Can a 2016 Christie victory be seen as a Republican victory?

According to the two leftist Vaginal mouthpieces in this thread, if one supports any candidate and then changes their mind.. there's something wrong.. ROFLMAO!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEE ODUMBO on NSA, Guantanamo , Afghanistan... WHAT??? WHAT????? Watch for the stuttering to begin...

Whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA!

Why make fun of vaginal mouthpieces??? Their vaginal implications are enormous and can change lives!!!

Vaginas are wonderful things. I can't believe anybody would use a serious topic to trash their good name :evil:

If I'm so absolutely horrible why do the same moronic Zombies follow me from thread to thread --Hmm? Why pay me so much attention? It makes absolutely no fucking sense what so ever.. I bother you Zombies- get beneath your rancid skin.. that's why. :) It's what I do best.. so thank you.. I couldn't do it without ya! LOL

Once more, a post where you avoid the topic. Did you say you wouldn't vote for Romney, but made campaign calls for him? Did you support Christie at one time?
If I'm so absolutely horrible why do the same moronic Zombies follow me from thread to thread --Hmm? Why pay me so much attention? It makes absolutely no fucking sense what so ever.. I bother you Zombies- get beneath your rancid skin.. that's why. :) It's what I do best.. so thank you.. I couldn't do it without ya! LOL

Once more, a post where you avoid the topic. Did you say you wouldn't vote for Romney, but made campaign calls for him? Did you support Christie at one time?

I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

I'll tell you where Rand Paul is screwin' the pooch...pandering to social conservatives.

And this is coming from a social conservative.

I'll back a politician I feel I can trust to leave social issues to the states while decreasing the debt, deficit and size of government.

Pandering erodes that trust.
If I'm so absolutely horrible why do the same moronic Zombies follow me from thread to thread --Hmm? Why pay me so much attention? It makes absolutely no fucking sense what so ever.. I bother you Zombies- get beneath your rancid skin.. that's why. :) It's what I do best.. so thank you.. I couldn't do it without ya! LOL

Once more, a post where you avoid the topic. Did you say you wouldn't vote for Romney, but made campaign calls for him? Did you support Christie at one time?


It has been brought up continuously. She will never answer. Might as well put the popcorn away. :p
I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

I'll tell you where Rand Paul is screwin' the pooch...pandering to social conservatives.

And this is coming from a social conservative.

I'll back a politician I feel I can trust to leave social issues to the states while decreasing the debt, deficit and size of government.

Pandering erodes that trust.

I haven't seen him pandering to social conservatives, though I'll admit I haven't followed him as much recently. I agree, the Republicans need to marginalize the social conservatives. My feeling is Paul is pandering more than his father did, because he understands the party will dismiss him otherwise. I don't care how he campaigns. I care how he governs.
Actually, I don't answer to you and your Vagina mouthpiece.. How I voted is no secret here.. any dumbazz knows. That I was a part of the Romney campaign in making phone calls, etc is also no secret.. Like most Conservatives that I know (which leaves you two Zombies out)- I'm tired of the pandering of the GOP- their leftward tilt, the non-stop wars.. I made a decision after my support of Romney that I wouldn't vote for an Establishment type again.. something you two leftists are clueless about.. There is never any shame in waking up to the truth.. What there is shame in is useful idiots such as yourselves.. who support lying politicians regardless of how crooked and corrupt they are..

That's the last time I will explain something most everyone else finds to be common sense.. you two idiots are of course excluded from any semblance of generalized intellect.
I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

I'll tell you where Rand Paul is screwin' the pooch...pandering to social conservatives.

And this is coming from a social conservative.

I'll back a politician I feel I can trust to leave social issues to the states while decreasing the debt, deficit and size of government.

Pandering erodes that trust.

I haven't seen him pandering to social conservatives, though I'll admit I haven't followed him as much recently. I agree, the Republicans need to marginalize the social conservatives. My feeling is Paul is pandering more than his father did, because he understands the party will dismiss him otherwise. I don't care how he campaigns. I care how he governs.

Republicans can't win without social conservatives.

Social conservatives won't turn out in force for a social liberal.

The party needs to agree where they agree, and leave the rest to the states.

Run a Fiscally Conservative, Socially neutral, reduced government candidate.

Rand Paul could fit that bill.
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I'll tell you where Rand Paul is screwin' the pooch...pandering to social conservatives.

And this is coming from a social conservative.

I'll back a politician I feel I can trust to leave social issues to the states while decreasing the debt, deficit and size of government.

Pandering erodes that trust.

I haven't seen him pandering to social conservatives, though I'll admit I haven't followed him as much recently. I agree, the Republicans need to marginalize the social conservatives. My feeling is Paul is pandering more than his father did, because he understands the party will dismiss him otherwise. I don't care how he campaigns. I care how he governs.

Republicans can't win without social conservatives.

Social conservatives won't turn out in force for a social liberal.

The party needs to agree where they agree, and leave the rest to the states.

Run a Fiscally Conservative, Socially neutral, reduced government candidate.

Rand Paul could fit that bill.

I think they can win without social conservatives. It would just take time. It won't be this election, or the next. They need to shrug off the social conservatives, and allow more diversity into the party. For instance, their are plenty of religious, conservative, blacks and hispanics. They just need to preach self preservation and responsibility, instead of vilifying them as moochers and freeloaders.
Actually, I don't answer to you and your Vagina mouthpiece.. How I voted is no secret here.. any dumbazz knows. That I was a part of the Romney campaign in making phone calls, etc is also no secret.. Like most Conservatives that I know (which leaves you two Zombies out)- I'm tired of the pandering of the GOP- their leftward tilt, the non-stop wars.. I made a decision after my support of Romney that I wouldn't vote for an Establishment type again.. something you two leftists are clueless about.. There is never any shame in waking up to the truth.. What there is shame in is useful idiots such as yourselves.. who support lying politicians regardless of how crooked and corrupt they are..

That's the last time I will explain something most everyone else finds to be common sense.. you two idiots are of course excluded from any semblance of generalized intellect.

Yes, my support of Ron Paul and Gary Johnson makes me a leftist. If everything is so black and white to you it's no wonder you are going to vote Republican for the rest of your life. :cool:
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

It's not a matter of voting for republicans. More like voting against democrats.

I only vote republican to defeat democrats.
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

It's not a matter of voting for republicans. More like voting against democrats.

I only vote republican to defeat democrats.

So you vote for one evil to defeat another? Good to know you are such a patriot. :cool:
Let's put our cards on the table lefties. Enough phony advice from the left about what the Republican party needs to do to win. It's all Alinsky politics. Trying to split the republican party into liberal and conservative factions is the democrat party's only hope when they consider running a brain damaged V.P. and the wife of a sexual degenerate.
Actually, I don't answer to you and your Vagina mouthpiece.. How I voted is no secret here.. any dumbazz knows. That I was a part of the Romney campaign in making phone calls, etc is also no secret.. Like most Conservatives that I know (which leaves you two Zombies out)- I'm tired of the pandering of the GOP- their leftward tilt, the non-stop wars.. I made a decision after my support of Romney that I wouldn't vote for an Establishment type again.. something you two leftists are clueless about.. There is never any shame in waking up to the truth.. What there is shame in is useful idiots such as yourselves.. who support lying politicians regardless of how crooked and corrupt they are..

That's the last time I will explain something most everyone else finds to be common sense.. you two idiots are of course excluded from any semblance of generalized intellect.

I dunno...

I mean I love vaginas and all... and I'm like 90% sure I know where my mouthpiece goes...

But I guess it's impossible to not be confused by what someone who at any point in their lives supported Romney has to say...
You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

It's not a matter of voting for republicans. More like voting against democrats.

I only vote republican to defeat democrats.

So you vote for one evil to defeat another? Good to know you are such a patriot. :cool:

He's a diehard Republican. I respect that. He's incredibly devoted to what he believes in. Can't knock someone for that.
When the radical left starts considering republican candidates and offering advice about how republicans can win in 2016 you know they are in deep shit.
You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

It's not a matter of voting for republicans. More like voting against democrats.

I only vote republican to defeat democrats.

So you vote for one evil to defeat another? Good to know you are such a patriot. :cool:

As if there were an alternative. :cuckoo:

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