Calls for Biden to Step Aside Are About to Get Deafening


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2022
This is not about politics, it is about the good of the republic, this man should be allowed nowhere near the nuclear football. This is about our national security, he is very seriously mentally compromised, and should have no decision making ability when it comes to national defense. He only has 7 minutes to decide if a missile is launched at the United States what to do, who to strike, and where. I will say shame on those in the media, and in the white house and the Democrat party for allowing the narrative that he is anything but dementia riddled.
There are some valid fears here.

You can bet your first born that Russia, China, and Iran were watching that debate last night very closely.

We already know that Putin is morally unhinged and unscrupulous in asserting an advantage when he sees one and now he knows the USA is very vulnerable to a missle strike. We can only hope that our armed forces are still as dedicated as they have been in the past and will react to defend us. Hopefully, for the sake of the nation, somone in this admins cabinet or Bidens close advisors will be willing to step up and defend us even thought it violates the law. Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do and damn the consequences.

China is the same, though I don't think they have the accuracy to hit us with missles, they may take that 30k troops in-country and look to sow confusion and perhaps support an invasion. I'm pretty confident that our military would see an invasion coming, however. So that is a lesser concern. Taiwan really needs to be panicking.

Iran pretty much just got the green light to set Hezbolah loose on Isreal and the rest of their proxies will join in.

I expect that the Markets will take a huge hit, though I just looked and its up 200 so maybe not.
This is not about politics, it is about the good of the republic, this man should be allowed nowhere near the nuclear football. This is about our national security, he is very seriously mentally compromised, and should have no decision making ability when it comes to national defense. He only has 7 minutes to decide if a missile is launched at the United States what to do, who to strike, and where. I will say shame on those in the media, and in the white house and the Democrat party for allowing the narrative that he is anything but dementia riddled.
THey didnt care and still don't care as millions rush into your country.

I don't listen to a word these people say, they dont care about Americas National Security, civil liberties or global peace as long as they have their person who allows them to have power.

Russia and China have been exploiting these weaknesses for many years. Did anyone care?

Hell, we know the same talking heads on here who don't even acknowledge what everyone has seen for years. These are the same types of people who become cops in Canada. Enjoy. They are the Establishment and China loves them,
This is not about politics, it is about the good of the republic, this man should be allowed nowhere near the nuclear football. This is about our national security, he is very seriously mentally compromised, and should have no decision making ability when it comes to national defense. He only has 7 minutes to decide if a missile is launched at the United States what to do, who to strike, and where. I will say shame on those in the media, and in the white house and the Democrat party for allowing the narrative that he is anything but dementia riddled.
That is nothing but a wet dream. It will not happen.
Deep state knows Trump will bitch slap Biden in the election (he did last time) and they are not sure if they can cheat the same way again. So they need to get rid of him and insert another globalist CIA stooge.
What isn't going to happen?

Joe Scarborough is vagina compromised by his wife!
President Biden will be the Dem candidate for the white house. There will be no change. It won't happen. It is just a wet dream, a messy one, at that.
This is not about politics, it is about the good of the republic, this man should be allowed nowhere near the nuclear football. This is about our national security, he is very seriously mentally compromised, and should have no decision making ability when it comes to national defense. He only has 7 minutes to decide if a missile is launched at the United States what to do, who to strike, and where. I will say shame on those in the media, and in the white house and the Democrat party for allowing the narrative that he is anything but dementia riddled.
It occurred to me that they didn't drug Joe last night so he would be so bad and give them an obvious excuse to replace him. Maybe not but that occurred to me.

But on the flip side it seemed to be that Biden was repeating memorized (as much as he was capable) answers to questions in a pre-arranged order so he would look better. Maybe not but that occurred to me.

Either way I'm sure the deep state operatives know they likely lose a lot of power in Congress and lose the White House with Biden. He will resign if they give him the written script to read to resign of course--I doubt he knows he is President on some days--but they honestly have nobody who is both appealing and credible to replace him with.

They've been giving Kamala so much more face time and are obviously coaching her in what she must and must not say, though, I'm guessing she is the likely replacement. And compared to her, Biden of low intellect when he was at his best, looked like a genius.

And God help us all.
The man has his finger on the nuclear button and doesn't know what day of the week it is he is so compromised mentally
He's not going to push the button, and you know it. That is just partisan fearmongering.
It doesn't matter what he does he already helped kill Innocent Russian civilians on a beach!
BS. There are no innocent Russian in Ukraine, and Biden did not kill any on a beach or anywhere else.
The OP may be right about the calls for Joe to step aside,

but the news reports I hear say Joe will NOT step aside. So....

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