
You honestly believe that Boehner did this to make everybody like him? Well, if that's the case he is a fool, because it only increases the hatred of him by the extreme right wing. Of course he knows that. He's doing what is right. We don't need budget crises to be used as a presidential election football. Let's get the crises out of the way until after the election. Boehner did the right thing.
Boner is equally hated by both the far left and far right as it should be, I can respect those positions.
Spineless cry baby screwed the country... Again
So you only respect the opinions of those who think they know everything, hence proving that they really know nothing?

Moderates could get together to solve our debt crisis, but the extremists who take extreme positions such as "no tax increases" and "do not touch entitlements" prevent that from happening.

Good governing requires compromise and cooperation.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.
We'll mark you down as an anarchist.

"It's hard, so let's just let the whole thing go to hell"
It will require all of the Democrats to vote for it to pass, the deal was struck in secret, the rank and file Republicans were not even consulted, yeah I'd say the GOP RINO's screwed us over again. Why do we even bother sending our representatives to Washington?
Wrong ... it will require sane Democrats to join sane Republicans in getting the crises out of the way of Presidential election game playing.

Right increasing the debt to $20 trillion is sane. Go ahead explain that I'm sure we'd all appreciated hearing your rationale. :cuckoo:
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.
Compromise has gotten us to the point where we are now, bathing in red ink.

Embrace the suck
Wrong ... it will require sane Democrats to join sane Republicans in getting the crises out of the way of Presidential election game playing.

Right increasing the debt to $20 trillion is sane. Go ahead explain that I'm sure we'd all appreciated hearing your rationale. :cuckoo:
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

$20 trillion in debt is extreme, paying $3 to $4 trillion in interest every 10 years is extreme, living within our means and not plunging the next several generations into an ocean of debt is not extreme fool.

Math is on our side, you stupid morons WILL run out of money and when you have borrowed your last dollar and your house of cards comes crashing down then you people will know real suffering.
Not to even mention UNFUNDED liabilities a whopping 120+ trillion, the next generations are FUBAR...
You honestly believe that Boehner did this to make everybody like him? Well, if that's the case he is a fool, because it only increases the hatred of him by the extreme right wing. Of course he knows that. He's doing what is right. We don't need budget crises to be used as a presidential election football. Let's get the crises out of the way until after the election. Boehner did the right thing.
Boner is equally hated by both the far left and far right as it should be, I can respect those positions.
Spineless cry baby screwed the country... Again
So you only respect the opinions of those who think they know everything, hence proving that they really know nothing?

Moderates could get together to solve our debt crisis, but the extremists who take extreme positions such as "no tax increases" and "do not touch entitlements" prevent that from happening.

Good governing requires compromise and cooperation.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
This is the GOP once again colluding with Dem's to neuter the peoples Republican representatives in Washington for another 2 years. By giving the Dem's all the money they want for the next two years there really is no reason for our representatives to be there, they may as well come home. Hell just revise the constitution its clear we don't need more than about 10 people in DC to make all the decisions, if they are just going to ignore the hundreds of representatives we send to Washington what's the point?
Hundreds of Representatives will vote for this bill. Why do only the ones you agree with count?

They are not giving the Dems all the money they want, they're keeping the government running while we fight out this big election.

You quite simply do not have the votes to impose your will of draconian cuts. Until you have the votes, you don't get to dictate the terms.

It will require virtually every democrat to vote to pass yet the people booted the lying scum democrats out of power and put the Republicans in charge. A minority of GOP RINO's are colluding with Democrats to ignore the will of the people, FACT!

As for cuts get real there hasn't been a spending cut since the late 1950's, spending has increased every damn year. You are just bloviating the same decades old bullshit borrow and spend talking points.

And you again act like the will of the people who voted for the supporters of the bill don't count. In you view only those representatives who agree with the Tea party should be allowed to vote. The rest of the voters are irrelevant.
It will require all of the Democrats to vote for it to pass, the deal was struck in secret, the rank and file Republicans were not even consulted, yeah I'd say the GOP RINO's screwed us over again. Why do we even bother sending our representatives to Washington?
Wrong ... it will require sane Democrats to join sane Republicans in getting the crises out of the way of Presidential election game playing.
The only sane ones are the ones standing their ground no matter the cost...
That's stupid. Baghdad Bob stood his ground, looking like a fool.

Face reality: you don't have all the answers, you don't know everything. How could you? Are you a man or a god?
Spineless never looks good on anything...
That is a worthless, meaningless statement.

totally fitting considering the source ....
Right increasing the debt to $20 trillion is sane. Go ahead explain that I'm sure we'd all appreciated hearing your rationale. :cuckoo:
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

$20 trillion in debt is extreme, paying $3 to $4 trillion in interest every 10 years is extreme, living within our means and not plunging the next several generations into an ocean of debt is not extreme fool.

Math is on our side, you stupid morons WILL run out of money and when you have borrowed your last dollar and your house of cards comes crashing down then you people will know real suffering.
Not to even mention UNFUNDED liabilities a whopping 120+ trillion, the next generations are FUBAR...

When you ask the Dem's and RINO's if its fair to borrow and spend the next several generations money its complete crickets.
Wrong ... it will require sane Democrats to join sane Republicans in getting the crises out of the way of Presidential election game playing.

Right increasing the debt to $20 trillion is sane. Go ahead explain that I'm sure we'd all appreciated hearing your rationale. :cuckoo:
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

$20 trillion in debt is extreme, paying $3 to $4 trillion in interest every 10 years is extreme, living within our means and not plunging the next several generations into an ocean of debt is not extreme fool.

Math is on our side, you stupid morons WILL run out of money and when you have borrowed your last dollar and your house of cards comes crashing down then you people will know real suffering.
20 trillion in debt is not extreme when 90% is already long spent.

I'm for balanced budget now, but you Tea Wackos demand that be balanced in the exact manner that you want it balanced, and that's why no grand compromise can be made and we keep kicking the can down the road.
It's in the constitution that courts have jurisdiction over you. Article III. The writers of the constitution were not extremists, they were very rational, and they also believed in compromise and building something that can be agreed to. That's why there's a Bill of Rights. That's why the Constitution was built and approved by a convention, not just one man.

For their day they were fairly extrenist. Hell, they stated a war with the largest military power of the time. Thst doesn't sound much like compromise.

The Constitution was a flawed document in many ways. It laid out Rights without Responsibilities. It allowed fir the document to be altered. It was far too vague in many areas.

I list all respect for the courts after my first (and hopefully only) interaction with them (as a Juror) about 10 years ago. Even befire then, I never felt any need to follow immoral or improper Laws.
Right increasing the debt to $20 trillion is sane. Go ahead explain that I'm sure we'd all appreciated hearing your rationale. :cuckoo:
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

$20 trillion in debt is extreme, paying $3 to $4 trillion in interest every 10 years is extreme, living within our means and not plunging the next several generations into an ocean of debt is not extreme fool.

Math is on our side, you stupid morons WILL run out of money and when you have borrowed your last dollar and your house of cards comes crashing down then you people will know real suffering.
20 trillion in debt is not extreme when 90% is already long spent.

I'm for balanced budget now, but you Tea Wackos demand that be balanced in the exact manner that you want it balanced, and that's why no grand compromise can be made and we keep kicking the can down the road.
How can the country talk of an budget when there is ZERO black ink to be found??

The fiscal gap is far too large too cross...
This is the GOP once again colluding with Dem's to neuter the peoples Republican representatives in Washington for another 2 years. By giving the Dem's all the money they want for the next two years there really is no reason for our representatives to be there, they may as well come home. Hell just revise the constitution its clear we don't need more than about 10 people in DC to make all the decisions, if they are just going to ignore the hundreds of representatives we send to Washington what's the point?
Hundreds of Representatives will vote for this bill. Why do only the ones you agree with count?

They are not giving the Dems all the money they want, they're keeping the government running while we fight out this big election.

You quite simply do not have the votes to impose your will of draconian cuts. Until you have the votes, you don't get to dictate the terms.

It will require virtually every democrat to vote to pass yet the people booted the lying scum democrats out of power and put the Republicans in charge. A minority of GOP RINO's are colluding with Democrats to ignore the will of the people, FACT!

As for cuts get real there hasn't been a spending cut since the late 1950's, spending has increased every damn year. You are just bloviating the same decades old bullshit borrow and spend talking points.

And you again act like the will of the people who voted for the supporters of the bill don't count. In you view only those representatives who agree with the Tea party should be allowed to vote. The rest of the voters are irrelevant.

Do I need to quote Obama here, "sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking" ring a bell? Yes voters bitch slapped the Democrats and their RINO pals, 1,200 seats lost nationally. That is a repudiation of their policies and actions. Dem's were spanked by voters so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a ass kicking that historic. So yes the will of the people is being ignored.
Boner is equally hated by both the far left and far right as it should be, I can respect those positions.
Spineless cry baby screwed the country... Again
So you only respect the opinions of those who think they know everything, hence proving that they really know nothing?

Moderates could get together to solve our debt crisis, but the extremists who take extreme positions such as "no tax increases" and "do not touch entitlements" prevent that from happening.

Good governing requires compromise and cooperation.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
.....That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

We have rifles. They provide all the votes necessary when properly employed.
Right increasing the debt to $20 trillion is sane. Go ahead explain that I'm sure we'd all appreciated hearing your rationale. :cuckoo:
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

$20 trillion in debt is extreme, paying $3 to $4 trillion in interest every 10 years is extreme, living within our means and not plunging the next several generations into an ocean of debt is not extreme fool.

Math is on our side, you stupid morons WILL run out of money and when you have borrowed your last dollar and your house of cards comes crashing down then you people will know real suffering.
20 trillion in debt is not extreme when 90% is already long spent.

I'm for balanced budget now, but you Tea Wackos demand that be balanced in the exact manner that you want it balanced, and that's why no grand compromise can be made and we keep kicking the can down the road.

You suck at math. Look at the last 50 years, is spending tapering off, is borrowing beginning to level out? No its freaking skyrocketing and you clowns are still talking about compromise and baby steps. Borrowing and entitlements are skyrocketing through the roof and the best compromise you people can come up with are tiny cuts to the increase in borrowing and spending. :laugh:
This is the GOP once again colluding with Dem's to neuter the peoples Republican representatives in Washington for another 2 years. By giving the Dem's all the money they want for the next two years there really is no reason for our representatives to be there, they may as well come home. Hell just revise the constitution its clear we don't need more than about 10 people in DC to make all the decisions, if they are just going to ignore the hundreds of representatives we send to Washington what's the point?
Hundreds of Representatives will vote for this bill. Why do only the ones you agree with count?

They are not giving the Dems all the money they want, they're keeping the government running while we fight out this big election.

You quite simply do not have the votes to impose your will of draconian cuts. Until you have the votes, you don't get to dictate the terms.

It will require virtually every democrat to vote to pass yet the people booted the lying scum democrats out of power and put the Republicans in charge. A minority of GOP RINO's are colluding with Democrats to ignore the will of the people, FACT!

As for cuts get real there hasn't been a spending cut since the late 1950's, spending has increased every damn year. You are just bloviating the same decades old bullshit borrow and spend talking points.

And you again act like the will of the people who voted for the supporters of the bill don't count. In you view only those representatives who agree with the Tea party should be allowed to vote. The rest of the voters are irrelevant.

Do I need to quote Obama here, "sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking" ring a bell? Yes voters bitch slapped the Democrats and their RINO pals, 1,200 seats lost nationally. That is a repudiation of their policies and actions. Dem's were spanked by voters so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a ass kicking that historic. So yes the will of the people is being ignored.
And yet you don't have the votes to impose your will.
.....That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

We have rifles. They provide all the votes necessary when properly employed.

which is exactly why morons like you never get the chance to employ them, and never will.
So you only respect the opinions of those who think they know everything, hence proving that they really know nothing?

Moderates could get together to solve our debt crisis, but the extremists who take extreme positions such as "no tax increases" and "do not touch entitlements" prevent that from happening.

Good governing requires compromise and cooperation.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
You can't balance anything when your in the red to begin with, and sea of red as far as you can see....
It is sane to continue to increase the debt limit while consensus on how to reach a balanced budget cannot be met. To do otherwise would risk anarchy, chaos, and economic crisis.

You think we can go on borrowing and spending forever? How much $30 trillion? $40 trillion? Fuck it lets just borrow $100 trillion and party for the next few years before the financial collapse. :cuckoo:
Nope. Not forever. That's why you extremists need to wise up and recognize the need for compromise and getting this thing solved, not making demands that you don't have the votes for.

$20 trillion in debt is extreme, paying $3 to $4 trillion in interest every 10 years is extreme, living within our means and not plunging the next several generations into an ocean of debt is not extreme fool.

Math is on our side, you stupid morons WILL run out of money and when you have borrowed your last dollar and your house of cards comes crashing down then you people will know real suffering.
20 trillion in debt is not extreme when 90% is already long spent.

I'm for balanced budget now, but you Tea Wackos demand that be balanced in the exact manner that you want it balanced, and that's why no grand compromise can be made and we keep kicking the can down the road.

You suck at math. Look at the last 50 years, is spending tapering off, is borrowing beginning to level out? No its freaking skyrocketing and you clowns are still talking about compromise and baby steps. Borrowing and entitlements are skyrocketing through the roof and the best compromise you people can come up with are tiny cuts to the increase in borrowing and spending. :laugh:
No I'm not talking about baby steps. Baby steps is what we've been forced into due to the lack of ability of this government to find consensus and compromise. You just don't get it. The only way you extremists know how to govern is absolute power, but that is extraordinarily rare in American Government and Politics.
Ha, it should be a war of attrition. All or nothing mentality...
Who ever loses they live with it, the winner do whatever they want and see what happens only to start all over again...
Yeah, that's what happens if you take power. But you didn't. Democrats own the Presidency and so-called Rinos own the Senate. You Tea Wackos have very few votes in the Senate.
We need to hit rock bottom sometime, sooner is better than later.

You do realize there is no way out of the sh!t show?? The fiscal gap is far too large to ever bridge.

If we increased taxes on the 'rich' to 99% it still wouldn't be enough, that's how deep in the hole we are. We humans, its amazing we have repeatedly built empires over that last several thousand years and we have repeatedly destroyed them.
If as you admit the damage has already been done, what is the solution? We can balance the budget. The only thing that is lacking is the political will to compromise, because you do not have the votes to go my way or the highway.
You can't balance anything when your in the red to begin with, and sea of red as far as you can see....
You still haven't offered a solution.

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