Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

You can blow up a house with a push of a button.
But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.
Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.
I love people who arent afraid to show off their partisan bigotry.
Well done.
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.
We sacrificed our own and gave it all to them ......elections, a well-equipped army, training and infrastructure. They had oil revenue on top of that.

The same ideology that has kept them but a step away from the dark ages squandered and relinquished it all for sectarian conflict and western jihad.
We sacrificed our own and gave it all to them ......elections, a well-equipped army, training and infrastructure. They had oil revenue on top of that.

The same ideology that has kept them but a step away from the dark ages squandered and relinquished it all for sectarian conflict and western jihad.
Translation: our Oil Moguls installed a puppet government that Obama didn't follow through on. Now we have the magical mystical ISIL putting a new government in place there.

Still waiting to hear all those personal accounts from longtime friends, family teachers etc. of the beheadded journalists...

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

You mean because he followed the agreement Bush made with Iraq.
We sacrificed our own and gave it all to them ......elections, a well-equipped army, training and infrastructure. They had oil revenue on top of that.

The same ideology that has kept them but a step away from the dark ages squandered and relinquished it all for sectarian conflict and western jihad.

When you look at those "dark ages Muslims" it's astounding how much they are like right wing conservative Republicans.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

You mean because he followed the agreement Bush made with Iraq.

No, I mean because Obama chose to ignore developing problems with both ISIS growing in power in Syria and the Maliki government excluding Shiites from positions of power. Barry decided to look the other way on both those things because admitting they existed would have made it impossible for him to declare Iraq "stable" and walk away from the problems there.

So now we've got ISIS embedded in population centers in Iraq...equipped with advance weapons they took from an Iraqi Army that wouldn't fight...and taking in an estimated 3 million dollars a day in revenue from oil sales! That fuck up belongs COMPLETELY to Barack Obama! He was more concerned with his own "legacy" as the President that "stops" wars than he was with the growth of ISIS or the problems within the Iraqi government.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

So within a year of his presidency Bush caused 9-11 and everything happening today yet six years into obie's run Bush is still the cause?
We sacrificed our own and gave it all to them ......elections, a well-equipped army, training and infrastructure. They had oil revenue on top of that.

The same ideology that has kept them but a step away from the dark ages squandered and relinquished it all for sectarian conflict and western jihad.

When you look at those "dark ages Muslims" it's astounding how much they are like right wing conservative Republicans.
I'm thinking you must mean current democrats. You seem to be a lot like the muslims of today. People wanting to limit others choice of speech and points of contention...democrats.In the USA.

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9.11.

And ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq. Who knows how that's Obama's fault?

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

You mean because he followed the agreement Bush made with Iraq.

No, I mean because Obama chose to ignore developing problems with both ISIS growing in power in Syria and the Maliki government excluding Shiites from positions of power. Barry decided to look the other way on both those things because admitting they existed would have made it impossible for him to declare Iraq "stable" and walk away from the problems there.

So now we've got ISIS embedded in population centers in Iraq...equipped with advance weapons they took from an Iraqi Army that wouldn't fight...and taking in an estimated 3 million dollars a day in revenue from oil sales! That fuck up belongs COMPLETELY to Barack Obama! He was more concerned with his own "legacy" as the President that "stops" wars than he was with the growth of ISIS or the problems within the Iraqi government.
None of which would have happened had Bush decided to let the U.N. inspectors finish the job they were sent into Iraq to do rather than invade. How is that Obama's fault?
The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

You mean because he followed the agreement Bush made with Iraq.

No, I mean because Obama chose to ignore developing problems with both ISIS growing in power in Syria and the Maliki government excluding Shiites from positions of power. Barry decided to look the other way on both those things because admitting they existed would have made it impossible for him to declare Iraq "stable" and walk away from the problems there.

So now we've got ISIS embedded in population centers in Iraq...equipped with advance weapons they took from an Iraqi Army that wouldn't fight...and taking in an estimated 3 million dollars a day in revenue from oil sales! That fuck up belongs COMPLETELY to Barack Obama! He was more concerned with his own "legacy" as the President that "stops" wars than he was with the growth of ISIS or the problems within the Iraqi government.
None of which would have happened had Bush decided to let the U.N. inspectors finish the job they were sent into Iraq to do rather than invade. How is that Obama's fault?

Why didn't Dems vote to stop Bush? In fact why did Dems first vote against it, then when that backfired in their face demand a 2nd vote so they could vote for it hmmm? Why didn't Dems vote to defund the war all those changes they had over the years? Bah.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

You mean because he followed the agreement Bush made with Iraq.

No, I mean because Obama chose to ignore developing problems with both ISIS growing in power in Syria and the Maliki government excluding Shiites from positions of power. Barry decided to look the other way on both those things because admitting they existed would have made it impossible for him to declare Iraq "stable" and walk away from the problems there.

So now we've got ISIS embedded in population centers in Iraq...equipped with advance weapons they took from an Iraqi Army that wouldn't fight...and taking in an estimated 3 million dollars a day in revenue from oil sales! That fuck up belongs COMPLETELY to Barack Obama! He was more concerned with his own "legacy" as the President that "stops" wars than he was with the growth of ISIS or the problems within the Iraqi government.
None of which would have happened had Bush decided to let the U.N. inspectors finish the job they were sent into Iraq to do rather than invade. How is that Obama's fault?

Why didn't Dems vote to stop Bush? In fact why did Dems first vote against it, then when that backfired in their face demand a 2nd vote so they could vote for it hmmm? Why didn't Dems vote to defund the war all those changes they had over the years? Bah.
Because Bush needed the looming threat of our military to get Hussein to let inspectors back into Iraq.

And most voted against it.

And only a traitor would pull the funds for troops already in battle.
Bush stirred up a beehive in the region

The rest of the world is paying the price

ISIS is predicated on their own ideology, theve been held down by dictators that are no longer there, but Bush did not force England and sweden and australia to take in these imigrants who want to cut their throats. They did it themselves. Obama does not help our cause by releasing 4 of their generals, by telling them what we are going to and not do, by emboldening them making them think we are weak, his giving them even more recruiting material. They think we are weak because he cant even acknowledge that we are at war with their ideology for his own political purposes. Their not stupid, they know this. You cant defeat them with a few cruze missles and targeted bombing.
Bush stirred up a beehive in the region

The rest of the world is paying the price

ISIS is predicated on their own ideology, theve been held down by dictators that are no longer there, but Bush did not force England and sweden and australia to take in these imigrants who want to cut their throats. They did it themselves. Obama does not help our cause by releasing 4 of their generals, by telling them what we are going to and not do, by emboldening them making them think we are weak, his giving them even more recruiting material. They think we are weak because he cant even acknowledge that we are at war with their ideology for his own political purposes. Their not stupid, they know this. You cant defeat them with a few cruze missles and targeted bombing.
How much "recruiting material" do you suppose invading Iraq over WMD that weren't there generated?

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9.11.

And ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq. Who knows how that's Obama's fault?

2003? Bullshit.
Bush stirred up a beehive in the region

The rest of the world is paying the price

ISIS is predicated on their own ideology, theve been held down by dictators that are no longer there, but Bush did not force England and sweden and australia to take in these imigrants who want to cut their throats. They did it themselves. Obama does not help our cause by releasing 4 of their generals, by telling them what we are going to and not do, by emboldening them making them think we are weak, his giving them even more recruiting material. They think we are weak because he cant even acknowledge that we are at war with their ideology for his own political purposes. Their not stupid, they know this. You cant defeat them with a few cruze missles and targeted bombing.
How much "recruiting material" do you suppose invading Iraq over WMD that weren't there generated?

Plenty, so now that they are a serious threat in the world, lets just dwell in the past. the decisions being made now are the most important as these guys are now well funded and atracting young people from all over the world. Obama leading from behind, not willing to take a leadership role only tells them that we dont have the will to fight they can call that a victory.
The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

You mean because he followed the agreement Bush made with Iraq.

No, I mean because Obama chose to ignore developing problems with both ISIS growing in power in Syria and the Maliki government excluding Shiites from positions of power. Barry decided to look the other way on both those things because admitting they existed would have made it impossible for him to declare Iraq "stable" and walk away from the problems there.

So now we've got ISIS embedded in population centers in Iraq...equipped with advance weapons they took from an Iraqi Army that wouldn't fight...and taking in an estimated 3 million dollars a day in revenue from oil sales! That fuck up belongs COMPLETELY to Barack Obama! He was more concerned with his own "legacy" as the President that "stops" wars than he was with the growth of ISIS or the problems within the Iraqi government.
None of which would have happened had Bush decided to let the U.N. inspectors finish the job they were sent into Iraq to do rather than invade. How is that Obama's fault?

Are you kidding me?

Let me see if I understand the liberal "logic" here, Faun...

Because George W. Bush made the call to go into Iraq in 2003 when Saddam Hussein refused to comply with the UN sanctions that he'd agreed to following the first Gulf War...11 years later Bush is still responsible for the results of Barack Obama's naive foreign policy for the region? Bush is still responsible for Obama's decision NOT to leave a stabilizing force in Iraq even though both he and Obama's military leaders warned that not doing so would lead to EXACTLY what happened? Bush is responsible for Obama being totally caught by surprise as ISIS conquered half of Iraq in a matter of weeks?

When does Barry become responsible for Barry's fuck-ups? Six years after he leaves office? Never?

It takes a lot of gall for people like Dick Cheney to utter even one critical word about President Obama's strategy to eliminate the threat of ISIL in the Middle East.

In fact, it was the unnecessary Bush/Cheney Iraq War that created the conditions that led directly to the rise of the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL).

Former George H.W. Bush Secretary of State James Baker said as much on this week's edition of "Meet the Press." He noted that after the first President Bush had ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, the U.S. had refrained from marching on Baghdad precisely to avoid kicking over the sectarian hornet's nest that was subsequently unleashed by the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq in 2003.

But it wasn't just the War in Iraq itself that set the stage for the subsequent 12 years of renewed, high-intensity sectarian strife between Sunni's and Shiites in the Middle East. It was also what came after.

Bush's "de-Bathification program" eliminated all vestiges of Sunni power in Iraqi society and set the stage for the Sunni insurrection against American occupation and the new Shiite-led government. Bush disbanded the entire Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army and bureaucracy. He didn't change it. He didn't make it more inclusive of Shiites and Kurds. He just disbanded it. It is no accident that two of the top commanders of today's ISIL are former commanders in the Saddam-era Iraqi military.

General Petraeus took steps to reverse these policies with his "Sunni Awakening" programs that engaged the Sunni tribes against what was then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. But the progress he made ultimately collapsed because the Bush/Cheney regime helped install Nouri Al-Maliki as Prime Minister who systematically disenfranchised Sunnis throughout Iraq.

And that's not all. The War in Iraq -- which had nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism" when it was launched -- created massive numbers of terrorists that otherwise would not have dreamed of joining extremist organizations. It did so by killing massive numbers of Iraqis, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, imprisoning thousands, and convincing many residents of the Middle East that the terrorist narrative was correct: that the U.S. and the West were really about taking Muslim lands.

More: Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

At least Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about all of this - but Cheney isn't.

The twin towers fell before Iraq was attacked, and that pretty well shows that the hornet's nest was already stirred up before Bush did anything in the Middle East.

Islamic extremists have been at war with the United States since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that we had turned a blind eye to that reality did not make it less of a threat. Bush didn't start the war, he responded to it.

ISIS in Iraq is a direct result of Obama pulling all the troops out of Iraq and leaving the vacuum that ISIS filled. Actions have consequences, and all you left wingers should begin to recognize that tidbit.

You can whine, spin, or turn cartwheels, but Obama owns present day Iraq, and the American public knows it.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9.11.

And ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq. Who knows how that's Obama's fault?

2003? Bullshit.
Ok, so it was 2004 ...

ISIS ISIL or the Islamic State Q13 FOX News

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.​

Thanks, Bush!

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