Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.
you have lunch with your BFF Dean this week?.....he has said this stuff more than once in his threads.....so what did he tell you to give it a shot?.....this is your 2nd time....think any on the right care anymore what you have to say than Dean?....
International politics, at the end of World War I, set the stage for World War II, and that is well established history. However, Pearl Harbor put all of that history aside, and our government, and the American people, put their efforts into the reality of December 7, 1941, and the future.

You left wingers need to concentrate more on how to solve the current problems in the Middle East, and less on how to shift the blame to Bush and Cheney.

Has it ever occurred to any of you left wingers, that there is a good reason why you are constantly having to shift blame away from the incompetent boob that you helped put in the White House?

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.
Keep up the lies idiot.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.
Ah give it up. Obama/Harper/Cameron et al own this mess because they are desperate to depose Assad.

Obama more than the others because he is still smarting from getting his pee pee slapped by Putin over Syria.

ISIS was born in Syria. ISIS became the monster it is in Syria.

And Obama was the midwife.
International politics, at the end of World War I, set the stage for World War II, and that is well established history. However, Pearl Harbor put all of that history aside, and our government, and the American people, put their efforts into the reality of December 7, 1941, and the future.

You left wingers need to concentrate more on how to solve the current problems in the Middle East, and less on how to shift the blame to Bush and Cheney.

Has it ever occurred to any of you left wingers, that there is a good reason why you are constantly having to shift blame away from the incompetent boob that you helped put in the White House?
Obama's the latest corporate tool committed to a Middle East policy set in motion before he was born; do you expect any rich-bitch Republicans to behave differently?

"The Red Line Agreement is the name given to an agreement signed by partners in theTurkish Petroleum Company (TPC) on July 31, 1928.

"The aim of the agreement was to formalize the corporate structure of TPC and bind all partners to a 'self-denial clause' that prohibited any of its shareholders from independently seeking oil interests in the ex-Ottoman territory.

"It marked the creation of an oil monopoly, or cartel, of immense influence, spanning a vast territory.

"The cartel preceded easily by three decades the birth of another cartel, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which was formed in 1960."

Red Line Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Four Presidents in a row have bombed Iraq:

Bush II
Bush I

To be followed by;

Clinton II or Romney.

Americans never learn.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

Was the Bush Administration responsible for pulling all of our troops out of Iraq?

Bush left behind a situation in Iraq that needed to be dealt with in an intelligent fashion by Obama. He specifically warned against the danger of pulling out prematurely...stating that what is happening now would take place. Barry chose to ignore his military advisers and the political realities on the ground...declare Iraq a "success" and pull all of our troops out despite the growing threat across the border in Syria.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

You know what he signed? Bush signed the bill that the DEMOCRATS passed with the help of Chucky "turncoat" Hagel.

Remember when he crossed the floor to give the Democrats the win on the troop withdrawal?

Would you like to revisit who set the date?
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It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

No, it was not quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. The war was over and your messiah said as much during the campaign. Obama also stated during the campaign that he did not intend to leave any troops behind, and he didn't leave any behind. ISIS is the result of Obama's no troops left behind policy, and he owns the fall out from that policy.

The American people have already figured this out, and Obama's poll numbers reflect that fact. Your spin and attempts to shift the blame are falling on deaf ears.

The only hope that Obama now has for salvaging his legacy is that Republicans take over the senate and start passing legislation that makes him look better to the public.

I don't blame Obama for being an incompetent boob, I blame the ignorant boobs that gave him his second term.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

Was the Bush Administration responsible for pulling all of our troops out of Iraq?

Bush left behind a situation in Iraq that needed to be dealt with in an intelligent fashion by Obama. He specifically warned against the danger of pulling out prematurely...stating that what is happening now would take place. Barry chose to ignore his military advisers and the political realities on the ground...declare Iraq a "success" and pull all of our troops out despite the growing threat across the border in Syria.

Yes President Bush was responsible for signing the binding agreement removing all US combat troop from Iraq by 2012. Maliki is responsible for the policies that led to the current schism between the Sunni and Shia in Iraq. Obama is responsible for not acting fast enough to mitigate the damage Maliki and his Iranian backers caused.
What takes a lot of gall is to continue to try and blame Bush for the decisions Obama has made. Many Obama supporters and Obama himself were celebrating him ending the Iraq war to bad they did not understand ending a war and winning one are not the same thing.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.
I think your homie Mohammed had more to do with it than W.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

No, it was not quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. The war was over and your messiah said as much during the campaign. Obama also stated during the campaign that he did not intend to leave any troops behind, and he didn't leave any behind. ISIS is the result of Obama's no troops left behind policy, and he owns the fall out from that policy.

The American people have already figured this out, and Obama's poll numbers reflect that fact. Your spin and attempts to shift the blame are falling on deaf ears.

The only hope that Obama now has for salvaging his legacy is that Republicans take over the senate and start passing legislation that makes him look better to the public.

I don't blame Obama for being an incompetent boob, I blame the ignorant boobs that gave him his second term.

Obama wanted to keep 10 000 troops in Iraq ABC s Raddatz claims PunditFact
That is true, but they're certainly not the only American Leaders to meddle and fuck things up somewhere in the World. Our leaders have been doing that long before Bush/Cheney ever came along. And they're still doing it. We need to withdraw from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.

The reality is, most Americans just aren't interested in Sunni, Shiite, Alawite, or whatever. They're much more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. So let the Sunni, Shiite, Alawites have the Middle East. It was always theirs anyway. We don't belong there. It's time to come home.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

I believe the West attacked Iraq on 17 January 1991. Iraq was not involved in the 911 attacks. President Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq and set the date for the withdrawal of all US troops before he left office.

Yeah it was quite a mess the Bush administration left behind in Iraq. One blunder after an other.

You know what he signed? Bush signed the bill that the DEMOCRATS passed with the help of Chucky "turncoat" Hagel.

Remember when he crossed the floor to give the Democrats the win on the troop withdrawal?

Would you like to revisit who set the date?

Congress did not vote on the SOFA signed by President Bush and Iraq PM Maliki in 2008

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