California becomes first state to pass water law limiting toilet flushes, showers

Oh but there's never a drought for NESTLES's now is there. Why there is plenty of water for them. " water shortage my fkn ass". as usual liberal idiots fall for every scam these leftist political morons dream up just to rape you idiots of more taxes. " kinda like save the children" omg we gotta save the children......... " save the forest ( that one I actually believe)..

The Arrowhead Mountain Water Company bottling plant, owned by Swiss conglomerate Nestle, on the Morongo Indian Reservation near Cabazon, Calif. Photo credit: Damian Dovarganes/AP.
The city of Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought – yet the Nestlé Corporation continues to bottle city water to sell back to the public at a big profit, local activists charge.

The Nestlé Water Bottling Plant in Sacramento is the target of a major press conference on Tuesday, March 17, by a water coalition that claims the company is draining up to 80 million gallons of water a year from Sacramento aquifers during the drought.

The coalition, the crunchnestle alliance, says that City Hall has made this use of the water supply possible through a “corporate welfare giveaway,” according to a press advisory.

A coalition of environmentalists, Native Americans and other concerned people announced the press conference will take place at March 17 at 5 p.m. at new Sacramento City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento.

The coalition will release details of a protest on Friday, March 20, at the South Sacramento Nestlé plant designed to “shut down” the facility. The coalition is calling on Nestlé to pay rates commensurate with their enormous profit, or voluntarily close down.

“The coalition is protesting Nestlé’s virtually unlimited use of water – up to 80 million gallons a year drawn from local aquifers – while Sacramentans

Nestle Continues Stealing World's Water During Drought

What's even more hysterical is people actually buy bs bottled water that isn't any cleaner than your tap and a bottle of water cost more than GAS per gallon.
Why would anyone want to live there. Guess they want to drive more people out. Then the illegals will be left.:abgg2q.jpg:
I love it here in California. Seen and lived in other states but none compare to the grace and beauty of my home. And people still flock to live here.
Well good for you...........enjoy your solar panels and water restrictions........paying for others power bills.............1 trillion in unfunded pension funds.......bondage parades in San Fran Sicko....................Better me than you on your way to be like Venezuela...............
Makes me glad I have a private well and septic system.
I know of a lady who had to have her yard dug up because of her septic system having problems which is one thing that wouldn't have been in her picture if she had been on city water instead.

God bless you and her always!!!


You don't seem to understand the concept. When you have septic tanks, you don't pay sewer bills, which are often higher than the water bills.

I have lived in my house for 11 years. Highest water bill was $40.00. My brother is on city water and sewer and pays almost $100.00 a month.

It also keeps my grass green and watered.
Enjoy the nice yard while its still in your picture.

God bless you always!!!

I prefer having my own well… Unlimited water and it’s free
No well water is not free...Someone had to pay to have it drilled cased and a pump installed...Not to mention the above ground plumbing and the two hundred and forty volts it uses that has to be paid for to the electric company.
I had the well drilled over 20 years ago, I’m thinking its cost was a little over $350, the pump was something along the lines of $250 give or take. The plumbing I did myself, and the electricity cost is pennies a day.
Yes, I enjoy having my own well with unlimited water and it is basically free...
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says


A 2017 Harvard University report said that one-third of renters in the Los Angeles area are “severely rent burdened,” meaning they spend at least half their income on housing. The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles County has increased 67%, according to Zillow’s Rent Index, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Homelessness has surged a stunning 75 percent in the last six years, the Los Angeles Times reports, and there are now at least 55,000 homeless people in the county.

U.S. News ranked each state in seven other areas, which were weighted based on a survey that determined their importance to the public: health care, education, economy, opportunity, infrastructure, crime and corrections, and fiscal stability.
I had the well drilled over 20 years ago, I’m thinking its cost was a little over $350, the pump was something along the lines of $250 give or take. The plumbing I did myself, and the electricity cost is pennies a day.
Yes, I enjoy having my own well with unlimited water and it is basically free...

During my latter working years I existed (nobody "lives") in California. At that time there was pending legislation to require water meters be installed on all private wells with readings reported to a new state agency (read: "make work project for liberal drones).

But not, immediately to implement extraction fees per gallon (don't you care call that a "tax"). But that, for some undefined future time, wasn't ruled out and definitely was not prohibited.

Face it,'re in California. In time it will be taxed, usage will be restricted. Theyk won't be coming for your guns, U.S. Constitution prevents that. But they WILL be coming for your pump!
I had the well drilled over 20 years ago, I’m thinking its cost was a little over $350, the pump was something along the lines of $250 give or take. The plumbing I did myself, and the electricity cost is pennies a day.
Yes, I enjoy having my own well with unlimited water and it is basically free...

During my latter working years I existed (nobody "lives") in California. At that time there was pending legislation to require water meters be installed on all private wells with readings reported to a new state agency (read: "make work project for liberal drones).

But not, immediately to implement extraction fees per gallon (don't you care call that a "tax"). But that, for some undefined future time, wasn't ruled out and definitely was not prohibited.

Face it,'re in California. In time it will be taxed, usage will be restricted. Theyk won't be coming for your guns, U.S. Constitution prevents that. But they WILL be coming for your pump!
Glad I don’t live in crazy Cali...
You don't seem to understand the concept. When you have septic tanks, you don't pay sewer bills, which are often higher than the water bills.

I have lived in my house for 11 years. Highest water bill was $40.00. My brother is on city water and sewer and pays almost $100.00 a month.

It also keeps my grass green and watered.
Enjoy the nice yard while its still in your picture.

God bless you always!!!

I prefer having my own well… Unlimited water and it’s free
No well water is not free...Someone had to pay to have it drilled cased and a pump installed...Not to mention the above ground plumbing and the two hundred and forty volts it uses that has to be paid for to the electric company.
what about how many times they can fart daily? will each California residents have to pay 1.00 per fart after their 12th fart of the day?
Not if it is connected to a Cpap breathing tube.
well i fart about 57 times a day,,so i dont wanna know what my "Gas Bill" will be every month
Enjoy the nice yard while its still in your picture.

God bless you always!!!

I prefer having my own well… Unlimited water and it’s free
No well water is not free...Someone had to pay to have it drilled cased and a pump installed...Not to mention the above ground plumbing and the two hundred and forty volts it uses that has to be paid for to the electric company.
what about how many times they can fart daily? will each California residents have to pay 1.00 per fart after their 12th fart of the day?
Not if it is connected to a Cpap breathing tube.
well i fart about 57 times a day,,so i dont wanna know what my "Gas Bill" will be every month
And what if someone has a toilet that leaks and they dont realize it till they get their bull that shows they have used five times as much water for the month?

No water for five months?
Water heaters can leak too. Three years ago the one in my house had to be replaced because even though it still worked, it leaked and ran up underneath the floors. The kitchen, living room, and hall bathroom floors had to be replaced too.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The good thing is that the water heater went for 18 years before it had to be removed.
Why would anyone want to live there. Guess they want to drive more people out. Then the illegals will be left.:abgg2q.jpg:
I love it here in California. Seen and lived in other states but none compare to the grace and beauty of my home. And people still flock to live here.

Yea illegal poor broke ass Mexicans.
The mexicans are generally more so employed than conservative welfare cases. We, here, like Mexicans as they are hard workers not like republicans who want money and won't put out a days work for a days pay.

??? How childish a remark is must be 14 years old
A citizen-journalist by the name of grindall61 on YouTube exposes what’s coming for Californians, and reveals why water restrictions are only about control over the population:

Agenda 21: No Showering, Laundry On Same Day Due to Water Limits

Oh we know we have douche brains who have no clue what agenda 21 is . Oh and guess who it loops back to " THE UN" .

I was about the same thing where we can bet the illegals / immigrants can have all the water they want. .

Fools will be fools until they are the ones paying for it

and once again it's all in PLAIN VIEW

View attachment 196297

Agenda 21 - Wikipedia

View attachment 196298


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The west is experiencing moderate to extreme drought conditions, Kalifornia politicians are over-reacting as usual, nothing nefarious about it ya clueless twit. You're desperate to buy into this conspiracy shit ain'tcha? You need a real hobby, like truly becoming informed about the real world.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The last three years have been VERY wet.

I had rain this morning.

The Silicone Valley Oligarchs are waging war on the middle class.

The fuckers best beware that the remaining free people don't rise up against them.

Yo, knumb knut, "the west" and "over-reacting"....... Guess you missed those, try reading instead of reading in.......... Maybe if you looked at a drought map of the west right now.


Most of California is showing abnormally dry to sever drought, guess you're in a rain zone.......


2017, not looking so good for SoCal.......


2016, uuuuummmmm...........

Complete bullshit.

I live here.

It's been a VERY wet winter, as was last winter.

You have powers that are amazing, you can actually tell what the west's weather is by what happens in your minuscule little world........ I'm impressed........ :rofl:

You mean actually living here?

The drought game is a favorite of the radical left.

All you have to do is ignore reality

'Pineapple Express' storm brings record rainfall, flood concerns, flight delays to Northern California
California sets new all-time record for northern Sierra rainfall
Northern California rains raise flood concerns; warnings and watches in effect
Northern California gets its wettest winter in nearly a century
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The west is experiencing moderate to extreme drought conditions, Kalifornia politicians are over-reacting as usual, nothing nefarious about it ya clueless twit. You're desperate to buy into this conspiracy shit ain'tcha? You need a real hobby, like truly becoming informed about the real world.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The last three years have been VERY wet.

I had rain this morning.

The Silicone Valley Oligarchs are waging war on the middle class.

The fuckers best beware that the remaining free people don't rise up against them.

Yo, knumb knut, "the west" and "over-reacting"....... Guess you missed those, try reading instead of reading in.......... Maybe if you looked at a drought map of the west right now.


Most of California is showing abnormally dry to sever drought, guess you're in a rain zone.......


2017, not looking so good for SoCal.......


2016, uuuuummmmm...........

Complete bullshit.

I live here.

It's been a VERY wet winter, as was last winter.
You have powers that are amazing, you can actually tell what the west's weather is by what happens in your minuscule little world........ I'm impressed........ :rofl:

You mean actually living here?

The drought game is a favorite of the radical left.

All you have to do is ignore reality

'Pineapple Express' storm brings record rainfall, flood concerns, flight delays to Northern California
California sets new all-time record for northern Sierra rainfall
Northern California rains raise flood concerns; warnings and watches in effect
Northern California gets its wettest winter in nearly a century
Talk about ignoring reality...... Holy shit!!! You used to have at least half a brain, what happened?
Obviously you are clueless concerning how drought works and how long it takes to recover. Also, do yourself a favor (so as not to look any more uneducated) and look carefully at the maps again. Yes the Sierras are not in the drought areas and mostly all northern California is normal, obviously you missed that in your rush to be hyper partisan.

The last three years have been VERY wet.

I had rain this morning.

The Silicone Valley Oligarchs are waging war on the middle class.

The fuckers best beware that the remaining free people don't rise up against them.

Yo, knumb knut, "the west" and "over-reacting"....... Guess you missed those, try reading instead of reading in.......... Maybe if you looked at a drought map of the west right now.


Most of California is showing abnormally dry to sever drought, guess you're in a rain zone.......


2017, not looking so good for SoCal.......


2016, uuuuummmmm...........

Complete bullshit.

I live here.

It's been a VERY wet winter, as was last winter.
You have powers that are amazing, you can actually tell what the west's weather is by what happens in your minuscule little world........ I'm impressed........ :rofl:

You mean actually living here?

The drought game is a favorite of the radical left.

All you have to do is ignore reality

'Pineapple Express' storm brings record rainfall, flood concerns, flight delays to Northern California
California sets new all-time record for northern Sierra rainfall
Northern California rains raise flood concerns; warnings and watches in effect
Northern California gets its wettest winter in nearly a century
Talk about ignoring reality...... Holy shit!!! You used to have at least half a brain, what happened?
Obviously you are clueless concerning how drought works and how long it takes to recover. Also, do yourself a favor (so as not to look any more uneducated) and look carefully at the maps again. Yes the Sierras are not in the drought areas and mostly all northern California is normal, obviously you missed that in your rush to be hyper partisan.

You are an ignorant baboon. California's water supply is based on the snowpack in the Sierras.

The last two winters have produced record levels.
Yo, knumb knut, "the west" and "over-reacting"....... Guess you missed those, try reading instead of reading in.......... Maybe if you looked at a drought map of the west right now.


Most of California is showing abnormally dry to sever drought, guess you're in a rain zone.......


2017, not looking so good for SoCal.......


2016, uuuuummmmm...........

Complete bullshit.

I live here.

It's been a VERY wet winter, as was last winter.
You have powers that are amazing, you can actually tell what the west's weather is by what happens in your minuscule little world........ I'm impressed........ :rofl:

You mean actually living here?

The drought game is a favorite of the radical left.

All you have to do is ignore reality

'Pineapple Express' storm brings record rainfall, flood concerns, flight delays to Northern California
California sets new all-time record for northern Sierra rainfall
Northern California rains raise flood concerns; warnings and watches in effect
Northern California gets its wettest winter in nearly a century
Talk about ignoring reality...... Holy shit!!! You used to have at least half a brain, what happened?
Obviously you are clueless concerning how drought works and how long it takes to recover. Also, do yourself a favor (so as not to look any more uneducated) and look carefully at the maps again. Yes the Sierras are not in the drought areas and mostly all northern California is normal, obviously you missed that in your rush to be hyper partisan.

You are an ignorant baboon. California's water supply is based on the snowpack in the Sierras.

The last two winters have produced record levels.
Yet you're the one rejecting the NOAA data because they're "radical left"........ Wow, just wow........ :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
California should use EVIL technology to deal with their water problems..............De Salination plants are used all over the world...............but the leftist resist their building in their State........ they can take Navy Showers and fine people for using water...........Idiocy is thy name.

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