Bush Shows How A True Leader Does NOT "Verbally" Respond to Thugs:


Mar 12, 2004
I've heard a lot of people- like that dumb fuc&ing hatemonger Savage[ Rush, I'm sorry you get lumped in with such lowly scum/scam losers.]- of late wondering why President Bush hasn't addressed the nation about the Fallujah massacre. Well, either they are a little dense or they work for Al Qaeda.

I vehemently disagree that President Bush should have addressed the nation on this disgusting affront to humanity & God, ANY god.

See, if these animals can get the leader of the free world to address the nation & world every time they commit an act of brutal mass murder, then they win. Not only do they win, his addressing the nation would encourage even MORE attacks. Think about it: If you were a terrorist, committed this atrocity, and the leader of your enemy changed his schedule-- possibly flying back from somewhere- diverted his attention to address the nation, and had to take hits from his anti-American rivals, what would you think?

A) Gee, we didn't mean to go THAT far. I hate that Bush the Great Satan had to be inconvenienced that way.

B) Wow! His words to his nation really hurt my feelings, what with the calling us mean names & all. I won't do THIS again!


C) We have The Great Satan reacting to us. We are on the same level, equals. Wait until we make the NEXT one even bigger & more gruesome. The infidels are on the run & we shall be victorious!

No, Bush would have only encouraged more attacks by addressing the nation.

Now, you might say he addressed us on 9/11, right? Well, if I have to explain the difference to someone-- both in leadership & strategy- then they are a lost cause. I admit it is a fine line between when Bush should & should not address the nation, but there IS a demarcation line, one where an incorrect response could cause more chaos & cost more lives.

As for the massacres in Fallujah, it is ALSO a tightrope walk.

Yeah, I would love to send a remote control-driven vehicle through the streets, draw an attack, and drop a huge Motherfucker Of All Bombs, but that might be a disaster.

The line which we must balance ourselves is one between pure, beautiful revenge, and one of "we will take the high road and not be dragged down to their level."


We send in the Marines, tanks, and a LOT of heavily armed Iraqi police/militia with us. We, after having shut down all exits out of Fallujah, go door to door, confiscate ALL weapons, find the majority of guilty parties from the video, and arrest "most" of them. However, if we can find the main culprits of the attack, we have the right to "humanely" execute them in the city square and leave their bodies to rot. I normally would be against this, but the attacks were so brutal and the celebration so sadistically great, the crazed looks of joy in the murderers eyes leads me to make an exception for one reason: WE CANNOT LET THE PEOPLE OF THIS HOTBED OF OLD SADDAM THUGS CONFUSE KINDNESS WITH WEAKNESS.

[Random Advice]- Yo, Spain! How's that deal with The Devil working our for ya guys? Gee, I guess trying to appease terrorists just doesn't work out so well, huh? Here's a tip: Unions negotiate. Sports agents negotiate. Terrorists do NOT. They just like to kill as many infidels as possible. Ya might want to write that down on a post-it note and read it on your next train trip.
btw- Don't thank me for the advice. What can I say?.....I'm a giver!

While I know liberals believe peace can be attained through discussion, bumper stickers, and begging the U.N., Russia, Germany, & France to let us defend ourselves, but Reagan proved to us that there is only ONE way to win the peace:...........


The liberals can apoplectically cry, kick, & scream on the evening of November 2nd, but even THEY will be protected under the safety umbrella of another four years of one of the greatest presidents, ever: President George W. Bush!
: What Do Kerry and Chirac Have in Common?

They want to see President Bush fail even if it means letting the fanatical terrorists win. In his book "The Foolish, The Feckless and The Fanatic," Joseph A. Klein investigates subjects that need to be addressed, such as how Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein shared a common obsession to bring the United States to reckoning. And why the war in Iraq was a central part of the strategic fight to end the fanatic Islamist terrorist threat. Click here for more.

The author of The Foolish, The Feckless and The Fanatic, Joseph Klein (no relation to the well-known liberal author “Joe Klein” philosophically or otherwise), is a practicing attorney who has written on public policy matters relating to global competition, technology, and privacy. With facts, common sense and a bit of humor, Klein uses his analytical skills to examine why the Islamic fanatics want to destroy us, how ending Saddam Hussein's regime fit into the overall strategy to fight terror and why the French and liberal leaders are too preoccupied with their selfish agendas to deal effectively with the terrorist threat until it is too late. Joseph Klein regards the Security Council’s inability to enforce its own resolutions against Saddam Hussein as its culminating fiasco. And he finds John Kerry’s search for the U.N.’s approval as nothing short of astounding. He felt compelled to write this book in order to clear up the record.

As Mr. Klein has remarked, “Al Franken says that he is all about ‘truth to power, baby’. The only problem is that Franken, Kerry, Gore, Jacques Chirac and the rest of that crowd are in a state of complete denial. They are afraid of a decisive leader who is willing to confront the raw truth of the evil fanatic terrorists and their state sponsors that we face and who will actually use the full power of the United States to defeat them. My book is intended to shed some light on the real facts and have some fun along the way at the expense of the smug liberals and French.”
To order, look for the title on Newsmax.com and click or call toll-free #-###-###-###
without strength, either implied[as a threat] or as a whole, the liberation of Iraq. we would be nothing more than the UN. A paper Tiger.all growl and no bite. after discussions have failed to bring about results what are we to do? forget about the problem? case in point, saddam. He had 12 years to get his act together and didnt. should we give him 12 more? there comes a time when talking stops and the ass-kicking begins. Its up to the other country which way they want to go. I myself see no difference between the Liberation of France in WWII and the Liberation of Iraq, save for the fact that saddam was a native of the country. Dk, I can agree with what you say somewhat, most of the hatred is because they cant do what we can. go into a country, liberate it, and then after democracy is established, go home. But being strong in this world, and knowing when to use said strength is what separates the USA from all the wantabes and pretenders. If we were denmark and told saddam to get his act together, he would have laughed his ass off. We on the other hand nearly blow it up.
No relation to the famous liberal Joe Klein. Definitely a conservative point of view that supports the President's policies in Iraq because they removed a dnagerous regime with documented links to Al Qaeda and ended mass killings and ethnic cleansing in Iraq.
Originally posted by 4USA
No relation to the famous liberal Joe Klein. Definitely a conservative point of view that supports the President's policies in Iraq because they removed a dnagerous regime with documented links to Al Qaeda and ended mass killings and ethnic cleansing in Iraq.

No, I meant are you related to the person who wrote the book you are reffering to over at Newsmax?

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