Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

Like you people care about the truth.
I think they have it in there head that unless they shot at leat dozen or so election officials they really haven't broke any laws...

What Trump Jr wrote there is the active planning of breaking the law... It conspiring to break the law...

If you are caught on tape trying to plan a murder, you get tried for 'Conspiracy for Murder' even if no one is dead or even shot at..

Undermining elections is a crime even if you do it non violently, Conspiring to to do this crime is a crime as well..

There seems to be plenty of evidence of this people in the Trump Admin conspiring to commit this crime... Have they got Trump personally, I don't know, we haven't seen any major evidence as of yet (or I could missed it)...
And Comcast (msnbc) when it tried to merge with Time Warner (CNN) tried to have one family control that narrative. A corp voted worst run many years in a row for it's mobster like tactics and unscrupulous business and billing practices, which include strong arming competitors from steping foot inside their territories and complexes, forcing residents and sections to only be able to get service for internet from Comcast who did the complex's cable tv=monopoly and price control.
When Al Franken stoped the merger with a little help from a few consumer advocates, they came after him fascist mob style both CNN and MSNBC did the ole misconduct hit job on him forcing him to step down. This is the kind system and behavior the left want to install, it reminds me of the old parking lot shake downs in the big cities, where they ask for money to look after your car as an intimidating threat, extorting money to leave your car alone. If you don't do what they want, you're smashed and scratched. That intimidation and fear is what compromises our politicians and AG's like Sessions and Barr.
That's the kind of fear and control dictators and communist nations use to subvert their masses.
Al Franken was left wing, well does believe in the major points of Regulated Capitalism/Social Democracy.

He was actually taken out by a dirty tricks campaign instigated by conservative supporter and a 15 year old photo. It is a shame because if you are for either side you would have to respect his integrity.

Franklen like many in the Democrat Party don't like Monopolies, this should be bipartisan...

Truth is that the voting system in US (one man One Vote) promotes a two party system... US deserves more choice with more competition... Lobbyists are just paying off both sides at this stage,...

"In its analysis of political contributions by zip code, Issue One found that the top 12 megadonors and their spouses accounted for roughly 25% of the money contributed by all residents of the 100 top-giving zip codes, suggesting that their contributions dwarfed even other affluent donors.

These 100 zip codes are home to approximately 2.5 million people -- less than 1% of the entire population of the United States -- but donors living in those areas accounted for about 20% of the $45 billion that federal candidates and political groups raised between January 2009 and December 2020, according to the analysis."

If this was in a tin pot dictatorship in Africa it would be called corruption.. This is not 'Deep State', it is just a system which is fast becoming outdated at this stage.
Education time. Antifa is something that QAnon and Pawxsnooze created to have a boogyman. It's BLM that is grass roots. And, yes, Rump listed the fictitious group a terrorist organization. Of course, he was covering for a real terrorist organization, the people that follow Rump.

You flunked.....bigly.

Trump never designated Antifa as a terrorist organization.

Pelosi thought Occupy Democrats was a grass roots cause. Then they morphed into Antifa.

By Seung Min Kim
10/06/2011 05:06 PM EDT
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday praised the thousands of “Occupy Wall Street” protesters crowding New York City and other cities across the nation.

“God bless them for their spontaneity,” Pelosi told reporters. “It’s young, it’s spontaneous, it’s focused and it’s going to be effective.”

Somewhere down the road, social media posts came out where Occupy Democrats were asking when they could start shooting cops.....Wanna guess where Pelosi's grass roots crap went after that?

Education time Pal:

The antifa movement is a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals. It began in the 1960s in Europe, and had reached the US by the end of the 1970s. The movement’s ideology is rooted in the belief that the Nazi party would never have been able to come to power in Germany if people had more aggressively fought them in the streets in the 1920s and 30s.

Most antifa adherents today come from the anarchist movement or from the far left, though since the 2016 presidential election, people with other political backgrounds have also joined their ranks. Some antifa adherents have expanded their definition of fascist/fascism to include not just white supremacists and other extremists, but also many conservatives and supporters of former President Trump. Antifa supporters sometimes use a logo with a double flag, usually in black and red.
Who are Antifa?
insurgance USA is nothing other than a one man group, and that one member is John Sullivan.

BLM wanted nothing to do with him, because he was associating with the proud boys.

There are 828 people charged in the insurrection; surely you can find somebody else among them?

Doesn't much matter......your claim was BS. He's been charged.
Doesn't much matter......your claim was BS. He's been charged.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

/———/ Maybe Dementia Joe will share the same cell block:

Biden: We Have ‘The Most Extensive and Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization’​

I think they have it in there head that unless they shot at leat dozen or so election officials they really haven't broke any laws...

What Trump Jr wrote there is the active planning of breaking the law... It conspiring to break the law...

If you are caught on tape trying to plan a murder, you get tried for 'Conspiracy for Murder' even if no one is dead or even shot at..

Undermining elections is a crime even if you do it non violently, Conspiring to to do this crime is a crime as well..

There seems to be plenty of evidence of this people in the Trump Admin conspiring to commit this crime... Have they got Trump personally, I don't know, we haven't seen any major evidence as of yet (or I could missed it)...
Shot a dozen or so elected officials? Really? WHere were their guns then?
I think they have it in there head that unless they shot at leat dozen or so election officials they really haven't broke any laws...

What Trump Jr wrote there is the active planning of breaking the law... It conspiring to break the law...

If you are caught on tape trying to plan a murder, you get tried for 'Conspiracy for Murder' even if no one is dead or even shot at..

Undermining elections is a crime even if you do it non violently, Conspiring to to do this crime is a crime as well..

There seems to be plenty of evidence of this people in the Trump Admin conspiring to commit this crime... Have they got Trump personally, I don't know, we haven't seen any major evidence as of yet (or I could missed it)...
Selective editing is fun.

Strategy session.....prove intent.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

There's no mistake that donald trump Jr. is one of trump's legitimate sons. Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. That kind of idiocy can only run in families that have inbred. The other day he attacked Fetterman saying he was brain dead.Why on Earth would the kettle call the pot black. If anyone is brain dead it definitely is Junior.
There's no mistake that donald trump Jr. is one of trump's legitimate sons. Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. That kind of idiocy can only run in families that have inbred. The other day he attacked Fetterman saying he was brain dead.Why on Earth would the kettle call the pot black. If anyone is brain dead it definitely is Junior.
Trump Jr is not very intelligent and has a problem with cocaine and alcohol.
There's no mistake that donald trump Jr. is one of trump's legitimate sons. Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. That kind of idiocy can only run in families that have inbred. The other day he attacked Fetterman saying he was brain dead.Why on Earth would the kettle call the pot black. If anyone is brain dead it definitely is Junior.
Who is more Brain Dead?
Joe Biden?
Uncle Festerman?
Paul Pelosi?
Paul Pelosi's Gay Illegal Alien Prostitute?
Or You?
There's no mistake that donald trump Jr. is one of trump's legitimate sons. Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. That kind of idiocy can only run in families that have inbred. The other day he attacked Fetterman saying he was brain dead.Why on Earth would the kettle call the pot black. If anyone is brain dead it definitely is Junior.
Says the brain dead prog.

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