Breaking: Trump Headed To Flooded Louisiana Where Obama And Hillary Have Been A No Show

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Trumps looking for his next campaign manager that's why he's only associating with white people.
So the governor of Louisiana actually told trump to F-ck off? Is that a fact?
I find it interesting in that Obama is playing Golf, no comment from the media except that it wasn't his place or time, yet when Bush flew over the devastation of Katrina the media criticized and chastised him as uncaring and unsympathetic for not landing and surveying the damage? Such a pathetic group of hypocrites.
Al, at what point did you realize that a brain-damaged, drug-addled, adult Depends wearing, greedy pathological liar Corruptocrat unfit for the presidency was your messiah?

Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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Exactly when did he tell him to

Is that why Obama and Hillary stayed away, too scared?
He's only helping white people what a surprise.
Blacks can't swim and are scared of water, especially when gators and snakes are swimming through neighborhoods right now. They're probably hold up in a crack den above water on a second floor somewhere waiting for the waters to recede. On the other hand, it's Whites that always end up doing the rebuilding. They wanted to welcome Trump with open arms and they did as he returned the favor handing out relief supplies.
Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."
ROTFLMAO. Yeah, good luck with that.

How much did Traitor Hillary donate?

Perhaps she can have the Clinton Foundation donate a million dollars, which she will pay to herself and Bill as salaries? That IS how the crook operates after all.

I assume they will soon tunnel Saudi money to the relief effort.

Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation
Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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So your thread title is a lie. He actually welcomes Trump, according to your own article.
Ouch, that's going to hurt the Trump campaign. I can hear Trump now "fuck it. If I can't get in front of the lights and camera for some mean political leverage...what's the point of going down there? Waste of time..yuuuge waste of time....and I mean that...or maybe I don't? Or maybe I do *laughs*...I don't know.."

Actually I kind of hope Trump goes down there and attempts do his best impression of extending compassion to the struggling people. When a narcissist attempts to mimic actual human emotions, it's so overdone and awkward looking that it's farcical. There's your photo-op.

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