Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters

Lets outlaw ISIS.

ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

Lets outlaw ISIS.

ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam
The link I provided above lists many quotes from Hitler on his Christianity.

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote

The Nazis were not Christians, the party came above all else.
Lets outlaw ISIS.
So you propose outlawing a religious cult?

No. I propose outlawing a known terrorist group that has been involved in a number of killing, attacks, and war.

I thought that was clear.

Islam is a known terrorist group that has been involved in a number of killing, attacks, and war. What is the difference?

Besides, the London attacks were done by Obama's Muslim Brotherhood, not by ISIS.

According to who?

Anyone with an IQ over 12 who is not on the side of the terrorists. You of the Soros Reich side with the enemy of America every last time.. The Vietcong, the Sandinistas, Castro, and now ISIS. The enemy of America is the friend of the democrat.
People getting run over... cars are the weapon of choice.
So far I have heard suggestions of control the internet, guns, so how about no vehicles that would work...I on the other hand suggests No Muzzys.
The problem with this approach is that we have NOT DECLARED WAR on anyone since WWII..............and it would require a Declaration of War against Terrorist Groups and or Radical Islam...............

Which is a serious legal problem when we fight a War against entities and not a Nation..............Since the Terrorist don't assign themselves as fighting for or as a country.................

Which places us back in the same boat on how to deal with Radical elements within our society that are now preaching and recruiting Radical elements to basically attack us from within.....................the NSA..........CIA............FBI....................etc..............have reported radical elements within our society but have no LEGAL recourse to do anything other than monitor these groups.............they have to prove an intent to do crime.........or wait until the crime is committed to do anything...........but they do monitor these groups and apprehend many before they can cause damage...............They can't stop them all though.
What what do you propose that would be legal and not effect the rights and liberties of innocent people? You can't declare war on a belief or idea.
Legal can identify groups of people to a terror organization............But a formal declaration on a slippery slope...............

If we were fighting this against a nation instead of those would have been over a long time ago.
The difference between Islam and Christianity is that it doesn't say to kill non-believers in the Bible and it does in the Quran, therefore Islam is inherently incompatible with Western civilization.

Islam is a world domination group calling itself a religion.

The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Lets outlaw ISIS.

ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.
You misspelled "1st Amendment" as in "a thread to defend the 1st Amendment".
Young Muslims who abandon their faith face violent retaliation and abuse from their families, a support group said yesterday.

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain said those born into the religion are often frightened of speaking out – and those that do are in danger of attack.

Read more: Young Muslims who quit the faith 'live in fear of violent revenge' | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The most highly religious U.S. Muslims – the 23% of Muslims who attend mosque at least weekly, pray all five salah a day, and say religion is very important to them personally – overwhelmingly oppose homosexuality, with 73% saying it should be discouraged by society. Muslim Americans with a medium level of religious commitment, who constitute about half of all Muslims, also generally believe homosexuality should be discouraged (66% vs. 21%). By comparison, Muslim Americans with relatively low religious commitment (about a quarter of the total) are divided: 43% say homosexuality should be discouraged while 47% say it should be accepted.

Both native-born Muslims and foreign-born Muslims express similar levels of disapproval of homosexuality. But native-born African American Muslims stand out for their particularly high levels of opposition to homosexuality (75% say homosexuality should be discouraged).

Overall, 8% of Muslim Americans say suicide bombings against civilian targets tactics are often (1%) or sometimes (7%) justified in the defense of Islam. Muslims in France, Spain and Great Britain were twice as likely as Muslims in the U.S. to say suicide bombing can be often or sometimes justified, and acceptance of the tactic is far more widespread among Muslims in Nigeria, Jordan and Egypt.

There are few differences on this question
in the United States across Muslim ethnic groups,
but age is an important factor. Younger Muslims
in the U.S. are more willing to accept suicide
bombing in the defense of Islam than are their
older counterparts. Among Muslims younger than
30, for example, 15% say that suicide bombing can often or sometimes be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes), while about two-thirds (69%) say that such tactics are never justified.

In general, Muslim Americans reject the idea that their fellow Muslims in the U.S. are becoming less religious. Roughly four-in-10 (43%) say that Muslims in the United States are not changing very much in terms of their religiosity. If anything, a greater percentage says that U.S. Muslims are becoming more religious (31%) rather than less religious (17%).
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

People are scared and that fear is driving them to call for things that are outright unamerican.

Young Muslims who abandon their faith face violent retaliation and abuse from their families, a support group said yesterday.

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain said those born into the religion are often frightened of speaking out – and those that do are in danger of attack.

Read more: Young Muslims who quit the faith 'live in fear of violent revenge' | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The most highly religious U.S. Muslims – the 23% of Muslims who attend mosque at least weekly, pray all five salah a day, and say religion is very important to them personally – overwhelmingly oppose homosexuality, with 73% saying it should be discouraged by society. Muslim Americans with a medium level of religious commitment, who constitute about half of all Muslims, also generally believe homosexuality should be discouraged (66% vs. 21%). By comparison, Muslim Americans with relatively low religious commitment (about a quarter of the total) are divided: 43% say homosexuality should be discouraged while 47% say it should be accepted.

Both native-born Muslims and foreign-born Muslims express similar levels of disapproval of homosexuality. But native-born African American Muslims stand out for their particularly high levels of opposition to homosexuality (75% say homosexuality should be discouraged).

Overall, 8% of Muslim Americans say suicide bombings against civilian targets tactics are often (1%) or sometimes (7%) justified in the defense of Islam. Muslims in France, Spain and Great Britain were twice as likely as Muslims in the U.S. to say suicide bombing can be often or sometimes justified, and acceptance of the tactic is far more widespread among Muslims in Nigeria, Jordan and Egypt.

There are few differences on this question
in the United States across Muslim ethnic groups,
but age is an important factor. Younger Muslims
in the U.S. are more willing to accept suicide
bombing in the defense of Islam than are their
older counterparts. Among Muslims younger than
30, for example, 15% say that suicide bombing can often or sometimes be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes), while about two-thirds (69%) say that such tactics are never justified.

In general, Muslim Americans reject the idea that their fellow Muslims in the U.S. are becoming less religious. Roughly four-in-10 (43%) say that Muslims in the United States are not changing very much in terms of their religiosity. If anything, a greater percentage says that U.S. Muslims are becoming more religious (31%) rather than less religious (17%).
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

People are scared and that fear is driving them to call for things that are outright unamerican.

Isn't THAT interesting........:eusa_think:
Serious question here.

How would you go about banning Islam from America without violating the Constitution? Specifics if you please.
You can't, because it would be a clear violation of the Constitution. Which is why I voted No. Might surprise some here, but it is not the answer.

You don't have a lot of options against what is going on globally..........And this is a Global Problem.........Terror attacks are increasing in all areas of the World as the world tries to attack the tentacles of a Hydra.........A reactionary strategy versus a proactive strategy...........Nations will eventually be forced to start raiding, arresting, and/or deporting radical elements or those preaching it within their borders...........Which would include Mosques which will inflame even more trending to the Dark Side of Radical Islam. It will take us down the road of the slippery slope of Sedition Laws............which could backfire on us.............But the increasing number of attacks may very well FORCE US THERE.............

In regards to those Muslims who lived near the attackers............who knew they might be a not turning them in are they not aiding and abetting in a crime.................which might mean starting to charge those who refuse to turn in Radicals with a Crime................

This is all dangerous territory.........but the attacks continue......we may very well have to go down this slippery slope.


We are approaching a regional War in the Middle East to end the Caliphate.............Which will only happen after enough have died to say "enough's enough.
That is an extremely dangerous precedent to set. Stalinist even. can be charged with aiding and abetting if you see a crime and do nothing about it now. In many of the cases people around the terrorist knew crap was going on.........but didn't do anything or report it....................could be considered aiding and abetting.

In regards to Mosques practicing radical is dangerous but they could be charged with Sedition.

I've already said a slippery slope.........provided documents of Law Enforcement tracking cells and knowing radical elements..........but PROTECTED BY OUR LAWS.........even though they might perform the next attack.
The difference between Islam and Christianity is that it doesn't say to kill non-believers in the Bible and it does in the Quran, therefore Islam is inherently incompatible with Western civilization.

Islam is a world domination group calling itself a religion.

The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'? | HuffPost


It's there.

But then again anything can be taken out of context and misused.
Lets outlaw ISIS.
So you propose outlawing a religious cult?

No. I propose outlawing a known terrorist group that has been involved in a number of killing, attacks, and war.

I thought that was clear.

Islam is a known terrorist group that has been involved in a number of killing, attacks, and war. What is the difference?

Besides, the London attacks were done by Obama's Muslim Brotherhood, not by ISIS.

According to who?

Anyone with an IQ over 12 who is not on the side of the terrorists. You of the Soros Reich side with the enemy of America every last time.. The Vietcong, the Sandinistas, Castro, and now ISIS. The enemy of America is the friend of the democrat.
Isn't it interesting how those on the #RussianW are so quick to attack the Americans defending the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the 1st Amendment. They don't dare say it outloud, so they cloak it just like they cloak their anti-semitism in code words like "Soros".
Serious question here.

How would you go about banning Islam from America without violating the Constitution? Specifics if you please.
You can't, because it would be a clear violation of the Constitution. Which is why I voted No. Might surprise some here, but it is not the answer.

You don't have a lot of options against what is going on globally..........And this is a Global Problem.........Terror attacks are increasing in all areas of the World as the world tries to attack the tentacles of a Hydra.........A reactionary strategy versus a proactive strategy...........Nations will eventually be forced to start raiding, arresting, and/or deporting radical elements or those preaching it within their borders...........Which would include Mosques which will inflame even more trending to the Dark Side of Radical Islam. It will take us down the road of the slippery slope of Sedition Laws............which could backfire on us.............But the increasing number of attacks may very well FORCE US THERE.............

In regards to those Muslims who lived near the attackers............who knew they might be a not turning them in are they not aiding and abetting in a crime.................which might mean starting to charge those who refuse to turn in Radicals with a Crime................

This is all dangerous territory.........but the attacks continue......we may very well have to go down this slippery slope.


We are approaching a regional War in the Middle East to end the Caliphate.............Which will only happen after enough have died to say "enough's enough.
That is an extremely dangerous precedent to set. Stalinist even. can be charged with aiding and abetting if you see a crime and do nothing about it now. In many of the cases people around the terrorist knew crap was going on.........but didn't do anything or report it....................could be considered aiding and abetting.

In regards to Mosques practicing radical is dangerous but they could be charged with Sedition.

I've already said a slippery slope.........provided documents of Law Enforcement tracking cells and knowing radical elements..........but PROTECTED BY OUR LAWS.........even though they might perform the next attack.

So the families of killers should al lbe charged with aiding and abetting just on the basis of their being the family?
The difference between Islam and Christianity is that it doesn't say to kill non-believers in the Bible and it does in the Quran, therefore Islam is inherently incompatible with Western civilization.

Islam is a world domination group calling itself a religion.

The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'? | HuffPost


It's there.

But then again anything can be taken out of context and misused.

Does the Quran have an Old and New Covenant also?

You're about to get shellacked
H. Force those found in the lair to re-locate where they could not harm your cattle.

If you got known repeat problem, you address it pronto. Else little problems become big problems.

So are you saying we should expel the families of all killers?

Repeat problem offenders from same nest? Of course. Eliminate the enablers.

Or do nothing? If most Americans don't care, as you don't why should I work to protect you or your Children. Put on your red-Burka Roxanne.

So eliminate due process?

Kill the innocents on the basis of what others do?

That sounds familiar.
There are those on this thread perfectly willing to do that. Scratch that....perfectly willing to have OTHERS do that.

OK, do nothing at all. Battery going. I will deal with you and your word twisting spinning butt-buddy next attack. Caio.
You "will deal with" me........:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The difference between Islam and Christianity is that it doesn't say to kill non-believers in the Bible and it does in the Quran, therefore Islam is inherently incompatible with Western civilization.

Islam is a world domination group calling itself a religion.

The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'? | HuffPost


It's there.

But then again anything can be taken out of context and misused.

Does the Quran have an Old and New Covenant also?

You're about to get shellacked

Are you talking about Cafetaria Christianity?

The main point is - these passages have a context to them, and like the Bible the Quran has verses limiting the use of violence - in fact, far more than Christianity which is kind of open ended with no rules. But everyone wants to cherry pick don't they?

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