Bribery is a loser

i'm not a nazi,,,
You must be if I'm a Commie since Commies and Nazi's oppose each other politically.
thats a flaw in your thinking not mine,,,

honest americans and freedom loving people dont like either of you mother fuckers,,,
You don't appear to be an honest American. If I'm a Commie, that makes you a Nazi.
your perceptions have failed repeatedly and this is just another case of it,,,

you being a commie has nothing to do with me,,,
Sure it does as Nazis call their political enemies, "Commies." Dates all the way back to Nazi Germany when the 2 parties constantly fought each other for power. And we saw what happened there when you fuckers won. :ack-1:

and americans during that same time called them both nazis and commies,,,same as today,,,

your childish game of rubber and glue show what your are,,,a child,,,
You must be if I'm a Commie since Commies and Nazi's oppose each other politically.
thats a flaw in your thinking not mine,,,

honest americans and freedom loving people dont like either of you mother fuckers,,,
You don't appear to be an honest American. If I'm a Commie, that makes you a Nazi.
your perceptions have failed repeatedly and this is just another case of it,,,

you being a commie has nothing to do with me,,,
Sure it does as Nazis call their political enemies, "Commies." Dates all the way back to Nazi Germany when the 2 parties constantly fought each other for power. And we saw what happened there when you fuckers won. :ack-1:

and americans during that same time called them both nazis and commies,,,same as today,,,

your childish game of rubber and glue show what your are,,,a child,,,

Spits a Nazi.
thats a flaw in your thinking not mine,,,

honest americans and freedom loving people dont like either of you mother fuckers,,,
You don't appear to be an honest American. If I'm a Commie, that makes you a Nazi.
your perceptions have failed repeatedly and this is just another case of it,,,

you being a commie has nothing to do with me,,,
Sure it does as Nazis call their political enemies, "Commies." Dates all the way back to Nazi Germany when the 2 parties constantly fought each other for power. And we saw what happened there when you fuckers won. :ack-1:

and americans during that same time called them both nazis and commies,,,same as today,,,

your childish game of rubber and glue show what your are,,,a child,,,

Spits a Nazi.

my god you are a fucking moron,,,
Let Trump do that childish shit. Call him on it or ignore him but don’t play the same games.

Um, again. No.

He was willing to endanger a lot of people and American interests to "play his games".

Now, I have no illusions. The GOP won't convict him unless something more blatant comes up. They are cowards.

But you still point out it's wrong, and article of impeachment is the strongest message we have..
Articles of impeachment lose the next election. If that’s what you want them go for it, but I don’t think it’s smart or worth it
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
I agree with everything said here with the exception that Trump abused his power for personal gain.

To date, there is no credible evidence that has occured.
what would be an example of something you would consider credible proof that would prove trump wanted those investigations for political purposes?
Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.

Um. No. If you don't draw a line in the sand and say, "This is too much", then youare pretty much inviting Trump to do a lot worse.


In short, he dodged a bullet and went right out and did something even more blatant!

It would be like if Clinton dodged the Lewinsky Bullet, and then celebrated by having an orgy with the intern pool.

yeah we wouldnt want trump or any other president looking into corruption in the future
if Trump was interested in corruption he would have mentioned the ceo of burisma, the guy actually accused of being corrupt, or one of the many others. But no, it was the DNC and Biden. Wake up

the CEO wasnt the former vice pres of the USA,,

but your right about the rest,,, it is about the DNC collusion,, to bad joe shot his mouth off and got drawn into it
what Joe shot his mouth off about was perfectly legit. Just because you pretend it’s a crime doesn’t make it a crime. The CEO of Burisma is the guy who was accused of a crime. If trump wanted to root out corruption then Thay would have been a valid target. But let’s fave facts. Trump doesn’t give a shit about corruption unless he can use it for personal gain
As one narrative fails democommiecrats drag out another. Quid pro quo went bust so they dragged out bribery. That's fizzling so they are trying witness intimidation in absolute desperation.

They already tried child moleststion and insider trading. Both of those died in the box.
QPQ and Bribery are the same thing smartie pants... they are just labeling it differently
Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.

Um. No. If you don't draw a line in the sand and say, "This is too much", then youare pretty much inviting Trump to do a lot worse.


In short, he dodged a bullet and went right out and did something even more blatant!

It would be like if Clinton dodged the Lewinsky Bullet, and then celebrated by having an orgy with the intern pool.

yeah we wouldnt want trump or any other president looking into corruption in the future
if Trump was interested in corruption he would have mentioned the ceo of burisma, the guy actually accused of being corrupt, or one of the many others. But no, it was the DNC and Biden. Wake up

the CEO wasnt the former vice pres of the USA,,

but your right about the rest,,, it is about the DNC collusion,, to bad joe shot his mouth off and got drawn into it
what Joe shot his mouth off about was perfectly legit. Just because you pretend it’s a crime doesn’t make it a crime. The CEO of Burisma is the guy who was accused of a crime. If trump wanted to root out corruption then Thay would have been a valid target. But let’s fave facts. Trump doesn’t give a shit about corruption unless he can use it for personal gain

at this point its an appearance of a crime and based on the facts it is an ethics issue
I"m not. I'm merely posting news. And the news reports Shokin stonewalled a U.K. investigation into Burisma's owner for a year until a British court overturned the freezing of Zlochevsky's assets because Shokin was corrupt and wouldn't cooperate.

you shouldnt limit your sources,,, in this case its left you at a disadvantage,,,
I've seen nothing contrary to that.

you need to take the blinders off,,,
I'm not wearing any blinders. I'm serious, I've looked, there is nothing out there contradicting the fact that Shokin was put in charge of investigating Zlochevsky in 2014 and he not only refused to look for corruption, he flat out refused to cooperate with a U.K. investigation into Zlochevsky.

You pouting, nuh-uh, is not convincing me otherwise.

then why did joe have him fired and the new guy cleared zlochevsky of all wrong doing???
The new guy was also corrupt
Um. No. If you don't draw a line in the sand and say, "This is too much", then youare pretty much inviting Trump to do a lot worse.


In short, he dodged a bullet and went right out and did something even more blatant!

It would be like if Clinton dodged the Lewinsky Bullet, and then celebrated by having an orgy with the intern pool.

yeah we wouldnt want trump or any other president looking into corruption in the future
if Trump was interested in corruption he would have mentioned the ceo of burisma, the guy actually accused of being corrupt, or one of the many others. But no, it was the DNC and Biden. Wake up

the CEO wasnt the former vice pres of the USA,,

but your right about the rest,,, it is about the DNC collusion,, to bad joe shot his mouth off and got drawn into it
what Joe shot his mouth off about was perfectly legit. Just because you pretend it’s a crime doesn’t make it a crime. The CEO of Burisma is the guy who was accused of a crime. If trump wanted to root out corruption then Thay would have been a valid target. But let’s fave facts. Trump doesn’t give a shit about corruption unless he can use it for personal gain

at this point its an appearance of a crime and based on the facts it is an ethics issue
appearance of a crime?! Based on what? You can look at anything and say there’s the appearance of a crime. But if you want to accuse or investigate you need credible evidence. You don’t have that here. Sorry
It should be enough that the aid was withheld in order to give aid and comfort of the Russians, who declared themselves enemies of these United States by meddling in our 2016 election.
you shouldnt limit your sources,,, in this case its left you at a disadvantage,,,
I've seen nothing contrary to that.

you need to take the blinders off,,,
I'm not wearing any blinders. I'm serious, I've looked, there is nothing out there contradicting the fact that Shokin was put in charge of investigating Zlochevsky in 2014 and he not only refused to look for corruption, he flat out refused to cooperate with a U.K. investigation into Zlochevsky.

You pouting, nuh-uh, is not convincing me otherwise.

then why did joe have him fired and the new guy cleared zlochevsky of all wrong doing???
The new guy was also corrupt
I'm not sure bribery is best term for what the president did. I've read the summary of the call. Yes it sound awful from a constitutional point of view, especially when take along with the witnesses, but bribery? It sounds more like extortion to me. I sure wish the president would quit doing this stupid carp. It is kind of like baseball. Non forced errors are stupid, and make the whole team look stupid. If I was an umpire I would eject him from the game.
I've seen nothing contrary to that.

you need to take the blinders off,,,
I'm not wearing any blinders. I'm serious, I've looked, there is nothing out there contradicting the fact that Shokin was put in charge of investigating Zlochevsky in 2014 and he not only refused to look for corruption, he flat out refused to cooperate with a U.K. investigation into Zlochevsky.

You pouting, nuh-uh, is not convincing me otherwise.

then why did joe have him fired and the new guy cleared zlochevsky of all wrong doing???
The new guy was also corrupt
I'm not sure bribery is best term for what the president did. I've read the summary of the call. Yes it sound awful from a constitutional point of view, especially when take along with the witnesses, but bribery? It sounds more like extortion to me. I sure wish the president would quit doing this stupid carp. It is kind of like baseball. Non forced errors are stupid, and make the whole team look stupid. If I was an umpire I would eject him from the game.
I agree. Bribery sounds forced. Abuse of power sounds better to me
I've seen nothing contrary to that.

you need to take the blinders off,,,
I'm not wearing any blinders. I'm serious, I've looked, there is nothing out there contradicting the fact that Shokin was put in charge of investigating Zlochevsky in 2014 and he not only refused to look for corruption, he flat out refused to cooperate with a U.K. investigation into Zlochevsky.

You pouting, nuh-uh, is not convincing me otherwise.

then why did joe have him fired and the new guy cleared zlochevsky of all wrong doing???
The new guy was also corrupt
I'm not sure bribery is best term for what the president did. I've read the summary of the call. Yes it sound awful from a constitutional point of view, especially when take along with the witnesses, but bribery? It sounds more like extortion to me. I sure wish the president would quit doing this stupid carp. It is kind of like baseball. Non forced errors are stupid, and make the whole team look stupid. If I was an umpire I would eject him from the game.
18 U.S.C. § 201(b): Whoever— (a) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent— (A) to influence any official act; or (B) to influence such public official or person who has been selected to be a public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or (C) to induce such public official or such person who has been selected to be a public official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person; (2) being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for: (A) being influenced in the performance of any official act; (B) being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or (C) being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;

It seems a pretty accurate description of what happened. That's the bribery statute btw.
yeah we wouldnt want trump or any other president looking into corruption in the future
if Trump was interested in corruption he would have mentioned the ceo of burisma, the guy actually accused of being corrupt, or one of the many others. But no, it was the DNC and Biden. Wake up

the CEO wasnt the former vice pres of the USA,,

but your right about the rest,,, it is about the DNC collusion,, to bad joe shot his mouth off and got drawn into it
what Joe shot his mouth off about was perfectly legit. Just because you pretend it’s a crime doesn’t make it a crime. The CEO of Burisma is the guy who was accused of a crime. If trump wanted to root out corruption then Thay would have been a valid target. But let’s fave facts. Trump doesn’t give a shit about corruption unless he can use it for personal gain

at this point its an appearance of a crime and based on the facts it is an ethics issue
appearance of a crime?! Based on what? You can look at anything and say there’s the appearance of a crime. But if you want to accuse or investigate you need credible evidence. You don’t have that here. Sorry

yes I do,,,
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Wise words
I've seen nothing contrary to that.

you need to take the blinders off,,,
I'm not wearing any blinders. I'm serious, I've looked, there is nothing out there contradicting the fact that Shokin was put in charge of investigating Zlochevsky in 2014 and he not only refused to look for corruption, he flat out refused to cooperate with a U.K. investigation into Zlochevsky.

You pouting, nuh-uh, is not convincing me otherwise.

then why did joe have him fired and the new guy cleared zlochevsky of all wrong doing???
The new guy was also corrupt
I'm not sure bribery is best term for what the president did. I've read the summary of the call. Yes it sound awful from a constitutional point of view, especially when take along with the witnesses, but bribery? It sounds more like extortion to me. I sure wish the president would quit doing this stupid carp. It is kind of like baseball. Non forced errors are stupid, and make the whole team look stupid. If I was an umpire I would eject him from the game.
whats the constitutional problem you see???
it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government that interfered in our election and also a former politician that seems to have ethical if not criminal actions in his country,,

its the sworn duty of all elected officials to protect and defend this country and constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic as per their oath,,
and that is exactly what trump did and is doing,,,

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