Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Judging from the poll count, smart people outnumber the dummies by a wide margin.
The difference between Islam and Christianity is that it doesn't say to kill non-believers in the Bible and it does in the Quran, therefore Islam is inherently incompatible with Western civilization.

Islam is a world domination group calling itself a religion.

The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ever hear of the Reformation. You're posting bull shit.... as usual.
Islam needs a reformation or it needs to get the Hell out of our civilized countries. Personally, I vote the latter.
Mohammad was sent, according to Islam, just as Jesus was sent, according to Christianity. Mohammad did not preach non violence. Jesus did.
From Muhammad
Letter to Heraclius, the Eastern Roman Emperor in Constantinople
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful (This letter is) from Muhammad, the slave of Allah, and His Apostle, to Heraculius, the Ruler of the Byzantine. Peace be upon the followers of guidance. Now then, I invite you to Islam (i.e. surrender to Allah), embrace Islam and you will be safe; embrace Islam and Allah will bestow on you a double reward. But if you reject this invitation of Islam, you shall be responsible for misguiding the peasants (i.e. your nation).

O people of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us and you, that we worship. None but Allah, and that we associate nothing in worship with Him; and that none of us shall take others as Lords besides Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are (they who have surrendered (unto Him)..(3.64)[4]

One of many

The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'? | HuffPost


It's there.

But then again anything can be taken out of context and misused.

Does the Quran have an Old and New Covenant also?

You're about to get shellacked

Are you talking about Cafetaria Christianity?

The main point is - these passages have a context to them, and like the Bible the Quran has verses limiting the use of violence - in fact, far more than Christianity which is kind of open ended with no rules. But everyone wants to cherry pick don't they?

It's interesting that Islam claims to worship none but the demon Allah, yet any Muslim who fails to worship Muhammad will soon be dead. The real god of Islam is not the idol in Mecca, it is Muhammad and always was.
Details are sketchy but multiple reports claim some number of people have been hit by a van on the London Bridge. But this is the new normal, right? Just get used to it.
London, England? Why not Oslo Norway? Why not Athens, Greece? Why not Valeta, Malta? Why not Buchurest, Romania? Why not Hong Kong? Why not Canberra Australia, Why not Regina Alberta? Why not Nairobi, Kenya? Why not Harare, Zimbabwe? Shakespeare: "by indirections, find directions out". Enough said. The way and why not are sufficient for any high school drop out to get the right answer.

Iliya Pavlovich, PhD
Even more go on and on..."Soros this" and "Soros that" when it's quite clear you are using your Alt-Right code for "Evil Jewish Overlord Conspiracy"....and when I call you on declare I hate Jews. :lol:

So the Nazi collaborator who supports the destruction of Israel and funds Hezbollah is the epitome of everything "Jewish" to you, Brown Shirt? :rofl:

You are a dumb one Shortbus, even for a Nazi.
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Mohammad was sent, according to Islam, just as Jesus was sent, according to Christianity. Mohammad did not preach non violence. Jesus did.
From Muhammad
Letter to Heraclius, the Eastern Roman Emperor in Constantinople
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful (This letter is) from Muhammad, the slave of Allah, and His Apostle, to Heraculius, the Ruler of the Byzantine. Peace be upon the followers of guidance. Now then, I invite you to Islam (i.e. surrender to Allah), embrace Islam and you will be safe; embrace Islam and Allah will bestow on you a double reward. But if you reject this invitation of Islam, you shall be responsible for misguiding the peasants (i.e. your nation).

O people of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us and you, that we worship. None but Allah, and that we associate nothing in worship with Him; and that none of us shall take others as Lords besides Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are (they who have surrendered (unto Him)..(3.64)[4]

One of many

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'? | HuffPost


It's there.

But then again anything can be taken out of context and misused.

Does the Quran have an Old and New Covenant also?

You're about to get shellacked

Are you talking about Cafetaria Christianity?

The main point is - these passages have a context to them, and like the Bible the Quran has verses limiting the use of violence - in fact, far more than Christianity which is kind of open ended with no rules. But everyone wants to cherry pick don't they?

It's interesting that Islam claims to worship none but the demon Allah, yet any Muslim who fails to worship Muhammad will soon be dead. The real god of Islam is not the idol in Mecca, it is Muhammad and always was.

Please do not forget that even in Christianity God has not yet been triumphant over the Satan entirely and not yet. Those two hold diametrically opposed values - and most of us worship God, but we all fail victims to Satan's ills every so often. Our strength is not that we have fallen, but it is that we have recovered well and fast.
Catholics, as well as having a lot of pedophile priests, are historically known for being violent to others.
Historically, like 600 years ago? LOL
The Inquisition was around to the 1800s.
Well it was abolished in the early 19th century that's true, but as far as I know the wide spread practice was over long before it was abolished. Even so that was some 200 years ago whereas Islam's violence is happening right now and intensifying. Not quite the same thing from a current prospective. Also consider that Islam proudly lives in the 7th century as they walk among us. You might say that the end of the inquisition also ended in part, because superstition was being replaced with science and that took Christianity 1800 years. Where are the Muslims now? Still happily sitting in 600 AD where superstition reigns. Now do you really want to be dragged back to 600 AD, thrown in a Burqa and forced to marry a man and bear his children with no form of birth control allowed?
We don't know that because public school teachers are caught quickly while priests and ministers are protected by their churches. Who knows how many are still out there....they just caught a preacher in Carlsbad Carlsbad pastor arrested on child molestation charges

The FUCK they are, Brown Shirt.

CA Teachers' Unions: Protecting Child Molesters' Jobs - The Worthy Adversary
New Lawsuit Alleges LAUSD Failed to Protect Students from Abuse
LA Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse
LAUSD Ordered to Pay $6.9 Million in Molestation Verdict

That is JUST Los Angeles, you lying little Nazi.

(Okay, nothing little about you.)
"The Worthy Adversary" :lol:

As for LAUSD....they fired the ENTIRE school staff over that us where any church, catholic or otherwise did the same.

It's good to see you laugh at child abuse, Brown Shirt. It shows that you really only wanted to attack the Jews, I mean Christians that you fascist scum hate so deeply.

It wasn't ONE case as you are trying to lie, it was dozens and dozens. But since they are government you will defend them.
I laugh at you.

You laugh at child molestation. You care only about promoting an authoritarian state under your Fuhrer.

You're dumb and you're evil, which is a bad combination, Brown Shirt.

Please do not forget that even in Christianity God has not yet been triumphant over the Satan entirely and not yet. Those two hold diametrically opposed values - and most of us worship God, but we all fail victims to Satan's ills every so often. Our strength is not that we have fallen, but it is that we have recovered well and fast.[/QUOTE]

I know how the story ends.....God wins
We don't know that because public school teachers are caught quickly while priests and ministers are protected by their churches. Who knows how many are still out there....they just caught a preacher in Carlsbad Carlsbad pastor arrested on child molestation charges

The FUCK they are, Brown Shirt.

CA Teachers' Unions: Protecting Child Molesters' Jobs - The Worthy Adversary
New Lawsuit Alleges LAUSD Failed to Protect Students from Abuse
LA Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse
LAUSD Ordered to Pay $6.9 Million in Molestation Verdict

That is JUST Los Angeles, you lying little Nazi.

(Okay, nothing little about you.)
"The Worthy Adversary" :lol:

As for LAUSD....they fired the ENTIRE school staff over that us where any church, catholic or otherwise did the same.

It's good to see you laugh at child abuse, Brown Shirt. It shows that you really only wanted to attack the Jews, I mean Christians that you fascist scum hate so deeply.

It wasn't ONE case as you are trying to lie, it was dozens and dozens. But since they are government you will defend them.
I laugh at you.

You laugh at child molestation. You care only about promoting an authoritarian state under your Fuhrer.

You're dumb and you're evil, which is a bad combination, Brown Shirt.
I laugh at you.
Still not a correct analogy. Hitler's profession of Christianity was purely opportunist in nature and not a personally held belief.
Hey that is exactly Like Donald Trump...3 times married , serial adulterer and a financial predator on the poor people...but becomes an Evangelical at election time
Yeah but at least he's not killing people left and right, there's the difference. When you come right down to it most of America only goes to church on high holy days and has had multiple marriages so it's not like Trump is any different from the average Joe. As far as his preying on the poor, last I looked "the poor" in America were fat and living on welfare and preying off the employed like Trump. J/S
I like how you pretend to be for the Constitution while being against the Bill of Rights...and trying to turn this around as if I were against the Constitution. :lol: And yet you show again and again and again that you hate the 1st Amendment and would like to see it destroyed.

When have you EVER protected the Bill of Rights, Brown Shirt? Name ONE case where you were on the side of free speech or free exercise of religion? I've already listed a half-dozen where you fought to crush free speech and freedom of religion.

You think that supporting your Homosexual supremacist groups you are supporting civil rights, but in fact you are ATTACKING individual liberty.
Go ahead and show where I "fought to crush free speech and freedom of religions".....list or link them now.

You are a notorious liar, as you Nazis tend to be, but I'll take your word this time.

Were you for or against religious freedom in the Little Sisters of the Poor case? Did you support the Obama demand that Catholic Nuns be forced to provide abortion against their religious beliefs?

Were you for or against religious freedom in the Hobby Lobby case? Did you support the Obama demand that a family owned and run business be forced to provide abortion against their religion in direct violation of the 1st?

Were you for or against liberty in the Sweet Cakes case? Did you support the state demand that people be denied 13th amendment rights and forced into involuntary servitude to promote the homosexual supremacist agenda?

Were you for or against the fascist democrats denial of free speech in outlawing "Hillary the Movie" to crush political speech that went against party goals in CU v FEC?

Now you fascist thugs lost each and every one of these cases, the Constitution prevailed over you Nazi shit heads. but go ahead and tell us how you sided with the rights of the people in these cases? Go ahead Brown Shirt, let's hear it?
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Lets outlaw ISIS.

ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam[/QUOTE]

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.[/QUOTE]

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.[/QUOTE]

I defend any innocent people.[/QUOTE]

I've read your garbage....stick to funny for a response. You look foolish and for crying out loud stop trying to compare Christianity to Islam, it's not working
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ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.
So do Trump supporters.
We wish libs would learn and stop creating more victims.
Just as bad, I'm sure, as in the Christian community......these patriarchal religions.....and being run by men who think they can get away with it. More theocratic behavior, more molestations. Bad all around.


Stupid and evil is no way to go through life, Brown Shirt.
The Quran is more complicated than that. Like the bible. And yes, the bible does contain passages in the OT on slaughtering unbelievers.

Ah yes, that one instance, The Amelakites.

Any other instances?


Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'? | HuffPost


It's there.

But then again anything can be taken out of context and misused.

Does the Quran have an Old and New Covenant also?

You're about to get shellacked

Are you talking about Cafetaria Christianity?

The main point is - these passages have a context to them, and like the Bible the Quran has verses limiting the use of violence - in fact, far more than Christianity which is kind of open ended with no rules. But everyone wants to cherry pick don't they?

You don't know the Bible, that's patently obvious. The New Covenant brought the sides together, nullifying much of the Old Testament

I suggest you abandon this route you're on, you look foolish trying it

I don't think you know much about Islam either :lol:

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