Breaking Update! Judge Eileen Cannon Orders Trump Lawyers to Obtain Security Clearances

I’ll give you a hint. The government even acknowledged his claim (as they were bound to do) when they sought the search warrant.

Do try to keep up.
Just show me where he made the claim.

You’re playing games to avoid admitting your ignorance and lies.
Just show me where he made the claim.

You’re playing games to avoid admitting your ignorance and lies.
I answered you. You’re just a lying hack.

Now, explain why the government acknowledged the claim, you imbecile. Go.
I answered you. You’re just a lying hack.

Now, explain why the government acknowledged the claim, you imbecile. Go.
No you didn’t. By your own admission you provided a “hint” which is not an answer.

Show me where the claim was made.
No you didn’t. By your own admission you provided a “hint” which is not an answer.

Show me where the claim was made.
No. You’re lying again. I told you quite directly.

The search warrant affidavit, itself, spelled out the claim. And that document was submitted by the government to the court in order to request the search warrant.

I can’t help it if you’re too slow or dishonest or both to grasp those facts.

Are you so behind the curve that you didn’t know this already? Do you need spoon-feeding as to which paragraphs? Hint. 52 and 53.

Now, go play in traffic.
No. You’re lying again. I told you quite directly.

The search warrant affidavit, itself, spelled out the claim. And that document was submitted by the government to the court in order to request the search warrant.

I can’t help it if you’re too slow or dishonest or both to grasp those facts.

Are you so behind the curve that you didn’t know this already? Do you need spoon-feeding as to which paragraphs? Hint. 52 and 53.

Now, go play in traffic.
Paragraph 52 notes that Trump’s lawyers said that Trump has the authority to declassify documents. It does not say he did declassify them.

Paragraph 53 is a claim from Kash Patel in media.

So you lied. This does not show that Trump told the government he declassified the documents.
Paragraph 52 notes that Trump’s lawyers said that Trump has the authority to declassify documents. It does not say he did declassify them.

Paragraph 53 is a claim from Kash Patel in media.

So you lied. This does not show that Trump told the government he declassified the documents.
So, as I correctly noted, the government was aware of the claim

Your quibbling sissified bullshit changes nothing.

This raises a question why do you find it so necessary to lie so much?
So, as I correctly noted, the government was aware of the claim

Your quibbling sissified bullshit changes nothing.

This raises a question why do you find it so necessary to lie so much?
You noted two paragraphs.
Paragraph 52 isn’t a claim.
Paragraph 53 isn’t a claim by Trump.

We’ve learned that Trump has never told the government that the documents were declassified and that you lied about it.
You noted two paragraphs.
Paragraph 52 isn’t a claim.
Paragraph 53 isn’t a claim by Trump.

We’ve learned that Trump has never told the government that the documents were declassified and that you lied about it.
No. We haven’t learned that.

What I correctly noted was that the government had known about the claim. All your twisting, spinning and outright lying won’t change that fact.
No. We haven’t learned that.

What I correctly noted was that the government had known about the claim. All your twisting, spinning and outright lying won’t change that fact.
You’re moving the goalposts. That’s not what you said earlier.
It’s exactly what i said.

And unlike you, there’s no reason for me to move any goal post.
You claimed Trump told the government that he declassified the documents.

All Trump has to do is tell the government they aren’t classified.

He already has, you derp

Now you moved the goalposts to the government “being aware” of this claim, which only comes from Kash Patel in popular media which is totally irrelevant.
You claimed Trump told the government that he declassified the documents.
He did. And the government knew about it since Patel not only told them but also demanded that they acknowledge it going forward. And they complied. 👍
Now you moved the goalposts to the government “being aware” of this claim,
Repeating your sdisproved and quibbling little whining contention doesn’t change a thing. 😎
which only comes from Kash Patel in popular media which is totally irrelevant.
The government didn’t seem to think so when they applied for the search warrant. It’s considered very poor behavior to fail to share that information to a court when seeking a search warrant.

Now, putting your completely petty and refuted quibble aside, I suspect that what you’ve been attempting to grunt out is a “question” and in order to try to make a “point.”

You’ve failed, again. You have no point, little Oblio.

Let’s examine your position a bit. Answer this preliminary question. Why do you ask and what difference does it make whether (or when) President Trump told the government that he had declassified the previously classified documents?
He did. And the government knew about it since Patel not only told them but also demanded that they acknowledge it going forward. And they complied. 👍
Patel didn’t tell them. He told Brietbart.

Patel isn’t Trump.

So to substantiate the claim that Trump told the government they were declassified, your proof is that someone who isn’t Trump told someone who isn’t the government.

You are without a doubt, a pathetic moron.
Patel didn’t tell them. He told Brietbart.

Patel isn’t Trump.

So to substantiate the claim that Trump told the government they were declassified, your proof is that someone who isn’t Trump told someone who isn’t the government.

You are without a doubt, a pathetic moron.
If I allow a spokesman to speak for me, I have spoken.

As for your dishonestly premised quibbling, you’ve already been exposed. If you wish to persist instead of answering the actual question input to you, we get it:

You’ve got no balls.
Let’s examine your position a bit. Answer this preliminary question. Why do you ask and what difference does it make whether (or when) President Trump told the government that he had declassified the previously classified documents?

Because once the FPOTUS makes the claim officially in court as part of a defense strategy in front of the jury, then that opens the door for the prosecution to present evidence that impeaches the claim including:
  • Texts and emails from staff about how the FPOTUS referred to the documents as classified.
  • Texts and emails from staff about how the FPOTUS treated to the documents as classified.
  • Audio/Video evidence of the FPOTUS referring to the documents as classified.
  • Direct rebuttal testimony where they pull out document after document and ask the witness if they President ever formally declassified the document. (Rinse repeat for as many witnesses as the Judge will allow).
  • Expert testimony showing that secret and mental declassification isn't really a thing because it's NOT the document that is classified, it is the information in the document that is declassified as it is normal for the same information to be contained in multiple locations. The same information cannot be "declassified" in one document and left as "classified" in another document.
To the last point, you end up with a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just by looking at the document.

So yes please, make the claim in court before the jury. Pretty please.

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Because once the FPOTUS makes the claim officially in court as part of a defense strategy in front of the jury, then that opens the door for the prosecution to present evidence that impeaches the claim including:
  • Texts and emails from staff about how the FPOTUS referred to the documents as classified.
  • Texts and emails from staff about how the FPOTUS treated to the documents as classified.
  • Audio/Video evidence of the FPOTUS referring to the documents as classified.
  • Direct rebuttal testimony where they pull out document after document and ask the witness if they President ever formally declassified the document. (Rinse repeat for as many witnesses as the Judge will allow).
  • Expert testimony showing that secret and mental declassification isn't really a thing because it's NOT the document that is classified, it is the information in the document that is declassified as it is normal for the same information to be contained in multiple locations. The same information cannot be "declassified" in one document and left as "classified" in another document.
To the last point, you end up with a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just by looking at the document.

You don’t get it. And that’s a shame because this is just a rehash of prior conversations.

I’ll deign to teach it to you, in a condensed version.

The claim that President Trump (while still in office) declassified the documents doesn’t need to be made now. He’s not on trial. When the time comes, he certainly will interpose the defense that the allegedly classified documents had been declassified by him. He doesn’t need to testify to make that claim, in court, either.

At that point, it will become the obligation of the United States to DISPROVE it — beyond a reasonable doubt.

So, yes, the government will certainly try. And it isn’t difficult to see that part of that will be to hammer away at some procedural matters for how classified documents are usually declassified. But, again, the government will have a problem. Because the accused has a boatload of legal and academic support for a rather stark principle. The President is the person who IS the executive branch. If he declassifies a document, it is declassified.

Everything else is speculation and fluff and stuff and nonsense. I can’t tell you that a jury will make findings of fact one way or the other. But I can tell you that the United States will have the burden of proof.

And if the trial jury can’t unanimously find, as a fact, that the government met that high burden of proof, then the best the government can hope for would be a hung jury.
If I allow a spokesman to speak for me, I have spoken.

As for your dishonestly premised quibbling, you’ve already been exposed. If you wish to persist instead of answering the actual question input to you, we get it:

You’ve got no balls.
Kash Patel isn’t a spokesman for Trump and his statement to popular media is meaningless. There’s no repercussions for lying to Brietbart.

Not Trump. Not government.

You lied.
You don’t get it. And that’s a shame because this is just a rehash of prior conversations.

I’ll deign to teach it to you, in a condensed version.

The claim that President Trump (while still in office) declassified the documents doesn’t need to be made now. He’s not on trial. When the time comes, he certainly will interpose the defense that the allegedly classified documents had been declassified by him. He doesn’t need to testify to make that claim, in court, either.

At that point, it will become the obligation of the United States to DISPROVE it — beyond a reasonable doubt.

So, yes, the government will certainly try. And it isn’t difficult to see that part of that will be to hammer away at some procedural matters for how classified documents are usually declassified. But, again, the government will have a problem. Because the accused has a boatload of legal and academic support for a rather stark principle. The President is the person who IS the executive branch. If he declassifies a document, it is declassified.

Everything else is speculation and fluff and stuff and nonsense. I can’t tell you that a jury will make findings of fact one way or the other. But I can tell you that the United States will have the burden of proof.

And if the trial jury can’t unanimously find, as a fact, that the government met that high burden of proof, then the best the government can hope for would be a hung jury.

Which is why, as I mentioned, I'd love for the FPOTUS's team to make the claim in court.

The standard will not be "could the President have declassified the documents prior to leavening office".

The standard that will have to be weighed by the jury is that "Would a reasonable person believe that Donald J. Trump secretly and mentally declassified hundreds of classified documents without telling anyone, and then per his own action continued to treat and refer to them as classified or would a reasonable person believe that the claim is false and is an ex post facto attempt at avoiding justice."

But that is only one side aspect of the case, because while the case involves classified documents there are multiple charges in the case. 18 USC 793(e) isn't based on a documents classification, it's based on whether a documents is "national defense information" (NDI). A document doesn't need to be classified to be NDI.

Then there are the other charges, which are really independent of 18 USC 793(e) which involve concealing documents from a federal investigation, withholding documents, conspiracy, and false statements - non of which are contingent upon the classification of the document and revolve more around FPTOUS45 failure to comply with a Federal Subpoena in June 2022.

Kash Patel isn’t a spokesman for Trump and his statement to popular media is meaningless. There’s no repercussions for lying to Brietbart.

Not Trump. Not government.

You lied.
In short and as always, you duck, bob and weave to avoid answering. You’re a gutless lying rodent.

Why do you always rely on lies and cowardice? You apparently have no capacity for feeling any shame.

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