Bye Bye Mary

Will Mary lose the runoff today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Let's see, you can either retire at 59 on 80% of your salary with full benefits, or you can take another job? Wow, that's just such a difficult decision, how will she ever decide?

The decision wasn't hers ... We kicked her butt out.

Yeah, and I bet she never thought such a thing was even possible right? Oh wait, she knew exactly that so poor poor Mary is just stuck cashing our checks, for the rest of her life.

We were gonna get stuck with that bill no matter what.........................You're point...............

Should have kept her to save she can go back to being a slut New Orleans..................She's where she belongs in her home in DC....................
The point is don't feel sorry for someone who just retired, at 59. None of you will be doing the same, not on her paycheck at least.
Let's see, you can either retire at 59 on 80% of your salary with full benefits, or you can take another job? Wow, that's just such a difficult decision, how will she ever decide?

The decision wasn't hers ... We kicked her butt out.

Yeah, and I bet she never thought such a thing was even possible right? Oh wait, she knew exactly that so poor poor Mary is just stuck cashing our checks, for the rest of her life.

We were gonna get stuck with that bill no matter what.........................You're point...............

Should have kept her to save she can go back to being a slut New Orleans..................She's where she belongs in her home in DC....................
The point is don't feel sorry for someone who just retired, at 59. None of you will be doing the same, not on her paycheck at least.
Who the hell feels sorry for her.................I'm just sorry that a bunch of ass hats voted her in to power to begin with..............Just grateful that her power is gone...........................

Now she go to the store and buy more food to get even fatter...............OINK OINK..............

Sounds like you like her.............Maybe you 2 should do a work out program and thin her butt down...............
Let's see, you can either retire at 59 on 80% of your salary with full benefits, or you can take another job? Wow, that's just such a difficult decision, how will she ever decide?

The decision wasn't hers ... We kicked her butt out.

Yeah, and I bet she never thought such a thing was even possible right? Oh wait, she knew exactly that so poor poor Mary is just stuck cashing our checks, for the rest of her life.

We were gonna get stuck with that bill no matter what.........................You're point...............

Should have kept her to save she can go back to being a slut New Orleans..................She's where she belongs in her home in DC....................
The point is don't feel sorry for someone who just retired, at 59. None of you will be doing the same, not on her paycheck at least.
Who the hell feels sorry for her.................I'm just sorry that a bunch of ass hats voted her in to power to begin with..............Just grateful that her power is gone...........................

Now she go to the store and buy more food to get even fatter...............OINK OINK..............

Sounds like you like her.............Maybe you 2 should do a work out program and thin her butt down...............
I don't give a damn if she falls off a cliff but what was this magical power you seem to believe she had? Did she make the earth move? Was she able to leap tall buildings? Was she faster than a speeding locomotive?
The point is don't feel sorry for someone who just retired, at 59. None of you will be doing the same, not on her paycheck at least.

LOL ... No crap ... That won't even cover my fuel expenses for the boat ... And I am planning on retiring way before 59.

Here is the difference between a real win and a symbolic one when your party or candidate loses it's a symbolic win for the the other side when your party or candidate wins it's a real win.
The point is don't feel sorry for someone who just retired, at 59. None of you will be doing the same, not on her paycheck at least.

LOL ... No crap ... That won't even cover my fuel expenses for the boat ... And I am planning on retiring way before 59.

Good for you, but you forgot to add with your 26-year-old supermodel and Bugatti Veyron. Fixed it for you
Here is the difference between a real win and a symbolic one when your party or candidate loses it's a symbolic win for the the other side when your party or candidate wins it's a real win.
When you actually get something out of it it's a real win, and that doesn't change depending upon which party wins.
Here is the difference between a real win and a symbolic one when your party or candidate loses it's a symbolic win for the the other side when your party or candidate wins it's a real win.

I am just glad she is no longer around ... That is a win. It doesn't hurt that she was the last remaining Democrat Louisiana had representing our state nationally in Congress ... We succeeded in doing our part.

Is there a reason why anyone should care?

Anyone interested in seeing the Democrats eat some Humble Pie, and to be even further outnumbered in the US Senate come January 2015, cares.

So, the Pubs pick up... what?.. 9 or 10 seats in the Senate during the 2014 mid-terms... and will hold 54 seats after the new Congress is sworn-in next month?

It's not a Super-Majority but it's not a bad start.

And... given Obumble's post-election Immigration F-Bomb... which people are going to remember... and lame-duck status, that 54-number is likely to increase, in 2016.

It's becoming clear, that it's the Dems turn in the barrel.

Time for the other guys to get another turn, I guess.

The Great Democratic Promise of 2008 has died a slow and ignoble death.

It's what happens when your party platform features rainbows and unicorns and Hopey-Changey and when your standard bearer is a rookie with little experience and even fewer achievements who is artificially elevated to rock-star and messiah status - a state of affairs largely divorced from reality - attracting far more emos than realists.

Eventually, the fairy-tale wears thin, and shakes apart under the weight of its own hype and lackluster performance.

As we see happening now, accompanied by a great wailing and gnashing of teeth from the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots who have not yet jumped ship.
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Is there a reason why anyone should care?

Anyone interested in seeing the Democrats eat some Humble Pie, and to be even further outnumbered in the US Senate come January 2015, cares.

So, the Pubs pick up... what?.. 9 or 10 seats in the Senate during the 2014 mid-terms... and will hold 54 seats after the new Congress is sworn-in next month?

It's not a Super-Majority but it's not a bad start.

And... given Obumble's post-election Immigration F-Bomb... which people are going to remember... and lame-duck status, that 54-number is likely to increase, in 2016.
No, it won't dummy, but you'd have to know what happens after the GOP fails to govern again for two years and how many Senate seats you have to defend in 2016.
Your answer shows you run with wrong crowd. Thanks for the confirmation.
Your racism is showing once again.
Everything is perfectly okay ... And there is no reason for Democrats to take the recent events as a clue they need to change anything ... (just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping they never see it coming).

You gonna take over the country eh? Maybe implement Fundamental Changes? Good luck but there's a reason the Dems are worried and it has to do with those brown babies born day after day. They gain voters while yours die off. Have a blast, while you still can.
All humans are racist dummy.
Here is the difference between a real win and a symbolic one when your party or candidate loses it's a symbolic win for the the other side when your party or candidate wins it's a real win.
When you actually get something out of it it's a real win, and that doesn't change depending upon which party wins.
They did a bigger majority in the Senate but by all means keep pretending this midterm ass kicking the Democrats just got doesn't mean anything that is the same attitude the Republicans took after the 2006 one's and that served them really well.
Your answer shows you run with wrong crowd. Thanks for the confirmation.
Your racism is showing once again.
Everything is perfectly okay ... And there is no reason for Democrats to take the recent events as a clue they need to change anything ... (just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping they never see it coming).

You gonna take over the country eh? Maybe implement Fundamental Changes? Good luck but there's a reason the Dems are worried and it has to do with those brown babies born day after day. They gain voters while yours die off. Have a blast, while you still can.
All humans are racist dummy.
I don't run with any crowd in America. My guys can actually think.
Here is the difference between a real win and a symbolic one when your party or candidate loses it's a symbolic win for the the other side when your party or candidate wins it's a real win.
When you actually get something out of it it's a real win, and that doesn't change depending upon which party wins.
They did a bigger majority in the Senate but by all means keep pretending this midterm ass kicking the Democrats just got doesn't mean anything that is the same attitude the Republicans took after the 2006 one's and that served them really well.
Since it was entirely expected, yeah, it means jack-shit. It's normal at this stage you moron. And with 54 you can do what? Oh right, the same as 53, nothing beyond the leader gets a bigger office to do nothing from.
No, it won't dummy, but you'd have to know what happens after the GOP fails to govern again for two years and how many Senate seats you have to defend in 2016.

Voters in Louisiana will be defending one Senate seat in 2016 ... And we aren't really worried about that. The Progressive Liberals have been kicked to the curb here ... And our votes won't help any other Senator running.

It is much safer her getting paid to do nothing. Next up, her brother.
Yes, yes, how terribly sad for her, to be fully retired on a pension you pay for, at 59. She must just be heartbroken. I know I sure would be, as I sold my house in DC and had to head home to just barely survive on 150K a year, for life.

You can send Ex-Senator Mary Landrieu a congratulations card at her permanent address in Washington DC (another reason she lost). She won't be moving back (besides the fact she hasn't lived in Louisiana for decades and doesn't have a house here) ... Because her husband is a lobbyist.
Well then that will just be terrible for her then. Now she doesn't have to move, and she doesn't have to work either, she just has to cash our checks. That poor poor woman, how will she ever survive?
And as Senator she didn't get paid..........................

How'd she buy that 2 1/2 million dollar place BTW.....................We were already paying her via the Tax Dollars.......................So at least that portion is gone..............saving money............

As the Bimbo sold her State out for 300 MILLION......................As least we got her off the Streets being a hooker......................We are reforming her...................and got the slut off the streets in the South.
Sure thing, only now she really gets paid for doing nothing, unlike before when she got paid for mostly doing nothing. What a terrible life she must be having right now, planning her month or two long vacation starting the end of January.

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