Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
I like how you pretend to be for the Constitution while being against the Bill of Rights...and trying to turn this around as if I were against the Constitution. :lol: And yet you show again and again and again that you hate the 1st Amendment and would like to see it destroyed.

When have you EVER protected the Bill of Rights, Brown Shirt? Name ONE case where you were on the side of free speech or free exercise of religion? I've already listed a half-dozen where you fought to crush free speech and freedom of religion.

You think that supporting your Homosexual supremacist groups you are supporting civil rights, but in fact you are ATTACKING individual liberty.
I like how you pretend to be for the Constitution while being against the Bill of Rights...and trying to turn this around as if I were against the Constitution. :lol: And yet you show again and again and again that you hate the 1st Amendment and would like to see it destroyed.

When have you EVER protected the Bill of Rights, Brown Shirt? Name ONE case where you were on the side of free speech or free exercise of religion? I've already listed a half-dozen where you fought to crush free speech and freedom of religion.

You think that supporting your Homosexual supremacist groups you are supporting civil rights, but in fact you are ATTACKING individual liberty.
Go ahead and show where I "fought to crush free speech and freedom of religions".....list or link them now.
We don't know that because public school teachers are caught quickly while priests and ministers are protected by their churches. Who knows how many are still out there....they just caught a preacher in Carlsbad Carlsbad pastor arrested on child molestation charges

The FUCK they are, Brown Shirt.

CA Teachers' Unions: Protecting Child Molesters' Jobs - The Worthy Adversary
New Lawsuit Alleges LAUSD Failed to Protect Students from Abuse
LA Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse
LAUSD Ordered to Pay $6.9 Million in Molestation Verdict

That is JUST Los Angeles, you lying little Nazi.

(Okay, nothing little about you.)
"The Worthy Adversary" :lol:

As for LAUSD....they fired the ENTIRE school staff over that us where any church, catholic or otherwise did the same.

It's good to see you laugh at child abuse, Brown Shirt. It shows that you really only wanted to attack the Jews, I mean Christians that you fascist scum hate so deeply.

It wasn't ONE case as you are trying to lie, it was dozens and dozens. But since they are government you will defend them.
Maybe She would like to discuss the rampant child molestation and mutilation in the Muslim communities. Although I doubt it.
"Lifesite" why do you think a Catholic site would want to prove abuse is worse somewhere else than the catholic church......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The second link is the study you fucking moron...a study done by the US Dept of Education

Sit your stupid ass down
Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

To be a Democrat, Republican, Nazi, Green Party, Libertarian Party, none require you to even believe in a God.

To be a member of ISIS, you are REQUIRED to be a Muslim.
Does that mean all Muslims are terrorist?

I didn't say that, can you not read? Try again, read slower and let me know how it goes, or have a family member explain it to you.
I asked a question. Try reading my post a little slower.
We don't know that because public school teachers are caught quickly while priests and ministers are protected by their churches. Who knows how many are still out there....they just caught a preacher in Carlsbad Carlsbad pastor arrested on child molestation charges

The FUCK they are, Brown Shirt.

CA Teachers' Unions: Protecting Child Molesters' Jobs - The Worthy Adversary
New Lawsuit Alleges LAUSD Failed to Protect Students from Abuse
LA Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse
LAUSD Ordered to Pay $6.9 Million in Molestation Verdict

That is JUST Los Angeles, you lying little Nazi.

(Okay, nothing little about you.)
"The Worthy Adversary" :lol:

As for LAUSD....they fired the ENTIRE school staff over that us where any church, catholic or otherwise did the same.

It's good to see you laugh at child abuse, Brown Shirt. It shows that you really only wanted to attack the Jews, I mean Christians that you fascist scum hate so deeply.

It wasn't ONE case as you are trying to lie, it was dozens and dozens. But since they are government you will defend them.
Maybe She would like to discuss the rampant child molestation and mutilation in the Muslim communities. Although I doubt it.
Just as bad, I'm sure, as in the Christian community......these patriarchal religions.....and being run by men who think they can get away with it. More theocratic behavior, more molestations. Bad all around.
I posted the following here there and everywhere and mostly got called a liar

I do business with a 30 year old Muslim man. He owns kabob stores around Dc
He floored me when he states "mosques should be survellienced, 30% of them espouse rhetoric that is dangerous and crazy"
So I challenge all of you who don't want to believe that to go and talk to a 30ish Muslim ,who is actually living in the real world happily and not cloaked in some religious resentment folly, what their take is on what is going on in mosques !
Here's the second stunner. This fella is intricately involved in a housing project in Canada for reason unspecific to me other than the days are numbered for his family, in his opinion, to live comfortably and freely in the USA AND not because of any problems the USA is causing

Wake up sheep-not getting yourself blind eye blown up IS an American Value
I know a christian who thinks those big-box churches should be "survellienced" too.
What for? They aren't telling their followers to commit acts of mass murder.

Lets outlaw ISIS.

ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity. Let's outlaw Christianity. I can play the fallacy game as well.

On the other hand, instead of demonizing entire groups - it might be more effective to deal with the actual problem wreaking carnage on Muslims and non-Muslims alike: ISIS.

"From an early age, historian Allan Bullock writes, Hitler "had no time at all for Catholic teaching, regarding it as a religion fit only for slaves and detesting its ethics.""

"Moreover, Hitler's anti-Semitism was not religious, it was racial. Jews were targeted not because of their religion — indeed many German Jews were completely secular in their way of life — but because of their racial identity. This was an ethnic and not a religious designation. Hitler's anti-Semitism was secular."

Was Hitler a Christian?

Kind of my point - Nazi's are to Christianity what ISIS is to Islam.
Still not a correct analogy. Hitler's profession of Christianity was purely opportunist in nature and not a personally held belief. He was a skeptic,at best he might have been considered a Deist, but by the end of his reign he was clearly leaning toward Neo paganism and would have eventually replace the Christian Church with his own brand of Nazi religion. At the end he even banned religion from the Hitler youth as he prepared to cut the church out of his master plan. So you can't say that Hitler is Christian in the first place.

"However, as Hitler consolidated his power, schools became a major battleground in the Nazi campaign against the churches. In 1937, the Nazis banned any member of the Hitler Youth from simultaneously belonging to a religious youth movement. Religious education was not permitted in the Hitler Youth and by 1939, clergymen teachers had been removed from virtually all state schools.[189] Hitler sometimes allowed pressure to be placed on German parents to remove children from religious classes to be given ideological instruction in its place, while in elite Nazi schools, Christian prayers were replaced with Teutonic rituals and sun-worship.[190] By 1939 all Catholic denominational schools had been disbanded or converted to public facilities"

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

Islam isn't a religion at all, it's a death cult and therefore can't be compared to a religion the same way Nazism can't be compared to a religion. What they both have in common is both are in totalitarian cults making Islam no better than Nazism. I agree that ISIS is mercenary I'd also have to say so is all of Islam because Mohammad was himself a mercenary/war lord and it's his Ideology that forms Islam. Yes there are people who might be decent human beings in Islam but that's when you have to consider Islam doesn't allow apostates. Leaving Islam is punishable by death. If it's adherents could leave without fear of persecution you wouldn't have the numbers in Islam you have now.

Look at the set up in Islam. All pray five times a day. Call to prayer is public so after a while you get to know who is practicing and who isn't. Public profession is mandatory as is dress and customs. You can't not practice Islam in Muslim countries if you were born Muslim. It's more like a cult or ideology like Nazism and Communism, all must obey, there is no choice. If you happen to be an unfortunate Christian or Jew living in a Muslim country you may even have to pay a special tax called Jizya showing how opportunistic Mohammad really was. For decent people born Muslim there is no hope of escaping.
Jizya - Wikipedia
Catholics, as well as having a lot of pedophile priests, are historically known for being violent to others.
Historically, like 600 years ago? LOL
The Inquisition was around to the 1800s.
Really now? There ya go proving exactly how uneducated and ignorant Libtards are:

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia

The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (Spanish: Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición), commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition(Inquisición española), was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholicorthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the Medieval Inquisition, which was under Papal control. It became the most substantive of the three different manifestations of the wider Christian Inquisition along with the Roman Inquisition and Portuguese Inquisition. The "Spanish Inquisition" may be defined broadly, operating "in Spain and in all Spanish colonies and territories, which included the Canary Islands, the Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples, and all Spanish possessions in North, Central, and South America."
I repeat-

From Georgetown Law-

The view that foreign nationals do not deserve the same con- stitutional protections as U.S. citizens was given some support in April 2003 when a divided Supreme Court in Demore v. Kim3 upheld a 1996 statute imposing mandatory detention

From the SC decision-

And, since Mathews , this Court has firmly and repeatedly endorsed the proposition that Congress may make rules as to aliens that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens. See, e.g ., Zadvydas, 533 U. S., at 718 ( Kennedy , J., dissenting) (“The liberty rights of the aliens before us here are subject to limitations and conditions not applicable to citizens”); Reno v. Flores, 507 U. S. 292, 430 U. S. 787, 494 U. S. 259, 273 (1990) .


Grounds for Revocation of Naturalization - Chapter 2, Part L, Volume 12 | Policy Manual | USCIS
Discovery that a person failed to comply with any of the requirements for naturalization at the time the person became a U.S. citizen renders his or her naturalization illegally procured. This applies even if the person is innocent of any willful deception or misrepresentation. [2]

In general, a person is subject to revocation of naturalization on the following grounds:

A. Person Procures Naturalization Illegally

A person is subject to revocation of naturalization if he or she procured naturalization illegally. Procuring naturalization illegally simply means that the person was not eligible for naturalization in the first place. Accordingly, any eligibility requirement for naturalization that was not met can form the basis for an action to revoke the naturalization of a person. This includes the requirements of residence, physical presence, lawful admission for permanent residence, good moral character, and attachment to the U.S. Constitution. [1]

B. Concealment of Material Fact or Willful Misrepresentation [3]

1. Concealment of Material Fact or Willful Misrepresentation

A person is subject to revocation of naturalization if there is deliberate deceit on the part of the person in misrepresenting or failing to disclose a material fact or facts on his or her naturalization application and subsequent examination.

In general, a person is subject to revocation of naturalization on this basis if:

•The naturalized U.S. citizen misrepresented or concealed some fact;

•The misrepresentation or concealment was willful;

•The misrepresented or concealed fact or facts were material; and

•The naturalized U.S. citizen procured citizenship as a result of the misrepresentation or concealment. [4]

This ground of revocation includes omissions as well as affirmative misrepresentations. The misrepresentations can be oral testimony provided during the naturalization interview or can include information contained on the application submitted by the applicant. The courts determine whether the misrepresented or concealed fact or facts were material. The test for materiality is whether the misrepresentations or concealment had a tendency to affect the decision. It is not necessary that the information, if disclosed, would have precluded naturalization. [5]

2. Membership or Affiliation with Certain Organizations

A person is subject to revocation of naturalization if the person becomes a member of, or affiliated with, the Communist party, other totalitarian party, or terrorist organization within five years of his or her naturalization. [6] In general, a person who is involved with such organizations cannot establish the naturalization requirements of having an attachment to the Constitution and of being well-disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. [7]

The fact that a person becomes involved with such an organization within five years after the date of naturalization is prima facie evidence that he or she concealed or willfully misrepresented material evidence that would have prevented the person’s naturalization.

C. Other than Honorable Discharge before Five Years of Honorable Service after Naturalization

A person is subject to revocation of naturalization if:

•The person became a United States citizen through naturalization on the basis of honorable service in the U.S. armed forces; [8]

•The person subsequently separates from the U.S. armed forces under other than honorable conditions; and

•The other than honorable discharge occurs before the person has served honorably for a period or periods aggregating at least five years. [9]

Or at least claim to believe......kind of like so many who claim to be christians.....:eusa_whistle:
Do you REALLY understand what the Koran teaches? If you did, you wouldn't make such stupid statements.

She doesn't care. Islam is dedicated to ending the US Constitution, that makes them her allies.

Bode is at war to end the United States Constitution; she will use any means to prevail and will ally herself with anyone who furthers her treasonous goals.
I like how you pretend to be for the Constitution while being against the Bill of Rights...and trying to turn this around as if I were against the Constitution. :lol: And yet you show again and again and again that you hate the 1st Amendment and would like to see it destroyed.
See post 1013
Gotta love watching all these posters who have, in the past, claimed to love this country and our Constitution, willing to throw it and those who defend it under the bus of their fear so very very quickly. Must have been a very thin veil of patriotism for it to be wiped away so fast.
From the guardian-

London Bridge attack: one Canadian and one French citizen among dead - latest updates
  • Seven killed and 48 injured people taken to hospitals
  • 21 victims remain in critical condition
  • Member of public suffered gunshot wound
  • Eight officers fired 50 rounds at attackers
  • A British Transport police officer armed only with his baton was stabbed in the face as he tackled the assailants. He suffered serious injuries, but is in a stable condition in hospital. An off-duty Metropolitan police officer was among others injured in the attack. Two more on-duty officers were described as “walking wounded”.
  • At least one Australian citizen has been injured, according to the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and there are reports of a second. Candice Hedge from Brisbane was stabbed in the neck and is recovering after being treated in St Thomas’s hospital. A man from New Zealand also suffered serious wounds in the attack. At least four French citizens were harmed, one seriously. Geoff Ho, a journalist with the Sunday Express, was left in intensive care after being stabbed in the throat when he tried to help a wounded bouncer.
  • The Met have arrested 12 people after an operation in Barking in east London. On Sunday morning, police raided a block of flats in the area where at least one of the suspects is thought to have lived. A forensic investigation is under way at that site. Another raid, at a flat in nearby East Ham, followed in the afternoon.
From the guardian
Police were warned 2 years ago about one of the suspects. Nothing new, huh?
From the guardian-

Police were warned about suspect two years ago

Lisa O'Carroll

Police were warned about the main suspect radicalising children in a local park two years ago, a neighbour has revealed.

Erica Gasparri, an Italian mother of three who lives in the same complex, said she confronted the man, known locally as “Abs”, after her son came home and said: “Mummy, I want to be a Muslim.”

Gasparri then went to the park, where she said a “Pakistani man” had stated: “I’m ready to do whatever I need to do in the name of Allah. I am ready in the name of Allah to do what needs to be done, including killing my own mother.”

She said: “I took four photographs of him and gave them to the police. They rang Scotland Yard when I was there and said the information had been passed on to Scotland Yard. They were very concerned. They told me to delete the photos for my own safety which I did but then I heard nothing. That was two years ago. No-one came to me. If they did this could have been prevented and lives could have been saved.

“He would go down to the park and talk to them about Islam and he also came to the houses and gave the kids money and sweets during Ramadan.”
Gasparri said she told other neighbours including a Polish woman, who then tipped off the suspect that he had been reported to police.

Today that woman said she was sorry: “I didn’t know he was a bad guy. Maybe I was blind.”

In a stand-up row near the suspect’s flat on Sunday evening, Erica told the Polish woman: “My first impressions was he was a terrorist radicaliser.”
For the head in the sand Muzzie deniers-please take my place in the "I wanna die line....too PC dumb to stay alive" because I don't want to be in it
We don't know that because public school teachers are caught quickly while priests and ministers are protected by their churches. Who knows how many are still out there....they just caught a preacher in Carlsbad Carlsbad pastor arrested on child molestation charges

The FUCK they are, Brown Shirt.

CA Teachers' Unions: Protecting Child Molesters' Jobs - The Worthy Adversary
New Lawsuit Alleges LAUSD Failed to Protect Students from Abuse
LA Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse
LAUSD Ordered to Pay $6.9 Million in Molestation Verdict

That is JUST Los Angeles, you lying little Nazi.

(Okay, nothing little about you.)
"The Worthy Adversary" :lol:

As for LAUSD....they fired the ENTIRE school staff over that us where any church, catholic or otherwise did the same.

It's good to see you laugh at child abuse, Brown Shirt. It shows that you really only wanted to attack the Jews, I mean Christians that you fascist scum hate so deeply.

It wasn't ONE case as you are trying to lie, it was dozens and dozens. But since they are government you will defend them.
Maybe She would like to discuss the rampant child molestation and mutilation in the Muslim communities. Although I doubt it.
Just as bad, I'm sure, as in the Christian community......these patriarchal religions.....and being run by men who think they can get away with it. More theocratic behavior, more molestations. Bad all around.

If that were true molestation wouldn't. Be rampant in the secular culture. And it is
see...the school systems,entertainment industry,political figures,gay communities etc...

Stop being selective...if you really cared about child abuse you would condemn all of it...instead of playing political games in the name of it.
Still not a correct analogy. Hitler's profession of Christianity was purely opportunist in nature and not a personally held belief.
Hey that is exactly Like Donald Trump...3 times married , serial adulterer and a financial predator on the poor people...but becomes an Evangelical at election time

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