Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.

I generally agree - but what about the oil? Have we fucked things up too bad to leave now?
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.

I generally agree - but what about the oil? Have we fucked things up too bad to leave now?

We can continue to buy the oil. But we need to stop meddling and stay out of their internal affairs. If war is what they want, than so be it. They'll work that out themselves. But there's no need for us to be involved with all their conflicts over there.

We have more than enough problems right here at home. A rapidly expanding Police State, an Illegal Invasion taking place on our border, and so on. Just bring our troops home. The Middle East is for the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there.
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.

I generally agree - but what about the oil? Have we fucked things up too bad to leave now?

We can continue to buy the oil. But we need to stop meddling and stay out of their internal affairs. If war is what they want, than so be it. They'll work that out themselves. But there's no need for us to be involved with all their conflicts over there.

We have more than enough problems right here at home. A rapidly expanding Police State, an Illegal Invasion taking place on our border, and so on. Just bring our troops home. The Middle East is for the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there.

I generally agree - but what if they would hold oil hostage?
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?

Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?
Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.
So, you believe their hatred of us has to do with tour presence there, not our differences in our religions, politics, ethics and lifestyles?
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?
Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.
So, you believe their hatred of us has to do with tour presence there, not our differences in our religions, politics, ethics and lifestyles?

Much of it is due to our constant meddling. The rapid rise of Radical Islam was fueled by resentment of our abuse of Muslims around the world. The Middle East belongs to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. So lets withdraw.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?
Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.
So, you believe their hatred of us has to do with tour presence there, not our differences in our religions, politics, ethics and lifestyles?

Much of it is due to our constant meddling. The rapid rise of Radical Islam was fueled by resentment of our abuse of Muslims around the world. The Middle East belongs to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. So lets withdraw.
And so, what do we do when we leave there and they attack us here?
What do we do when they decide to cut off the oil to not just us, but the rest of the west?

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq ........

One more time for the mouth-breathers in the PEANUT GALLERY: Obama was complying with the treaty the Bush signed in 2008.
If Obama had violated that treaty, then nitwits like you would have been complaining about that.

U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement

U.S. Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And once more for an Obama apologist who won't admit that Barry didn't get the job done! Obama couldn't get a new Status of Forces Agreement done...gave up trying...declared Iraq his "success" and pulled the rest of the US troops out despite his own military advisers warning him that a residual force was needed.

The agreement that Bush signed back then didn't reflect the evolving situation in Iraq...something that Obama simply ignored because he wanted to be able to say that he'd kept his campaign promise to have all the troops out by 2010. What's happened with ISIS in Iraq falls squarely on Barack Obama's shoulders!
In the libtard view the only person who is NOT responsible for what happened in Iraq..or the Middle East in general...is Saddam Hussein. Hero of the republic, defender of human rights, defender of religious freedom, woman's rights advocate.
In the libtard view the only person who is NOT responsible for what happened in Iraq..or the Middle East in general...is Saddam Hussein. Hero of the republic, defender of human rights, defender of religious freedom, woman's rights advocate.
And Obama. After all, He was just following orders.
Unless something good happens, of course.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.


It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

actually its your darkie who fumbled the ball. only radical left wing fucktatrds read the huff post
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?

Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.

"Assad is an educated reasonable man." Who uses chemical weapons on his own people? Would you like to think about that statement, Paul and then perhaps try again?
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?
Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.
So, you believe their hatred of us has to do with tour presence there, not our differences in our religions, politics, ethics and lifestyles?

Much of it is due to our constant meddling. The rapid rise of Radical Islam was fueled by resentment of our abuse of Muslims around the world. The Middle East belongs to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. So lets withdraw.

It's hard to have it both ways...

Most of the world was only too happy to have the United States be it's "policeman" against the spread of fascism and communism for decades. We've born the brunt of the cost of that fight while many of them have spent their capital on "butter" rather than "bullets". It's a job that needs to be done if you don't want the next Hitler or Stalin to raise his ugly head somewhere...so if not us...then who?
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?

Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.

"Assad is an educated reasonable man." Who uses chemical weapons on his own people? Would you like to think about that statement, Paul and then perhaps try again?

How The Assad Regime Benefited From Gassing Its Own People

Read more: How Assad benefited from Ghouta - Business Insider

Syria: 'Assad regime ordered me to gas people - but I could not do it'
Syria Assad regime ordered me to gas people - but I could not do it - Telegraph
Just come home. Leave the Middle East to the People it belongs to. Let them sort out their own problems. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, just do too much meddling around the world. It's time to scale that back.

I don't think you're going to like how a group like ISIS "sorts things out", Paul...just saying...

Isolationism hasn't worked for quite some time. It's a small world these days.

ISIS came about as a result of our endless meddling over there. Radical Islam has risen in popularity mostly because of the West's abuse of Muslims around the world. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, are the worst offenders. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. It doesn't belong to us. Just come home.
Do you think that will keep them from attacking us here?

Maybe not, but i think it will lessen their desire to cut Americans' heads off. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there. There was virtually no Al Qaeda in Iraq or Syria before we invaded Iraq. Hussein hated the radicals. He would kill any he found in his country.

The same can be said of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Yet now, we're trying to kill Assad too. Assad is an educated reasonable man. He despises the radicals. Removing him will be just another misguided blunder. So yes, it is time to come home. It's time to end this Permanent State of War we're stuck in.

"Assad is an educated reasonable man." Who uses chemical weapons on his own people? Would you like to think about that statement, Paul and then perhaps try again?

That was never proven. That chemical attack came at a time when Qatar and Saudi Arabia who both are desperate to overthrow Assad wanted air strikes from the US against Assad but the Syrian President hadn't crossed " that red line".

Lo and behold a chemical attack!!!!! In a suburb.

Out of the blue. I'm sure as hell the Assad knowing full well the US would mobilize air power against him wasn't going to attack a freaking suburb of Damascus.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia would be the ones that benefited from the chemical attack. Not Assad.
According to the left Obama isn't responsible for anything under his watch, will he be responsible for everything under the next president's watch is that how it works now?
According to the left Obama isn't responsible for anything under his watch, will he be responsible for everything under the next president's watch is that how it works now?
According to the left Obama isn't responsible for anything under his watch, will he be responsible for everything under the next president's watch is that how it works now?

only thing Obozo can mount is a case a hemorroids
FYI Shitbag......ISIL started in Syria....what the fuck did Bush and Cheney do to Syria????


It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

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