Bye Bye Mary

Will Mary lose the runoff today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Maybe they are just like the rest of Americans and they lack the stones to stand up for anything at all? As for caring, why would I since it changes nothing. The whole last election changes nothing and this is even less important than that. Get a reality boys, this ain't it.
typical libertraitor, if you "FEEEEEL", "it changes nothing", you are a whole lot dumber than i believed you to be, "reality".....? you have no fucking clue as to the reality of the current state of politics. :up:
It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
Getting angry bwah???
It s time for Louisiana voters to heed the words of Mary Landrieu RedState

In October of this year, Mary Landrieu (D-LA) stood on the Senate floor and told her constituents that her upcoming election should be a referendum on her vote for ObamaCare. Talking about voters and ObamaCare, the embattled Senator said:

“We did not wake up one morning and declare this the law. The people of the United States declared this through us as their Representatives. If they do not like it, they can unelect us. Believe me, they will have a great chance because I am up for reelection right now. They will be able to do that. But that is the way you do it.

I am going to run for reelection. I am standing in this election as a supporter of the Affordable Care Act–not because it is a perfect law but because it is much better for all the people I represent than what we had before–the wealthiest people, the middle-class people, and the poor people.”

People hate change. That backwater of the backwater even moreso. After they vote they can go off to grill some gator and shoot at the roadsigns. Big fucking deal.
Actually the thread is about grilling Mary..............Poor poor Harry Reid and Obama.................Already lost in historical fashion and now they lose another...............

sniff hoo...........
It's a cycle you damn fool. The loss was entirely expected. Was this your first fucking election because you sure as hell act like it.
Yeah, keep repeating it an it is truth.
It is a truth you goddamned fool. Learn fucking American politics.
I smell melting shit.

Getting hot under your hoodie?
Because you people are so fucking dumb. Learn, wake up!

:lmao: You troll threads you don't care about and you are calling me fucking dumb?

You can't make this shit up!

I'm not trolling anything,. The thread doesn't matter, the site doesn't matter, the election doesn't matter, you don't matter, wake the fuck up!

Funnier by the minute!!! You don't matter, that is why no one listens to you. Wake the fuck up! :finger3:
No one matters dumbass. Got it now?

LOL!! what a whiney bitch! :cuckoo:
That's you asswipe, now go pray to Jesus for a raise.
Maybe they are just like the rest of Americans and they lack the stones to stand up for anything at all? As for caring, why would I since it changes nothing. The whole last election changes nothing and this is even less important than that. Get a reality boys, this ain't it.
typical libertraitor, if you "FEEEEEL", "it changes nothing", you are a whole lot dumber than i believed you to be, "reality".....? you have no fucking clue as to the reality of the current state of politics. :up:
It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
That works both ways. Two edged sword bitch............

Yeah dummy, which is why it doesn't fucking matter. He wasn't going to do anything but pardon turkeys, play golf, and wait for his pension to kick in anyway. Fuck-an-A people,. WAKE UP!
That is all on hold as he tried to get a race war started.

He has to have SOMETHING as a legacy.
It's my country not yours asswipe. See ya and let me know if you need boxes.
Didn't you get the STFU and let the titties speak............damn your dumb.

I bet the poor dickhead is one of those folks who has no experience with a damn good throw-down hell raising party in this neck of the woods.

They would have already gutted Paint in Zwolle.


What you know 'bout Zoowally?

The tamales are good ... And it is not uncommon for a wedding or funeral to end up in a brawl.

Maybe they are just like the rest of Americans and they lack the stones to stand up for anything at all? As for caring, why would I since it changes nothing. The whole last election changes nothing and this is even less important than that. Get a reality boys, this ain't it.
typical libertraitor, if you "FEEEEEL", "it changes nothing", you are a whole lot dumber than i believed you to be, "reality".....? you have no fucking clue as to the reality of the current state of politics. :up:
It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
Getting angry bwah???
Yeah I'm pissed because you people are so fucking stupid!
Sure, sure.

Yeah sure, sure you dumbass. Learn fucking American politics!
My goodness, touched a nerve.
Too bad.
Yeah, the nerve that hates totally stupid little dumbshits like you and the OP. Congrats.

Yeah, you got absolutely nothing because you think still winning matters? Power matters you little asswipe, winning is for children if when you win it doesn't fucking matter!

YOU don't fucking matter.

Sucks doesn't it?
Maybe they are just like the rest of Americans and they lack the stones to stand up for anything at all? As for caring, why would I since it changes nothing. The whole last election changes nothing and this is even less important than that. Get a reality boys, this ain't it.
typical libertraitor, if you "FEEEEEL", "it changes nothing", you are a whole lot dumber than i believed you to be, "reality".....? you have no fucking clue as to the reality of the current state of politics. :up:
It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
That works both ways. Two edged sword bitch............

Yeah dummy, which is why it doesn't fucking matter. He wasn't going to do anything but pardon turkeys, play golf, and wait for his pension to kick in anyway. Fuck-an-A people,. WAKE UP!
That is all on hold as he tried to get a race war started.

He has to have SOMETHING as a legacy.
The Race War started when you brought the ******* here in chains.
It's my country not yours asswipe. See ya and let me know if you need boxes.
Didn't you get the STFU and let the titties speak............damn your dumb.

I bet the poor dickhead is one of those folks who has no experience with a damn good throw-down hell raising party in this neck of the woods.

They would have already gutted Paint in Zwolle.


What you know 'bout Zoowally?

The tamales are good ... And it is not uncommon for a wedding or funeral to end up in a brawl.

I lived there seven years.

Did you know EB, the tamale king?

Are you there now?
Yeah sure, sure you dumbass. Learn fucking American politics!
My goodness, touched a nerve.
Too bad.
Yeah, the nerve that hates totally stupid little dumbshits like you and the OP. Congrats.

Yeah, you got absolutely nothing because you think still winning matters? Power matters you little asswipe, winning is for children if when you win it doesn't fucking matter!

YOU don't fucking matter.

Sucks doesn't it?

No, it doesn't. It's reality, start dealing with it.
Sorry you are having such a hard time dealing with reality.
You just can't help yourself, can you? Admit jt you want to shut down anyone that doesn't believe as you and it chaps your butt you have lost control. Control you never really had , you only thought you had. Whether you like it or not there are several thought groups in this country-not just your own. And compromise has to be had by all. And most do side with this country's founding father's vision. And that does not include marxist/progressive/communist idealogies.
You care so much you are in melt down mode. You care so much you continually push the progressive line. Denial is not a river in Egypt
Oh, so true, but it will become apparent who wasn't looking out for the voters will by 2016, and that is what scares you the most. Admit it. Admission is the first step to change. And possibly remaining in good health.
Looking out for the voters? Are you 11? They are looking out for votes dummy, and it doesn't scare me in the slightest because it matters hardly at all. You are being mesmerized by the fucking shadows while the real show goes on in the backroom. Do you think I'm worried about who owns Congress or the White House? Those are symbols, and I like mine better than yours, that's all. If 2016 goes GOP, who cares. It's a CYCLE!, and it changes jack-shit. WAKE UP!

Try not thinking you know what I think, then you won't post stupid shit.
We founded the place you dumbass, what the hell are you thinking? Control? Yeah, I have one guy who can tell 535 others to go fuck themselves. Sure thing, I'm huddled in the corner weeping. Grow The Fuck UP! THINK!!!!
Last edited:
typical libertraitor, if you "FEEEEEL", "it changes nothing", you are a whole lot dumber than i believed you to be, "reality".....? you have no fucking clue as to the reality of the current state of politics. :up:
It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
That works both ways. Two edged sword bitch............

Yeah dummy, which is why it doesn't fucking matter. He wasn't going to do anything but pardon turkeys, play golf, and wait for his pension to kick in anyway. Fuck-an-A people,. WAKE UP!
That is all on hold as he tried to get a race war started.

He has to have SOMETHING as a legacy.
The Race War started when you brought the ******* here in chains.
I am old, but I am not that old.
:lmao: You troll threads you don't care about and you are calling me fucking dumb?

You can't make this shit up!

I'm not trolling anything,. The thread doesn't matter, the site doesn't matter, the election doesn't matter, you don't matter, wake the fuck up!

Funnier by the minute!!! You don't matter, that is why no one listens to you. Wake the fuck up! :finger3:
No one matters dumbass. Got it now?

LOL!! what a whiney bitch! :cuckoo:
That's you asswipe, now go pray to Jesus for a raise.

And paint's losing it. :blowup:
People hate change. That backwater of the backwater even moreso. After they vote they can go off to grill some gator and shoot at the roadsigns. Big fucking deal.
Actually the thread is about grilling Mary..............Poor poor Harry Reid and Obama.................Already lost in historical fashion and now they lose another...............

sniff hoo...........
It's a cycle you damn fool. The loss was entirely expected. Was this your first fucking election because you sure as hell act like it.
Yeah, keep repeating it an it is truth.
It is a truth you goddamned fool. Learn fucking American politics.
I smell melting shit.

Getting hot under your hoodie?
Nope, but it is in your training panties. Fucking grow up.
typical libertraitor, if you "FEEEEEL", "it changes nothing", you are a whole lot dumber than i believed you to be, "reality".....? you have no fucking clue as to the reality of the current state of politics. :up:
It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
That works both ways. Two edged sword bitch............

Yeah dummy, which is why it doesn't fucking matter. He wasn't going to do anything but pardon turkeys, play golf, and wait for his pension to kick in anyway. Fuck-an-A people,. WAKE UP!
That is all on hold as he tried to get a race war started.

He has to have SOMETHING as a legacy.
The Race War started when you brought the ******* here in chains.
Damn old do you think people are here now......................

Geesh whereyouborndumbordiditjustgrowupandsmackyouintheface.....................

It has nothing to do with "feelings" you little asswipe, it has to do with reality. What the fuck do you think you can do even with control of Congress when you don't have enough votes to override a veto? Oh right, not a fucking thing. Carry on you dumbshit.
That works both ways. Two edged sword bitch............

Yeah dummy, which is why it doesn't fucking matter. He wasn't going to do anything but pardon turkeys, play golf, and wait for his pension to kick in anyway. Fuck-an-A people,. WAKE UP!
That is all on hold as he tried to get a race war started.

He has to have SOMETHING as a legacy.
The Race War started when you brought the ******* here in chains.
I am old, but I am not that old.
It doesn't fucking matter. The world existed before you and it will after you. GROW UP!
It's my country not yours asswipe. See ya and let me know if you need boxes.
Didn't you get the STFU and let the titties speak............damn your dumb.

I bet the poor dickhead is one of those folks who has no experience with a damn good throw-down hell raising party in this neck of the woods.

They would have already gutted Paint in Zwolle.


What you know 'bout Zoowally?

The tamales are good ... And it is not uncommon for a wedding or funeral to end up in a brawl.

I lived there seven years.

Did you know EB, the tamale king?

Are you there now?

I live about 20-30 miles North give or take ... In the sticks.
I know a bunch of Ebarbs and Rivers ... But not familiar with EB ... Might recognize EB by face though.

Been to the Tamale Festival more than a few times.

Is there a reason why anyone should care?
Show's your perspective on the Senate very well................

Have you been a dumb ass all your life, or were you dropped on your head...............

Obviously, TROLL, you cared about it the minute you posted in your troll fashion.
Exactly what difference does this race make either way you idiot? Oh right, no difference at all. Grow up

All elections "make a difference" you dolt! Elections reflect the will of the people and the direction the people want their nation to go. Do you even have one functioning braincell?

I heard Edwin Edwards isn't going to beat Garret Graves for the 6th Congressional seat either. That will be the end of the old Huey P Long politicians.

Watch your step ... There's a puddle of paint over there.

Sorry dude, the first Cajun governor was not a Huey P. Longer.

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