruit Nazis. Why the FUCK do we recruit Muslims now?

You don't recall the idiots in charge all proclaiming Islam is a peaceful religion? I have warned for years that Islam is the problem, but the left and the powers that be all claim otherwise. Hell even when confirmed this was Muslims the left on this board will defend Islam.

There was no Muslim problem in America until America interfered in Muslims countries.
Now we know it wasn't a Muslim, will you retract your stupid posts and apologise fr being an idiot?
How disappoint this news must be for our resident Islamophobes"

The man who opened fire at the Fort Hood military post in Texas was a veteran who served four months in Iraq and was undergoing treatment for mental health issues.

STill this give hope to all USMB's resident NAZIs and Mexicano-haters, eh?
the Mail Online is reporting

Today's gunfire comes just days after it was revealed the FBI was on the lookout for a recent Army recruit who it believes was planning a 'jihad against U.S. soldiers' inspired by the 2009 Ford Hood massacre.
According to an alert sent out by the FBI's Kansas City Division on Friday, they are searching for a man identified as Booker who had told friends of his 'intention to commit jihad.'
Booker, also known as Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, was recruited by the U.S. Army in Kansas City, Montana, in February 2014 and was scheduled to report for basic training on April 7.

BREAKING NEWS: At least one dead in shooting at Fort Hood military base | Mail Online

Ah. So MSNBC did say the right name. Booker aka Hassan.

They did but it turns out to be a lie - that's the mail of you.
Pity you were too stupid to realise the mail prints any shit they think they can get away with.

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