Bribery is a loser

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things

Au Contaire mon Frere.

What Trump did is EXACTLY bribery

Mr. Zelenensky, you can have your military aid if and only if you open a bogus investigation of my political rival and announce it on CNN

Bribery. Boom
thats contingent on being able to prove that it was a bogus investigation. Otherwise it’s no different than what our government does on a regular basis with foreign aid
That's bullshit.

Supposedly the "investigation" was going to show that Joe Biden interfered in an ongoing investigation of Burisma or Biden...or something when he got Shokin removed.

There WAS no ongoing investigation to interfere's a total bogus political stunt.

Not unlike pressuring the FBI to open an investigation of Hillary days before the 2016 election (thank you Rudy). Yea...he was involved in THAT too.
The new guy was also corrupt
I'm not sure bribery is best term for what the president did. I've read the summary of the call. Yes it sound awful from a constitutional point of view, especially when take along with the witnesses, but bribery? It sounds more like extortion to me. I sure wish the president would quit doing this stupid carp. It is kind of like baseball. Non forced errors are stupid, and make the whole team look stupid. If I was an umpire I would eject him from the game.
whats the constitutional problem you see???
it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government that interfered in our election and also a former politician that seems to have ethical if not criminal actions in his country,,

its the sworn duty of all elected officials to protect and defend this country and constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic as per their oath,,
and that is exactly what trump did and is doing,,,
"it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government"

Joe Biden is not a corrupt person in Ukraine's government. Hunter Biden is not a corrupt person in Ukraine's government. CrowdStrike is not a corrupt firm in Ukraine's government. The DNC servers are not corrupt systems in the Ukraine government.

Thanks for offering evidence of Trump's crimes.

how do you know everything hes done there???
Of which "he" do you speak?
its called critical thinking,,,
I'm not sure bribery is best term for what the president did. I've read the summary of the call. Yes it sound awful from a constitutional point of view, especially when take along with the witnesses, but bribery? It sounds more like extortion to me. I sure wish the president would quit doing this stupid carp. It is kind of like baseball. Non forced errors are stupid, and make the whole team look stupid. If I was an umpire I would eject him from the game.
whats the constitutional problem you see???
it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government that interfered in our election and also a former politician that seems to have ethical if not criminal actions in his country,,

its the sworn duty of all elected officials to protect and defend this country and constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic as per their oath,,
and that is exactly what trump did and is doing,,,
"it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government"

Joe Biden is not a corrupt person in Ukraine's government. Hunter Biden is not a corrupt person in Ukraine's government. CrowdStrike is not a corrupt firm in Ukraine's government. The DNC servers are not corrupt systems in the Ukraine government.

Thanks for offering evidence of Trump's crimes.

how do you know everything hes done there???
Of which "he" do you speak?
its called critical thinking,,,
Critical thinking is a "he?"

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things

Au Contaire mon Frere.

What Trump did is EXACTLY bribery

Mr. Zelenensky, you can have your military aid if and only if you open a bogus investigation of my political rival and announce it on CNN

Bribery. Boom
thats contingent on being able to prove that it was a bogus investigation. Otherwise it’s no different than what our government does on a regular basis with foreign aid
That's bullshit.

Supposedly the "investigation" was going to show that Joe Biden interfered in an ongoing investigation of Burisma or Biden...or something when he got Shokin removed.

There WAS no ongoing investigation to interfere's a total bogus political stunt.

Not unlike pressuring the FBI to open an investigation of Hillary days before the 2016 election (thank you Rudy). Yea...he was involved in THAT too.
oh I fully see the politics in this whole situation but there just isn’t any way to prove it without a doubt. It’s not a criminal matter. You can play politics and paint him as the big bad president but we already know what he is. He needs to be voted out. Impeachment ruins Biden wins Trump reelection.
No, bribery isn't a loser. It's a fact. It's clearly stated in the Constitution.

You forgot... impeachment = 4 more years of Trump

Maybe, but honor and patriotism should supersede politics - regardless of the consequences. This is clearly one of those times. Otherwise, we may as well just burn the Constitution.
its only a crime if it is proven that trump was only acting in his own self interest and not for the interest of the USA. It’s almost impossible to prove that. So there is grey area there and it ultimately comes to what the people believe. Currently the Polls and congressional opinion fall on party lines so the best gauge is the vote during next years election. Best way to win the vote is to not file for impeachment.
You must be if I'm a Commie since Commies and Nazi's oppose each other politically.
thats a flaw in your thinking not mine,,,

honest americans and freedom loving people dont like either of you mother fuckers,,,
You don't appear to be an honest American. If I'm a Commie, that makes you a Nazi.
your perceptions have failed repeatedly and this is just another case of it,,,

you being a commie has nothing to do with me,,,
Sure it does as Nazis call their political enemies, "Commies." Dates all the way back to Nazi Germany when the 2 parties constantly fought each other for power. And we saw what happened there when you fuckers won. :ack-1:

and americans during that same time called them both nazis and commies,,,same as today,,,

your childish game of rubber and glue show what your are,,,a child,,,

Faun fucking with you ?

Here let me take over and rip him apart..
whats the constitutional problem you see???
it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government that interfered in our election and also a former politician that seems to have ethical if not criminal actions in his country,,

its the sworn duty of all elected officials to protect and defend this country and constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic as per their oath,,
and that is exactly what trump did and is doing,,,
"it was one leader asking another leader to look into the corrupt people in his government"

Joe Biden is not a corrupt person in Ukraine's government. Hunter Biden is not a corrupt person in Ukraine's government. CrowdStrike is not a corrupt firm in Ukraine's government. The DNC servers are not corrupt systems in the Ukraine government.

Thanks for offering evidence of Trump's crimes.

how do you know everything hes done there???
Of which "he" do you speak?
its called critical thinking,,,
Critical thinking is a "he?"


What, bitch? Stay to the topic please.
No, bribery isn't a loser. It's a fact. It's clearly stated in the Constitution.

You forgot... impeachment = 4 more years of Trump

Maybe, but honor and patriotism should supersede politics - regardless of the consequences. This is clearly one of those times. Otherwise, we may as well just burn the Constitution.
its only a crime if it is proven that trump was only acting in his own self interest and not for the interest of the USA. It’s almost impossible to prove that. So there is grey area there and it ultimately comes to what the people believe. Currently the Polls and congressional opinion fall on party lines so the best gauge is the vote during next years election. Best way to win the vote is to not file for impeachment.

You need a gotcha moment, like when ken finally got the Democrats with bill admitting he had sex
Excellent. But your analogy with the building official is missing another piece of this puzzle -- where the building official first explains that no one else in the world is helping Mr. Slade and that no one else can help Mr. Slade but the building official.

Thanks. I tried to capture what you suggested here: "The official, the sole power over the future of Mr. Slade's family's living conditions, ..."
Yes bribery is a "thing". It's mentioned in the Constitution as a cause for Impeachment

And yes Trump is guilty of it

"You don't get the promised military aid until you publicly announce an investigation of my political opponent"

IS bribery
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.

Much too late for that. Nancy tried to warn them. They wouldn't be waylaid.
sorry but hearsay and opinions are proof of nothing but desperation,,,,

Okay, guy, we put people in prison for a lot less evidence than we have on Trump right now.

Articles of impeachment lose the next election. If that’s what you want them go for it, but I don’t think it’s smart or worth it

That's an opinion. It's just wrong. If Bush got elected after the massively unpopular impeachment of Clinton, then Biden or Warren can get elected after the very popular impeachment of Trump.

I do think what will do Trump in will be that by next year, the economy will be in much worse shape than it is now. Which is actually kind of a sad commentary, that we tolerate Trump's awful behavior because the economy is good, but we'll turn on him when it goes bad.
No, bribery isn't a loser. It's a fact. It's clearly stated in the Constitution.

You forgot... impeachment = 4 more years of Trump

Maybe, but honor and patriotism should supersede politics - regardless of the consequences. This is clearly one of those times. Otherwise, we may as well just burn the Constitution.
its only a crime if it is proven that trump was only acting in his own self interest and not for the interest of the USA. It’s almost impossible to prove that. So there is grey area there and it ultimately comes to what the people believe. Currently the Polls and congressional opinion fall on party lines so the best gauge is the vote during next years election. Best way to win the vote is to not file for impeachment.

the best gauge is the fact the DNC colluded with ukraine and is what trumps going after,,,
joes only involved because he shot his mouth off about possible ethics violations or criminal acts,,,
sorry but hearsay and opinions are proof of nothing but desperation,,,,

Okay, guy, we put people in prison for a lot less evidence than we have on Trump right now.

Articles of impeachment lose the next election. If that’s what you want them go for it, but I don’t think it’s smart or worth it

That's an opinion. It's just wrong. If Bush got elected after the massively unpopular impeachment of Clinton, then Biden or Warren can get elected after the very popular impeachment of Trump.

I do think what will do Trump in will be that by next year, the economy will be in much worse shape than it is now. Which is actually kind of a sad commentary, that we tolerate Trump's awful behavior because the economy is good, but we'll turn on him when it goes bad.
beings that the dems have been going after trump for 3 straight yrs and got nothing to show for it kinda leans towards you got nothing on him

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