Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

It matters because the first person to use the term was a racist. President Woodrow wilson. Do your homework.

lol ... well hmmmmm..... how does that make any difference one way or the other?

if he thought the constitution was a living document - good on him. if he thought it wasn't ... then he was wrong; evidenced by the added amendments after the framers ( all seemingly racists themselves - since they OWNED people ) signed onto said living document.
Uh, we have 600,000 abortions a year either surgical or chemical to prevent babies... I don't think they get any more normal than that.

Still not considered "birth control".

Words mean things despite your efforts to the contrary.
There is no difference.
Birth is far down the line, and anything that prevents birth, anywhere down that line, is birth control.

Again, common usage of the term "birth control" implies conception PREVENTION, not getting rid of conception PRODUCTS.

Stop trying to change word meanings to suit your agenda.
Still not considered "birth control".

Words mean things despite your efforts to the contrary.

Again, common usage of the term "birth control" implies conception PREVENTION, not getting rid of conception PRODUCTS.

Stop trying to change word meanings to suit your agenda.

The problem here is that women who have elective, first trimster abortions just see it as birth control.... whether you think globby the fetus is something more is your hangup... but since you don't have a uterus, your opinion doesn't really count
The problem here is that women who have elective, first trimster abortions just see it as birth control.... whether you think globby the fetus is something more is your hangup... but since you don't have a uterus, your opinion doesn't really count

They can see it as your dried up old ass, but it's still abortion not birth control as the majority of people define it.
They can see it as your dried up old ass, but it's still abortion not birth control as the majority of people define it.

It is birth control as the women getting them see it... and that's the only thing that counts.
The problem here is that women who have elective, first trimster abortions just see it as birth control.... whether you think globby the fetus is something more is your hangup... but since you don't have a uterus, your opinion doesn't really count
I think you are right. I'd have agreed with MartyBegan before, but since I've learned to my surprise since the USSC decision that most, MOST abortions are just pop-a-pill (!!), consider: popping one pill to get rid of the problem is a lot easier than to deal with that regime of pill-every-day-except-certain-days -------------------

Yeah, I bet a lot of women, especially the less organized ones, do use chemical abortion via pill as birth control and think of it that way.
Fetuses aren't people.

Jews aren't people?

Well Seig Heil for your originality.

Women don't consider them people, they consider it birth control.


I have yet to encounter a pregnant WOMAN (because you fucking Nazi creeps don't even know what that is) who declared "I'm having a zygote!"

Only you ghouls dehumanize the unborn - in a flaccid attempt to lessen the horror of what you are.

I have yet to encounter a pregnant WOMAN (because you fucking Nazi creeps don't even know what that is) who declared "I'm having a zygote!"

Only you ghouls dehumanize the unborn - in a flaccid attempt to lessen the horror of what you are.

Actually most women who have abortions refer to it as 'that problem I need to take care of"... not a baby.

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