Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Mueller said something in that report is "inaccurate".

He didn't specify what.

But I think it's time that the House open up an Inquiry of Investigation to clear things up

Grasp! The straws are getting away! But be chipper, next Monday a new anonymous source will say anything trump and y’all can freak out and look dumb again.
Dan Bongino goes off on the BuzzFeed: "Why would Donald Trump lie and initiate a crime…why would he instruct [Cohen] to lie about a none crime?" "You have the scoop of the century and you give it to BuzzFeed and to a reporter at BuzzFeed with a checkered past?"
Toobin: People who will think of media as "a bunch of leftist liars" who are willing to lie to hurt the president ... "It reinforces every bad stereotype about the news media."

Stelter: They want you to think we're all crooked. We're not.
I mean use some common sense here people, a story this big and BUZZFEED is the only media source to break it?? Come on morons.

On CNN, Fredo and his liberal friends look like their dog just died. They were hoping to get a lot more mileage out of this bullshit story.
"There is a lot of BS being floated out there re Cohen and the OSC. Be clear - no law enforcement agency can forbid a witness from speaking publicly or to others about what he or she knows. In fact, it is considered witness tampering to direct a witness not to speak to others." - Avenatti
Did you even read the statement Liekota? The statement from the Special Counsel's office clearly said they do not have any physical evidence that Trump instructed Cohen to lie about anything.

This is yet another instance of you dumb fucks being fooled by fake news.

Yes, I read it. I even posted it in a previous post.


I grant that you are stupid Lakhota but it's clear what that statement means

Legal speak for "Buzzfeed is full of shit"

The fact that the Mule came out on Friday evening with the statement, shows that they were very concerned about such bald faced lies being spread.

A d\\\
So Mueller is good now to the DOPers?

and he's a piece of shit now to liberals who loved him 24 hours ago.

Proving, of course, that there are morons on both sides.

Mueller is doing the job well, I feel Mueller won't bring us a lie on a BLOWJOB.
Keep your DOPer hopes alive.
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?
that the story was a lie.
Which it is
BuzzFeed's Editor-in-Chief, Ben Smith, is on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show. On right now...

"We stand by our reporting and the sources who informed us".
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Even when it's spelled out from the horse's mouth the liberals forget how to read.
It just doesn't get richer than that.

The problem is that it wasn't spelled out.

Yeah, yeah it was, only a partisan hack would stay on this sinking ship, Lakhota, and that would be you.
Not too bright of you, but everybody knows that already. Now run along
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Yes, I read it. I even posted it in a previous post.


I grant that you are stupid Lakhota but it's clear what that statement means

Legal speak for "Buzzfeed is full of shit"

The fact that the Mule came out on Friday evening with the statement, shows that they were very concerned about such bald faced lies being spread.

A d\\\
So Mueller is good now to the DOPers?

and he's a piece of shit now to liberals who loved him 24 hours ago.

Proving, of course, that there are morons on both sides.

Mueller is doing the job well, I feel Mueller won't bring us a lie on a BLOWJOB.
Keep your DOPer hopes alive.

I know Bob personally. He's SUPER aggressive and absolutely pushes the limit on investigations, but he's honest.

I guarantee you that he felt things were at a tipping point if he okayed a public statement today too.
What was that? Just saying "not accurate" doesn't tell much.

Did you even read the statement Liekota? The statement from the Special Counsel's office clearly said they do not have any physical evidence that Trump instructed Cohen to lie about anything.

This is yet another instance of you dumb fucks being fooled by fake news.

Yes, I read it. I even posted it in a previous post.


I grant that you are stupid Lakhota but it's clear what that statement means

Legal speak for "Buzzfeed is full of shit"

The fact that the Mule came out on Friday evening with the statement, shows that they were very concerned about such bald faced lies being spread.
So Mueller is good now to the DOPers?

No, the Mule is still a piece of shit. But he is concerned about such blatant lying with new bosses coming into the DOJ.
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Somethang to feed the DOPer Base morons:

Arrest the House speaker?
Arrest the Clinton's?
Arrest the Obama's?
Cohen dies or is kidnapped by Russians for the great Douche?
Launch a military attack on a new nation.
Why would we need Cohen Dead????
The guys a laugh a minute.
Hey, don't take my word for it. Ask your boy Mueller.
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Somethang to feed the DOPer Base morons:

Arrest the House speaker?
Arrest the Clinton's?
Arrest the Obama's?
Cohen dies or is kidnapped by Russians for the great Douche?
Launch a military attack on a new nation.
Why would we need Cohen Dead????
The guys a laugh a minute.
Hey, don't take my word for it. Ask your boy Mueller.

Trying to kill Cohen is probably next. They'll shoot him so he can give a dying declaration.
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Why would they divert from the testimony from someone who is going to prison for lying to Congress? LOL

Cohen is worthless as a prosecutorial witness.

Trump lies his ass off on a regular basis and Tards like you lap it up - SO DONT USE COHEN LYING AS AN EXCUSE
We don't have to
Muelller just did.

And this is who all the libtards put their faith in. Y’all are so desperate. I feel alittle bad for you.

One Of The BuzzFeed Reporters Behind The Trump Report Has A History Of Making Things Up

“When Leopold’s story was first called into question a few weeks ago, Salon’s Tim Grieve reminded readers of Leopold’s checkered history with the publication. Salon removed Leopold’s August 29, 2002 story about Enron from its site after it was discovered that he plagiarized parts from the Financial Times and was unable to provide a copy of an email that was critical to the piece. Leopold’s response? A hysterical rant (linked above) which claimed that Salon’s version of events was “nothing but lies,” and that “At this point, I wonder why Salon would go to great lengths to further twist the knife into my back. I suppose the New York Times will now release their version of the events. I can see the headline now ‘Jason Leopold Must Die.”
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Why would they divert from the testimony from someone who is going to prison for lying to Congress? LOL

Cohen is worthless as a prosecutorial witness.

Trump lies his ass off on a regular basis and Tards like you lap it up - SO DONT USE COHEN LYING AS AN EXCUSE

I don't excuse anything moron I have on numerous occasions (more than 20) posted on this website that Trump lies and I don't like it.

That has absolutely NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread howevver, and I wish Meister would start deleting off topic nonsense that is only meant to deflect from the fact that Buzzfeed absolutely posted a bullshit story.

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