Brothers Out for a Sunday Drive in New York

We are a nation of laws. Disregarding them due to media stirred emotion will only result in mob rule. The District Attorney will not charge bikers beating on the SUV because they were not endangering the life of the people inside. Only the violent vigilante ones will be charged if caught. They should also charge the SUV driver. He should have to pay for the injuries to the bikers, not try to stick us tax payers with his negligence.

And vice versa jackass, the bikers should have to pay for his injuries plus his wife and kid psychological pain and suffering for the rest of their lives, that could be billions...:lol:

See, I can play yo game moron...:eusa_angel:

Violent assault & attempted murder is not a game moron.

Yes the vigilante biker who yanked the SUV driver out & beat him should be charged & forced to pay for injuries & damages. But the fact is the SUV driver was released from hospital with only a few stitches & wife & child were untouched even after he tried to kill a group of bikers. That is solid proof that their life was not in danger before he drove over bikers. They were not trying to harm the SUV family prior to being attacked with the SUV.

Mr. SUV driver will have to pay for the bikers care, because it is not tax payers fault he snapped. Civil lawyers will have a field day with the SUV family.

You're correct. Why aren't you addressing the fact that the bikers engage in this behavior seemingly all of the time? There is video evidence of them attacking a person in 2011 and reports of them doing it other times as well. Are you one of them? I ask because your defense of the indefensible is telling...

If the bikers pursue this crap they are going to wish they hadn't methinks. Public opinion is vastly against them, video evidence will convict them, and the last I saw a good percentage of the license plates on the bikes were stolen so if they aren't careful they just might get a RICO started against them.

If I were the SUV driver and they pursued this crap I would file a civil RICO against them and own everything they have by the time I was done. Once again, better watch what you ask for... you just might get it. With both barrels.
We are a nation of laws. Disregarding them due to media stirred emotion will only result in mob rule. The District Attorney will not charge bikers beating on the SUV because they were not endangering the life of the people inside. Only the violent vigilante ones will be charged if caught. They should also charge the SUV driver. He should have to pay for the injuries to the bikers, not try to stick us tax payers with his negligence.

The vehicle was attacked at the FIRST stop...that is what motivated the Range Rover to make the escape, running over the motorcyclist THAT WAS INTENTIONALLY BLOCKING HIS PATH.


You can't use deadly force to stop an attack on property in NYC in broad daylight. It is only justified in defending life.

Even Texas Penal Code§9.42. only allows that at night. NYC does not ever allow deadly force to defend property...

I guess you've never heard of jury nullification then. My gosh but you are turning into (maybe you have always been one and I just didn't notice) a proper asshole. I agree you are either trolling or one of the thugs. Either way, get a fucking life.
The vehicle was attacked at the FIRST stop...that is what motivated the Range Rover to make the escape, running over the motorcyclist THAT WAS INTENTIONALLY BLOCKING HIS PATH.


You can't use deadly force to stop an attack on property in NYC in broad daylight. It is only justified in defending life.

Even Texas Penal Code§9.42. only allows that at night. NYC does not ever allow deadly force to defend property...

I guess you've never heard of jury nullification then. My gosh but you are turning into (maybe you have always been one and I just didn't notice) a proper asshole. I agree you are either trolling or one of the thugs. Either way, get a fucking life.

what a great city

you can not defend yourself

and the cops are not there to protect you
The long-time reader who forwarded me this link comments:
For those of you who don't understand that tactical arithmetic that just issued forth here, I will distill this NYC press release down to a blastula level :
1. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get a carry permit for a handgun in N.Y. City.
2. The Police have just admitted that they will do NOTHING to stop real-time, Road Warrior, motorcycle-gang wilding highway events in the future.
Your previous position in NYC's food pyramid just went from apex predator, to Timothy Treadwell.

Sipsey Street Irregulars
You can't use deadly force to stop an attack on property in NYC in broad daylight. It is only justified in defending life.

Even Texas Penal Code§9.42. only allows that at night. NYC does not ever allow deadly force to defend property...

I guess you've never heard of jury nullification then. My gosh but you are turning into (maybe you have always been one and I just didn't notice) a proper asshole. I agree you are either trolling or one of the thugs. Either way, get a fucking life.

what a great city

you can not defend yourself

and the cops are not there to protect you

That is why I will never go back there. SCOTUS ruled police have no duty to protect you. NYC does not allow deadly force unless you really are facing felony death, serious injury or rape.
I guess you've never heard of jury nullification then. My gosh but you are turning into (maybe you have always been one and I just didn't notice) a proper asshole. I agree you are either trolling or one of the thugs. Either way, get a fucking life.

what a great city

you can not defend yourself

and the cops are not there to protect you

That is why I will never go back there. SCOTUS ruled police have no duty to protect you. NYC does not allow deadly force unless you really are facing felony death, serious injury or rape.

The vehicle was attacked at the FIRST stop...that is what motivated the Range Rover to make the escape, running over the motorcyclist THAT WAS INTENTIONALLY BLOCKING HIS PATH.


You can't use deadly force to stop an attack on property in NYC in broad daylight. It is only justified in defending life.

Even Texas Penal Code§9.42. only allows that at night. NYC does not ever allow deadly force to defend property...

There was no deadly force applied.

If a group is encircling a person threatening violence, and that person, in fleeing, knock a man that is part of the group out of the way, and he hits his head on the ground and dies...THAT was a foreseeable consequence if blocking his escape.

The result...the man getting run over because of the overt act of first attempting to illegally block the road, and second, blocking the escape of vehicle being threatened and attacked by the bikers accomplices in illegally blocking the road...getting run over is a foreseeable consequence of those actions.

1) Criminal Conspiracy: if a person enters into conspiracy to commit a crime, that person will be directly liable for a separate crime of conspiracy. He will also be vicariously liable for the conspired. A party to conspiracy may also be found vicariously liable for crimes committed by other defendants during the course of conspiracy. Such vicarious liability may be found for crimes that are foreseeable consequences and in furtherance of the conspiracy. The following elements are required to establish conspiracy:

  • Two or more persons must agree to accomplish some crime or felony.
  • Parties to the conspiracy must have had an intent to enter agreement.
  • Parties must also intend to accomplish the conspired for crime.
  • Modernly, there must be an "overt act" in furtherance of the conspiracy.
Vicarious Liability in Criminal Law | LegalMatch Law Library

The conspiracy was to shut down the highway.

The furtherance of the conspiracy was the accident with the brake checking cycle by a co-conspirator.

A second furtherance was the attack on the SUV by other co-conspirators.

The man who was run down was a member of the conspiracy to commit a criminal act...then he committed another OVERT act by blocking the escape of the SUV while it was being attack by his co-conspirators.

This was all a foreseeable consequence of the original conspiracy.

Once the man agreed to the original crime, he was an accomplice, and was liable for the crimes of the co-conspirators.

Therefore, using force to escape was not a crime...nor was it "mowing down an innocent bystander".

Yes - If the co-conspirators were actually attempting to harm the occupants of the SUV & these bikers were unlawful imprisoning them as it happened. Show evidence of that & running over the bikers is completely justified under NYC law.

But I see none of them trying to harm the occupants prior to the SUV assaulting bikers with deadly force. The SUV driver did not honk his horn alerting the bikers in front that he wanted through (unlawful imprison) or slowly advance giving them a chance to get out of the way. He just took off with no warning & did not allow the bikers to escape.
She doesn't say fear was confirmed prior to mowing down other bikers. Also there was no attempted harming of her or their child.

A group of bikers surround a vehicle containing a two year old child. What the heck were they thinking?
If it was my family, I would have assumed these guys were nuts
They deserved what they got

My big truck is surrounded by groups of cars every time I get on the interstate, should I assume they are all nuts & run over all the ones that are smaller than mine? :cuckoo:

None of those bikers attempted to kill, seriously harm or rape anyone inside that SUV prior to it running them down & attempting to kill them. That SUV driver has to pay for paralyzing that young man.
The tactic of swoop and squat, as used by this bike gang is a classic used by criminals to stop vehicles targeted for their criminal acts.
Stop, rob , rape, murder.

That is why they performed the swoop and squat.

The young thug is paralysed, he won't be swoop and squatting decent folk again in a hurry!!
Crime does not pay!!
But liberals love criminals and blame victims, always, obsessively !!
I wish the media and people here would quit referring to this band of idiots as 'bikers".

Bikers ride Harley's and act civilized.

These 'motorcyclists' were feral gang bangers and none were riding HD's .. :doubt:
As it turns out, the SUV driver just performed a public service by taking another thug off the streets.

Run-over Mass. biker has long criminal record | Boston Herald

he Lawrence motor*cyclist struck and paralyzed as a desperate SUV driver tried to escape the rage of other bikers in New York on Sunday has a six-page criminal record that began at age 12 with a negligent driving charge and includes jail time for drugs, guns, resisting arrest and other convictions, according to court records.
Edwin Mieses, 32, never got a driver’s license in the Bay State, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said, but he was frequently nabbed behind the wheel, and even sentenced to jail for driving without a license, court records show. Mieses has a pending case out of Lawrence District Court for driving suspended, subsequent offense, said Carrie Kimball Monihan, spokeswoman for the Essex County District Attorney’s Office. Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.

Alexian Lien is another hero!
As it turns out, the SUV driver just performed a public service by taking another thug off the streets.

Run-over Mass. biker has long criminal record | Boston Herald

he Lawrence motor*cyclist struck and paralyzed as a desperate SUV driver tried to escape the rage of other bikers in New York on Sunday has a six-page criminal record that began at age 12 with a negligent driving charge and includes jail time for drugs, guns, resisting arrest and other convictions, according to court records.
Edwin Mieses, 32, never got a driver’s license in the Bay State, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said, but he was frequently nabbed behind the wheel, and even sentenced to jail for driving without a license, court records show. Mieses has a pending case out of Lawrence District Court for driving suspended, subsequent offense, said Carrie Kimball Monihan, spokeswoman for the Essex County District Attorney’s Office. Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.

Alexian Lien is another hero!

As it turns out, the SUV driver just performed a public service by taking another thug off the streets.

Run-over Mass. biker has long criminal record | Boston Herald

The Lawrence motor*cyclist struck and paralyzed as a desperate SUV driver tried to escape the rage of other bikers in New York on Sunday has a six-page criminal record that began at age 12 with a negligent driving charge and includes jail time for drugs, guns, resisting arrest and other convictions, according to court records.
Edwin Mieses, 32, never got a driver’s license in the Bay State, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said, but he was frequently nabbed behind the wheel, and even sentenced to jail for driving without a license, court records show. Mieses has a pending case out of Lawrence District Court for driving suspended, subsequent offense, said Carrie Kimball Monihan, spokeswoman for the Essex County District Attorney’s Office. Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.
This angelic motorcyclist hails from the paradise city of Lawrence, Mass.

Which is basically a hispanic version of the 'Hood' complete with daily shooting, drugs, rapes, prostitution, home invasions, and other criminal activities. .. :cool:
As it turns out, the SUV driver just performed a public service by taking another thug off the streets.

Run-over Mass. biker has long criminal record | Boston Herald

he Lawrence motor*cyclist struck and paralyzed as a desperate SUV driver tried to escape the rage of other bikers in New York on Sunday has a six-page criminal record that began at age 12 with a negligent driving charge and includes jail time for drugs, guns, resisting arrest and other convictions, according to court records.
Edwin Mieses, 32, never got a driver’s license in the Bay State, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said, but he was frequently nabbed behind the wheel, and even sentenced to jail for driving without a license, court records show. Mieses has a pending case out of Lawrence District Court for driving suspended, subsequent offense, said Carrie Kimball Monihan, spokeswoman for the Essex County District Attorney’s Office. Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.

Alexian Lien is another hero!

A hero of liberalism!!
A victim of white racist attitudes?

I blame Bush!
So, it turns out that the guy that got run over and is in the hospital, had 16 moving violations and had his license suspended. Most of the license plates on the bikes were NOT registered to the bikes that they were displayed on because they had done this before. Got on the freeway and then stopped traffic en masse.

I would have sat peaceably while they bashed my driver's side window out and then when they tried to reach in, they would have gotten a .45 cal slug in the upper pallet of their mouth. THAT's the difference between New York and Oklahoma. You wouldn't even think of that shit here. Chances are the guy in the SUV is packing and you're going to wind up on a slab at the morgue and the 5 o'clock news.

And if that tiny SUV is a bad thing, then what about an F350 with dual rear wheels? I could have taken more of them out than he did...
A hero of liberalism!!
A victim of white racist attitudes?

I blame Bush!

Even though Edwin Mieses is white? :eek:

So, most of us here are condemning white hoodlums for attacking an Asian family..

BUT, we're still racists to be hated!

He is a Hispanic gang member.
Hispanics are not a race.
But if you say anything negative about the Hispanic community you are racist?

Weird huh?
You can't use deadly force to stop an attack on property in NYC in broad daylight. It is only justified in defending life.

Even Texas Penal Code§9.42. only allows that at night. NYC does not ever allow deadly force to defend property...

There was no deadly force applied.

If a group is encircling a person threatening violence, and that person, in fleeing, knock a man that is part of the group out of the way, and he hits his head on the ground and dies...THAT was a foreseeable consequence if blocking his escape.

The result...the man getting run over because of the overt act of first attempting to illegally block the road, and second, blocking the escape of vehicle being threatened and attacked by the bikers accomplices in illegally blocking the road...getting run over is a foreseeable consequence of those actions.

1) Criminal Conspiracy: if a person enters into conspiracy to commit a crime, that person will be directly liable for a separate crime of conspiracy. He will also be vicariously liable for the conspired. A party to conspiracy may also be found vicariously liable for crimes committed by other defendants during the course of conspiracy. Such vicarious liability may be found for crimes that are foreseeable consequences and in furtherance of the conspiracy. The following elements are required to establish conspiracy:

  • Two or more persons must agree to accomplish some crime or felony.
  • Parties to the conspiracy must have had an intent to enter agreement.
  • Parties must also intend to accomplish the conspired for crime.
  • Modernly, there must be an "overt act" in furtherance of the conspiracy.
Vicarious Liability in Criminal Law | LegalMatch Law Library

The conspiracy was to shut down the highway.

The furtherance of the conspiracy was the accident with the brake checking cycle by a co-conspirator.

A second furtherance was the attack on the SUV by other co-conspirators.

The man who was run down was a member of the conspiracy to commit a criminal act...then he committed another OVERT act by blocking the escape of the SUV while it was being attack by his co-conspirators.

This was all a foreseeable consequence of the original conspiracy.

Once the man agreed to the original crime, he was an accomplice, and was liable for the crimes of the co-conspirators.

Therefore, using force to escape was not a crime...nor was it "mowing down an innocent bystander".

Yes - If the co-conspirators were actually attempting to harm the occupants of the SUV & these bikers were unlawful imprisoning them as it happened. Show evidence of that & running over the bikers is completely justified under NYC law.

But I see none of them trying to harm the occupants prior to the SUV assaulting bikers with deadly force. The SUV driver did not honk his horn alerting the bikers in front that he wanted through (unlawful imprison) or slowly advance giving them a chance to get out of the way. He just took off with no warning & did not allow the bikers to escape.

Why hasn't the SUV driver been charged with anything then ?

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