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BUILD THE WALL. I don't give a damn who pays for it. Me, you or the man on the moon. Build it.

We would have cheered for the country saving 113 billion per year by building a wall...simple arithmetic bud.

You're not saving a penny--you're WASTING billions and that's the POINT.

Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera


This is an 800 yard tunnel they found, after years of use that went right into San Diego. This tunnel was built to avoid a WALL. Drug lords will spend millions to build a tunnel. That's their bread and butter and they're going to protect it, and they'll spend whatever it takes to get it done.

If it's something they can SEE, they can and will compromise it. Motion electronic detectors, that they can't see, more border patrol stations and border patrol will stop it.

As far as the wall itself it can also be easily compromised. There's holes in walls & fences down there already that are big enough to drive trucks through.

It's clear none of you have ever been to the border. Even the people who live along the border & deal with this on a daily basis will tell you that a WALL is ridiculous.
Time to start pouring gasoline into those tunnels and lighting it while the drug traffickers are using them.

And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

There is nothing complex or trivial about this subject. It has only been made complex by loonies who love to write checks out of others check books.
"And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?"
Round them up and send them to work on the wall for 90 days before sending them back to the shithole they came from. If they have anchor babies here, the anchors, if old enough will have to decide if they want to head back south with Pedro and Guadalupe or not.
All incentives must be removed...No more citizenships given to anchors who were born here by illegal parents.
(I know, I know, I'm so cruel, how dare I think of what's best for REAL American's)

Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.
I just want to know why its illegal for Israel to transfer/move its people into the West bank, but not for mexico to transfer 1/5 of its population into the US.

First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border. Judging Mexico because you have been to a border town, is like judging the entire United States, because you visited the slum and violent gang area of Chicago, IL and painted the whole country as the same.

And I really don't think it's a good idea to continually threaten the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products, Mexico. They can hurt us. Today there are many American business's down there, Walmart, Sam's, Home Depot's & General Motors sells a ton of cars down there. General Electric, Westinghouse (manufactured in the U.S.) and they buy it. Add to this that there are 100 of thousands of Americans that have time shares, condo's and have invested heavily into a lot of these Mexican vacation areas. And because of all of this Mexico has an upper class and middle class that has absolutely no desire to cross the border so they can work for peanuts. And yes they are educated. In fact, many of our doctors that practice in the United States, have medical degrees from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Now if you want to get your fat butt out there and pick fruit, dig ditches, house clean, cook, then do it.

If walls and fences worked to keep them out, then they wouldn't be here today.


If they can do an 800 yard tunnel to avoid a WALL, they can do a 6 mile tunnel to avoid a WALL.
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

God only knows how much we spent on this one.


Something they can see, they can and will always compromise. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol stations, and border patrol is the ONLY solution to securing the border.


1. Illegals are not eligible for WELFARE. (our biggest cost in illegal immigration is public education.)
2. No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

Drug lords have no problems spending millions to build a tunnel. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.

You're not saving a penny--you're WASTING billions and that's the POINT.

Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera


This is an 800 yard tunnel they found, after years of use that went right into San Diego. This tunnel was built to avoid a WALL. Drug lords will spend millions to build a tunnel. That's their bread and butter and they're going to protect it, and they'll spend whatever it takes to get it done.

If it's something they can SEE, they can and will compromise it. Motion electronic detectors, that they can't see, more border patrol stations and border patrol will stop it.

As far as the wall itself it can also be easily compromised. There's holes in walls & fences down there already that are big enough to drive trucks through.

It's clear none of you have ever been to the border. Even the people who live along the border & deal with this on a daily basis will tell you that a WALL is ridiculous.
Time to start pouring gasoline into those tunnels and lighting it while the drug traffickers are using them.

And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

There is nothing complex or trivial about this subject. It has only been made complex by loonies who love to write checks out of others check books.
"And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?"
Round them up and send them to work on the wall for 90 days before sending them back to the shithole they came from. If they have anchor babies here, the anchors, if old enough will have to decide if they want to head back south with Pedro and Guadalupe or not.
All incentives must be removed...No more citizenships given to anchors who were born here by illegal parents.
(I know, I know, I'm so cruel, how dare I think of what's best for REAL American's)

Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Time to start pouring gasoline into those tunnels and lighting it while the drug traffickers are using them.

And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

There is nothing complex or trivial about this subject. It has only been made complex by loonies who love to write checks out of others check books.
"And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?"
Round them up and send them to work on the wall for 90 days before sending them back to the shithole they came from. If they have anchor babies here, the anchors, if old enough will have to decide if they want to head back south with Pedro and Guadalupe or not.
All incentives must be removed...No more citizenships given to anchors who were born here by illegal parents.
(I know, I know, I'm so cruel, how dare I think of what's best for REAL American's)

Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Because you INFERRED that Trump JUST changed his stance on this issue.
You lose.
First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border.

On either side. you're wrong.

(Not to drag this thread off topic as I'll start another thread on this) but the mexican government IS at fault, as it is corrupt and does not have to take the normal, adult responsibility of building a functional, non-corrupt environment in which its populace can earn a decent living. So if the Israeli government is at fault for intentionally transferring its population into the WB - so is the mexican government.

If the mexican government is not at fault as you claim, then the millions of mexicans who have opted to sneak into the US are no different than the Israeli settlers who CHOSE to move to the west bank.

Either way, you are wrong and the cases are practically identical, the difference is that the UN and muslims have chosen to attack Israel while giving a pass to their own people moving en masse to Europe, some for economic reasons and other for invasive/eventual politically controlling ones.
I just want to know why its illegal for Israel to transfer/move its people into the West bank, but not for mexico to transfer 1/5 of its population into the US.

First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border. Judging Mexico because you have been to a border town, is like judging the entire United States, because you visited the slum and violent gang area of Chicago, IL and painted the whole country as the same.

And I really don't think it's a good idea to continually threaten the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products, Mexico. They can hurt us. Today there are many American business's down there, Walmart, Sam's, Home Depot's & General Motors sells a ton of cars down there. General Electric, Westinghouse (manufactured in the U.S.) and they buy it. Add to this that there are 100 of thousands of Americans that have time shares, condo's and have invested heavily into a lot of these Mexican vacation areas. And because of all of this Mexico has an upper class and middle class that has absolutely no desire to cross the border so they can work for peanuts. And yes they are educated. In fact, many of our doctors that practice in the United States, have medical degrees from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Now if you want to get your fat butt out there and pick fruit, dig ditches, house clean, cook, then do it.

If walls and fences worked to keep them out, then they wouldn't be here today.


If they can do an 800 yard tunnel to avoid a WALL, they can do a 6 mile tunnel to avoid a WALL.
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

God only knows how much we spent on this one.


Something they can see, they can and will always compromise. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol stations, and border patrol is the ONLY solution to securing the border.


1. Illegals are not eligible for WELFARE. (our biggest cost in illegal immigration is public education.)
2. No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
Time to start pouring gasoline into those tunnels and lighting it while the drug traffickers are using them.

And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

There is nothing complex or trivial about this subject. It has only been made complex by loonies who love to write checks out of others check books.
"And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?"
Round them up and send them to work on the wall for 90 days before sending them back to the shithole they came from. If they have anchor babies here, the anchors, if old enough will have to decide if they want to head back south with Pedro and Guadalupe or not.
All incentives must be removed...No more citizenships given to anchors who were born here by illegal parents.
(I know, I know, I'm so cruel, how dare I think of what's best for REAL American's)

Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..
I just want to know why its illegal for Israel to transfer/move its people into the West bank, but not for mexico to transfer 1/5 of its population into the US.

First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border. Judging Mexico because you have been to a border town, is like judging the entire United States, because you visited the slum and violent gang area of Chicago, IL and painted the whole country as the same.

And I really don't think it's a good idea to continually threaten the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products, Mexico. They can hurt us. Today there are many American business's down there, Walmart, Sam's, Home Depot's & General Motors sells a ton of cars down there. General Electric, Westinghouse (manufactured in the U.S.) and they buy it. Add to this that there are 100 of thousands of Americans that have time shares, condo's and have invested heavily into a lot of these Mexican vacation areas. And because of all of this Mexico has an upper class and middle class that has absolutely no desire to cross the border so they can work for peanuts. And yes they are educated. In fact, many of our doctors that practice in the United States, have medical degrees from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Now if you want to get your fat butt out there and pick fruit, dig ditches, house clean, cook, then do it.

If walls and fences worked to keep them out, then they wouldn't be here today.


If they can do an 800 yard tunnel to avoid a WALL, they can do a 6 mile tunnel to avoid a WALL.
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

God only knows how much we spent on this one.


Something they can see, they can and will always compromise. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol stations, and border patrol is the ONLY solution to securing the border.


1. Illegals are not eligible for WELFARE. (our biggest cost in illegal immigration is public education.)
2. No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

There is nothing complex or trivial about this subject. It has only been made complex by loonies who love to write checks out of others check books.
"And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?"
Round them up and send them to work on the wall for 90 days before sending them back to the shithole they came from. If they have anchor babies here, the anchors, if old enough will have to decide if they want to head back south with Pedro and Guadalupe or not.
All incentives must be removed...No more citizenships given to anchors who were born here by illegal parents.
(I know, I know, I'm so cruel, how dare I think of what's best for REAL American's)

Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..

Do you need a map? What tunnels didn't they find?
I just want to know why its illegal for Israel to transfer/move its people into the West bank, but not for mexico to transfer 1/5 of its population into the US.

First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border. Judging Mexico because you have been to a border town, is like judging the entire United States, because you visited the slum and violent gang area of Chicago, IL and painted the whole country as the same.

And I really don't think it's a good idea to continually threaten the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products, Mexico. They can hurt us. Today there are many American business's down there, Walmart, Sam's, Home Depot's & General Motors sells a ton of cars down there. General Electric, Westinghouse (manufactured in the U.S.) and they buy it. Add to this that there are 100 of thousands of Americans that have time shares, condo's and have invested heavily into a lot of these Mexican vacation areas. And because of all of this Mexico has an upper class and middle class that has absolutely no desire to cross the border so they can work for peanuts. And yes they are educated. In fact, many of our doctors that practice in the United States, have medical degrees from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Now if you want to get your fat butt out there and pick fruit, dig ditches, house clean, cook, then do it.

If walls and fences worked to keep them out, then they wouldn't be here today.


If they can do an 800 yard tunnel to avoid a WALL, they can do a 6 mile tunnel to avoid a WALL.
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

God only knows how much we spent on this one.


Something they can see, they can and will always compromise. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol stations, and border patrol is the ONLY solution to securing the border.


1. Illegals are not eligible for WELFARE. (our biggest cost in illegal immigration is public education.)
2. No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
There is nothing complex or trivial about this subject. It has only been made complex by loonies who love to write checks out of others check books.
"And what do the goose-steppers want to do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?"
Round them up and send them to work on the wall for 90 days before sending them back to the shithole they came from. If they have anchor babies here, the anchors, if old enough will have to decide if they want to head back south with Pedro and Guadalupe or not.
All incentives must be removed...No more citizenships given to anchors who were born here by illegal parents.
(I know, I know, I'm so cruel, how dare I think of what's best for REAL American's)

Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..

Do you need a map? What tunnels didn't they find?

Exactly if they found 80 tunnels be assured there's plenty more along the border that they haven't found. A 1000 mile wall will produce 1000 holes and tunnels underneath the wall.
Exactly if they found 80 tunnels be assured there's plenty more along the border that they haven't found. A 1000 mile wall will produce 1000 holes and tunnels underneath the wall.

That's what ground-penetrating radar, motion and geological sensors, and other technological capabilities are designed to locate. The mexicans would have to build hundreds, if not thousands of feet down, to avoid being detected, which is extremely dangerous.
First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border. Judging Mexico because you have been to a border town, is like judging the entire United States, because you visited the slum and violent gang area of Chicago, IL and painted the whole country as the same.

And I really don't think it's a good idea to continually threaten the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products, Mexico. They can hurt us. Today there are many American business's down there, Walmart, Sam's, Home Depot's & General Motors sells a ton of cars down there. General Electric, Westinghouse (manufactured in the U.S.) and they buy it. Add to this that there are 100 of thousands of Americans that have time shares, condo's and have invested heavily into a lot of these Mexican vacation areas. And because of all of this Mexico has an upper class and middle class that has absolutely no desire to cross the border so they can work for peanuts. And yes they are educated. In fact, many of our doctors that practice in the United States, have medical degrees from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Now if you want to get your fat butt out there and pick fruit, dig ditches, house clean, cook, then do it.

If walls and fences worked to keep them out, then they wouldn't be here today.


If they can do an 800 yard tunnel to avoid a WALL, they can do a 6 mile tunnel to avoid a WALL.
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

God only knows how much we spent on this one.


Something they can see, they can and will always compromise. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol stations, and border patrol is the ONLY solution to securing the border.


1. Illegals are not eligible for WELFARE. (our biggest cost in illegal immigration is public education.)
2. No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..

Do you need a map? What tunnels didn't they find?

Exactly if they found 80 tunnels be assured there's plenty more along the border that they haven't found. A 1000 mile wall will produce 1000 holes and tunnels underneath the wall.

So again if I give you map, where are these tunnels located at?

Don't be shy..

Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..

Do you need a map? What tunnels didn't they find?

Exactly if they found 80 tunnels be assured there's plenty more along the border that they haven't found. A 1000 mile wall will produce 1000 holes and tunnels underneath the wall.

So again if I give you map, where are these tunnels located at?

Don't be shy..


+crickets +

Come on Little buddy tell us where all these tunnels are?

You boast that you know?
It really is like the Berlin Wall - except with West Germans building the wall.
There is another difference.

East Germany (goaded by their Soviet masters) built their Wall to keep their own people IN.

Trump's Wall would be built to keep OTHER people OUT.

The difference is a HUGE one.

Our OWN people can come and go as they please.

You might get shot for trying to sneak IN, but you won't get shot for trying to sneak OUT , as happened to so many East Berliners and East Germans.

( and this from somebody who thinks the wall is a stupid and ineffective bumper-sticker-slogan idea )
Except as I posted before, the official rationale from East Germany in building the wall was to keep out fascists. In other words, they were saying the same thing Trump is saying now.
The official rationale was horseshit.

Anyone believing the East German government - even at a distance of 40 or 50 years - is not a serious discussion partner.
Let's try some reading comprehension.

What I am obviously not saying:
"The Berlin Wall was meant to keep fascists out of East Germany."

What anyone with half a brain can see that I'm actually saying:
East Germany, like the Trump administration re: the wall on the Mexican border, claimed that their wall was meant to keep out undesirables. Obviously East Germany's stated reason for the wall was nonsense, but so might Trump's be.
Trump wants to build a wall to keep Americans IN ?

Tell us all about it...
Maybe. I certainly don't trust politicians, and I'm not sure why conservatives suddenly do. Oh, wait, yes I do.
First of all Mexico is not transferring 1/5 of it's population to the U.S. This has nothing to do with the Government of Mexico, it's the individual's choice who want to take the risk of crossing the border. Judging Mexico because you have been to a border town, is like judging the entire United States, because you visited the slum and violent gang area of Chicago, IL and painted the whole country as the same.

And I really don't think it's a good idea to continually threaten the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products, Mexico. They can hurt us. Today there are many American business's down there, Walmart, Sam's, Home Depot's & General Motors sells a ton of cars down there. General Electric, Westinghouse (manufactured in the U.S.) and they buy it. Add to this that there are 100 of thousands of Americans that have time shares, condo's and have invested heavily into a lot of these Mexican vacation areas. And because of all of this Mexico has an upper class and middle class that has absolutely no desire to cross the border so they can work for peanuts. And yes they are educated. In fact, many of our doctors that practice in the United States, have medical degrees from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Now if you want to get your fat butt out there and pick fruit, dig ditches, house clean, cook, then do it.

If walls and fences worked to keep them out, then they wouldn't be here today.


If they can do an 800 yard tunnel to avoid a WALL, they can do a 6 mile tunnel to avoid a WALL.
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

God only knows how much we spent on this one.


Something they can see, they can and will always compromise. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see)--more border patrol stations, and border patrol is the ONLY solution to securing the border.


1. Illegals are not eligible for WELFARE. (our biggest cost in illegal immigration is public education.)
2. No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
Comrade Trump has already announced that there will be no mass deportations.
Trump shifts immigration plan: No 'mass deportations'

To change or repeal the 14th amendment would require 2/3's of the senate and 2/3's of the house and THEN 38 state legislatures would have to vote for approval. (You'll note that the President has nothing to do with it.) There's not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

And Comrade Trump was for a pathway to citizenship, before he was against it.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..

Do you need a map? What tunnels didn't they find?

Exactly if they found 80 tunnels be assured there's plenty more along the border that they haven't found. A 1000 mile wall will produce 1000 holes and tunnels underneath the wall.

Okay Oreo, I see you can't let go of this tunnels nonsense...I'll play along.
Tunnels have always been used to transport narcotics and not for human trafficking due to the secret nature and cost to create. But to put your argument to bed....Equip border agents with the laser / scanner devices already being used to detect and locate underground tunnels...Collapse tunnel....done and done! More semantics?
There is another difference.

East Germany (goaded by their Soviet masters) built their Wall to keep their own people IN.

Trump's Wall would be built to keep OTHER people OUT.

The difference is a HUGE one.

Our OWN people can come and go as they please.

You might get shot for trying to sneak IN, but you won't get shot for trying to sneak OUT , as happened to so many East Berliners and East Germans.

( and this from somebody who thinks the wall is a stupid and ineffective bumper-sticker-slogan idea )
Except as I posted before, the official rationale from East Germany in building the wall was to keep out fascists. In other words, they were saying the same thing Trump is saying now.
The official rationale was horseshit.

Anyone believing the East German government - even at a distance of 40 or 50 years - is not a serious discussion partner.
Let's try some reading comprehension.

What I am obviously not saying:
"The Berlin Wall was meant to keep fascists out of East Germany."

What anyone with half a brain can see that I'm actually saying:
East Germany, like the Trump administration re: the wall on the Mexican border, claimed that their wall was meant to keep out undesirables. Obviously East Germany's stated reason for the wall was nonsense, but so might Trump's be.
Trump wants to build a wall to keep Americans IN ?

Tell us all about it...
Maybe. I certainly don't trust politicians, and I'm not sure why conservatives suddenly do. Oh, wait, yes I do.

Trump was never a politician
Just a question how did they find the tunnels?

Build the wall

I imagine someone finally reported as to where the location of it was. They build tunnels out of warehouses and go across the border typically into other warehouses or homes--(site unsceen) This is all over National Geographic, and other educational channels, probably NOT FOX News--LOL

A drug lord has no problems spending millions to do it. Whatever it takes, regardless of the cost they'll make it happen. I am certain they're already planning for Trump's WALL. And a tunnel would be a huge Job Creator on the other side of the border.

Furthermore a WALL has to go through congress to approve. They are the purse string holders in this country and they are not going to approve it without engineering, plans, designs, bids FIRST. In 2006 1.2 billion was appropriated for a 700 mile fence, that they decided against, because they finally realized it could be easily compromised. I am certain they'll look at the Trump WALL in the same manner.


You do know what
Uh, retard, did you check out the DATE of that article.
Didn't think so.

WTF has the DATE got to do with it dumbass. There are still tunnels they haven't found. The point is, if they can build an 800 yard tunnel they can build a 6 mile tunnel. We don't know if there is a tunnel already underneath Trump's proposed WALL.

You people by listening ONLY to Reich wing talk shows, have lost all ability to do any CRITICAL thinking of your own. You're nothing more than parrots of what you have been spoon fed.


How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.

The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.

Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.

In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

There are still tunnels they haven't found

So where are the tunnels at?

That you dug?

Don't worry we won't tell no one your secret is safe..

Do you need a map? What tunnels didn't they find?

Exactly if they found 80 tunnels be assured there's plenty more along the border that they haven't found. A 1000 mile wall will produce 1000 holes and tunnels underneath the wall.

Okay Oreo, I see you can't let go of this tunnels nonsense...I'll play along.
Tunnels have always been used to transport narcotics and not for human trafficking due to the secret nature and cost to create. But to put your argument to bed....Equip border agents with the laser / scanner devices already being used to detect and locate underground tunnels...Collapse tunnel....done and done! More semantics?

Oreo knows something about other tunnels..
Except as I posted before, the official rationale from East Germany in building the wall was to keep out fascists. In other words, they were saying the same thing Trump is saying now.
The official rationale was horseshit.

Anyone believing the East German government - even at a distance of 40 or 50 years - is not a serious discussion partner.
Let's try some reading comprehension.

What I am obviously not saying:
"The Berlin Wall was meant to keep fascists out of East Germany."

What anyone with half a brain can see that I'm actually saying:
East Germany, like the Trump administration re: the wall on the Mexican border, claimed that their wall was meant to keep out undesirables. Obviously East Germany's stated reason for the wall was nonsense, but so might Trump's be.
Trump wants to build a wall to keep Americans IN ?

Tell us all about it...
Maybe. I certainly don't trust politicians, and I'm not sure why conservatives suddenly do. Oh, wait, yes I do.

Trump was never a politician
Weird. I'm pretty sure he just spent well over a year campaigning for a political office and won. That would make him a politician.
...The time for a nuanced discussion of cost benefit on HOW to best stop illegal immigration was back in the 90s. Instead the left choose to shut down serious debate with the Race Card. And both sides used delaying tactics. Now we are going to do EVERYTHING AND DO IT NOW. THe wall. more ICE agents. empowering locals. going after employers. ect. ect.
Do you understand that you have a responsibility to facilitate good stewardship of the taxpayer's money?

The Wall represents a solution that is ultimately destined to fail and which cannot be sustained in pepetity.

Rendering the country toxic (financially and socially) to Illegal Aliens will cost far less and CAN be sustained and is a superior solution from a stewardship perspective.

Or have you (collectively, the proponents of The Wall) lost the ability to reason, and conduct the affairs of the Republic responsibly?

If you cannot tolerate discussion of the best way in which to accomplish necessary and common goals, then you will not remain in power very long.

Your choice.
Great line of thought. "if you can not tolerate discussion" yes this is how you accomplish necessary and common goals.
I do not understand what you are trying to say here.
The official rationale was horseshit.

Anyone believing the East German government - even at a distance of 40 or 50 years - is not a serious discussion partner.
Let's try some reading comprehension.

What I am obviously not saying:
"The Berlin Wall was meant to keep fascists out of East Germany."

What anyone with half a brain can see that I'm actually saying:
East Germany, like the Trump administration re: the wall on the Mexican border, claimed that their wall was meant to keep out undesirables. Obviously East Germany's stated reason for the wall was nonsense, but so might Trump's be.
Trump wants to build a wall to keep Americans IN ?

Tell us all about it...
Maybe. I certainly don't trust politicians, and I'm not sure why conservatives suddenly do. Oh, wait, yes I do.

Trump was never a politician
Weird. I'm pretty sure he just spent well over a year campaigning for a political office and won. That would make him a politician.

Do you think he really thought he would win?

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