But I Thought Biden Had No Influence on Gas Prices

the money Trump doled out was handed out before the elections. price per gallon continued to fall.

No it didn't. Prices had already started to go up.

The national gas price average may have held flat on the week at $2.25

National Gas Price Average Flirting with Lowest Level in Two Years

All I asked you was why did the price go up after xiden took office and you blame trump. Can't make it up.

No, I did not blame Trump. I have consistently blamed Wall Street acting in a juvenile manner.
YOU should be more careful where YOU get YOUR information, you fucking moron. When did your Vegetable Messiah take office, Simp?

Posted by Dr. Nancy Yamaguchi | January 22, 2020
hahahaahahaha, it took me a few minutes, Now I get it!!!!! holy chit man, the dude has the wrong year. hahahahaahahahahahahahaha.

Honestly, how does someone live with themselves to be that insincere in an argument. I don't know, what a jack monkey that fker is.
why when xiden took office? You keep avoiding the comment. 2.39 per gallon the week he took office. and you say that's high. wow.

I answered. I said it would jump as soon as the markets understood the free money was over. I said this BEFORE Biden even won. When the economy began opening it was going to go up also. You expected it to stay at the level it was when the economy was shut down?
Just a bunch of cry baby's, Guess its lucky you were not around during the depression or WW2, When people really had to suck it up to keep going.
How’s your shoe taste? Kosher salt may help.
Thats all you got when getting caught with your pants down?

Unlike you I rarely eat shoes. You know whats my trick? INTELECTUAL CONSISTENCY.

I niether blamed, nor credited Biden for anything outside serious effect estimates for his policy.
Thats all you got when getting caught with your pants down?

Unlike you I rarely eat shoes. You know whats my trick? INTELECTUAL CONSISTENCY.

I niether blamed, nor credited Biden for anything outside serious effect estimates for his policy.
Do I get $1 in my PayPal for every Leftard post saying Brandon has no impact upon gas prices?
Just a bunch of cry baby's, Guess its lucky you were not around during the depression or WW2, When people really had to suck it up to keep going.
so you don't care about americans needlessly suffering. wow. Look at you Mr. Morality.
I'm sorry you were not able to comprehend my statement. I said IF you were one to blame the rise on him, you then have to give him credit for it falling to be consistent in your beliefs. My position is presidents have very little control over prices so why would I expect people to give him credit?

Politics have corrupted your mind.
Your double-talk isn't working.
Biden doesn't deserve any credit.
He's on record literally admitting that the price increases are a planned transition....not an accident.
For that matter...and drop in price is simply to get people off of his back right before an election.

Biden doesn't deserve any credit.

No....if you increase the supply on the market you can lower the trading price.
It's not a coincidence that the price started going down as soon as he started selling our emergency supply of oil.

Consistency - do you have any at all?

Biden either increased oil supply in the market and therefore deserves some credit for lowered prices, or he didn't and doesn't deserve it.

Which one is it Mud? You keep talking about them lyin' lefties, but how would you describe your duplicity here?
Thats all you got when getting caught with your pants down?

Unlike you I rarely eat shoes. You know whats my trick? INTELECTUAL CONSISTENCY.

I niether blamed, nor credited Biden for anything outside serious effect estimates for his policy.
So you agree Veggie Joe is a lying sack when he comes out and takes credit for the lower gas prices.
Consistency - do you have any at all?

Biden either increased oil supply in the market and therefore deserves some credit for lowered prices, or he didn't and doesn't deserve it.

Which one is it Mud? You keep talking about them lyin' lefties, but how would you describe your duplicity here?
When hurricanes shutdown oil rigs in the gulf this Fall, America will have a record low emergency reserve of oil.

Or as Leftards say, Mission Accomplished.
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