Brian Auten: FBI offered Christopher Steele $1million if he could corroborate allegations in the Dossier, but Steele could not do so.

You're a your own mind

I'm a credentialed and experienced professional, and there are THOUSANDS like me, and we're going to shove this issue right up your ass

Fuck you if you don't like it

Happy now?

You fucktards who think you can assert the truth have another thing coming.
Hard to come by in these highly partisan days. Have you considered, popular politicians on both sides benefit from the controversy, in terms of campaign dollars. For politicians, this could be like immigration. It makes too much money to put an end to it, by solving the problem, no matter if the technology is known and available or not.
Yes, exactly. The resistance is political, not technical. From people with a political agenda, not a technical one.

However we seem to agree that this "should" not be a partisan issue. It's mechanistic, it's part of the infrastructure that we all have to rely on.

Well, I can tell you this: I was part of the "corporate change" when Kaiser converted to EMR. Corporate types don't scare me, I eat them for lunch. Politicians, however, scare the shit out of me. The dishonesty in politics is orders of magnitude beyond anything in the corporate sphere.

Two things are important:

1. The people who are fighting this need to be exposed. We both know there's a big mess in the area of elections, we have gerrymandering, we have partisan judges, all kinds of oddball stuff goes down in that swamp. In the corporate world it's easy, someone gives you authority and you make a few heads roll and there's nothing anyone can really do about it. In politics that's impossible, every delta is a battle. The very first thing we can do is expose ignorance. That's easy. The people worried about gerrymandering don't have the first clue about real security. They're trying to make things "fair" - well, we need to show everyone that what they're doing is NOT fair, not even helpful, in fact it's downright destructive from a security standpoint. Precincts are in charge of elections, and we're letting them be whipsawed by partisans

2. People ("we the people") need to be made security conscious. Anyone who is, will not appreciate ignorance from their representatives. The only reason the politicians get away with their bullshit is people are ignorant and apathetic. How smart is it to farm out your election counting to a foreign corporation? Did anyone ever ask you if you wanted to do that? Governors and state legislatures who do that are IGNORANT. They're shooting themselves (and all of us) in the foot. They act out of convenience, not intelligence and concern. ALL of this can be exposed. Look what just happened in Georgia, the fucktards down there are VOLUNTARILY giving away their elections to the CCP We the People don't have to stand for that kind of crap. And we won't
Hard to come by in these highly partisan days. Have you considered, popular politicians on both sides benefit from the controversy, in terms of campaign dollars. For politicians, this could be like immigration. It makes too much money to put an end to it, by solving the problem, no matter if the technology is known and available or not.
To rephrase succinctly:

We have to make it politically impossible not to fix this system
I'm a credentialed and experienced professional, and there are THOUSANDS like me, and we're going to shove this issue right up your ass
Sure ya are "scruffy". All the credentialed and experienced "professionals" I have met sound just as crazy and just as stupid as you
Sure ya are "scruffy". All the credentialed and experienced "professionals" I have met sound just as crazy and just as stupid as you


You really are a dumb fucktard, aren't you?

Brainless, we built the car you drive, the computer you use, your banking system, your medical system, and every other thing of value in your life.

You couldn't tie your own goddamn shoes without us.

It would be fun watching you try, though.

And guess what, we can shut you down any time we want. If we shut down, you shut down. It's pretty much that simple.

Nah pal, you got on our shit list with your bullshit. Now you're going to learn, that Stalinist bullshit is NOT ACCEPTABLE and will not be tolerated.
Voices in your head again huh. They have meds for that
Fucktard, try to stick to the topic

The FBI is corrupt, that's the topic.

They offered money to a foreign spy for dirt in a sitting President.

They're fucking CORRUPT.

The entire Biden administration is filled with corrupt motherfuckers.
Fucktard, try to stick to the topic

The FBI is corrupt, that's the topic.

They offered money to a foreign spy for dirt in a sitting President.

They're fucking CORRUPT.

The entire Biden administration is filled with corrupt motherfuckers.
Wrong. That’s your Trump inspired fever dream


You really are a dumb fucktard, aren't you?

Brainless, we built the car you drive, the computer you use, your banking system, your medical system, and every other thing of value in your life.

You couldn't tie your own goddamn shoes without us.

It would be fun watching you try, though.

And guess what, we can shut you down any time we want. If we shut down, you shut down. It's pretty much that simple.

Nah pal, you got on our shit list with your bullshit. Now you're going to learn, that Stalinist bullshit is NOT ACCEPTABLE and will not be tolerated.
Do you realize JUST how insane you sound?

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