Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

The Democrats have all turned into non-binaries and transvestites, and they are whining that Donald Trump acts like a man.
A real mean does not look at or speak about women this way. I can say I never have. No matter what nobody can condone this. I know it isn't going to change minds nor do I give a real sh#t who makes no difference to me but I do like to see the ridicule this election is bringing about this country. A total dupe believes anything is going to change. Idiots you are. Dupes.

Oh puhleeze, spare us from sermons about how "real men" behave. You don't have a clue how real men behave. And don't pretend you aren't rooting for Hillary. We all know who you will vote for.
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.
Actually, Crocodile Dundee got a big laugh for that one.
In NYC it's the only way to be sure.
So acting like a man requires talking like trumpedy trump did? OK. Gotcha. Lmao at american political system. L M A O. America the
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
You are obviously a fucktard who has no clue what men talk about because you've never been one.
A boy thinks you have to talk that way to be a man. A man knows you do not need to talk that way to be a man.
The way you are going you will never know what it is like to be a man; GROW UP BOY.

Are you the new schoolmarm?
I am usually not this mature but with these idiots you need to give them some mature talk
You are a liar and a hypocrite. Democrats have made crude and disgusting behavior the norm, and mocked people who didn't like it. Now you whine when Trump acts just like the behavior you have encouraged for decades.

Democrats didn't have a problem with Clinton sticking his cigar up Monica's pussy, but they whine like babies because of some rude comments Trump made. Can politics in this country sink any lower?
Bill Clinton is a rapist, Hillary knows about it, and attacks publicly the women who accuse him of rape. For people like this to attack Trump on anything he says in a lockerroom around other men is laughable in the extreme.
I doubt you have ever been in a locker room or wore a jock strap
I doubt you've ever had normal sex with a normal woman.
The only balls you have are your eye balls.
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.

I just posted this and its a 3 min video. How about you actually watch BEFORE you defend it?
All I needed to see was "grab em by the pussy". If that's what the big deal is about, grow the fuck up.

Then be proud that you have admitted your ignorance and you dont need to know shit about things before leveling a defense dumbass.
Any special reason you need to use Trump language in your response to TNHarley?
Bill Clinton is a rapist, Hillary knows about it, and attacks publicly the women who accuse him of rape. For people like this to attack Trump on anything he says in a lockerroom around other men is laughable in the extreme.
I doubt you have ever been in a locker room or wore a jock strap
I doubt you've ever had normal sex with a normal woman.
The only balls you have are your eye balls.
See, you can have idiotic, immature bantering without demeaning women. You are an idiot.
This whole topic is deplorable.
Let's make this even CLEARER...

If this happened in 2005, then Donald Trump was newlywed and had just married Melania, when he was looking for some "strange" with this soap opera star, though only semi "strange" because he had made moves on her before...

Right now, my sympathy and heart felt sorrow goes towards Melania....

Guess she decided to still stay with him, even though he was trying to f**k every girl under the sun, from the moment they were married.

guess she was an enabler like Hillary, eh?

Bill's worse than Trump, yadadadadah says Trump....but guess what, once again we find out the accusations of Trump towards Hillary and Bill, was all about himself and him doing the things he always accuses Bill of doing... The trump m/o at it again...
Bill fucked around on his wife

There are two candidates running for President

One of them- Donald Trump is an adulterer and boasted about how he wanted to fuck a married woman.

The other- Hillary Clinton- is not.

There are two candidates running for President....

One of them, hilary clinton.....

--helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault using private detectives and political operatives

--all of her staff have been given immunity deals by the FBI to protect her from prosecution...

--she ordered 13 blackberries destroyed, several laptops, several servers and used a high tech program to destroy emails that were under subpoena....

--she used an illegal server to engage in selling her office as Secretary of State to the highest bidder, and hid the money in her families private charity foundation....

--she sent men to Libya, then refused repeated requests by these men for more security, and then, when they came under direct and sustained attack, she refused to send a rescue mission to save them.....4 of them died.....

--after pushing the over throw of the leader of Libya, her decision created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War 2.....

--her decision with obama to remove our troops from Iraq allowed isis to spread and conduct terrorist attacks around the world.......

The other is Donald Trump.....

And that was just in the last 8 years....
The ambassador insisted on going to the mission, and refused military security. The refugees coming from Libya are sub-saharan blacks duh. Thanks for the corrupt GOP world depression, dupe. All the rest has been thoroughly investigated and nada, except on the total bs GOP propaganda machine.

Wrong......the Defense Department offered the State Department military provided Security, they refused......they asked the Ambassador if he wanted military security, and by protocol he had to refuse since the State Department had already refused it.........
Maybe. He should have gotten out of that little mission when all those video protests started across the ME. A tragedy, and very unlucky. Leave it to the New BS/hate GOP to get points out of this forever....after 60 employees were killed in 11 attacks under Booosh.
Well, leave it to Trump to knock hurricane Matthew off the top news story.
Good luck, Drumpf, without the woman, hispanic, gay, and black vote.

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