
You can take all money from everyone and it would not even come close to bridging the fiscal gap, game set match... Game over
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
You can't balance anything when your in the red to begin with, and sea of red as far as you can see....

RW's always have had a problem with budget and debt ... this has escaped them since day one ..

the simpletons are arguing like hell and don't even know what they're arguing about ...
So you only respect the opinions of those who think they know everything, hence proving that they really know nothing?

Moderates could get together to solve our debt crisis, but the extremists who take extreme positions such as "no tax increases" and "do not touch entitlements" prevent that from happening.

Good governing requires compromise and cooperation.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.

We conservatives don't need Dems or RINO's, we have only to wait for the fools to run out of money. It would be less painful to grow up and get our financial house in order now vs waiting until its a nation destroying crisis but sooner or later the spending party will come to a screeching halt.
What is the meaning of that? Are you talking military coup?

No. I'm talking a CIVILIAN overthrow of the Government, not a Military one.
Our military would never back the government against its own citizens, after all the military has been sh!t on so many times in the last 6 1/2 years by the federal government...

Embrace the suck
You can take all money from everyone and it would not even come close to bridging the fiscal gap, game set match... Game over
So what's the solution? Everybody just go out and kill themselves? You some kind of waked out cultist?

No. Let's keep this thing going while we can. Let's start balancing the budget. Let's start working together to make hard choicrs. Let's end the partisan insanity that only perpetuates increased debt.
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
You can't balance anything when your in the red to begin with, and sea of red as far as you can see....

RW's always have had a problem with budget and debt ... this has escaped them since day one ..

the simpletons are arguing like hell and don't even know what they're arguing about ...
Debt is debt it has to be payed... We have no budget because we are in the red...

Embrace the suck
This is the GOP once again colluding with Dem's to neuter the peoples Republican representatives in Washington for another 2 years. By giving the Dem's all the money they want for the next two years there really is no reason for our representatives to be there, they may as well come home. Hell just revise the constitution its clear we don't need more than about 10 people in DC to make all the decisions, if they are just going to ignore the hundreds of representatives we send to Washington what's the point?
Hundreds of Representatives will vote for this bill. Why do only the ones you agree with count?

They are not giving the Dems all the money they want, they're keeping the government running while we fight out this big election.

You quite simply do not have the votes to impose your will of draconian cuts. Until you have the votes, you don't get to dictate the terms.

It will require virtually every democrat to vote to pass yet the people booted the lying scum democrats out of power and put the Republicans in charge. A minority of GOP RINO's are colluding with Democrats to ignore the will of the people, FACT!

As for cuts get real there hasn't been a spending cut since the late 1950's, spending has increased every damn year. You are just bloviating the same decades old bullshit borrow and spend talking points.

And you again act like the will of the people who voted for the supporters of the bill don't count. In you view only those representatives who agree with the Tea party should be allowed to vote. The rest of the voters are irrelevant.

Do I need to quote Obama here, "sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking" ring a bell? Yes voters bitch slapped the Democrats and their RINO pals, 1,200 seats lost nationally. That is a repudiation of their policies and actions. Dem's were spanked by voters so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a ass kicking that historic. So yes the will of the people is being ignored.
And yet you don't have the votes to impose your will.

I'm sorry will the leadership let us bring our proposals to the floor for an up and down vote? No, they don't have the guts because they will lose. Are representatives free to vote the will of their constituents or are they threatened into voting as they are told? If you want to have a discussion on how government has been corrupted and power concentrated into the hands of a few to circumvent the will of the people we are fine having that debate.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
You can't balance anything when your in the red to begin with, and sea of red as far as you can see....

I already know the solution, there is only one solution left at this point that has any chance of success.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.

We conservatives don't need Dems or RINO's, we have only to wait for the fools to run out of money. It would be less painful to grow up and get our financial house in order now vs waiting until its a nation destroying crisis but sooner or later the spending party will come to a screeching halt.
So you would rather let disaster come than to get off your high horse of omniscient godhead and actually combine your ideas with someone else's ideas, and work together, and come up with an imperfect solution?
You can take all money from everyone and it would not even come close to bridging the fiscal gap, game set match... Game over
So what's the solution? Everybody just go out and kill themselves? You some kind of waked out cultist?

No. Let's keep this thing going while we can. Let's start balancing the budget. Let's start working together to make hard choicrs. Let's end the partisan insanity that only perpetuates increased debt.
This country is like an meth addict... The only way up is down.

Embrace the suck
Come to an agreement ?! Outrage ! !!

What is wrong wh you right wing screwballs? Shutting down the gov doesn't save money . It costs money .

All it does is give lazy gubmint employees more PTO... as if they need more.
You can always count on the Rinos to screw the country, the fix is in a budget is agreed upon.

OK then

Describe the budget that would make you happy and how you would get it passed
What is the meaning of that? Are you talking military coup?

No. I'm talking a CIVILIAN overthrow of the Government, not a Military one.
Our military would never back the government against its own citizens, after all the military has been sh!t on so many times in the last 6 1/2 years by the federal government...

Embrace the suck
So then it would be a military coup. Just come out and admit you want a military coup and right wing dictatorship to "save" Anerica.
The gravy train of debt WILL run empty... Let's go for broke and let it.

My house is in order, yours??
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
You can't balance anything when your in the red to begin with, and sea of red as far as you can see....

RW's always have had a problem with budget and debt ... this has escaped them since day one ..

the simpletons are arguing like hell and don't even know what they're arguing about ...
Debt is debt it has to be payed... We have no budget because we are in the red...

Embrace the suck
That's just plain dumb. You always have a budget, no matter what your debt.

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