Reality remains unmoved by your ignorance and repetition.

I see you once again resort to an old, tired and stupid debating trick. You cannot defend your assertion, so you resort to the old and tired switch and bait trick of "reality". The fact is, your notion that a child born to an illegal entrant foreign national while on American soil is a citizen upon birth, does not meet the legislative intent of the qualifier "...and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..." as found in the Fourteenth Amendment, and The U.S.S.C and those who wrote the 14th Amendment, disagree with you, as I have documented.


Those who reject abiding by the text of our Constitution, and the intentions and beliefs under which it was agree to, as documented from historical records ___ its framing and ratification debates which give context to its text ___ wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.
I see you once again resort to an old, tired and stupid debating trick. ....

Reality is not a "trick." Babies are being born all across America today. Every one of them is just as much a US citizen as you are, and for exactly the same reason. It doesn't matter what the immigration status of their mothers are. They are US citizens ALL the same. Their being natural born citizens does NOT change the immigration status of their parents, though.
Babies are being born all across America today. Every one of them is just as much a US citizen as you are, and for exactly the same reason. It doesn't matter what the immigration status of their mothers are. They are US citizens ALL the same.
According to you, a baby born to a foreign national while on American soil is a citizen upon birth, but not according to what our Constitution states, The U.S.S.C and those who wrote the 14th Amendment, say.
According to you, a baby born to a foreign national while on American soil is a citizen upon birth, ...

According to US IMMIGRATION LAW anyone born in the US IS a US citizen. That is reality. That is fact. Go write a letter to your congressman.
According to US IMMIGRATION LAW anyone born in the US IS a US citizen.
Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and only those laws made in pursuance thereof.

I invite you to quote the law saying a baby born to an illegal entrant foreign national while on American soil is a citizen upon birth.
Congress must change the Amendment, no other whey can it be done.
Wrong. The Court could theoretically address the actual words of the Amendment. That’s one way.

Alternatively, we could have a convention of the states to put into place some amendments. That’s the second way.
So, the OP is just another one of those dimwits who has one thought and one thought only, and he will just repeat it over and over again regardless of reality.
Wrong. The Court could theoretically address the actual words of the Amendment. That’s one way.

Alternatively, we could have a convention of the states to put into place some amendments. That’s the second way.
And until that happens you have nothing
And until that happens you have nothing
Wrong again. What we have is an idiotic interpretation of the law that leads to big problems.

You know. Your kind of policy.
Wrong again. What we have is an idiotic interpretation of the law that leads to big problems.

You know. Your kind of policy.
It's based on solid legal theory about sovereignty. Pity you don't have sufficient education.
It's based on solid legal theory about sovereignty. Pity you don't have sufficient education.
No. Actually. It’s not. What’s a pity is how you pretend to have the first clue on the topic when obviously you don’t.

Sovereignty, by the way is exactly why we are entitled to secure our own borders and regulate who may enter and who may not. It also is the basis for why we get to say what is required for citizenship.

Don’t try to play when you’re way out of your depth.
No. Actually. It’s not. What’s a pity is how you pretend to have the first clue on the topic when obviously you don’t.

Sovereignty, by the way is exactly why we are entitled to secure our own borders and regulate who may enter and who may not. It also is the basis for why we get to say what is required for citizenship.

Don’t try to play when you’re way out of your depth.
Sovereignty means only US law has jurisdiction on US soil.
So, the OP is just another one of those dimwits who has one thought and one thought only, and he will just repeat it over and over again regardless of reality.

And the reality is, our Supreme Court, and those who framed and debated the Fourteenth Amendment, as documented HERE, confirms that a baby born to an illegal entrant foreign national, while on American soil, is not granted citizenship upon birth.

But hey, I'm still waiting for one of our resident geniuses to quote the alleged "law" indicating a baby born to an illegal entrant foreign national, while on American soil, meets the qualifier in the Fourteenth Amendment for citizenship upon birth.


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries.

And the reality is, our Supreme Court, and those who framed and debated the Fourteenth Amendment, as documented HERE, confirms that a baby born to an illegal entrant foreign national, while on American soil, is not granted citizenship upon birth.

But hey, I'm still waiting for one of our resident geniuses to quote the alleged "law" indicating a baby born to an illegal entrant foreign national, while on American soil, meets the qualifier in the Fourteenth Amendment for citizenship upon birth.


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries.
That's not what US law says.

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