Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

Who took all the credit for the US military leaving Iraq? Obama.
Why did ISIS invade Iraq? Because the US military left and The Obama, et al, let the world know that we would not return.

You can blame GWB all you want; doing so only illustrates your partisan bigotry.
Who took all the credit for the US military leaving Iraq? Obama.
Why did ISIS invade Iraq? Because the US military left and The Obama, et al, let the world know that we would not return.

You can blame GWB all you want; doing so only illustrates your partisan bigotry.
What would it take to convince you IS was created on Obama's watch in the same way al-Qa'ida was created on Reagan's? It doesn't matter which political hack is occupying the Oval Office; the business of the US is war, and the nature of war is entirely self-serving.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq ........

One more time for the mouth-breathers in the PEANUT GALLERY: Obama was complying with the treaty the Bush signed in 2008.
If Obama had violated that treaty, then nitwits like you would have been complaining about that.

U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement

U.S. Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.
so it was just coincidence they showed up as soon as the world beheld the empty suit?

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq ........

One more time for the mouth-breathers in the PEANUT GALLERY: Obama was complying with the treaty the Bush signed in 2008.
If Obama had violated that treaty, then nitwits like you would have been complaining about that.

U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement

U.S. Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And once more for an Obama apologist who won't admit that Barry didn't get the job done! Obama couldn't get a new Status of Forces Agreement done...gave up trying...declared Iraq his "success" and pulled the rest of the US troops out despite his own military advisers warning him that a residual force was needed.

The agreement that Bush signed back then didn't reflect the evolving situation in Iraq...something that Obama simply ignored because he wanted to be able to say that he'd kept his campaign promise to have all the troops out by 2010. What's happened with ISIS in Iraq falls squarely on Barack Obama's shoulders!

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.
Just to clarify....you are referring to the Iraq conflict that President Obama's administration made clear that he was responsible for the success of the conflict?

That conflict?

You are a fucking moron.
Obama refused to allow U.S. troops to be under Iraqi law. Then, Iraq said GET OUT. It ain't rocket science.

I can only imagine what NaziCons would be saying if Obama had allowed U.S. troops to be tried in Iraqi courts.
And the beat goes on.


Ten-year wars have a tendency to do shit like that.

BTW, when WAS America's last 10-year long war? At least FDR wrapped up WWII in 4 fucking years.
When was the last time America was involved in a war where the enemy did not represent a country, but, instead, an ideology. Where the enemy had such disregard for human life, they would use children and women as human shields and use schools and hospitals as ammo depots?

And I am curious......do you truly think the conflict with Japan would have ended when it did if it were not for the irrational use of nuclear weapons?

Don't you think the Iraq conflict could have ended in a matter of days if Bush were willing to act inhumanely and drop a few nuclear bombs on the region?
Obama refused to allow U.S. troops to be under Iraqi law. Then, Iraq said GET OUT. It ain't rocket science.

I can only imagine what NaziCons would be saying if Obama had allowed U.S. troops to be tried in Iraqi courts.
Oh. So you agree. Obama has no negotiating power whatsoever. "it is what it is and we either go with black or with white"

Pathetic. You are clueless.
One more time for the mouth-breathers in the PEANUT GALLERY: Obama was complying with the treaty the Bush signed in 2008.
If Obama had violated that treaty, then nitwits like you would have been complaining about that.

U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement

You're not really trying to prove that Obama really truly wanted to keep the troops there are you? That he had no option? That renegotiating the terms of the SOFA weren't going on for a full year before the pull out?

Please tell me you aren't that whacked out. :lol:
Obama as a Senator. He was against the surge with Patraeus.

AND he wanted all the troops out by MARCH 31 2008 Stop lying libs. It's too funny.


Sen. Obama announces he will introduce bill to cap troop levels and begin redeployment

On January 17, 2007, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) announced plans to introduce a resolution calling for not only a cap in troop levels, but also a phased redeployment of U.S. forces in Iraq.

He stated, "I cannot in good conscience support this plan (troop surge). As I first said two months ago, we should not be sending more U.S. troops to Iraq, we should begin redeploying them to let the Iraqis know that we will not be there forever and to pressure the Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds to finally reach a political settlement..

.Escalation is a failed policy opposed by generals, Democrats and Republicans, and now even the Iraqis themselves, and the fact that the President is already moving ahead with this idea is a terrible consequence of the decision to give him the broad, open-ended authority to wage this war in 2002.”

On the night of January 30, 2007, Obama sent his bill, the Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007 (S.433), to the Senate floor calling for complete withdrawal of troops by March 31, 2008.

Obama released a statement saying, "Our troops have performed brilliantly in Iraq, but no amount of American soldiers can solve the political differences at the heart of somebody else's civil war," Obama said, alluding to Michael Scott Doran's essay "Somebody Else's Civil War" published in the Foreign Affairs journal in 2002.

"That's why I have introduced a plan to not only stop the escalation of this war, but begin a phased redeployment that can pressure the Iraqis to finally reach a political settlement and reduce the violence."

The legislation proposed by Obama is similar to the plan called for in the Iraq Study Group report issued in December, 2006.

Obama's proposal:

  • Would be binding legislation that would not be able to be bypassed without explicit Congressional approval.
  • Would cap the number of U.S. troops at the January 10, 2007 level.
  • Would not affect the funding of the troops.
  • Would begin a phased redeployment beginning on May 1, 2007 with a goal of total redeployment of combat forces on March 31, 2008, consistent with the bipartisan Iraq Study Group's Report.
  • Would enforce benchmarks for Iraq's government including Security, political reconciliation and economic reform. If the benchmarks are met, the redeployment could be temporarily suspended upon congressional approval.
  • Would maintain a military presence in the region for force protection, training of Iraqi forces, and pursuing international terrorists.
  • Would require Congressional oversight with the President reporting a Progress report on Iraq to Congress every 90 days.
  • Would intensify training of Iraqi security forces to enable Iraqi's to take over the security responsibilities for Iraq.
  • Would put conditions on economic assistance to the Government of Iraq based on Progress towards benchmarks.
  • Would create more regional diplomacy with key nations in the region to help achieve a political settlement among the Iraqi people, and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and regional conflict
Congressional actions regarding President Bush s 2007 proposed troop surge in Iraq - SourceWatch
In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).


This is indeed a fact that is beyond dispute.
Bush stirred up a beehive in the region

The rest of the world is paying the price

The US used to be a nation that the rest of the world could count on to help solve problems. Now it seems as if we are the source of many of the world's woes. But Bush carries one hell of a historical burden in that regard. Between the Iraq War which has led both directly and indirectly to ISIS, and the American financial shenanigans of 2008 which led to the Great Recession, Bush's place is assured in the history books.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.

See if you can understand this. Iraq or Saddam had NOTHING to do with the twin towers coming down. It was W and his rush to war that opened Iraq to terrorist.
Why do you Obamabots keep ranting on about ISIS in Iraq? They "became" in Syria.

They were nothing but chump change in Iraq as AQI. They went thru some name changes and moved into Syria after Obama and other Western nations decided they wanted to depose Assad and weakened his regime.

They were "born" as ISIS in Syria. Pray tell. How did Bush get involved with the grand scheme of deposing Assad and allowing ISIS to become the powerhouse monster of a terror army that they are today?

Dying for someone to explain how Bush and Cheney are responsible for the civil war in Syria which allowed for the rise of ISIS.

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