California High School Teacher Put On Leave After Asking If School Would Allow A Pro-Life Walkout

Our schools are not educating people they are indoctrinating people....if your kid comes home from school and mentions for example white privilege get him or her the hell out of that school...they are being propagandized not educated...
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

Troll ^^^ If a school teacher asked a school administration to allow a show support for a Women's Right to Choose would receive the same sanction as you propose. Your ignorance is beyond believe, it is only exceeded by your arrogance and hate.
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

Troll ^^^ If a school teacher asked a school administration to allow a show support for a Women's Right to Choose would receive the same sanction as you propose. Your ignorance is beyond believe, it is only exceeded by your arrogance and hate.
Link away, fat boy liar!
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix
Haha...fake news , tailor-made for the pathetic, self-pitying, faux-martyr white wing crybabies....damn you idiots will believe ANYTHING
Head still up your ass? Yeah, CBS is a right wing fake news agency.

Our schools are not educating people they are indoctrinating people....if your kid comes home from school and mentions for example white privilege get him or her the hell out of that school...they are being propagandized not educated...
That is exactly it.

This kid had a "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" sign and the principle kicked him off campus.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter
Bless that teacher. More of them need to put this to the test and publicise the consequences of asking for the equal consideration and treatment of other contentious (political) issues.
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

Troll ^^^ If a school teacher asked a school administration to allow a show support for a Women's Right to Choose would receive the same sanction as you propose. Your ignorance is beyond believe, it is only exceeded by your arrogance and hate.
Link away, fat boy liar!

Hey asshole, how's the weather in Moscow tonight? Are you and your comrades toasting with shots of vodka?
Our schools are not educating people they are indoctrinating people....if your kid comes home from school and mentions for example white privilege get him or her the hell out of that school...they are being propagandized not educated...

The ones I know do get an education.
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

I do not blame the HS. Abortion is legal to a certain week in states in the US. Forcing your beliefs on others, now with the gun walk-out everyone could be victim in schools everywhere.
Bless that teacher. More of them need to put this to the test and publicise the consequences of asking for the equal consideration and treatment of other contentious (political) issues.

Schools need to create an age appropriate curriculum on Human Sexuality, as part of a comprehensive health education program. Abortions would be few and far between, as would sexually transmitted disease and the use of tobacco and illicit drugs on their overall health.

Conservatives focus on abortion since it is an emotional wedge issue, but they are unwilling to take pragmatic action to prevent abortions. One more reason to reject the ideology which fosters bigots and callous conservatives.
Our schools are not educating people they are indoctrinating people....if your kid comes home from school and mentions for example white privilege get him or her the hell out of that school...they are being propagandized not educated...

Sweezy v. New Hampshire , 354 U.S. 234, 250 (1957)

“Teachers and students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate, and to gain maturity and understanding; otherwise our civilization will stagnate and die.”

Healy v. James , 408 U.S. at 181-82

“The precedents of this Court leave no room for the view that, because of the acknowledged need for order, First Amendment protections should apply with less force [to students] on college campuses than in the community at large. Quite to the contrary, The vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the community of American schools.’”

Rosenberger v. Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia, 515 U.S. 819, 835-36 (1995).

“The quality and creative power of student intellectual life to this day remains a vital measure of a school’s influence and attainment. For the University, by regulation, to cast disapproval on particular viewpoints of its students risks the suppression of free speech and creative inquiry in one of the vital centers for the Nation’s intellectual life, its college and university campuses.”

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Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

I do not blame the HS. Abortion is legal to a certain week in states in the US. Forcing your beliefs on others, now with the gun walk-out everyone could be victim in schools everywhere.
No one is forcing anything anymore than Gay Pride week/Diversity Day does. Or are you saying that indeed they are forcing select agendas but that's OKAY!?!?!
Bless that teacher. More of them need to put this to the test and publicise the consequences of asking for the equal consideration and treatment of other contentious (political) issues.

Schools need to create an age appropriate curriculum on Human Sexuality, as part of a comprehensive health education program. Abortions would be few and far between, as would sexually transmitted disease and the use of tobacco and illicit drugs on their overall health.

Conservatives focus on abortion since it is an emotional wedge issue, but they are unwilling to take pragmatic action to prevent abortions. One more reason to reject the ideology which fosters bigots and callous conservatives.
The issue is that to promote MARRIAGE first is considered a religious consideration. Hand a child a condom and you're providing the excuse. Hand a child a gun and it is just as poignant. I can honestly say that it is possible to remain celibate until marriage, unless that is not what you're influencing children to do. Kids will not use guns to shoot people randomly, unless you teach them life is a worthless random accident without rhyme, reason or recourse . Children learn by example. All the examples they see today are for date and sex to go hand and hand and games are all about action and mayhem. I don't just blame the movie moguls for having loose morals. I've observed some pretty slippery slopes among the gowns at the Oscars. Modesty isn't founded with properly applied scotch tape! And violence doesn't originate in church but the bar.
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Bless that teacher. More of them need to put this to the test and publicise the consequences of asking for the equal consideration and treatment of other contentious (political) issues.

Schools need to create an age appropriate curriculum on Human Sexuality, as part of a comprehensive health education program. Abortions would be few and far between, as would sexually transmitted disease and the use of tobacco and illicit drugs on their overall health.

Conservatives focus on abortion since it is an emotional wedge issue, but they are unwilling to take pragmatic action to prevent abortions. One more reason to reject the ideology which fosters bigots and callous conservatives.
They are ramming gender confusion, trangenderism and anal sex etc down their throats 24/7 - of course abortion is inappropriate though!
Who do you think you are kidding? Lol :rolleyes:
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

I do not blame the HS. Abortion is legal to a certain week in states in the US. Forcing your beliefs on others, now with the gun walk-out everyone could be victim in schools everywhere.
Hilarious coming from a gun grabbing commie.
Sorry, only leftist agendas intended to destroy America are allowed.

She pulled back the curtain and exposed their naked politicizing using taxpayer funded schools and other people's children.

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout - The College Fix

Troll ^^^ If a school teacher asked a school administration to allow a show support for a Women's Right to Choose would receive the same sanction as you propose. Your ignorance is beyond believe, it is only exceeded by your arrogance and hate.
Link away, fat boy liar!

Hey asshole, how's the weather in Moscow tonight? Are you and your comrades toasting with shots of vodka?
What a pathetic desperate freak.

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