Breaking: Trump will not release Tax Returns

He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.
You're losing sleep over this, aren't you. Even if he did release them, it wouldn't change your mind. You'd just find something else to complain about.

And you don't care what he does, you'll support him.
If he was required by law to provide them, and didn't, then I'd worry about it. BTW: He doesn't have my vote.
Despite pressure, the billionaire also doesn't expect to release his tax returns before November

A sure sign there is something in his tax returns he does not want his Chumps to see.

They've been duped.
It begs the question how long can the charade go on. But then .... Hillary Clinton, possibly the most unlikeable candidate carrying the most baggage ever,

But then, we have (groan) nearly 6 mos to go. As one after another of Trump's policies is shown to a purple unicorn existing only in his imagination, will the dupes drop out?


well, if people write trash and lies about you for 25 years, at least some of it sticks....

before the loons started shrieking, her approval rating was hugely high.

and Bernie isn't much better than the rightwingnuts.
No, the Clinton Charities are bad. She's directly selling access and shamelessly. Crooked Hillary fits her perfectly. Unfortunately. I think you can explain at least some of the paid speeches as simply earning money on which to live. But, damn they do that to the hilt as well.

Doesn't Trump have a charity?
Yeah, Trump!
Despite pressure, the billionaire also doesn't expect to release his tax returns before November

A sure sign there is something in his tax returns he does not want his Chumps to see.

They've been duped.
It begs the question how long can the charade go on. But then .... Hillary Clinton, possibly the most unlikeable candidate carrying the most baggage ever,

But then, we have (groan) nearly 6 mos to go. As one after another of Trump's policies is shown to a purple unicorn existing only in his imagination, will the dupes drop out?


well, if people write trash and lies about you for 25 years, at least some of it sticks....

before the loons started shrieking, her approval rating was hugely high.

and Bernie isn't much better than the rightwingnuts.
No, the Clinton Charities are bad. She's directly selling access and shamelessly. Crooked Hillary fits her perfectly. Unfortunately. I think you can explain at least some of the paid speeches as simply earning money on which to live. But, damn they do that to the hilt as well.

Doesn't Trump have a charity?

trump actually failed to give to charity.

this, however is interesting..... from Mitt Romney, today.


luke russert's response:

Luke Russert ‏@LukeRussert 1h1 hour ago

Mitt-There is only 1 logical explanation for Mr. Trump's refusal to release his returns: there's a bombshell in them
A sure sign there is something in his tax returns he does not want his Chumps to see.

They've been duped.
It begs the question how long can the charade go on. But then .... Hillary Clinton, possibly the most unlikeable candidate carrying the most baggage ever,

But then, we have (groan) nearly 6 mos to go. As one after another of Trump's policies is shown to a purple unicorn existing only in his imagination, will the dupes drop out?


well, if people write trash and lies about you for 25 years, at least some of it sticks....

before the loons started shrieking, her approval rating was hugely high.

and Bernie isn't much better than the rightwingnuts.
No, the Clinton Charities are bad. She's directly selling access and shamelessly. Crooked Hillary fits her perfectly. Unfortunately. I think you can explain at least some of the paid speeches as simply earning money on which to live. But, damn they do that to the hilt as well.

Doesn't Trump have a charity?
Yeah, Trump!

so.... you've now proven your IQ is what? about 40?
You almost gotta laugh that the left demands "full disclosure" from republicans when the freaking president's birth certificate is locked in a vault in Hawaii and his college records are locked in a vault at Harvard. Barry Hussein probably used the IRS short form anyway since he never had a real job that wasn't paid by taxpayers except for the time he shared administration of a endowment fund with friend and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.
How many outright flip flops and policy changes did Obama make during the 2008 campaign?

Moving the goalposts. "You don't care what he does, you'll still support him", you said.

Once again, was that not the sentiment when 60+ million people voted for him?

"We don't care what Obama does, we'll still support him!"

Yet, throughout his two terms in office, he's managed to renege on a bunch of important campaign promises. Yet people like you still supported him.

It doesn't necessarily have to be what policy positions he took, or if he released his tax returns. It could simply be the people he associated with, like Ayers, Louis Farrakhan. But his positions on gay marriage are the most notable flip flops he made leading up to the 2008 campaign. However, you don't care, you still supported him.
What is Trump hiding?

That he hasn't contributed to Vets
He does not contribute to a church
He has dubious deductions
He is not as wealthy as he claims
He hides money offshore
Yeah, it's the offshore accounts. Anything else he could explain away. Although, he literally sues anyone who actually publishes information showing he's not worth what he claims he is.
Trump claims to be an advocate for the vets....even more than John McCain...Lets see what he has contributed

Trump claims the bible as his favorite book and to be a regular churchgoer. Let's see his contributions
Obama stated he was a Christian, but he doesn't go to church. Doesn't even celebrate national day of prayer. But celebrates Ramadan.
How do we know jknowgood is lying?
Because he posted at USMB
Lie #1 Obama stated he was a Christian, but he doesn't go to church

Lie #2 Doesn't even celebrate national day of prayer.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 5, 2016, as National Day of Prayer. I invite the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, in accordance with their own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I join all people of faith in asking for God's continued guidance, mercy, and protection as we seek a more just world.
#3 'But celebrates Ramadan'

President Obama Hosts a Ramadan Iftar Dinner at the White House
Yes- just like he celebrates Easter
Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Easter Prayer Breakfast
And Christmas
Yes, he did attend a racist church for years. But since becoming president he doesn't attend church.
About national day of prayer he says he celebrates it in private, but celebrates Ramadan in public.
He is a Muslim.
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.
You're losing sleep over this, aren't you. Even if he did release them, it wouldn't change your mind. You'd just find something else to complain about.

And you don't care what he does, you'll support him.
Hillary is being investigated for possible treason. My gosh your Looney support shows no bounds.
Possible treason? Who told you that lie?
What do you call receiving and sending classified documents on an unsecured email, knowing it can be hacked easily?
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.

The IRS audits him all the time..
If they don't have a problem and it seems they don't then what's the problem???
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.
You're losing sleep over this, aren't you. Even if he did release them, it wouldn't change your mind. You'd just find something else to complain about.

And you don't care what he does, you'll support him.
Hillary is being investigated for possible treason. My gosh your Looney support shows no bounds.
The Right Wing Nut Jobs have been accusing her of treason since Bill was in office.
Well this one will hopefully prove us right.
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.
You're losing sleep over this, aren't you. Even if he did release them, it wouldn't change your mind. You'd just find something else to complain about.

And you don't care what he does, you'll support him.
Hillary is being investigated for possible treason. My gosh your Looney support shows no bounds.

So you admit she's innocent until proven guilty.
Just like you did with Zimmerman?
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich)

Talk about favoring somebody is that like the 48% of the American people that don't pay any of the $1 trillion a year that the government collects in income tax?
If Trump doesn't pay as much income tax as the Moon Bats thinks he should pay then tough titty. Most Moon Bats hardly pay any taxes. I suspect Trump pays more money in taxes in a week than most of the Moon Bats that post on here will make in their lifetimes.

If Trump takes deductions that reduces his filthy ass tax liability it is because it is legal to do so. The same a s the Clintons and everybody else.

Trump is smarter than any of the Moon Bats. He is probably letting Crooked Hillary make a fool of herself and when will release everything when it is most damaging to her and then demand to see her money laundering foundation records and the speeches she made to Wall Street.
What is Trump hiding?

That he hasn't contributed to Vets
He does not contribute to a church
He has dubious deductions
He is not as wealthy as he claims
He hides money offshore

What I say he is hiding is his Net Worth and how much he actually owes the Banks...

Trump has the highest debts of any presidential nominee ever.

We seriously don't know if he is bankrupt... We think he isn't but we don't really know....

Some people say Trump is great because he is not taking lobbyist money...
Lets get a few facts, he will be before he is president and secondly it doesn't matter, he has serious debts...

Donald Trump Is Understating His Debt by $500 Million

There is also the rumour that he is very stingy on charities... It will pretty embarrassing that he gives so little to charities...

And then there will be how much did he pay in taxes on earnings...

If I was Clinton I push on these issues...

As for the guys here talking about Obama, Obama gave his tax returns every time...

And you can see them here:
Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

Looks like everyone gives their tax returns...
Talk about favoring somebody is that like the 48% of the American people that don't pay any of the $1 trillion a year that the government collects in income tax?

Hey stupid, it was republicans that made that possible. The EITC is a republican idea.

Sucks to support republicans doesn't it?
Why should he release them and give the corrupt left wing media and the corrupt DNC hundreds of pages to lie about?

The tax returns of someone like Trump are huge and very complicated. We all know that the dems would find some tiny items and misinterpret and lie about them.

But, having said that, if I was Trump I would agree to release them when Obama released his college records and Hillary released her speeches to Wall Street and explains what she promised them in exchange for 650K speaking fees.
He probably didn't pay taxes. He followed the law (which favors the super rich) but people would be surprised to see how little he pays % relative to the Average American.

Donald Trump Doesn't Plan To Release Any Of His Tax Returns

Will someone like Anonymous please hack him and get this out there.

His fans are these poor duped souls -- they need to see the real Donald. Full disclosure.
You're losing sleep over this, aren't you. Even if he did release them, it wouldn't change your mind. You'd just find something else to complain about.

And you don't care what he does, you'll support him.
Hillary is being investigated for possible treason. My gosh your Looney support shows no bounds.

So you admit she's innocent until proven guilty.
Just like you did with Zimmerman?

Yes, just like that.
Why should he release them and give the corrupt left wing media and the corrupt DNC hundreds of pages to lie about?

The tax returns of someone like Trump are huge and very complicated. We all know that the dems would find some tiny items and misinterpret and lie about them.

But, having said that, if I was Trump I would agree to release them when Obama released his college records and Hillary released her speeches to Wall Street and explains what she promised them in exchange for 650K speaking fees.
His returns are what they are

Trump certifies what his income is and what deductions he is taking. Obama has provided ten years worth of returns. Trump will not release one.
Trump has refused to release his college records even though he demanded the same from Obama
Trump also refuses to release his private speeches and emails
Obama's Commerce Secretary FORGOT to declare $80MM on her disclosure forms. I guess some are more equal that others

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